This is an archive of past Bay Area 9-11 events, beginning in February 2004 - December 2009. The events that I have organized are in my blog/archive, but there is so much happening in the Bay Area- many 9-11 events that I have not organized or even heard about- this just reflects the ones that I have been aware of and have tried to help publicize. The most recent events were added to the bottom of this list, oldest events are at the top.
Thursday, September 9, 2004,
7 PM, "LIBERTY BOUND" with filmmaker CHRISTINE ROSEat the Berkeley Fellowhship Unitarian Universalists,
1924 Cedar (at Bonita) in BerkeleyThe film (which features Howard Zinn, Michael Parenti, Michael Ruppert & citizens whose basic rights have been threatened but who never give up.
Donation to cover expenses of evening-NO ONE TURNED AWAY. Wheelchair Accessible. Call 510-528-5403.
PLEASE HELP PUBLICIIZE THIS OUTSTANDING FILM & help this young filmmaker who produced, wrote and directed this film traveling the country by train, bus and car and provides a compelling picture of this critical moment and ask the right questions. It should be seen by our fellow citizens across the country.
Friday, Sept. 10, 7:30 - 10:30PM- Free to all 9-11 Convergence Film Festival,
Olney Hall, College of Marin, 835 College Ave. Kentfield,
Featuring updated version of -The Great Deception.
Saturday, September 11th, 2004, Rally 10:00 AM in San Franciscoat the Panhandle (between Oak and Fell at Ashbury),
In solidarity with people throughout the world join us in a Global Day of Action in support of the 9-11 Truth and Peace Movements.
- Blow the Whistle on Cheney, the 9-11 Cover-Up! Blow the Whistle on Bush Lies, Crimes & Wars! Want a Global Security State?
Built for the same team that orchestrated 9-11 in their scheme for World Dominance?
H.R. 4104, the Intelligence Transformation Act is being rushed through Congress with the help of Bush, Kerry, The “9-11 Cover-Up Commission”… if you liked the SS, the KGB, the CIA, the PATRIOT Act, Homeland Security; you’ll LOVE it!
If not, Join us! Say-No to The Police State! The Northern California 9-11 Truth Alliance will hold a rally against Lies, War, the Police State, & State Sponsored Terrorism, for Truth, Peace & Justice, Compassionate Impeachment
No to War! No to Lies!
No State Sponsored Terrorism!
Stop the 9-11 Cover-Up!
Yes to Truth, Peace, Justice,
Repeal the PATRIOT Act!10:15 AM march/parade up Ashbury to Haight Street through Golden Gate Park to Speedway Meadow (about two miles) to arrive at the
6th Annual 911 Power to the Peaceful Concert featuring Michael Franti & Spearhead beginning at 11:00 AM, concert & social justice festival lasts until 5:00 PM and is free to all.
Bring Costumes, Signs, Banners, Creativity, Music, Art, Humor, Whistles! Endorsements welcome. To help/endorse (organizations or individuals) contact- Carol Brouillet, 9-11 Truth Alliance, P.O. 60511, Palo Alto, CA 94306, tel. 650-857-0927,,,,, www.powertothepeaceful.orgEndorsers of the protest include- Endorsers of the protest include-,, Berkeley Gray Panthers, Grandmothers For Peace International, Brandon Batzloff- Director, Free Voices, Veteran's for Peace- Chapter 69, East Bay Food Not Bombs, Code Pink, Mother Speak, Solano Peace and Justice Coalition, James Gilligan (Center for the Study and Prevention of Violence), Samina Faheem Sundas, (Executive Director of the American Muslim Voice), Frank Little Club, Diligrnt Citizens of Concord
More details on why we're marching- Bipartisan Push for the Global Security State.
Saturday, September 11, 2004
UN Plaza in San Francisco 11:00 am to 1:00pm
Mothers Speak for Truth about The War on Terror
Details posted at
Saturday, September 11, 9:30AM - 6:30PM-
9/11 Truth Convergence (Jim Marrs, Medea Benjamin, Jim Garrison, Swami Beyondananda)
College of Marin, Olney Hall 835 College Ave., Kentfield, CA
9/11 Truth Convergence - Birthing a New World Through Facing America’s ShadowAn event packed with powerful speakers, revelations, entertainment, and practical steps to heal our country and our world on the third anniversary of 9/11.
Many movements are converging around the recognition that 9/11 offers an unprecedented opportunity for powerful positive change. Featuring films and expert speakers, this conference will address 9/11 as a symptom of a larger social, political, and spiritual crisis. We will face the shadow side of American power by examining the growing body of evidence for cover-up and complicity. Our speakers and entertainers will then offer pathways to transformation through inspired truth-telling, peacemaking, social change, humor, and forgiveness.
9:30 Facts and Findings
Ken Jenkins, video producer/activist
Jim Marrs, bestselling journalist, author of Inside Job
Jim Hoffman & Don Paul, co-authors of 9/11 Great Crimes - A Greater Cover-up1:30 Social Change Implications
president, State of the World Forum, author, America as Empire
Byron Belitsos, publisher, Origin Press, author of Planetary Democracy
Medea Benjamin, co-founder of Global Exchange, Code Pink
Robert Rabbin, author, founder of TruthForPresident.org4:30 Healing & Humor
Stephen Dinan, author of Radical Spirit Colette VanPraag, author of Gateways of the Divine, performing artist Errol & Rochelle Strider, Innertainment Neal Rogin as “The Kernel” Swami Beyondananda, humorist, author of Swami for PrecedentVIP Reception
7:00 - $75 donation, including delicious food and bonus entertainment from Swami Beyondananda and Neal Rogin plus the chance to meet illustrious speakers and guests.Co-sponsors: Students for Social Responsibility,, Marin Peace & Justice Coalition, San Francisco 911 Truth Alliance, Origin Press. Interfaith Room for healing and prayer, with leading healers and spiritual teachers.
For press inquiries, call 415-453-4023. For more information, call 415-453-4073 or see
SATURDAY, Sept 11, 2004 8PM-4AM
CELLspace, 2050 Bryant, San Francisco
cost: free
A community event exploring the nexus of arts, activism and politics. Featuring presentations, speakers, film, spoken word, performance, music, and art inspired by the unanswered questions of Sept 11, we will gather to honor those who lost their lives and to strengthen our community's collective efforts to topple the Bush administration, preventing future crimes committed in the name of greed and power.
Tentative schedule:
8-9pm Film: "Hijacking Catastrophe"
9-10pm Speakers TBA
10pm-4am djs Neptune, Chris Sia & Geeno, An*Ten*Nae, and Brother pumping the revolutionary beats.Performances by the Awesome Energy Elves and Caroluna.
Video Artists: VideoJon & special guests... and a gallery occupied by local art activists and information warriors.
Free to the public. Donations greatly welcomed.
HELP GET THE VOTE OUT! A 9/ll Film Fest, Fundraiser, & Art Exhibition
Saturday, September 11, 2004, 2 pm – 10 pm
A benefit for MoveOnPac, “Leave No Voter Behind”Hosted by 9/ll survivors and artists, Janette MacKinlay & Jim Lecce
At the home of Janette MacKinlay
6821 Ridgewood Drive
Oakland, CA 94611
510-339-9358( for directions)
Showing continuously in all seven rooms of my home:
Art works by Janette MacKinlay and Jim Lecce also on display“Hijacking Catastrophe”
Popcorn & Homemade Pizza’s
“Truth and Lies of 9-ll”
“There’s Something About W”
“9/ll – The Filmmakers Commemorative “
“In Memoriam: NYC 9/ll/01”
Bring friends, food and drink to shareRSVP requested
1:30PM-5:30PM Sunday September 12
--along with videographer/activist Ken Jenkins.A follow-up to the 9/11 Truth Convergence conference --for serious researchers and activists
Where: College of Marin, Fussellman Hall
$10-$20 Sliding Scale / Students FREE
Jim Marrs is a veteran investigative journalist who has written several New York Times bestsellers, including Crossfire, and Rule By Secrecy. His acclaimed new book about 9/11 is entitled "Inside Job: Unmasking the 9/11 Conspiracies." Ken Jenkins is a veteran activist and videographer who is nationally recognized for his encyclopedic expertise on all aspects of 9/11 and its historical context.
9-11 Three Issues Analyzed
Valencia Street Books, 569 Valencia (near 17th), San Francisco,
Sunday, September 12th, 7PM
[precede by a musical performance at 6PM]
In May 2003 officials from the Federal Aviation Administration [FAA] and the North American Aerospace Defense Command [NORAD] testified before the National Commission on Terrorist Attacks upon the United States, aka, the 9-11 Commission. These hearings received almost no coverage at the time or since, despite their significance to the understanding of the events of September 11th 2001.
Among the issues their testimony addressed were:
These issues will be analyzed using video clips of the officials' own testimony.1. What did the alleged hijackers use as weapons?
2.Were the notifications of the hijackings from the FAA to NORAD abnormally delayed or in real-time? 3. Upon notification what was NORAD's response?Admission is free. Please spread the word.
Monday, September 13, 6:30—10:30pm
Also featuring premiere East Bay screening of:
"The Great Conspiracy-The 9-11 News Special You Never Saw"—Barrie Zwicker's major new 9/11 documentary
--plus Jim Hoffman and Don Paul
Screening followed by Jim Marrs, Bestselling author of Inside Job
--plus two other 9/11 experts, Jim Hoffman and Don Paul
Sliding scale: $10 to $20 — Students $5
Where: Humanist Hall, 390 27th Street/Between Telegraph & Broadway
More info: or call 415/453-4073Jim Marrs is a veteran investigative journalist who has written several New York Times bestsellers, including Crossfire, and Rule By Secrecy.His acclaimed new book about 9/11 is entitled "Inside Job: Unmasking the 9/11 Conspiracies." Don Paul & Jim Hoffman are authors of "9/11: Great Crimes/A Greater Cover-Up." Jim Hoffman is an engineer and physicist who has researched and presented extensively on 9/11. His highly respected website is Don Paul is an artist and journalist who is the author of "9/11: Facing Our Fascist State."
9-11 Truth Alliance Meeting Thursday, September 16, 2004
at The Grand Lake Neighborhood Center 530 Lake Park Avenue,(between Lakeshore Avenue and Grand Avenue) in Oakland
7:00 p.m. to 10:00p.m.
From Hwy. 580 East (coming from the Bay Bridge or Berkeley), take the Grand Ave./Lakeshore exit (the exit ramp merges into MacArthur which intersects with Grand at the light), make a left at the light onto Grand, make a right onto Lake Park Ave. (the Grand Lake Theater will be on the corner on your far right). Go about a block, past the BofA, which will be on your left, and the GLNC will also be on your left. Park on the street or turn right into free public parking under the freeway.From Hwy. 580 West (coming from Hayward), take the Lakeshore Ave. exit (get as far to the right when approaching the exit before, the Harrison/Oakland exit, then continue moving to the right). When you exit at Lakshore Ave., you will be on Lake Park. Go straight at the light (you'll see an OMNI store in front of you to the right), crossing Lakeshore Ave. The GLNC will be a few storefronts down on your right. Park on the street or turn left into free public parking under the freeway across from GLNC. If you cross Grand Ave. (and the theater) you've gone too far.
Endorsing 9-11 Truth Alliance Websites-
http:// Truth Alliance info/events line 1-866-268-2320
9-11 Three Issues Analyzed
Forest Books
3080 16th St. (near Valencia St.) San Francisco,
Sunday, September 24th, 7PM
In May 2003 officials from the Federal Aviation Administration [FAA] and the North American Aerospace Defense Command [NORAD] testified before the National Commission on Terrorist Attacks upon the United States, aka, the 9-11 Commission. These hearings received almost no coverage at the time or since, despite their significance to the understanding of the events of September 11th 2001.
Among the issues their testimony addressed were:
These issues will be analyzed using video clips of the officials' own testimony.1. What did the alleged hijackers use as weapons?
2.Were the notifications of the hijackings from the FAA to NORAD abnormally delayed or in real-time? 3. Upon notification what was NORAD's response?Admission is free. Please spread the word.
"Truth and Politics: Unanswered Questions about 9/11"with David Ray Griffin
Presbyterian Church of the Roses
2500 Patio Court, Santa Rosa (just off Farmer's Lane behind Albertsons)
Sunday, October 3, 2004, 2:00PM -4:30PM
David Ray Griffin with Derrill Bodley, father of Deora Bodley, who died on 9/11 in the crash of United Flight 93. Then a panel, including Peter Phillips (Project Censored/SSU), William Haigwood (Sonoma West Times & News), and Bonnie Faulkner (host of Guns & Butter, KPFA Public Affairs Show)
David Ray Griffin of Claremont School of Theology (Emeritus) , author and editor of 25 books, Griffin was, before his recent retirement, Professor of Philosophy of Religion and Theology at Claremont for 31 years. He is an advocate of process theology and has given special attention to the problem of evil, Jesus and christology, science and theology, and ecology and religion. Two of his most recent books are entitled Reenchantment without Supernaturalism: A Process Philosophy of Religion, and Two Great Truths: A New Synthesis of Scientific Naturalism and Christian Faith.
So why is Griffin coming to keynote a forum on "Truth and Politics: Unanswered Questions about 9/11"? Because another topic to which he has devoted himself over the past decade has been theology and politics, with particular attention to the need for global democracy. After 9/11, he began an intensive study of US imperialism. In the course of that investigation, he came across evidence suggesting that the attacks of 9/11 may have been arranged by the Bush administration as a pretext to further its imperialistic goals. Out of this study he wrote The New Pearl Harbor: Disturbing Questions about the Bush Administration and 9/11, which entirely through word-of-mouth publicity--it has yet to be reviewed in a mainstream newspaper or magazine--has become something of a best-seller. It is widely considered the best introduction to the problems with the official account of 9/11. Now Griffin has written another book on the subject, this one taking a critical look at The 9/11 Commission Report. His talk will be based primarily on this forthcoming book, The 9/11 Commission Report: Omissions and Distortions.
In addition to Griffin, the forum will hear from Derrill Bodley, father of Deora Bodley, who died on 9/11 in the crash of United Flight 93. Then a panel, including Peter Phillips (Project Censored/SSU), William Haigwood (Sonoma West Times & News), and Bonnie Faulkner (host of Guns & Butter, KQED Public Affairs Show), will question Griffin and Bodley, followed by questions from the audience.
There is no admission fee, only a freewill offering to cover expenses. For additional information, contact - Rev. Paul Burks, at Friends House, 684 Benicia Drive #53, Santa Rosa, CA 95409; 707-576-6653, or
Sponsors of this event include the Unitarian Universalist Congregation's Advocates for Social Justice (SR), the Peace and Justice Center of Sonoma County, Alliance for Democracy, PeaceWorkers, World Stewardship Institute, Origin Press, and Veterans for Peace.
9-11 Truth Alliance Meeting Thursday, October 7, 2004
3220 Sacramento St., San Francisco (parking available in the building)
7:00 p.m. to 10:00p.m.
Endorsing 9-11 Truth Alliance Websites-
http:// Truth Alliance info/events line 1-866-268-2320
International 9/11 Questions Meetup Day
Meetup Agendas are created by Meetup+ members.
Visit the website and sign-up if you would like to meet-up with other people concerned with this issue- hopefully every town in America will hold 9-11 meetings, until the country wakes up and reins in its government. Truth Alliance info/events line 1-866-268-2320
Kung Pao Kosher Comedy Presents... The George Bush Going Away Party: An Evening of Pre-Election Political Comedy
Saturday, October 9, 2004 @ 8pm
The Herbst Theatre, 401 Van Ness Ave @ McAllister, SFPartial proceeds benefit: Central Committee for Conscientious Objectors' (CCCO) "Military Out of Our Schools Campaign"
Come celebrate Dubya's Going Away Party, San Francisco-style, with a wide variety of political humorists (including comedians, satirists, Bush family members played by local drag queens and San Francisco Mime Troupe actors, and cabaret singers) who will have you rolling in the aisles and counting down the days.
Tix: or 415-392-4400
-Greg Proops (TV improv show "Whose Line Is It Anyway?")
Tix: $22.50, $25, & $27.50
-Diane Amos (The Pine Sol Lady)
-Bill Santiago (The Latino Laugh Festival)
-Betsy Salkind (The Tonight Show)
-George W. Bush & Dick Cheney (Amos Glick & Ed Holmes from The SF Mime Troupe)
-The Bush Twins (The Von Blondenberg Twins aka Jordan L'Moore & Princess Kennedy)
-Laura Bush (Arturo Galster)
-Barbara Bush (Anita Cocktail aka Leanne Borghesi)
-Lisa Geduldig (Your Hostess)
Blow the Whistle on Philip Zelikow, Executive Director of the 9/11 Cover-Up Commission!
Kresge Auditorium, Stanford University,
free and open to the public.
next Wednesday, Oct 20, 3:30PM -5:30 PM,( talk begins at 4:15, but people are encouraged to come earlier-the sonsior says come at 3:45 and we should have signs/banner/flyers on hand before the crowds arrive)
Zelikow, a national security adviser to both Bush administrations, a principal author of the official 9-11 Commission Report, who co-authored a book with Condoleezza Rice, was part of Bush’s transition team for the National Security Council after the 2000 election, and appointed to the President's Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board a month after the 9-11 attacks. The Family Steering Committee called for his resignation because of his obvious conflicts of interests.
While 9-11 has been used to invade Afghanistan, Iraq, shred the Constitution and Bill of Rights, construct a Global Police State, enrich weapons manufacturers, seize oil assets; there have been no convictions in any courts of law supporting the “government conspiracy theory,” particularly the Saddam Hussein/Al Qaeda link. Zelikow has helped ignore and steer questions away from “Who financed the attacks? Who had the means, motive, and ability to carry it out? Who benefited? Who had the ability to destroy evidence, and cover up the crime?”
The 9-11 Commission failed to mention or address the mulitple wargames/exercises that were being conducted that day, out of the White House. As many as five war game drills were in process, some involving hijacked airliners, some involving false blips deliberately inserted onto FAA and military radar screens. One exercise pulled significant fighter resources away from the North Eastern United States on September 11th, 2001. These exercises involved NORAD, the FAA, the Canadian Air Force, the CIA, the National Reconnaissance Office, and, “coincidentally,” in New York City massive preparations were underway for a “biochemical attack drill” involving FEMA, the Mayor’s Office of Emergency Management, the FBI, US Department of Justice, Weill Medical College of Cornell Medical Center, NY Department of Health, NY Fire Department, NY Police Department, the American Red Cross, the Port Authority. The Secret Service and Cheney’s overseeing role during the events of 9-11 should have been scrutinized.
It’s time to question Zelikow, and cast some light on the darker secrets of the Shadow Government that uses terror and war to increase and maintain their power.
The 9/11 Commission’s Report and recommendations are highly suspect, if not downright fictitious. (Ominously, they are being used to rush through legislation to create a new powerful overseeing Intelligence Agency.)
Questions and Issues that they completely ignored-
The importance of oil, “Peak Oil,” Cheney’s Secret Energy Task Force meetings, the importance of the illicit drug trade to the US economy (particularly the heroin flow through Afghanistan), money laundering, the strategic importance of the Caspian Sea region, Pakistan’s ISI’s close relationship with the CIA, the Carlyle group, Dave Fresca, Sibel Edmonds, Coleen Rowley, John O’Neill, insider trading, Israel, World Trade Center Building #7, Enron, the Office of National Preparedness…
Questions for Zelikow-
Why didn't you resign after you ended up testifying as a witness to your own Commission?
What did it mean when Commissioner Max Cleland did resign last year, and called the Commission a whitewash and a sequel to the Warren Commission?
Why does "The 9/11 Commission Report" fail to pursue the well-known terror connections of the CIA's client agency, the Pakistani ISI? Why does it ignore reports that the alleged 9/11 plotters received funds from the ISI? Why does it claim that the financing of the 9/11 attacks is of "no practical significance"?
Why does the report fail to ask why the key men in the U.S. military chain of command - Bush, Rumsfeld, Myers, Winfield - by their own accounts and by the public record appear to have done nothing to exercise their decision-making authorities during the actual 9/11 attacks, i.e. in the time from 8 a.m. to 10 a.m. on Sept. 11, 2001?
Why does the report omit to mention the advance warnings of attacks on the United States received from foreign intelligence agencies in the weeks prior to Sept. 11?
Why does the report ignore the FBI whistleblowers who decried high-level obstruction of field investigations into potential terrorists in the months before 9/11?
Why did the report arbitrarily change the timeline, in contradiction to public testimony, of U.S. air defense response on Sept. 11?
Why doesn't the report even mention the mysterious collapse of a third skyscraper, 7 WTC, on the afternoon of Sept. 11? Why doesn't the report condemn Rumsfeld and Rice for their repeated statements that "no one could have imagined planes used as weapons," –demonstrable lies? Did the Commissioners pursue any of the above lines of questioning in the confidential parts of their 18-month investigation? Did they have access to relevant information not included in their report, and not covered in the public hearings? There is no way to tell: the report lacks visible redactions to show the censoring of classified material.
Announcement of the Stanford event by its co-sponsor, Stanford Institute for International Studies
Examination of the Sponsoring Organization's website reveals that-9/11: Looking Backward and Looking Forward
Philip Zelikow is the Executive Director of the National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States, better known as the "9/11 Commission." He will speak about his work with the Commission.
Dr. Zelikow is also the Director of the Miller Center of Public Affairs and White Burkett Miller Professor of History at the University of Virginia. After serving in government with the Navy, the State Department, and the National Security Council, he taught at Harvard before assuming his present post in Virginia to direct the nation's largest research center on the American presidency. He was a member of the President's Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board and served as executive director of the National Commission on Federal Election Reform, chaired by former Presidents Carter and Ford, as well as the executive director of the Markle Foundation Task Force on National Security in the Information Age.
Zelikow's books include The Kennedy Tapes (with Ernest May), Germany Unified and Europe Transformed (with Condoleezza Rice), and the rewritten Essence of Decision (with Graham Allison). Zelikow has also been the Director of the Aspen Strategy Group, a policy program of the Aspen Institute.
"CISAC receives Department of Homeland Security contract for research on organizational learning for terrorism response
The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has awarded a 15-month $1.65-million contract to the Center for International Security and Cooperation (CISAC), Stanford Institute for International Studies. CISAC's program will be run as part of a joint project with the Naval Postgraduate School (NPS) in Monterey.
CISAC co-director and professor of political science Scott Sagan and former co-director and professor emeritus (research) in the School of Engineering Michael May are the Stanford co-principal investigators of the new program.
CISAC's portion of the project entails a homeland security seminar and fellowship program, which will bring eight research fellows to campus in 2004-05. Fellows will join CISAC and other faculty to conduct research on some of the most daunting issues confronting the homeland security mission, such as how national and local agencies can learn to cooperate quickly and effectively and how they can learn from past emergencies, real and simulated. CISAC will undertake in-depth scholarly research that can help inform DHS efforts to improve the design and evaluation of future terrorism exercises of national and local response systems.
Scholars will study diverse approaches to learning--and failing to learn--from emergencies, including those of armed forces, medical emergency rooms, police and fire departments. Researchers will also investigate how government organizations can stay ahead of potential attackers in the "competitive learning" situation that terrorism presents--one in which terrorists and law enforcement officials alike try to learn from vulnerabilities exposed in public emergencies.
The DHS research contract resulted in part from CISAC's observation of the spring 2003 State Department-DHS sponsored full-scale exercise called TOP OFFICIALS-2 (TOPOFF-2), designed to prepare national, state and local officials to respond to potential terrorist attacks within the US. CISAC led 11 Stanford scholars in observing and analyzing the exercise involving officials from 25 federal, state, and local agencies. DHS Secretary Tom Ridge received a briefing of CISAC's findings, prepared under May's direction as principal investigator.
Lynn Eden, CISAC associate director for research, will manage Stanford's participation in the new project and mentor the homeland security fellows. Mariano-Florentino Cuellar, assistant professor of law at Stanford, will contribute research on how judicial review processes affect responses to terrorism. Dean Wilkening, director of CISAC's science program, will model uncertainties in biological weapons use, such as effects caused by different exposure rates and different doses of contaminants like anthrax. "
Michael C. Ruppert speaking in the "Relevant to Now" lecture series
Wednesday, October 20th, 2004, lecture begins at 7:30PM
Vets Hall , 846 Front St, Santa Cruz, CA 95060MR. MIKE RUPPERT founded the print newsletter and website From the Wilderness in March 1998. FTW is now read by more than 16,000 subscribers in 40 countries. Since 9/11/01, he has been the point man in breaking major stories involving government foreknowledge, corruption, and violations of the Constitution. He has also pioneered the effort to educate the world about the consequences of Peak Oil — the fact that the world is running out of hydrocarbon energy and what this might mean for human civilization. He is an Honors graduate of UCLA in Political Science (1973). His new book "Crossing the Rubicon: The Decline of the American Empire at the End of the Age of Oil" will be available for purchase. Doors 7pm, lecture 7:30pm
9-11 Truth Alliance Meeting Thursday, October 21, 2004
at The Grand Lake Neighborhood Center 530 Lake Park Avenue,(between Lakeshore Avenue and Grand Avenue) in Oakland
7:00 p.m. to 10:00p.m.
From Hwy. 580 East (coming from the Bay Bridge or Berkeley), take the Grand Ave./Lakeshore exit (the exit ramp merges into MacArthur which intersects with Grand at the light), make a left at the light onto Grand, make a right onto Lake Park Ave. (the Grand Lake Theater will be on the corner on your far right). Go about a block, past the BofA, which will be on your left, and the GLNC will also be on your left. Park on the street or turn right into free public parking under the freeway.From Hwy. 580 West (coming from Hayward), take the Lakeshore Ave. exit (get as far to the right when approaching the exit before, the Harrison/Oakland exit, then continue moving to the right). When you exit at Lakshore Ave., you will be on Lake Park. Go straight at the light (you'll see an OMNI store in front of you to the right), crossing Lakeshore Ave. The GLNC will be a few storefronts down on your right. Park on the street or turn left into free public parking under the freeway across from GLNC. If you cross Grand Ave. (and the theater) you've gone too far.
Endorsing 9-11 Truth Alliance Websites-
http:// Truth Alliance info/events line 1-866-268-2320
9-11 Meet-Up in Santa Clara County Thursday, October 21, 2004
Your Organizer, Josh Salans, sent the following message to the members of Santa Clara County 9/11 Questions Meetup Group.
----------------------------------------------------------------- Hi fellow 9/11 truth seekers in Santa Clara Cty. My name is Josh Salans and I have volunteered to be the organizer of this since no one elese wanted to. Therefore my first dictatorial decision will be to change the meeting location unless I hear outstanding requests to leave it alone. (Camera 2 is far away from me). I am inviting you to my home in Sunnyvale. If you can make it send me an email and I will send you directions. We are still on for thursday October 21 and I would like to change the time to 7:30pm to 9:30 pm, again if that would work for everyone else. Thank you,
Josh Salans,
The Drop Lantos Not Bombs Coalition is sponsoring an anti-war, pro-peace-and-justice rally on Saturday, October 23rd, 2004 This event will be held at 12:00 noon and ending at 3:00 PM in the San Mateo City Central Park (on El Camino Real between 3rd. and 5th streets) at the stage area behind the Senior Center. Featured speakers will include Paul George of the Peninsula Peace and Justice Center, Maad Abu-Ghazalah, primary Democratic Congressional candidate for the 12th Congressional District, and Pat Gray, 12th District Green Party candidate and others. Entertainment will be provided by the Veterans for Peace group, “Annie and the Vets.” After the rally, we will walk the short distance over to 4th and El Camino where we will have a moving picket line in front of Representative Tom Lantos’ office. Come one…Come all. Protest the war in Iraq and the Patriot Act, the militarization of our schools, etc. Support Peace and Justice.
Stop America's Other War
5 k Marchathon- White Solidarity with reparations and justice for the Afriican Community
In Oakland, the march kicks off from Lake Merritt on Saturday, October 23rd.
Gather at MacArthur and Grand, across from Gold's Gym at 10:30am.
A rally will occur in the same place when the March concludes at the same area. The African and Mexican populations have long been a majority in that city and are demanding an end to the privatization and closing of public schools and the notorious California prison system for its abusive conditions and forced labor.
After 9-11, a tearful black woman at the Toronto Inquiry said, "Now, you know, we are all "dispensable now." We are all oppressed- some more than others; those who can must stand up for those cannot.
Richard Clarke, former Counter-Terrorism Tsar, author of Against All Enemies
Inside the 9/11 Investigation - Its Potential Impact on the 2004 Presidential ElectionTime: 8:00 pm to 10:00 pm on October 23 (Saturday), 2004 Location: Flint Center for the Performing Arts 21250 Stevens Creek Blvd, Cupertino, CA 95014 Event Sponsor: European American Chamber of Commerce, San Francisco Event MC: Angie Cairo, Host of the Friday Forum on KQED TV your flyers, voices, Deception Dollars, questions...
Protest 9-11 Commissioner- Congressman Timothy Roemer
Thursday, Oct-28-2004
Check In: 5:30 PM, Program 6:00 PM
At the Council, 312 Sutter Street, 2nd floor Conference Room, San Francisco
Avoiding Future Catastrophe: Findings of the 9-11 Commission Report
Timothy Roemer, former Congressman, Third District of Indiana; President, Center for National Policy; 9-11 Commissioner Timothy Roemer will join with members and guests of the World Affairs Council to discuss the findings of the 9-11 Commission Report and prospects for securing American safety in the future.
Timothy Roemer is the president of the Center for National Policy and a distinguished scholar at the Mercatus Center at George Mason University. From 1991-2003, Roemer represented the Third District of Indiana in the US House of Representatives, where he served on the Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence and was a key author of the legislation establishing the 9-11 Commission.
Members: Free, Nonmembers: $12, Students with ID: $5 Cosponsors: $7
Mike Ruppert on the nationwide Mike Malloy Show
Monday Evening, November 1st on Air America
From The Wilderness has the show listed as 8pm (PST) / 11pm (EST), but Portland's Air America affiliate lists the Mike Malloy show at 10pm-but it is a 3 hour show, so he probably will be on in SF at 8PM (PST)- 960 AM KQKE.
Protest 9-11 Commissioner Jamie Gorelick
Wednesday, Nov-03-2004, 5:30- 7:30 PM
At the Council, 312 Sutter Street, 2nd floor Conference Room, San FranciscoA Post Election View of the War on Terrorism
Jamie Gorelick, 9/11 Commissioner; former Deputy Attorney General of the United States under Janet Reno; former General Counsel for the Pentagon that the Presidential election is over, what national and global security concerns does the US face in the next four years?
Sponsored by the World Affairs Council
Cosponsored by the International Museum
9-11 Truth Alliance Meeting Thursday, November 4, 2004
3220 Sacramento St., San Francisco (parking available in the building)
7:00 p.m. to 10:00p.m.
Endorsing 9-11 Truth Alliance Websites-
http:// Truth Alliance info/events line 1-866-268-2320
SOLVING ' '9/11'
Saturday, November 6, 7:00--11:00 p.m.
Theater Artaud, 450 Florida, San Francisco, CA 94110
Presentation of Evidence on the Crimes of September 11, 2001 by Prosecuting Researchers
Discussion and Deliberations and Possible Indictments of Leading Suspects by Public Grand Jury
WHY: Need for a True Accounting of the Most Consequential Crimes of Our TimeAs shown by the huge response to movies such as "Fahrenheit 911" and by Democrat and Republican candidates' promises to increase the " 'War on Terror' ", the events of September 11, 2001 continue to be a tremendous concern for the people of the United State and the world.
As yet, however, Government investigations--in particular The 9/11 Commission Report--and mass-media reports--such as PBS' "Why the Towers Fell"--have failed to address major facts of the " 'Attack on America' " or to question huge inconsistencies in official accounts.
A Public Grand Jury is therefore needed. Several researchers will present slide-show findings about key aspects of the 9/11/01 crimes. Ralph Schoenman, an organizer with Bertrand Russell of the Vietnam War Crimes Tribunal, will relate ties betweeen the supposed hijackers and U. S. Government agencies.
Pilot Michael Dietrick will detail inconsistencies in the fatal airliners' supposed flight-paths and the supposed U. S. military response.
Computer-scientist Jim Hoffman will prove that the World Trade Center's Building 7 and Twin Towers must have been demolished.
Author Don Paul will look at capabilities of a Boeing 757-200 and look at damage to the Pentagon and detail who has most profited from the 9/11/01 destruction and from the ensuing " "War on Terror' ".The roles of ten Leading Suspects (Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, financier David Rockefeller, Blackstone Group Chairman Peter G. Peterson, NORAD General Ralph Eberhardt, then-Brigadier General Montague Winfield, former FEMA Director Joe Allbaugh, developer Larry Silverstein, former Mayor Rudolph Giuliani, and reporter Judith Miller) on, before and afer 9/11/01 will be examined.
Then the Public Grand Jury will discuss, deliberate, and decide who of the above deserve indictment.
Join us for a breakthrough proceeding! $5--20 sliding-scale (no one turned away)
Downloadable Flyers are posted at-
CONTACT: Dave Ijams (Print Media), 510-232-1999 Andrew Carothers-Liske (Broadcast Media)510-410-1722
Documentary Screening-Never Forgetting (a rough cut)
Movie screening followed by discussion with the filmmaker:Monday, November 8, 7:00 to 9:00 p.m.
S.F. Paramedic Association
657 Mission Street, Suite 302
between New Montgomery and 3rd St.
in San Francisco, one block from Montgomery BARTThis documentary features footage from a peacemaking delegation that brought 9-11 EMT Megan Bartlett and Joe Public Films producer, Tom Jackson, to Afghanistan in May, 2004. They met with Afghan first responders in an attempt to establish ties of friendship, and to see if Afghan rescue workers were really much different than those in NYC.
Joe Public Films has received exclusive Afghan battle & rescue footage from award winning cameraman M. Yousuf Jonnesar. The documentary features traditional Afghan music and songs from David Rovics and others.
Donations will be requested to support the completion and distribution of this movie.
CE credit is available for EMS workers. Contact Arthur Hsieh at, 415-543-1161.
For more information contact Jim Haber, War Resisters League West,, 415-282-6580.
See also for more info about this and other documentaries by Tom Jackson including the powerful "Greetings from Missile Street" about life in Basra, Iraq in 2000 and the effects of the U.N./U.S. sanctions on the people there.
Co-sponsored by War Resisters League West and the S.F. Paramedics Association.
A Radically Different World View Is Possible
The Gift Economy Inside and Outside of Patriarchal Capitalism
NOVEMBER 13-14, 2004
Clark County Library
1401 East Flamingo Road,
Las Vegas, NevadaPeople from across the U.S. are coming to hear international women speakers discuss a different point of view, one that will offset the negative and exploitative mentality of our times, while encouraging non violent activism to change the global Patriarchal Capitalist system. Proposing to unite the women's movement, the movement of indigenous peoples for social change, the movement against domestic violence, the movement for alternative spiritualities and many others with the anti nuclear and peace movements, the gift paradigm envisions total and long lasting social change stemming from an economic and cultural model based on women's practice.
Organized and sponsored by The Center for the Study of the Gift Economy, Austin, Texas.
I spoke on "Facing the Shadow of 9-11," and by chance had the opportunity to give my paper to the presidents of ABC, CBS, NBC the next day, when they spoke at Stanford on the 2004 Election and I questioned them on 9-11. The footage was aired on Nevember 19, 2004 on C-Span>. The audio of my talk is also posted online, with most of the other talks at the Gift Economy website.
Film- "Truth and Politics:Unanswered Questions about 9/11 Tuesday, November 16 – 7:30pm
Veterans' Hall, 846 Front St., Santa Cruz
Premiere showing of a ground-breaking talk, filmed in the Bay area on October 3, in which David Ray Griffin, theologian, researcher, and Author of The New Pearl Harbor, outlines glaring fictions and omissions in the 9/11 Commission Report.
Donation of $5. (no one turned away). Discussion after events.
For info email:
Or tel. 831-325-3135
Film- "The Great Conspiracy: The 9-11 News Special You Never Saw
Tuesday, November 16, 2004
Viewing and discussion. Call 925-798-3698 for more information.
5134 Red Oak Way, Concord9-11 Truth Alliance Meeting Thursday, November 18, 2004
7:00 p.m. to 10:00p.m.
at The Grand Lake Neighborhood Center 530 Lake Park Avenue,(between Lakeshore Avenue and Grand Avenue) in Oakland
Directions- From Hwy. 580 East (coming from the Bay Bridge or Berkeley), take the Grand Ave./Lakeshore exit (the exit ramp merges into MacArthur which intersects with Grand at the light), make a left at the light onto Grand, make a right onto Lake Park Ave. (the Grand Lake Theater will be on the corner on your far right). Go about a block, past the BofA, which will be on your left, and the GLNC will also be on your left. Park on the street or turn right into free public parking under the freeway.
From Hwy. 580 West (coming from Hayward), take the Lakeshore Ave. exit (get as far to the right when approaching the exit before, the Harrison/Oakland exit, then continue moving to the right). When you exit at Lakshore Ave., you will be on Lake Park. Go straight at the light (you'll see an OMNI store in front of you to the right), crossing Lakeshore Ave. The GLNC will be a few storefronts down on your right. Park on the street or turn left into free public parking under the freeway across from GLNC. If you cross Grand Ave. (and the theater) you've gone too far.
Endorsing 9-11 Truth Alliance Websites-
http:// Truth Alliance info/events line 1-866-268-2320
p>Film- "The Great Conspiracy: The 9-11 News Special You Never Saw Tuesday, November 23 – 7:30pm
Veterans' Hall, 846 Front St., Santa Cruz
Toronto journalist Barrie Zwicker's well-researched film traces the background of other "9/11" events in recent history and reveals numerous anomalies that would lead any reasonable person to question the veracity of the "official story.
Donation of $5. (no one turned away). Discussion after events.
For info email:
Or tel. 831-325-3135
Speaker- Ken Jenkins/ multimedia presentation of "Perspectives on 9/11: Exposing the Lies of the Official Story and Seeking the Truth" Wednesday, December 1 – 7:30pm
Veterans' Hall, 846 Front St., Santa Cruz
Using excerpts from eleven videos, the award winning Bay Area media producer explores the historical context as well as what really happened on September 11, 2001.
Donation of $5. (no one turned away). Discussion after events.
For info email:
Or tel. 831-325-3135
9-11 Truth Alliance Meeting Thursday, December 2, 2004, 7:00 p.m. to 10:00p.m.
(Very close to the BART station)
City Blend Cafe. 3087 16th Street San Francisco CA 94103
(between Mission and Valencia)
San Francisco )
Endorsing 9-11 Truth Alliance Websites-
http:// Truth Alliance info/events line 1-866-268-2320
Witness to War
Art Exhibition, including 9/11 piecesNovember 17- December 10, 2004
Tuesday throught Thursday- 12:30- 2:30 and 6:30- 8:30PM
for more info contact Heidi Neff at
Los Medanos College Art Gallery
2700 East Leland Road
Pittsburg, CA 94565-5197
Northern California 9-11 Truth Alliance Tabling/Flyering outside of the KPFA Crafts Fair
Saturday and Sunday, December 11 & 12, 2004
near the main entrance at 8th and Brannan.
KPFA Crafts Fair(We'll try to meet at 9:30 AM to set up a table and get ready for the public and probably will only be there until 4PM on Saturday, in order to get to the next event)
Public Hours- 10AM- 6PM
$8 entry * $5 seniors or disabled * under 17 free *
2-day pass $13free shuttles 9:30 am - 6:30 pm between the KPFA Fair & Civic Center BART (8th & Market MUNI Bus Stop) & Caltrain Station (4th & King)
Mad Voter Pink Tea Party Alameda Auctions by the Bay Theater
Gala Celebration & Benefit
Saturday, December 11, 2004
Mad Voter Pink Tea Party Gala Celebration & Benefit 5:00 PM Reception & Silent Auction
7:00 Awards ceremony & Live Entertainment
9:00PM Call to Action!
2700 Saratoga Street, Alameda
CodePink will present pink badges of courage to local activists including:
CodePINK is a women-initiated aand women led grassroots peace and social justice movement that seeks positive social change through proactive, creative protest and non-violent direct action. Bay Area Code PinkDeception Dollars, Driving Votes, Iraq Veterans Against the War, League of Pissed Off Voters, Tikkun's Michael Lerner, MoveOn's Joan and Carrie, Raging Grannies
Entertainment:Medea Benjamin, mc, Melanie DeMore, Dance Brigade, Chola Priest & many more.
Take the Alameda-Webster Tube; follow the pink balloons Ferry to Alameda, or Carpool from Oakland 12th St. Bart Available
For Tickets & Info- Call 510.524.2776, email
Tickets: $10- $10,000 donation No one turned away for lack of funds
Childcare provided on-site
Bookstores: Walden Pond, Black Oak Books, Change Makers of visit
9-11 Truth Alliance Meeting Thursday, December 16, 2004
at The Grand Lake Neighborhood Center 530 Lake Park Avenue,(between Lakeshore Avenue and Grand Avenue) in Oakland
7:00 p.m. to 10:00p.m.
From Hwy. 580 East (coming from the Bay Bridge or Berkeley), take the Grand Ave./Lakeshore exit (the exit ramp merges into MacArthur which intersects with Grand at the light), make a left at the light onto Grand, make a right onto Lake Park Ave. (the Grand Lake Theater will be on the corner on your far right). Go about a block, past the BofA, which will be on your left, and the GLNC will also be on your left. Park on the street or turn right into free public parking under the freeway.From Hwy. 580 West (coming from Hayward), take the Lakeshore Ave. exit (get as far to the right when approaching the exit before, the Harrison/Oakland exit, then continue moving to the right). When you exit at Lakshore Ave., you will be on Lake Park. Go straight at the light (you'll see an OMNI store in front of you to the right), crossing Lakeshore Ave. The GLNC will be a few storefronts down on your right. Park on the street or turn left into free public parking under the freeway across from GLNC. If you cross Grand Ave. (and the theater) you've gone too far.
Endorsing 9-11 Truth Alliance Websites-
http:// Truth Alliance info/events line 1-866-268-2320
Wednesday, Dec 22, 7pm-?,
136 Taylor St., San Francisco for our next Conscious Sound Collective event.I'll miss it- so just have the plan for this event- check the website for details! Chris wrote to me- I have the Solace International folks coming in [check 'em out at], to do a short slide show of their work in Afghanistan and to set up a market for the crafts they've been importing back. Proceeds go to building schools in Afghanistan, the nation with the worst literacy rate in the world [go figure, with the globe's superpowers tearing apart their country]. Oh...those are the proceeds from their sales. The event will be free to the public, of course.
Haven't settled on a film yet, thinking about "Osama," but it's hardly a "feel good." Would love to have you speak. My initial theme was "what to do now--post election." So many of my friends and comrades are/were seriously depressed after investing so much time and energy into the Kerry campaign. I've been assuaging their fears with the iconoclastic concept that Bush's re-theftelection is the best thing for us. He has that certain way of stirring up that old-fashioned "get involved in your democracy" feelings.
As I believe that 9-11 Truth will be catalyst for toppling the evil empire, and not just the Bush Dynasty, I am still devoted to spreading the word...
Verifygra Rally, Thursday, January 6th
outside of Senator Barbara Boxer's San Francisco office.
The rally will be from from 12:00 Noon to 1:30 pm at 1700 Montgomery St, near Chestnut and Embarcadero.Publicity materials state that VERIFYGRA was "tested and proven effective in Ukraine --- and now available in the United States" They are encouraging people to ask John Kerry and other Senators to get on Verifygra and stand up against the inadequate recount in Ohio, and ultimately, to refuse to certify the election on January 6th.
*Although our focus is 9-11, we need to realize that these guys who pulled 9-11,and helped cover it up, stole not one, but two elections- and we shouldn't let them get away with it."
9-11 Truth Alliance Meeting Thursday, January 6, 2004
7:00 p.m. to 10:00p.m.
136 Taylor St.
San FranciscoEndorsing 9-11 Truth Alliance Websites-
http:// Truth Alliance info/events line 1-866-268-2320
"Peace and Pizza" Free Showing of "Truth and Politics: Unanswered Questions About 9/11"
Friday Jan. 14th 7-9pm @ Straw Hat Pizza in Castro Valley
The movie features David Ray Griffin, author of "The New Pearl Harbor", presenting his response to the "9-11 Commission Report" based on his new book: "The 9-11 Commission Report Omissions and Distortions".
Straw Hat Pizza is in the Village Shopping Center off of Castro Valley Blvd. Free event. All are welcome. Come for pizza, a movie and good discussion. For more information, please call John Bass @ 510-432-9493
Next 9-11 Truth Alliance meeting will not be held on the 3rd Thursday, but on January 13th, to plan actions for the CounterInaugeral on the 20th.
7:00 p.m. to 10:00p.m.
1524 Henry Street
Berkeley, CA 94709
Telephone- Becky-510-549-0586Endorsing 9-11 Truth Alliance Websites-
http:// Truth Alliance info/events line 1-866-268-2320
Counter-Inaugeral Protest
January 20, 2005, 10:00 AM- 7:00 PM, Civic Center, San FranciscoWe will gather at the Civic Center in San Francisco, along with Veteran's for Peace. We will have lots of banners, signs, flyers, deception dollars, our tables with resource materials. Veteran's for Peace will bring panels- each of which needs two people to hold them- with photos and names of all those American soldiers killed in Iraq, and people will take turns reading the names of the dead. We will create space for thought, public dialogue, reflection on the stolen elections, crimes of the current regime, and encourage people to speak truth, and withdraw their cooperation from an oppressive empire.
Phone 650-857-0927, Carol Brouillet, for more details or to volunteer.
4:00 PM- 7:00 PM The Northern California 9-11 Truth Alliance will gather at the 9-11 table to distribute signs, literature to the larger crowd.
At 5:00 PM We will regather at the 9-11 table and offer signs to others who would like to be part of our contingent during the rally. After the rally, please help gather our signs and return them to the table to be reused at subsequent rallies/marches.
9-11 Truth Alliance Meeting Thursday, February 3, 2004
7:00 p.m. to 10:00p.m.
136 Taylor St.
San FranciscoEndorsing 9-11 Truth Alliance Websites-
http:// Truth Alliance info/events line 1-866-268-2320
Media Strategy Meeting Mapping out short term and long term strategy. War Memorial Building, 401 Van Ness Ave., First Floor- Room 125. Sunday, February 12th, 10:00 AM - 6:00 PM.
9-11 Truth Alliance Meeting Thursday, February 17, 2004
at The Grand Lake Neighborhood Center 530 Lake Park Avenue,(between Lakeshore Avenue and Grand Avenue) in Oakland
7:00 p.m. to 10:00p.m.
We could really use some help at this meeting to pass out handbills/posters on our upcoming benefits- The premiere screenings of Barrie Zwicker's Documentary- The Great Conspiracy- The 9/11 TV News Special You Never Saw, which will be in March (9-13th) at various venues with Barrie Zwicker, Webster Tarpley, Micahel Kane and Peter Phillips. We will also be getting ready for the next major anti-war march.
From Hwy. 580 East (coming from the Bay Bridge or Berkeley), take the Grand Ave./Lakeshore exit (the exit ramp merges into MacArthur which intersects with Grand at the light), make a left at the light onto Grand, make a right onto Lake Park Ave. (the Grand Lake Theater will be on the corner on your far right). Go about a block, past the BofA, which will be on your left, and the GLNC will also be on your left. Park on the street or turn right into free public parking under the freeway.From Hwy. 580 West (coming from Hayward), take the Lakeshore Ave. exit (get as far to the right when approaching the exit before, the Harrison/Oakland exit, then continue moving to the right). When you exit at Lakshore Ave., you will be on Lake Park. Go straight at the light (you'll see an OMNI store in front of you to the right), crossing Lakeshore Ave. The GLNC will be a few storefronts down on your right. Park on the street or turn left into free public parking under the freeway across from GLNC. If you cross Grand Ave. (and the theater) you've gone too far.
Endorsing 9-11 Truth Alliance Websites-
http:// Truth Alliance info/events line 1-866-268-2320
The 9/11 Omission Report What the Commission Didn’t Answer
Friday, Feb 25, 2005 7:30 PM
Humanist Hall
Admission: sliding scale.
390 27th Street, OaklandJohn Judge to speak on current events
He will be speaking on 9/11, addressing the findings of the 9/11 Commission and many things you want to know but are not sure how to ask. He will address the deceit that the Bush administration uses to make huge war profits and rob domestic institutions, like social security, in order to finance a permanent war economy. Peter Dale Scott, recently returned from Thailand, will open the program.
“The events of 9/11 have been used as a pretext for the invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq, and have become a symbol of an end to democracy.” John Judge says.
Ph: 415-648-8472
This event is a benefit for 9/11 Citizens Watch
John Judge, P.O Box 7147, Washington DC 20044
Friday, Feb. 25 - 7:30 to 9:30 PM
First United Methodist Church
9 Ross Valley Drive, San Rafael, CAJoin DON PAUL and JIM HOFFMAN, authors of the highly acclaimed, graphically illustrated new book "Waking Up from Our Nightmare/ The 9/11/01 Crimes in New York City", for a ground-breaking talk and presentation. Come hear and see evidence that the World Trade Center Building 7 and the WTC's North and South Towers were demolished by internal explosives. Has the United States started down a path of "endless war" based on covert operations carried out by a renegade branch of our government?
Donation $5.00 No one turned away
Wheelchair accessible
A Marin Peace and Justice Films and Forums production 415 721 2844The 9/11 Omission Report What the Commission Didn’t Answer
Saturday, Feb 26, 2005 7:30 PM
Freedom Archives,
522 Valencia St, San FranciscoJohn Judge to speak on current events
He will be speaking on 9/11, addressing the findings of the 9/11 Commission and many things you want to know but are not sure how to ask. He will address the deceit that the Bush administration uses to make huge war profits and rob domestic institutions, like social security, in order to finance a permanent war economy.
“The events of 9/11 have been used as a pretext for the invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq, and have become a symbol of an end to democracy.” John Judge says.
Admission: sliding scale.
Ph: 415-648-8472
This event is a benefit for 9/11 Citizens Watch
John Judge, P.O Box 7147, Washington DC 20044
9/11 the Road to Tyranny An Alex Jones Documentary Wed, Mar 2, 2005 7:00 pm
Humanist Hall
390 27th Street between Telegraph & Broadway below Pill Hill parking next door off both 27th & 28th StreetsHill
midtown Oakland
Presented by Erin McCann
The mainstream media is whitewashing and lying about what really happened on September 11th 2001. This film is shaking the foundations of Washington D.C. as the definitive film on what really happened on September 11th and who stands to gain. The US government needed a crisis to convince the people to willingly give up their liberty in exchange for safety. Now the painful facts are in. The dark forces of global government are funding, training, and protecting terrorist networks worldwide. This Alex Jones’ film documents the ruthless history of governments orchestrating terrorist attacks against their own people to scare them into total submission. In this brutal expose you will witness the birth of a global police state that surpasses Orwell’s nighmarish vision. It’s all here: the history of government-sponsored terrorism, the modern implementation of fear-based control and, most frightening of all, the New World Order’s future plans. This is one film you cannot afford to ignore. The future of free people everywhere is at stake.
- 9-11 Truth Alliance Meeting
Thursday, March 3, 2004
San Francisco
Room 219 in the War Memorial Bldg where the Herbst Theatre is located at 401 Van Ness Ave. Second floor
7:00 p.m. to 10:00p.m.
We could really use some help at this meeting to pass out handbills/posters on our upcoming benefits- The premiere screenings of Barrie Zwicker's Documentary- The Great Conspiracy- The 9/11 TV News Special You Never Saw, which will be in March (9-13th) at various venues with Barrie Zwicker, Webster Tarpley, Micahel Kane and Peter Phillips. We will also be getting ready for the next major anti-war march. I need to find people to help chauffeur the speakers to the events.
Endorsing 9-11 Truth Alliance Websites-
http:// Truth Alliance info/events line 1-866-268-2320
Activist Opportunity!!!
A reminder. We met Janette MacKinlay at the Commonwealth Club event where the Commissioners spoke. Janette will be going to this event and would like support from those of us who have read the Official Report and can cite its serious failings.
5:30 p.m., Program | Club Office, 595 Market St, 2nd floor, San Francisco
(For the Commonwealth Club and the Public)
We'll discuss 2004's most prominent release, by the National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States. Nominated for the National Book Award, The 9/11 Commission Report has been widely hailed as "a government document written by committee that miraculously reads like an international espionage thriller." As a reminder, this is a book discussion group; the authors will NOT be present.Program Chair: Howard Crane
- Premiering- The 9/11 News Special You Never Saw
March 10, 2005 at the Grand Lake Theatre, Oakland
Followed by a dialogue with Producer- Barrie Zwicker (Latest article on Barrie), Tickets $10, available at the door and at local bookstores
with expert on international terrorism, historian, author of 9-11 Synthetic Terror: Made in USA,
Webster G. Tarpley (presentation at the International Inquiries into 9-11);
Director of Project Censored, Peter Phillips (Latest article by Peter)
Investigative Researcher- Michael Kane (latest article by Michael);
the press & the publicBarrie Zwicker was the first mainstream television journalist to deeply examine the official 9-11 story; he was director of the Toronto International Citizens’ Inquiry into 9-11. In the documentary, Zwicker analyzes the use of fear to unnerve the public, and deconstructs the so-called “war on terror.” He examines in depth the failure of the military on 9/11, and George Bush’s highly inappropriate behavior on that day. He finds the 9/11 Commission Report to be a cover-up operation. Throughout the film, he analyzes the role of mainstream media in keeping the public misinformed. (The great comedian,Swami Beyondananda, will be in charge of film breaks; humor being the best fortifier for facing painful truths). These events are especially designed to encourage the press to write and speak about the most censored questions and truths of our times, and to participate in the public dialogue which will explore these questions and more:
Why did Bush and Cheney limit the investigation? A Benefit for the Northern California 9/11 Truth Alliance
Why were interceptor jets late, slow, and ineffectual?
What explains Bush's actions and inactions on 9/11?
Why was evidence removed or kept from investigators?
Who benefited? Why the media silence? What can we do?
Screening begins at 7:30 PM
Berkeley @ Cody’s Bookstore 2454 Telegraph Ave., 510-845-7852
& 1730 Fourth St., 510-559-9500
@ Black Oak Books, 1491 Shattuck Ave. 510-486-0698Co- Sponsors- Veterans for Peace- Chapter 69,,,", Project Censored, KPFA, Pacifica Radio, Kepler's Books, Black Oak Books, Cody's Bookstore, City Lights Bookstore, Valencia Street Bookstore, Modern Times Books
- Premiering- The 9/11 News Special You Never Saw
March 11, 2005 at the Herbst Theatre, San Francisco
Followed by a dialogue with Producer- Barrie Zwicker (Latest article on Barrie), Tickets $10, available at the door and at local bookstores
with expert on international terrorism, historian, author of 9-11 Synthetic Terror: Made in USA,
Webster G. Tarpley (presentation at the International Inquiries into 9-11);
Director of Project Censored, Peter Phillips (Latest article by Peter)
Investigative Researcher- Michael Kane (latest article by Michael);
the press & the publicBarrie Zwicker was the first mainstream television journalist to deeply examine the official 9-11 story; he was director of the Toronto International Citizens’ Inquiry into 9-11. In the documentary, Zwicker analyzes the use of fear to unnerve the public, and deconstructs the so-called “war on terror.” He examines in depth the failure of the military on 9/11, and George Bush’s highly inappropriate behavior on that day. He finds the 9/11 Commission Report to be a cover-up operation. Throughout the film, he analyzes the role of mainstream media in keeping the public misinformed. (The great comedian, Swami Beyondananda, will be in charge of film breaks; humor being the best fortifier for facing painful truths). These events are especially designed to encourage the press to write and speak about the most censored questions and truths of our times, and to participate in the public dialogue which will explore these questions and more:
Why did Bush and Cheney limit the investigation? A Benefit for the Northern California 9/11 Truth Alliance
Why were interceptor jets late, slow, and ineffectual?
What explains Bush's actions and inactions on 9/11?
Why was evidence removed or kept from investigators?
Who benefited? Why the media silence? What can we do?
Screening begins at 7:30 PM
In San Francisco-Black Oak Books, 630 Irving St. 415-564-0877
Black Oak Books, 540 Broadway St., 415-986-3872
City Ligths, 261 Columbus St. 415-362-4921
Valencia Street Books, 569 Valencia St., 415-552-7200
Modern Times, 888 Valencia St. 415-282-4925
at City Box Office 415-392-4400 www.cityboxoffice.comCo- Sponsors- Veterans for Peace- Chapter 69,,,", Project Censored, KPFA, Pacifica Radio, Kepler's Books, Black Oak Books, Cody's Bookstore, City Lights Bookstore, Valencia Street Bookstore, Modern Times Books
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- Premiering- The 9/11 News Special You Never Saw
March 12, 2005
Odd Fellows Hall, 545 Pacific Avenue, Santa Rosa, organized by Project Censored (707) 664-2500
Followed by a dialogue with Producer- Barrie Zwicker (Latest article on Barrie),
with expert on international terrorism, historian, author of 9-11 Synthetic Terror: Made in USA,
Webster G. Tarpley (presentation at the International Inquiries into 9-11);
Director of Project Censored, Peter Phillips (Latest article by Peter)
Radio Journalist- Bonnie Faulkner, Producer of KPFA's Guns and Butter;
Screening begins at 7:30 PM
Tickets $10- available at the door
Co- Sponsors- Veterans for Peace- Chapter 69,,,", Project Censored, KPFA, Pacifica Radio, Kepler's Books, Black Oak Books, Cody's Bookstore, City Lights Bookstore, Valencia Street Bookstore, Modern Times Books
- Webster G. Tarpley and Peter Phillips
speaking at Black Oak Books in Berkeley
7:30 Sunday, March 13, 2005, Free and open to the public
Black Oak Books, 1491 Shattuck Ave. 510-486-0698
- Michael C. Ruppert, Editor/Publisher From The Wilderness, and author of CROSSING THE RUBICON : The Decline Of The American Empire At The End Of The Age Of Oil
Tuesday, March 15th, 2005
WHERE: The Cooperage
Sonoma State University
1801 E. Cotati Ave, Rohnert Park, CA
TICKETS: admission is free!
TIME: 7:00 p.m.
CONTACT: Sonoma State University: 707-664-2880
- Northern California 9-11 Truth Alliance Meeting
March 17, 2004
at The Grand Lake Neighborhood Center 530 Lake Park Avenue,(between Lakeshore Avenue and Grand Avenue) in Oakland
7:00 p.m. to 10:00p.m.
We will be getting ready for the next major anti-war march.
From Hwy. 580 East (coming from the Bay Bridge or Berkeley), take the Grand Ave./Lakeshore exit (the exit ramp merges into MacArthur which intersects with Grand at the light), make a left at the light onto Grand, make a right onto Lake Park Ave. (the Grand Lake Theater will be on the corner on your far right). Go about a block, past the BofA, which will be on your left, and the GLNC will also be on your left. Park on the street or turn right into free public parking under the freeway.From Hwy. 580 West (coming from Hayward), take the Lakeshore Ave. exit (get as far to the right when approaching the exit before, the Harrison/Oakland exit, then continue moving to the right). When you exit at Lakshore Ave., you will be on Lake Park. Go straight at the light (you'll see an OMNI store in front of you to the right), crossing Lakeshore Ave. The GLNC will be a few storefronts down on your right. Park on the street or turn left into free public parking under the freeway across from GLNC. If you cross Grand Ave. (and the theater) you've gone too far.
Endorsing 9-11 Truth Alliance Websites-
http:// Truth Alliance info/events line 1-866-268-2320
- March 19, 2005
Global Day of Action Against the WarJoin us at Doloros Park in San Francisco at 11:00 a.m. at the tennis courts to help pass out and carry signs and 9/11 literature. March to the Covic Center for a 1:00 p.m. rally. Signs should be returned after the rally to the 9/11 table (under the 8' x 4' Deception Dollar banner). More Deception Dollars and handouts available at the tables- if you want to help organize, pass out info, we also will be collecting contact info, if you want to help collect names and addresses, emails, phone numbers to recruit more volunteers and 9/11 activists.
- March 20, 2005
San Jose March and Rally Against the War1:30 p.m.: Marchers Gather at San José Diridon Train Station, 65 Cahill Street, San José
3:00 p.m.: Rally at Plaza de Cesar Chavez, on Market Street between San Fernando and E. San Carlos, San José
Details posted at will be tabling at the end of the rally; if you want to get signs/banner to carry or help. I'll be at Plaza de Cesar Chavez before noon.
- 9-11 Activist Opportunity- Thursday March 24, 7 pm,
Mission High School,
3750 18th Street (at Dolores),
San Francisco.Two years after the U.S. invasion of Iraq, the country continues to bleed and suffer. The death toll soars on all sides and especially among civilians. The cost of the war mounts daily as vital services are cut at home. Many questions remain. Join people throughout the country as we consider these issues and others at teach-ins in San Francisco, Washington, DC, and Ann Arbor, marking the 40th anniversary of the first Vietnam War teach-in in 1965.
Sponsored By Global Exchange and Institute for Policy Studies. $5 requested donation; Free for students; no one turned away for lack of funds. For more information: or call (415) 255-7296.
- The Arrogance of Power-
Being American After 9/11
Fredricksburg, Virginia, April 1, 2, & 3
An academic conference,sessions will be held on the campus of the University of Mary Washington.
Being American After September 11th
September 11th polarized the U.S. and the world in ways still being felt, though it should strike us as curious that there has never even been any pretension to, or place for, neutrality on the subject within the United States. Americans have ranged from vocal, patriotic support for the silent, yet visible, endorsement of the president’s policies to a hand-wringing uncertainty about how to proceed in a world that is, we are told, “fundamentally changed.” By invoking emblems such as Hitler, Nazi Germany, and the Axis of Evil, advocates for a “war on terrorism” have effectively stalled any patient or complex discussion of that day or its significance in forging a national identity. The rhetoric of “national security” has been used to advance the war campaign in Iraq, while civil liberties continue to diminish at home. By virtue of the “Patriot Act” virtually suspended have been basic civil rights afforded by the U.S. Constitution and human rights (combatant and otherwise) secured by the Third Geneva Convention—most notably, habeas corpus and due process; President Bush has recently requested that Congress extend the term and provisions of the Patriot Act. The U.S. government is not entirely at fault, however. If the style of this particular political administration is, as Mikhail Bakhtin would have described it, intensely “monologic,” to what degree does the enthusiastic (and pathic) cooperation of the people of the U.S. contribute to this dynamic? In a three-day conference to be held in the spring of 2005 at the University of Mary Washington (formerly Mary Washington College) in Fredericksburg, Virginia, we want to talk about the intellectual, social, and cultural origins of what “being American” means at the present hour. It is central to our hypothesis that “being American” is different after the Cold War and still more so after September 11th. Whether those differences are merely quantitative or are, in fact, qualitative remains a subject for further discussion.
Details posted at Keynote speakers include Ralph Nader.
Celebration/Strategizing Our Next Move The Northern California 9/11 Truth Alliance will celebrate the success of the premieres of "The 9-11 News Special You Never Saw- The Great Conspiracy" and the publication of a 9/11 Cover Story in the San Francisco Bay Guardian and assess where we are, and where we want to go, and how to get there.
April 2, 2005- Oakland Hills, beginning at 10:00 a.m. with the videos, strategizing begins at 3:00 p.m., closing at 6:00 p.m.
The videos- "A Force More Powerful" and "Bringing Down a Dictator" I had originally wanted to share with the group and possibly screen on March 11th at the War Memorial Building, they look at the non-violent resistance movements of the past two centuries, because I think we have a lot to learn from them.Janette is willing to host the party at her home, and to make it easier for her, please R.S.V.P.. Mail to She can also give detailed directions to those who didn't help with the mailing.
This is a potluck, so please bring a dish or beverages to share.
Our "community" extends well beyond the bounds of the Bay Area, and we can nurture and encourage and solicit the gifts of people well beyond our immediate circle. "Community" itself means "the free exchange of gifts" and each of us has some gift, skill, talent, resource, insight to offer. Everyone is encouraged to bring your best ideas, dreams, inspirations, energy to the gathering and to remember that-
"Together we can do what none of us could do alone."Saturday Evening at 7:30 p.m. our dear Swami Beyondananda is doing a show in San Francisco and we could all migrate over to SF to join him. To RSVP to go with the group- Mail to More details posted at the Swami's website-
Spend All Fools’ Weekend With a Fooly-Realized Master --
Swami Beyondananda If you’re starting to despair
that our human foolishness just isn’t funny anymore,
Swami Beyondananda will help you change your mind.
If you live in the Bay Area,
you have three chances to make one on April 1st, 2nd and 3rd.Santa Cruz, Friday April 1st
On April Fools Day itself --
Friday evening, April 1st
the Swami will be doing two shows at the Cayuga Vault in Santa Cruz
with his “musical posse,” RatPack Kirtan.
If you can imagine Sinatra, Dean Martin, and Sammy Davis, Jr. tunes
done in traditional East Indian style --
then you might not need to come hear this performance
which defies the imagination.
But if you’re like most people,
you can’t really imagine it,
so you need to be there as Vegas meets the Vedas.
Book your tickets early --
just a total of 200 seats for both performances.
Remember, if you miss it
-- you weren’t there.
Cayuga Vault is at 1100 Soquel at Cayuga
(between Branciforte and Seabright),
and show times are 7 and 9 p.m.
Tickets are just $12 in advance,
$15 at the door
and can be purchased at Streetlight Records,
939 Pacific, (831) 421-9200.San Francisco, Saturday April 2nd
As a follow up,
the Swami will be flying solo on Saturday night
at Unity Christ Church of San Francisco,
where he will be launching this year’s Wake Up Laughing tour.
“Why laugh?” he asks rhetorically.
“Because,” he answers rhetorically, “there’s definitely something funny going on.”
In addition to the laughter,
there will be beauty too in the form of Trudy’s Scarves,
back by popular demand!
Unity Christ Church of San Francisco is located at 2690 Ocean,
at the northeast corner of 19th Avenue.
Show starts at 7:30,
tickets are $18 in advance and $22 at the door.
For ticket info or to reserve yours,
call 415-566-4122.San Jose, Sunday April 3rd
On Sunday morning,
Swami’s alter ego Steve Bhaerman
will offer his entertaining and inspiring talk
on “Comedy As a Healing Art”
at Unity of Silicon Valley.
Sunday services are held at 10 a.m.
at Fremont High School,
1279 Sunnyvale-Saratoga Road.
Sunnyvale, CA 94087.
The church phone is (408) 794-2222.
Northern California 9-11 Truth Alliance Meeting
ATTENTION!!!!!! Date Change!!! We usually meet on the first Thursday of every month in San Francisco- but we can't get a room there this April- so we have changed the meeting (this one time) to-
Friday, April 8, 2005
War Memorial Building (Room 213- 2nd floor), 401 Van Ness Ave. San Francisco
7:00 p.m.- 10:00 p.m.Endorsing 9-11 Truth Alliance Websites-
http:// Truth Alliance info/events line 1-866-268-2320
p> Event Info:
(415) 724-0641
Ann Fagan Ginger speaking on "Challenging U.S. Human Rights Violations Since 9/11." Friday, April 15 - 8:00 pm
Vets' Hall, Front St (by P.O.), Santa CruzLess than two weeks ago, Ginger spoke in NYC to the United Nations Human Rights Commission and at Stanford University just last week. Her scope and expertise on the issues of peace law runs from the highest of international levels to the pragmatic local level.
Co-sponsored by SC 9/11 Truth Network, WILPF, and National Lawyers Guild.Ginger is executive director of Meiklejohn Civil Liberties Institute, which she founded in 1965 as a center for human rights and peace law. An attorney since 1947, in 1959 she won a case in the U.S. Supreme Court against the Ohio Un-American Activities Committee. She wrote the first book on "The New Draft Law" during the Vietnam War, the first article on "Police Misconduct Litigation" and "Minimizing Racism in Jury Trials" in 1968. Her 25th book,"Challenging U.S. Human Rights Violations Since 9/11," just released by Prometheus Books, already has been praised by Howard Zinn, Noam Chomsky, and Rep. John Conyers, Jr.
Donation $5 - $15 (no one turned away for lack of funds).
Event is wheelchair accessible.
For more information, call 688-4268.
Northern California 9-11 Truth Alliance Meeting
April 21, 2005
at The Grand Lake Neighborhood Center
530 Lake Park Avenue, (between Lakeshore Avenue and Grand Avenue)
7:00 p.m. to 10:00p.m.
From Hwy. 580 East (coming from the Bay Bridge or Berkeley), take the Grand Ave./Lakeshore exit (the exit ramp merges into MacArthur which intersects with Grand at the light), make a left at the light onto Grand, make a right onto Lake Park Ave. (the Grand Lake Theater will be on the corner on your far right). Go about a block, past the BofA, which will be on your left, and the GLNC will also be on your left. Park on the street or turn right into free public parking under the freeway.From Hwy. 580 West (coming from Hayward), take the Lakeshore Ave. exit (get as far to the right when approaching the exit before, the Harrison/Oakland exit, then continue moving to the right). When you exit at Lakshore Ave., you will be on Lake Park. Go straight at the light (you'll see an OMNI store in front of you to the right), crossing Lakeshore Ave. The GLNC will be a few storefronts down on your right. Park on the street or turn left into free public parking under the freeway across from GLNC. If you cross Grand Ave. (and the theater) you've gone too far.
Endorsing 9-11 Truth Alliance Websites-
http:// Truth Alliance info/events line 1-866-268-2320
After 9/11: Messages From the World and Images of Ground Zero
3/11/2005 - 4/30/2005
Daily 10:00 a.m.
War Memorial Veterans Building
401 Van Ness Ave.
San Francisco, CA
This whole exhibit is sponsored by the Department of State or Department of Propaganda.“After 9/11: Messages From the World and Images of Ground Zero.” Condolence messages representing 110 countries received at U.S. embassies and consulates, and Joel Meyerowitz’s Ground Zero photographs.
(David Ray Griffin will be on C-Span
April 30 at 10:30 am Eastern Standard Time)
Northern California 9-11 Truth Alliance Meeting
Thursday, May 5, 2005
at The War Memorial Building- Room 219
401 Van Ness Avenue, San Francisco
7:00 p.m. to 10:00p.m.Endorsing 9-11 Truth Alliance Websites-
http:// Truth Alliance info/events line 1-866-268-2320
(David Ray Griffin will be on C-Span
Saturday, May 7th, at 2:30 PM Eastern Standard Time)
Northern California 9-11 Truth Alliance Meeting
Thursday, May 19, 2005
at The Grand Lake Neighborhood Center 530 Lake Park Avenue,(between Lakeshore Avenue and Grand Avenue) in Oakland
7:00 p.m. to 10:00p.m.
From Hwy. 580 East (coming from the Bay Bridge or Berkeley), take the Grand Ave./Lakeshore exit (the exit ramp merges into MacArthur which intersects with Grand at the light), make a left at the light onto Grand, make a right onto Lake Park Ave. (the Grand Lake Theater will be on the corner on your far right). Go about a block, past the BofA, which will be on your left, and the GLNC will also be on your left. Park on the street or turn right into free public parking under the freeway.From Hwy. 580 West (coming from Hayward), take the Lakeshore Ave. exit (get as far to the right when approaching the exit before, the Harrison/Oakland exit, then continue moving to the right). When you exit at Lakshore Ave., you will be on Lake Park. Go straight at the light (you'll see an OMNI store in front of you to the right), crossing Lakeshore Ave. The GLNC will be a few storefronts down on your right. Park on the street or turn left into free public parking under the freeway across from GLNC. If you cross Grand Ave. (and the theater) you've gone too far.
Endorsing 9-11 Truth Alliance Websites-
http:// Truth Alliance info/events line 1-866-268-2320
Conspiracy Conference 2005
May 28 & 29th, 2005
The Westin Hotel, 5101 Great America Parkway Santa Clara, CA
Organized by Brian Hall, this conference looks at a wide range of subjects, including 9-11 (Ken Jenkins and I spoke at it in 2003 and we are invited to table at this year's conference which features Daniel Hopsicker as the 9-11 speaker). We could probably use help tabling, this usually attracts upwards of 500 people. Check out all the details at-
Northern California 9-11 Truth Alliance Meeting Thursday, June 2, 2005,
401 Van Ness Ave., War Memorial Building- Room 219, San Francisco,Endorsing 9-11 Truth Alliance Websites-
http:// Truth Alliance info/events line 1-866-268-2320
Television Programs:
Public Access Channel 29 San Francisco-
Monday, June 6, 2005 10:00 PM - 11:00 PM : The Mark Hunter Show Featuring Ken Jenkins and Carol Brouillet, questioning the official narrative of 9-11.
- Premiere and run of the BBC's-
The Power of Nightmares- The Rise of the Politics of Fear
JUNE 8-10, 2005
Fordham Universityat Lincoln Center
Northwest Corner 60th & Columbus Ave.
113 West 60th Street
New York, NY
(highlights for 9-11 activists...)WEDNESDAY June 8, 2005 (Day One): 12TH FLOOR LOUNGE
9:00 Welcome ---- Lloyd deMause, President and Harriet Fraad, Vice President
THURSDAY June 9, 2005 (Day Two): CLASSROOM A
9:15 IPA DISTINGUISHED ACADEMIC LECTURE "Apocalyptic Violence and the New Terrorism"
10:30 PANEL ON PEACE COUNSELING: "A New Profession: Peace Counseling" - Lloyd deMause
"Healing a Collective" - Margaret Reuffler, PsychoPolitical Peace Institute
Commentaries by John Hartman, Jerrold Atlas
12:00 Lunch - [Go out or hear Allen David on "The Dawn of Civilization" in Lounge]
2:00 "9/11: The Grand Illusion" - Matthew Everett
2:40 "De Gaulle as Petain" - Rudolph Binion, Brandeis University
10:45 "Domestic Terrorism: Blow the House Down!" - Lynn Somerstein
THURSDAY June 9, 2005 (Day Two): CLASSROOM B
9:40 "America's Apocalyptic Rebirth Fantasies in Contemporary Films" - Victor Meladze
THURSDAY June 9, 2005 (Day Two): CLASSROOM C
10:45 "Computerized Emotional Analysis of Popular Media for the Comprehension of the National Mood" - David Mondrus
11:25 "A Group-Fantasy That Stifles Prosperity" - Herbert Barry III, Univ. of Pittsburgh
12:10 Lunch 2:00 WORKSHOP: "The Fundamentals of Psychohistory: Paradigms, Theories and Latest Research - Killer Mommy/Caretaker, The European View, Islamic Terrorism, Feminism and a Possible New Psychoclass" - Jerrold Atlas, Evan Malachowsky, Deborah Tanzer, Lloyd deMause
9:00 "Growing Up Male: Is Aggression, Crime and War Endemic to the Male Sex?
FRIDAY June 10, 2005 (Day Three): CLASSROOM A
9:40 "The Delegation Process in Group-Fantasy" - Denis
10:45 "Origins of Civilization: Historian Ethnocentricism?" - Sander Breiner, M.D.
2:00 "A Psychohistory of Conspiracy Theory and Denial" - Robert McFarland, M.D.
2:40 "The Taping of Al Qaida Conversations by Intelligence Prior to 9/11 Was Disinformation" - Renate Possarnig
3:20 "A Psychohistory of Psychoanalysis: Some Reflections on the Political Function of Psychoanalysis" - David Lotto
4:00 "The Politics of Betrayal Trauma" - Rachel E. Goldsmith
9:00 "The Media Matrix: Corporate Media and Its Effect on the American Misperception of Reality" - Jerry Kroth, Santa Clara Univ.
FRIDAY June 10, 2005 (Day Three): CLASSROOM B
10:00 "Will the U.S.A. Self Destruct?" - Dorothy Lander
11:00 "From Father Hunger to Sibling Society: Robert Bly's Observations of American Outlook" - Joe Reilly, Drexel Univ.
2:00 PANEL: "Bush's Second Term: First 100 Days" - Paul Elovitz, Ramapo College; Daniel Dervin, Mary Washington College; Herbert Barry III, University of Pittsburgh; Jennifer Mazza, Ramapo College
2:00 "The Turks and the Palestinians: Two Different Cultures in Islam" - Bill Hewitt
FRIDAY June 10, 2005 (Day Three): CLASSROOM C
2:40 "Ideological Consequences of Traumatic Reliving" - Anna Geifman
3:20 "Rebel, Bohemian, Unwed Father, High-School Dropout, Fop, Cad, Airhead, Cynic: Albert Einstein" - Jay R. Stewart, Bowling Green State Univ.
4:00 "Parenting Education in the Arab World" - Patricia Sprague
4:40 "The Bay of Goats: Bush's War in Iraq" - Richard Morrock
9:00 "The Traumatic Consequences of the Second World War" - David R. Beisel, Rockland Community College, SUNY
More details on the program posted at Conference on the official website of IPA-
9:40 "Abstinence-Only Sex Education: A Group-Fantasy About Human Sexual Behavior" - Pamela Paradis Tice and Donna Rochon, Baylor College of Medicine
11:00 "Trauma Model Psychohistory: A New Scientific Approach" - Joe O'Donnell
2:40 "The Five Cycles of Abuse in Family Community and Society" -SaraKay Smullens Henry Lawton, IPA Secretary, 266 Monroe Ave., Wyckoff, NJ 07481
OFFICIAL IPA CONVENTION HOTEL: Holiday Inn 57th Street (between 9th and 10th Avenues). Call 1-800-2231-0405 and request the XPC rate (Psychohistory Association) of $179/night + taxes.
ALTERNATE: Cheaper rate of $99 for small room. Pennsylvania Hotel, 33rd Street/7th Avenue ( 1-800-223-8585. Located further downtown from the Convention site, but Broadway subway connects it.
- Premiere and run of the BBC's-
The Power of Nightmares- The Rise of the Politics of Fear
Friday, June 10 - Thursday, June 15
At the Roxie Cinema
3117 16th St. (at Valencia), San Francisco
Showtimes: Nightly at 7:00pm with additional Wed, Sat & Sun matinees at (12:00 noon) & 3:30.Part of the SF Indie Fest presents this uncut, BBC series of documentary films (3 one hour films) about how fear has come to dominate politics not only in America, but throughout the world, and how much of that fear is based on illusion. The films tell the story of the rise of today’s nightmare vision of a hidden, organized network of terror and show clearly how much of that threat has been distorted and exaggerated by politicians. In an age disillusioned with optimistic political visions of the future, politicians have stumbled on a new force that can restore their power and authority, the fear of a hidden and organized web of evil which they can protect their people from. These films show how that fantasy was created, and why, by telling an epic story that starts in America in 1949 and ends in the present day. At the heart of the story are two groups, the American Neoconservatives and the Radical Islamists. Both these groups were idealists born out of the failure of the post-war liberal optimism, and both had very similar explanations for why that failure had occurred. Both groups did change the world, but not in the way either intended. Their actions over the last thirty years have led to today’s strange fantasy of fear which has spread through all levels of government, the security services and the international media. A fantasy that no-one questions because those with the darkest nightmares have become the most powerful. England. 2004.
Runningtime: 180 minutes. ADMISSION=$10.00.
Friday, June 10 - Thursday, June 15
At the Roxie Cinema
3117 16th St. (at Valencia), San Francisco
Showtimes: Nightly at 7:00pm with additional Wed, Sat & Sun matinees at (12:00 noon) & 3:30.Part of the SF Indie Fest presents this uncut, BBC series of documentary films (3 one hour films) about how fear has come to dominate politics not only in America, but throughout the world, and how much of that fear is based on illusion. The films tell the story of the rise of today’s nightmare vision of a hidden, organized network of terror and show clearly how much of that threat has been distorted and exaggerated by politicians. In an age disillusioned with optimistic political visions of the future, politicians have stumbled on a new force that can restore their power and authority, the fear of a hidden and organized web of evil which they can protect their people from. These films show how that fantasy was created, and why, by telling an epic story that starts in America in 1949 and ends in the present day. At the heart of the story are two groups, the American Neoconservatives and the Radical Islamists. Both these groups were idealists born out of the failure of the post-war liberal optimism, and both had very similar explanations for why that failure had occurred. Both groups did change the world, but not in the way either intended. Their actions over the last thirty years have led to today’s strange fantasy of fear which has spread through all levels of government, the security services and the international media. A fantasy that no-one questions because those with the darkest nightmares have become the most powerful. England. 2004.
Runningtime: 180 minutes. ADMISSION=$10.00.
- Northern California 9-11 Truth Alliance Meeting
Thursday, June 16, 2005
at The Grand Lake Neighborhood Center 530 Lake Park Avenue,(between Lakeshore Avenue and Grand Avenue) in Oakland
7:00 p.m. to 10:00p.m.
From Hwy. 580 East (coming from the Bay Bridge or Berkeley), take the Grand Ave./Lakeshore exit (the exit ramp merges into MacArthur which intersects with Grand at the light), make a left at the light onto Grand, make a right onto Lake Park Ave. (the Grand Lake Theater will be on the corner on your far right). Go about a block, past the BofA, which will be on your left, and the GLNC will also be on your left. Park on the street or turn right into free public parking under the freeway.From Hwy. 580 West (coming from Hayward), take the Lakeshore Ave. exit (get as far to the right when approaching the exit before, the Harrison/Oakland exit, then continue moving to the right). When you exit at Lakshore Ave., you will be on Lake Park. Go straight at the light (you'll see an OMNI store in front of you to the right), crossing Lakeshore Ave. The GLNC will be a few storefronts down on your right. Park on the street or turn left into free public parking under the freeway across from GLNC. If you cross Grand Ave. (and the theater) you've gone too far.
Endorsing 9-11 Truth Alliance Websites-
http:// Truth Alliance info/events line 1-866-268-2320
- UFPJ Organizing Meeting
Tuesday, June 21, 7:00 pm at the Friend's Meeting House at 65 Ninth St. in San Francisco, between Market and Mission near Civic Center BART.
"We will need to talk about what we want to organize for late September action calls (for one, see In advance, think about what you and your organization, if you represent one, would put time, energy and money towards seeing happen sometime in or around September 24 to 26.
"There will also be something of progress to report on the election of a new steering committee, ever longer overdue. Think if you or someone in your group (if you're in one, again) is looking for a challenging but worthwhile organizing opportunity.
"There are other action calls that people will bring to inform about too, especially if you bring one.
"Other agenda items can be sent to the list or to me, Jim Haber. If I had more time, the agenda would be on the website.
You wanna work on our website?See you Tuesday, or sometime, or just keep tuning in.
-Jim Haber,
Here's another opportunity to try to bring the 9-11 Truth Movement and the Peace and Justice Movement together.
- San Francisco Monthly Networking for Planetwork
The California Institute of Integral Studies
Thursday, June 23, 2005 Namaste Hall, 3rd Floor, 1453 Mission Street, San Francisco, CA 94103
Doors open at 6pm and the event ends promptly at 10:00pm. The presentations usually get started around 7pm and run for about an hour, followed by two hours of informal discussion over light refreshments. A $10-$20 contribution is requested to cover expenses. One of the presenters will be- Carol Brouillet speaking on-
Northern California 9-11 Truth Alliance
Northern California 9-11 Truth Alliance emerged from challenging the official narrative of 9-11 and questioning the "War on Terrorism." From rallies, protests, educational films, conferences, actions, television programs, radio programs, art, the group has sought to overcome the censorship of the mainstream and independent press to get out the basic facts about 9-11, challenging a well documented number of lies, and a cover-up on the part of the government. The Deception Dollars, a cooperative effort on the part of activists, artist Blaine Machan, and various websites, have been very popular and helped to birth a 9-11 Truth Movement. At the recent National Conference on Media Reform, 9-11 truth activists converged to bypass traditional gatekeepers with information passing out hundreds of DVDs and CDs of David Ray Griffin's talk- The American Empire and 9-11 which was broadcast on C-Span. This chaordic group, has developed a cooperative network of film-makers, researchers, activists, journalists to challenge the heart of the biggest myth of this century, and challenge the legitimacy of the Empire's war for global domination.
WHEN: Saturday, June 25, 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.
WHERE: Fellowship Hall at First Presbyterian Church, 1140 Cowper St., Palo Alto
HOW MUCH: $5 to $20, sliding scale. No one turned away for lack of funds.
LUNCH: Bring your own! Snacks and drinks will be provided Well-conceived and carefully crafted media events using small numbers of people can often generate substantial press coverage.
All Peninsula and South Bay activists are invited to a Media Workshop conducted by Eduardo Cohen.
Eduardo Cohen has written articles which have appeared in numerous publications including the Boston Globe, San Francisco Examiner, San Francisco Chronicle, Oakland Tribune, Santa Barbara News and Review, Sacramento News and Review, San Francisco Bay Guardian, Sacramento Business Journal, the Davis Enterprise and the Philadelphia Inquirer.TOPICS IN THE WORKSHOP WILL INCLUDE:
· Planning and organizing effective media events; planning and organizing effective political and media campaigns;
· developing effective media strategies and communication plans;
· identifying target audiences;
· crafting messages targeted to specific audiences;
· identifying the best messengers and communications media to reach targeted groups;
· writing effective press releases;
· how best to approach reporters;
· how to influence editorial policy;
· how to generate positive news coverage and minimize negative press response;
· how to use media to position your organizations on issues;
· how to build relationships with the press;
· Tricks of the trade.From 1981 to 1996 he also produced and hosted ‘The Other Americas’ Radio Journal which aired on several California radio stations including several years on KKUP and seven years on KPFA.
His recent work with the San Francisco chapter of Veterans for Peace helped generate coverage of Iraq War Resister Camilo Mejia in the San Jose Mercury News and the Oakland Tribune and segments on KTVU-TV, KRON-TV, KGO-TV and on the Spanish language TV stations KSTS (Telemundo) in San Jose and KDTV (Univision) in San Francisco.
In addition to occasional media consulting, Cohen currently lectures on US Media Coverage of War and US Foreign Policy including sub-topics such as racism in news coverage of the Middle East, government propaganda disguised as news and critical historic failures of American journalism.
- Dr. Robert M. Bowman will speak on "Security & Patriotism: The Challenge of WMDs and Terrorism"
Saturday, June 25, 7 p.m.
San Francisco Friends Meeting, 65 Ninth Street, San Francisco
Dr. Bowman spoke at the Toronto Int'l Citizens' Inquiry into 9-11 and was featured in the film- The Great Conspiracy- The 9-11 News Special You Never Saw.
Dr. Bowman, Lt. Col, USAF, ret. is President for the institute for Space and Security Studies and directed all the "Star Wars" programs under Presidents Ford and carter (when the existence of these programs was sercret). Among other honors, Dr. Bowman is the recipient of the Eisenhower Medal, the George F. Kennan Peace Prize, and the President's Medal of Veteran's for Peace. He holds a Ph.D. in Aeronautics and Nuclear Engineering from Caltech.
Suggested donation at the door $10. No one turned away for lack of funds.
Sponsors: American Friends Service Committee and Western States Legal Foundation
San Francisco Friends Meeting is located between Market and Mission, near the Civic Center BART and MUNI stop.
- Northern California 9-11 Truth Alliance Meeting
Thursday, July 7, 2005,
401 Van Ness Ave., War Memorial Building- Room 219, San Francisco,
Endorsing 9-11 Truth Alliance Websites-
http:// Truth Alliance info/events line 1-866-268-2320
- Northern California 9-11 Truth Alliance Meeting
Thursday, July 21, 2005
at The Grand Lake Neighborhood Center 530 Lake Park Avenue,(between Lakeshore Avenue and Grand Avenue) in Oakland
7:00 p.m. to 10:00p.m.
From Hwy. 580 East (coming from the Bay Bridge or Berkeley), take the Grand Ave./Lakeshore exit (the exit ramp merges into MacArthur which intersects with Grand at the light), make a left at the light onto Grand, make a right onto Lake Park Ave. (the Grand Lake Theater will be on the corner on your far right). Go about a block, past the BofA, which will be on your left, and the GLNC will also be on your left. Park on the street or turn right into free public parking under the freeway.From Hwy. 580 West (coming from Hayward), take the Lakeshore Ave. exit (get as far to the right when approaching the exit before, the Harrison/Oakland exit, then continue moving to the right). When you exit at Lakshore Ave., you will be on Lake Park. Go straight at the light (you'll see an OMNI store in front of you to the right), crossing Lakeshore Ave. The GLNC will be a few storefronts down on your right. Park on the street or turn left into free public parking under the freeway across from GLNC. If you cross Grand Ave. (and the theater) you've gone too far.
Endorsing 9-11 Truth Alliance Websites-
http:// Truth Alliance info/events line 1-866-268-2320
- Uncovering the Untold Story of 9/11: Deconstructing the Official Narrative on the Anniversary of the 9/11 Report
Thursday, July 21, 2005 / 2-5PM(on the eve of the 1 year anniversary of the release of the 9/11 Report)
Event Contact: Kyle F. Hence, 401-935-7715
HC-6 in the Capitol Building
Nafeez M. Ahmed , author of The War on Truth: 9/11, Disinformation and the Anatomy of Terrorism (2005, Interlinkbooks/Olive Branch Press) Thompson , author of The Terror Timeline -- Year by Year, Day by Day, Minute by Minute: A Comprehensive Chronicle of the Road to 9/11--and America's Reponse (2004, Reganbooks)
Each author will speak and respond to questions for an hour beginning with Nafeez Ahmed. Presentations will be followed by a panel discussion and opportunity for further questions.
Congressional Co-sponsor Staff Contact: John Judge 202-225-1605- July 22nd Congressional Briefing:
The 9/11 Commission Report One Year Later A Citizens' Response - Did They Get It Right
Rep. Cynthia McKinney (D-GA) will host a full-day briefing, co-sponsored by Rep. Raúl Grijalva (D-AZ), and other sponsors, for Members of Congress and their staffs in the Caucus Room, Cannon House Office Building, Room 345, Independence Ave. & First Street SE, from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm.
One year after the release of the 9/11 Commission Final Report many questions about what transpired on September 11, 2001 and who should be held accountable still remain unanswered. Serious flaws and omissions in the Report have been addressed by whistleblowers and academics. Well known researchers and authors have put the events of that day into historical perspective, and have suggested possible alternatives to the recommendations of the 9/11 Commission regarding intelligence reform, domestic and foreign policy. The hard evidence has yet to be properly evaluated, and points to the need for full transparency, release of information, and continued probative investigations to have an effective, democratic response to the crisis that confronts all of us.
Family members of the victims of 9/11 will present a "Report Card" to address their still unanswered questions about the events of 9/11 and the lack of accountability for the security and intelligence failures that may have allowed these events to happen. Other experts will speak to the flaws in the 9/11 Commission's process, including conflicts of interest, lack of transparency, investigative rigor and public input, and the many whistleblowers ignored by the Commission.
One panel of experts will explore the omissions and errors in the Commission's Final Report, including the timeline of NORAD/FAA and P-56 defense responses that day, the suspects and plot, the background of Al Qaeda and bin Laden, the involvement of other countries, the obstruction of investigations by the FBI and CIA, and foreknowledge and forewarnings prior to the attacks. Another panel will place 9/11 into historical perspective and look at the flawed assumptions that misled the Commission's work, including the politics of illegal drugs, oil investments, covert operations and terrorism, as well as past covert operations like Contragate and the rise of the neo-conservatives and their agenda.
The last half of the day will be a critical examination by experts of the Commission¹s recommendations concerning domestic and foreign policy and intelligence reforms, suggesting other alternatives and policies that could lead to real security and preserve civil liberties and democracy. Rep. McKinney will also address the need for further investigation and opening the evidence for public scrutiny. A list of confirmed speakers so for includes:
Robert McIlvaine, father of 9/11 victim, member of September 11th Families for Peaceful Tomorrows
Press Advisory Contact: John Judge, staff assistant 202-225-1605Marilyn Rosenthal PhD., mother of 9/11 victim, professor at U. of Michigan, expert on forewarnings to 9/11
Robert Baer, author of Sleeping with the Devil and See No Evil, former CIA
Nafeez Ahmed, author of The War on Truth, Director, Institute for Policy Research & Development
Jumana Musa, Amnesty International
Melvin Goodman, Fellow, Center for International Policy, former CIA
John Newman, Ph.D., professor University of West Virginia, former NSA analyst
Paul Thompson, author of The Terror Timeline
Elaine Cassel, author of The War on Civil Liberties, legal expert
William Michaels, author of No Greater Threat
Lauretta Napoleoni, author of Terror Incorporated: Tracing the Dollars Behind the Terror Networks Anne Norton, author of Leo Strauss and the Politics of American Empire
Mary Rose Oaker, President, American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee, legal expert
Peter Dale Scott, Ph.D., professor UC Berkeley, author of Drugs, Oil and War, former Canadian diplomat
Murray Weiss, author of The Man Who Warned America concerning FBI agent John O¹Neill who died on 9/11
- Bringing Allied Evidence of Official Deceit to Light and Critical Mass
July 22~24, 2005
An unprecedented event series featuring informal congressional hearings, National Press Club presentations, a Lafayette Park 911/war deceit shout-out, and a strategy summit at American University between truth movement leaders and the independent and foreign press.
- Northern California 9-11 Truth Alliance Meeting
Thursday, August 4, 2005,
401 Van Ness Ave., War Memorial Building- Room 219, San Francisco,
Endorsing 9-11 Truth Alliance Websites-
http:// Truth Alliance info/events line 1-866-268-2320
Seeds of Change
Saturday, August 6 at 5 PM
William Payne Park, 5800 Patterson Pass Rd., Livermore, CA.
On the 60th anniversary of Hiroshima...
ACT to abolish nuclear weapons and war
PROTEST new, earth-penetrating nuclear weapons at Livermore Lab
CELEBRATE your vision of a just and nuclear-free world- Potluck- BRING FOOD TO SHARE!Details posted at-
NONVIOLENT DIRECT ACTION: There will be nonviolent direct action on Tuesday, August 9. Meet at 8 AM at William Payne Park, 5800 Patterson Pass Rd. Take I-580, exit on Vasco Rd; go South 2 miles. August 9 is the anniversary of the Nagasaki bombing. This action is to honor all the victims of nuclear weapons-from mining to designing to testing to use. NAGASAKI NEVER AGAIN!!!
AUG 6 AND 9 NATIONAL DAYS OF ACTION: August 6 and 9, 2005 mark the 60th anniversaries of the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki by the United States. Join with people at four central U.S. nuclear weapons sites in major actions calling for an end to the development and production of nuclear warheads. Activities will recognize the devastation caused by nuclear weapons and memorialize the many victims of bomb production at every step - from uranium mining to design, to production, to testing and use. Join the global majority to say NO! to militarism, war and oppression, and YES! to nonviolence, justice and a more secure world for all.
Aug 9, we are calling for candlelight vigils to be held at City Halls in communities across the country. In addition, we encourage people to organize readings, lantern lighting ceremonies, shadow projects and more. For more information:
WILPF US Section Triennial Congress and 90th Anniversary Celebration:
Making Peace a RealityWednesday, August 10 - Sunday, August 14, 2005, San Francisco, CA
Northern California 9-11 Truth Alliance Meeting Thursday, August 18, 2005
at The Grand Lake Neighborhood Center 530 Lake Park Avenue,(between Lakeshore Avenue and Grand Avenue) in Oakland
7:00 p.m. to 10:00p.m.
From Hwy. 580 East (coming from the Bay Bridge or Berkeley), take the Grand Ave./Lakeshore exit (the exit ramp merges into MacArthur which intersects with Grand at the light), make a left at the light onto Grand, make a right onto Lake Park Ave. (the Grand Lake Theater will be on the corner on your far right). Go about a block, past the BofA, which will be on your left, and the GLNC will also be on your left. Park on the street or turn right into free public parking under the freeway.From Hwy. 580 West (coming from Hayward), take the Lakeshore Ave. exit (get as far to the right when approaching the exit before, the Harrison/Oakland exit, then continue moving to the right). When you exit at Lakshore Ave., you will be on Lake Park. Go straight at the light (you'll see an OMNI store in front of you to the right), crossing Lakeshore Ave. The GLNC will be a few storefronts down on your right. Park on the street or turn left into free public parking under the freeway across from GLNC. If you cross Grand Ave. (and the theater) you've gone too far.
This is a special organizing meeting for our upcoming events on September 10th and 11th. Endorsers, volunteers, co-sponsors welcome.
Endorsing 9-11 Truth Alliance Websites-
http:// California 9-11 Truth Alliance info/events line 1-866-268-2320
9/11 & Social Change "Searching for the Heart of Ativism through The 9/11 Truth Movement" Friday, August 26, 2005 7pm
Unitarian Universalist Fellowship Hall (w/c accessible)
1924 Cedar at Bonita, Berkeley, California
Carol Brouillet, Ken Jenkins, Ralph Schoenman & Mya Shone will speak about what motivated them & drew them in social activism and ultimately into the 9/11 Truth Movement. They will share their transformative experiences and strategize how, by working together, we can heal our country and the world. They will reflect on their lives and the significance of the 9/11 Truth-movement for them. Carol is steeped in the teachings of Bill Moyer, who created the highly acclaimed social movement MAPP and wrote Doing Democracy.
Sponsored by the BFUU Social Justice Committee. Refreshments. Donation. No one turned away for lack of funds. Wheelchair accessible.
For more info (510) 528-5403. Activist Series sponsored by the Unitarian Universalist Action Committee.
The London Bombings: The Footprints of State Terror- Ralph Schoenman and Mya Shone
Wednesday, August 31, 7:00 -10:00 p.m.,
Women's Building 3543 18th St.,San FranciscoFriends of " Taking Aim " is sponsoring a discussion by Pacifica Radio hosts Ralph Schoenman and Mya Shone who analyze the relationship between foreign and domestic intelligence operations, The War on Terror , and the economic problems of everyday Americans.
Ralph Schoenman was Secretary General of the International Tribunal on U.S. War Crimes in Indochina. He worked with Malcolm X with respect to the battle for the Congo and negotiated the release of political prisoners in many countries. Today, he is an author and investigative journalist and produces _ Taking Aim, heard weekly on Pacifica's WBAI-NY and archived at .
Mya Shone is an economist and has a long history as an activist involved in political, community and labor issues. She worked closely with both Casa Nicaragua and Casa El Salvador during the struggles taking place in Central America, was the coordinator of the Tri-County ( Santa Barbara ,Ventura , San Luis Obispo ) Labor Party chapter, and was a founder of Health Care for All-California. She was also a newscaster and reporter at KPFK in Los Angeles .
For interviews: Contact Ralph Schoenman and Mya Shone at 707-552-9992
$10.00 donation at the door. No one turned away for lack of funds.
Thursday, September 1, 7:00p.m.- 10:00 p.m.
Northern California 9-11 Truth Organizing Meeting
401 Van Ness Ave., War Memorial Building- Room 219, San Francisco,
This meeting we will be organizing our upcoming events. Co-sponsors, volunteers, endorsers welcome.
Endorsing 9-11 Truth Alliance Websites-
http:// Truth Alliance info/events line 1-866-268-2320
4th Annual Rally and March for 9-11 Truth
Saturday, September 10th
This Year's theme- 9-11 Truth for Peace and Justice
Rally 10:00 AM in San Francisco at the Panhandle (between Oak and Fell at Ashbury),
10:30 AM March/Parade up Ashbury to Haight Street through Golden Gate Park to Speedway Meadow (about 2 miles) to the-7th Annual 9-11 Power to the Peaceful Concert
featuring Michael Franti & Spearhead
beginning at 11:00 AM, free Concert & Social Justice Festival lasts until 5:00 PM.(We are co-sponsors of the Power to the Peaceful Concert/Social Justice Festival and will have a booth there.)9-11 Truth for Peace and Justice Rally and March sponsored by the Northern California 9-11 Truth Alliance, 1-866-268-2320,,
To endorse, volunteer, contact Carol Brouillet, 650-857-0927,
Veteran's War Memorial Building
9-11 Truth for Peace and Justice - Films, Discussion, Dialogue, Reflection Sunday, September 11th 2005 9 am – 11 pm
at the Veteran’s War Memorial Building 2nd Floor, 401 Van Ness Avenue, San Francisco
We will be having an organizing meeting (September 1st) for this event and our September 10th Rally and March.
We will have most of the rooms on the second floor of the building- which will permit us to have rooms for presentations, films, dialogue, discussion, tabling/socializing/organizing. We will have a program of events, but enough space for the self organizing of participants, as well. Details will be posted as we figure them out and send out press releases and begin our publicity.Sponsored by the Northern California 9-11 Truth Alliance 1-866-268-2320, Co-Sponsored by Veteran's for Peace- Chapter 69, American Legion Post 315, Guns and Butter, Taking Aim, Central Committee for Conscientious Objectors, Marin Peace and Justice Coalition,,
We seek additional co-sponsors, endorsers, volunteers, and participants.
Contact Carol 650-857-0927,
9-11 Film Festival 9-11 Film Festival - Benefit for the Northern California 9-11 Truth Alliance and Project Censored Sunday, September 11th 2005 1 pm – 11 pm
at the Grand Lake Theater, 3200 Grand Lake, Oakland
Hosted by Bonnie Faulkner of KPFA's Guns and Butter
(We just decided to do this and are selecting films and speakers. Peter Phillips- Director of Project Censored, Film Producer- Ken Jenkins, and researcher Lois Battuello, are confirmed. We will premiere "Behind Every Terrorist- There is a Bush", and "9-11 and the American Empire" which features David Ray Griffin, "Celsius 9-11" which features highlights from the Toronto International Citizens' Inquiry, and many more new films, including some footage from the recent Emergency Truth Convergence in DC last July.)
We seek additional co-sponsors, endorsers, volunteers.
Contact the Northern California 9-11 Truth Alliance 1-866-268-2320 or Carol 650-857-0927,
Northern California 9-11 Truth Alliance Meeting Thursday, September 15, 2005
at The Grand Lake Neighborhood Center 530 Lake Park Avenue,(between Lakeshore Avenue and Grand Avenue) in Oakland
7:00 p.m. to 10:00p.m.
From Hwy. 580 East (coming from the Bay Bridge or Berkeley), take the Grand Ave./Lakeshore exit (the exit ramp merges into MacArthur which intersects with Grand at the light), make a left at the light onto Grand, make a right onto Lake Park Ave. (the Grand Lake Theater will be on the corner on your far right). Go about a block, past the BofA, which will be on your left, and the GLNC will also be on your left. Park on the street or turn right into free public parking under the freeway.From Hwy. 580 West (coming from Hayward), take the Lakeshore Ave. exit (get as far to the right when approaching the exit before, the Harrison/Oakland exit, then continue moving to the right). When you exit at Lakshore Ave., you will be on Lake Park. Go straight at the light (you'll see an OMNI store in front of you to the right), crossing Lakeshore Ave. The GLNC will be a few storefronts down on your right. Park on the street or turn left into free public parking under the freeway across from GLNC. If you cross Grand Ave. (and the theater) you've gone too far.
Endorsing 9-11 Truth Alliance Websites-
http:// Truth Alliance info/events line 1-866-268-2320
THE 9/11 OMISSION: DID THE COMMISSION GET IT WRONG?* *BRAIN TRUST PANELS AT CONGRESSIONAL BLACK CAUCUS CONFERENCE* On September 23 and 24, Rep. Cynthia McKinney (D-GA), a member of the Congressional Black Caucus will host two 'brain trust' panels at their annual legislative conference to be held at the Washington Convention Center, 801 Mr. Vernon Avenue, NW, Washington, DC on the topic of what was omitted from the 9/11 Commission's Final Report, unanswered questions that remain and their inadequate recommendations which have failed to make the country safer, to address the true sponsors and causes of the attacks and to properly balance civil liberties and secrecy, security and war. The event is free and open to the public.
Members of Congress, academicians and authors will present information on the road that led to 9/11, the response that followed, and the unexamined evidence and assumptions that framed the official report. Speakers will include John Cooley (author of Unholy Wars). C. William Michaels (author of No Greater Threat), Richard Falk (author of The Great Terror War), David Ray Griffin (author of 9/11 Commission Report: Omissions and Distortions), Barbara Rosenberg (molecular biologist), James Bamford (author of A Pretext for War), Rep. Curt Weldon (on Able Danger), Benjamin Barber (author of Fear¹s Empire), Natsu Saito (author of Confronting the Crime of Silence), Athan Theoharis (author of The FBI and American Security) and James Ridgeway (author of 5 Unanswered Questions About 9/11). There will be a showing of related documentary films on Saturday.
A brief agenda for the events appears below:
Moderator: Rep. Cynthia McKinney
Friday, September 23 2:00 4:50 pm Room 146-B
Panel: The Road To 9/11
Unholy Wars in Central Asia: Mujahadin, the CIA and Russia, John Cooley, author of Unholy Wars
Panel: The Road Since 9/11
The 12 Steps to Building a National Security State, C. William Michaels, author of No Greater Threat
Empire Won't Save You: Rights and Civil Liberties in Peril, Richard Falk, author of The Great Terror War
3:35 4:50 pm
Panel: What the Commissioners Chose to Ignore
David Ray Griffin, author, The 9/11 Commission Report: Omissions and Distortions
Where was NORAD on the Morning of 9/11?, Sen. Mark Dayton (D-MN) (Videotape of hearings)
Anthrax: A Missing Chapter in the 9/11 Commission Report, Barbara Rosenberg, molecular biologist
War for Sale: 9/11 and the Abuses of Intelligence, James Bamford, author of A Pretext for War
Able Danger: Military Intelligence and the 9/11 Hijackers, Rep. Curt Weldon (R-PA)
Saturday, September 24 11:00 am 12:00 pm
Documentary films on 9/11
12:00 & #150; 1:00 pm
Panel: Post - 9/11 Liberty v. Security
The War on Terror: Where is Jihad vs. McWorld Taking Us?, Benjamin Barber, author of Fear's Empire
Implications of the Patriot Acts, Natsu Saito, co-editor of Confronting the Crime of Silence
The FBI and Security, Athan Theoharis, author of The FBI and American Democracy
Unanswered Questions on 9/11, James Ridgeway, author of 5 Unanswered Questions About 9/11
Contact: John Judge 202-225-1605
United for Peace and Justice
Sept. 24-26: End the War on Iraq! Massive Mobilization in Washington, D.C.
For those of you going to DC who would like to connect with other 9/11 truth activists, we will be meeting at the Einstein Memorial at 2101 Constitution Ave NW ( 21st St NW at Constitution Ave) between 9-10:00 am on Saturday morning, 9/24, before the march. We will have outreach handout flyers and a small supply of the placards to pass out. At 10 am the all-day Peace & Justice Festival begins on the Washington Memorial grounds under 18 20' by 60' tents--if you don't find us at the Einstein Memorial go to the festival tents and look for us at the 911Truth.Org and Peace Resource Project tables ( on Saturday until 10PM and Sunday, 10AM-6PM. For more info contact: Gabriel Day (831-325-3135) or Les Jamieson (917-658-0132).
In San Francisco there will be a rally Saturday, September 24th, Gather at 11 am in Dolores Park, After that rally- there is a march to Jefferson Park (Turk and Laguna) in San Francisco; it is a great outreach opportunity to the anti-war movement. Unfortunately, it might rain on Saturday. We do have picket signs, banners, handouts, and it would be good to have a 9-11 contingent- since we all learned so many great chants at our last rally.SF wwebsite on the rally/march
Challenging Human Rights Violations Since 9/11, with Ann Fagan Ginger Tuesday, September 27th, 7:30 pm,
Modern times Bookstore, 888 Valencia St. (between 20th and 21st St.)Ann Fagan Ginger, longtime human rights activist, practicing attorney and executive director of the Meiklejohn Civil Liberties Institute in Berkeley-- a national research center that advocates for human rights and peace law.
Challenging U.S. Human Rights Violations Since 9/11 is her new book.
On Tuesday, September 27 at 7:30, Ginger will read from her book and answer questions.
Challenging U.S. Human Rights Violations Since 9/11 lays out new paths for all sorts of concerned people to take against particular violations, from suing to filing complaints with the Office of Inspector General to reporting to UN human rights committees. Ginger's strategies address lawyers, civil rights and peace activists, students, union members, faith-based communities and more.
The Petrocollapse Conference Petrocollapse: Social Isolation or Solidarity?
October 5, 2005, 9 am to 5 pm, New York
As oil prices rise and crude oil supplies and refined products strain to keep up with demand, as Hurricane Katrina wreaks havoc on the production infrastructure as well as on a devastated population, the isse of Peak Oil is finally becoming acknowledged in the mainstream news.
www.petrocollapse.orgHowever, the complete story is still suppressed, misunderstandings abound even among students of peak oil and the public remains in the dark about the vast array of consequences of this looming crisis. Dishonest reporting by OPEC countries and major oil companies have contributed to the illusion that there is sufficient time before we "run out of oil" to transition to a "solution", whether it be cold fusion, hydrogen, renewables or some combination of the above.
In fact, some dozen significant oil producing countries are past their peak in extraction and it is possible that world Peak has already arrived (this cannot be conclusively determined until after the fact). The sudden effects of shortage are likely to hit the global economy within the next three years, possibly even as early as this winter.
Northern California 9-11 Truth Organizing Meeting
Thursday, October 6, 7:00 p.m.- 10:00 p.m.
401 Van Ness Ave., War Memorial Building- Room 219, San Francisco,
Endorsing 9-11 Truth Alliance Websites-
http:// Truth Alliance info/events line 1-866-268-2320
"September Surprise, October Surprise:
Everything You Think You Know About 9/11 Is Wrong --
at Round Table Pizza Banquet Room on 2nd Floor
The San Francisco Tesla Society Presents a free lecture featuring Barbara Honegger
Sunday, October 9, 2001 1 p.m. - 5 p.m.
5160 Geary Blvd. (at 16th Ave.)
San Francisco, California
Barbara Honegger is a senior military affairs journalist. Her talk will compliment Jim Hoffman's September presentation and feature a scientific investigation / data analysis of the 9/11 Pentagon attacks. Honegger was the first to expose the meaning and central importance of the multiple-hijack-scenario anti-terror emergency response exercises and wargames being conducted by the Bush Administration on Sept. 11th. Her 9/11 contributions are prominently credited and featured in "Crossing the Rubicon" by Michael Ruppert and "Inside Job" by Jim Marrs.
Ms. Honegger served as a White House Policy Analyst in the 1980's and was the first public resignation of conscience from the Reagan-Bush Administration. She is the author of October Surprise, the first book to document the secret deal between the 1980 Reagan-Bush Campaign and the radical Islamist Khomeini regime to delay the release of the U.S. hostages in Iran until after the 1981 presidential inauguration of Ronald Reagan. Exposure of the "October Surprise" ignited a major Congressional investigation. Ms. Honegger earned the first accredited U.S. graduate degree in Consciousness Studies/Experimental Parapsychology, from John F. Kennedy University (1981). She holds a B.A. in Communications/Honors Writing from Stanford University (1969), with expertise in the neuropsychology of human and nonhuman primate communication.
Parking is available on the street or for $ 2 per hour in the garage nearby behind Ross Dept. Store.
Northern California 9-11 Truth Alliance Meeting Thursday, October 20, 2005
at The Grand Lake Neighborhood Center 530 Lake Park Avenue,(between Lakeshore Avenue and Grand Avenue) in Oakland
7:00 p.m. to 10:00p.m.
From Hwy. 580 East (coming from the Bay Bridge or Berkeley), take the Grand Ave./Lakeshore exit (the exit ramp merges into MacArthur which intersects with Grand at the light), make a left at the light onto Grand, make a right onto Lake Park Ave. (the Grand Lake Theater will be on the corner on your far right). Go about a block, past the BofA, which will be on your left, and the GLNC will also be on your left. Park on the street or turn right into free public parking under the freeway.From Hwy. 580 West (coming from Hayward), take the Lakeshore Ave. exit (get as far to the right when approaching the exit before, the Harrison/Oakland exit, then continue moving to the right). When you exit at Lakshore Ave., you will be on Lake Park. Go straight at the light (you'll see an OMNI store in front of you to the right), crossing Lakeshore Ave. The GLNC will be a few storefronts down on your right. Park on the street or turn left into free public parking under the freeway across from GLNC. If you cross Grand Ave. (and the theater) you've gone too far.
Endorsing 9-11 Truth Alliance Websites-
http:// Truth Alliance info/events line 1-866-268-2320
On the Frontlines- Options for Youth in Times of War
Saturday, October 22, 9 am to 9 pm
Sunday, October 23, 9 am to 6 pmA Counter Recruitment Conference for Youth and their Allies
Aidan Delgado-Iraq War Vet and conscientious objector Pablo Paredes - Navy Resister, just released from confinement for refusing deployment
Plus: Fernando Suarez del Solar, Arlene Inouye, Kevin Ramirez, Rick Jahnkow, Jorge Mariscal, Peter Camejo, Company of Prophets, Dangerous Minds, youth poets and more...
Join hundreds of high school and college students, parents and educators, community activists, veterans and military family members as we:
Get hands-on! Use arts activism to resist injustice and war
Expose Military Recruiters and the lies they tell young people
Learn ways to get Military Recruiters out of our schools & communities
Build and strengthen the COUNTER-RECRUITMENT movement
Explore education and job training alternatives without the military
The more the military lies, the more people die. We say enough!
(Northern California 9-11 Truth Alliance will be tabling at the event).Free for Youth!!! $10-$25 donation for Adults
Project Censored 2006 Book Release Celebration
Saturday, October 22, at 7:00 pm
The Cooperage at Sonoma State University
1801 East Cotati Ave
Rohnert Park, California
Sonoma State University’s Project Censored will celebrate the release of Censored 2006, the annual issue of the most significant undercovered news stories of the year. The Book Release Celebration will highlight this year’s censored news and to honor the investigative reporters who brought it forward, including Dahr Jamail, Pratap Chatterjee, Greg Palast, and many more. Norman Solomon, syndicated media critic will keynote the event, joined by David Rovic, political songwriter and musician.
The Censored 2006 Top 25 Censored Stories reveal the Bush Administration’s unprecedented secrecy, unreported war crimes and civilian death toll in Iraq, election fraud 2004, and other stories (including an entire Chapter on the Unanswered Questions of 9-11). The evening will include a pre-event reception with authors, journalists, publishers, and Project Censored, book signing. Representatives of the Northern California 9-11 Truth Alliance will be at the event, we'll have our new DVD on hand.
This event will be televised and is cosponsored by Media Alliance, the San Francisco Bay Guardian, and the Nation Institute.
Admission $10.Contact: Suze Cribbs
Project Censored
Listen, Ring, Scream - 100,000 Bells will Toll Lytton Plaza, Wednesday, October 26, 2005, 10 am - 2:20 pm
Wednesday, October 26th is the fourth anniversary of the Listening Project, a weekly event, where questions have been raised about September 11th, the government’s response, how to defuse terrorism, and how to create a safer, better world for all children; the questions remain the same, but the answers have changed over time. This Wednesday, in Palo Alto’s Lytton Plaza, in addition to listening, from 10 am until 2:20 pm, a bell will be rung every minute, in memory of the 100,000 Iraqi victims of the current war. There will also be a microphone, and the opportunity to scream or speak loudly, on behalf of the Pakistani victims of the most deadly earthquake in modern times.
Voices for Creative Nonviolence and Justice Not Vengeance have called for bell-ringing ceremonies to grieve and protest the deaths of Iraqis in the war and occupation. Bells will be rung in the US, the U.K. and Switzerland. Locally, bells will also be rung in Oakland, October 25th, in San Francisco on October 27th, and on October 28th in Marin. As people opposed to war, we act to end the silence about the suffering and death in Iraq and to publicly unlock the grief that it has caused in our communities. 100 communities, each ringing a bell 1,000 times, would equal 100,000 rings, the estimated death toll of Iraqi civilians in the Lancet study.
Scream for those in Pakistan. 100,000 people may perish, if they do not receive help soon, before the winter sets in. The death toll continues to rise between 75,000 and 80,000 officially, with over 3 million people facing the winter homeless. The international community has been slow to respond to the crisis.
Umair Khan wrote:
“Scream.” “Spare a scream for the 100,000 dead and 3 million homeless, muted out of world media.
“Unmourned by the news media, unmarked by the world, Saturday October 22 was the two week anniversary of the 7.6 magnitude earthquake in Pakistan, India, and Kashmir. An estimated 100,000 have been killed and, of the 3 million made homeless, at least another 100,000 are in high peril as winter rolls down from nearby K-2. If they perish, they would surely have been suffocated by the silent air waves.
“For the 3 million homeless the bell tolls noiselessly. Beyond Pakistan's national news media, their coverage is a silent movie playing out on inside pages (if at all). Four more weeks of radio (and print and TV) silence and the region will become as quiet and stone cold as the news media. The news folks whose attention to the tragedy has declined as swiftly as the deaths have mounted, may finally get to report a "frozen" death toll. In four weeks, winter too will white-out the survivors.
“Intense and swift and whole-hearted as the response has been among the compassionate and the aware, it has been far too noiseless. For Pakistanis, for Kashmiris, for South Asians, for Asians, for humans and for humanity everywhere, this is not the time for whispered tears, silent if ardent prayers, mumbled grumblings, and soundless emails.
“This is the time to scream.
“Not in despair, or panic, or anger. But in recognition and in resonance. This is the time to broadcast the unbroadcasted. And this time expires in 4 weeks. There will be little point to being heard after that.
“There have been No vigils to mark the disaster... No minute of silence at 8:51am. No protest march (silent or loud) against NATO's refusal to airlift the injured. No sit-ins to demand of governments the desperately needed helicopters, tents, medicine, monetary aid. And no demonstrations in front of the oblivious offices of world media.” (This is an excerpt from a larger article posted at-
WILPF, American Muslim Voice (, Voices for Creative Nonviolence ( Help Earthquake Victims go to- and
World Can't Wait- Drive Out the Bush Regime Mobilization Bay Area Convergence- Noon Civic Center
Wednesday, November 2, 2005
Northern california 9-11 Truth Alliance has endorsed this, although somehow this organization/network/budding movement somehow hasn't formally acknowledged that the foundation of the crumbling empire rests on the "myth/official 9-11 story" which we continue to challenge. We'll be at the Civic Center Plaza at Noon, adding our voice to the many calling for an end to the criminal Bush Regime (just hope he isn't replaced by anything worse...) and militarism which depends upon deception, violence, state-sponsored terrorism.
Convergences across the country- Website-
Northern California 9-11 Truth Organizing Meeting
Thursday, November 3, 7:00 p.m.- 10:00 p.m.
401 Van Ness Ave., War Memorial Building- Room 219, San Francisco,
Endorsing 9-11 Truth AllianceWebsites-
http:// Truth Alliance info/events line 1-866-268-2320
World Peace Week
Saturday, Nov. 5th, 2005 to Friday, Nov. 11th, 2005Peace Through Knowledge From Saturday, Nov. 5th, 2005: the 400th anniversary of Guy Fawkes Day, the holiday that celebrates the grand-daddy of all fake war provocations - Friday, Nov. 11th, Veterans Day: It commemorates the end of WWI on 11/11/1917, and the veterans and victims of this and all the other wars started by false pretexts.
To end these wars, we have to awaken people to both the knowledge of how the war party incites war, and to sympathy for the fallen. These dates in November are a perfect time to remember both culprits and victims.
This International Peace Week is a spontaneous networking of activists, authors and media. It's a focus to arrange interviews and calls in to talk radio, letters to the editor, articles and chats online, and your own local conferences, meetings, demonstrations.
Green Festival
November 5-6, 2005
Saturday 10AM - 9PM
Sunday 11AM - 7PM
San Francisco Concourse,
8th & Brannan St
San Francisco, CA 94123
The Northern California 9-11 Truth Alliance will have a booth at the festival. In the Directory we're listed incorrectly as "9-11 Truth Commission"- and our booth is #964. So- if you go to the Green Festival- please try to find us using those clues!
The event draws 10-15,000 people each year with great speakers and many booths featuring green technologies and social justice groups.
World Peace Week
Saturday, Nov. 5th, 2005 to Friday, Nov. 11th, 2005Peace Through Knowledge From Saturday, Nov. 5th, 2005: the 400th anniversary of Guy Fawkes Day, the holiday that celebrates the grand-daddy of all fake war provocations - Friday, Nov. 11th, Veterans Day: It commemorates the end of WWI on 11/11/1917, and the veterans and victims of this and all the other wars started by false pretexts.
To end these wars, we have to awaken people to both the knowledge of how the war party incites war, and to sympathy for the fallen. These dates in November are a perfect time to remember both culprits and victims.
This International Peace Week is a spontaneous networking of activists, authors and media. It's a focus to arrange interviews and calls in to talk radio, letters to the editor, articles and chats online, and your own local conferences, meetings, demonstrations.
War Crimes Tribunal on Colin Powell Thursday, November 10, 2005
1:30 pm- 5:30 pm
Conference Room A & B Campus Center
De Anza College, 21250 Stevens Creek Blvd. Cupertino
Students for Justice, a DeAnza College student organization and their faculty advisers will hold a War Crimes Tribunal for former Secretary of State, Colin Powell, on Thursday, November 10, 2005, in the Campus Center, Conference Rooms A& B on the campus of DeAnza College, in Cupertino, California, from 1:30-5pm. The War Crimes Tribunal will be one of several forms of protest by campus and community groups during the period of November 9-11, the three evenings on which Mr. Powell is scheduled to speak at the Flint Center, in the Celebrity Forum Series.
Colin Powell’s critical role in the Bush Administration’s War in Iraq will be examined by a panel of presenters. The scholars, activists, and veterans taking part in the Tribunal will conduct an inquiry into Powell’s responsibilities and complicity in the destruction of Iraqi society since 2003, the ongoing occupation of Iraq and Afghanistan, the overthrow of President Jean Bertrand Aristide in Haiti, in 2004, the Gulf War in 1991, the ongoing U.S. support for the Israeli occupation of the Palestinian lands, the Iran-Contra Scandal, legal and illegal support for the Contras in Nicaragua, the Vietnam War, and the deaths, disability, and exposure of U.S. veterans and peoples of Iraq, Afghanistan, and the former Yugoslavia to toxic chemicals and depleted uranium munitions. All of the above policies have featured widespread accusations of war crimes, violations of international law, and crimes against humanity by human rights organizations and other critics in the U.S. and throughout the world.
In the spirit of the Bertrand Russell/ International War Crimes Tribunal of the U.S. war in Vietnam in 1966, the World Tribunal on Iraq, in New York in 2004, and In Istanbul, Turkey in June, 2005, and the Truth and Reconciliation Commissions in South Africa 1995-‘98, in El Salvador, in 1992-’93 and in East Timor, 2000-2005, the War Crimes Tribunal of Colin Powell at DeAnza College will attempt to make U.S. government officials accountable for their repeated and blatant violations of international law in the conduct of war, the overthrow of foreign governments, military occupations of foreign lands, covert and illegal operations to assist others involved in related activities, disinformation and cover-ups of these actions, and the violations of the civil rights of U.S. veterans involved in these actions.
Former Secretary of State Colin Powell is often viewed as an opponent of war, or in his own words, a “reluctant soldier.” He was widely viewed as an independent and reasonable voice within the Bush Administration, in which the excesses of the neo-conservatives associated with the Project for a New American Century (Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, Paul Wolfowicz, Lewis Libby, Richard Perle) led the U.S. into the foreign policy debacle of the Iraq War and the atrocities of widespread deaths of civilians and routine torture of prisoners and combatants in Iraq, Afghanistan and Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. The War Crimes Tribunal will critically examine Powell’s role in these and other controversial U.S. military operations over several decades, including his speech at the U.N. in February, 2003, which made the case for war against Iraq, and his direct role in the overthrow of the elected President of Haiti in 2004.
Presenters will include Dr. Wendy White, of the Humanities faculty of DeAnza College, Dr. Greg Druehl, of the Political Science faculty, who will defend Powell’s record, Dr. Ayad al-Qazzaz, of the Sociology faculty of California State University, Sacramento, who will discuss the war in Iraq, Pierre LaBossiere, founder of the Haiti Action Network, Chuong Chung, of the faculty of City College of San Francisco and DeAnza College, who will discuss Powell’s actions in the Vietnam War, Joyce Riley, former captain in the United States Air Force Reserve and spokesperson for the American Gulf War Veterans Association, and Ann Wright, a decorated 26-year veteran of the U.S. Army and former U.S. diplomat in Mongolia, who resigned in protest of the U.S. War in Iraq. Representatives of Iraq Veterans for Peace, Veterans for Peace, Military Families Speak Out, and Gold Star Families for Peace will also address the Tribunal.
Students and faculty will also sponsor a range of other political protests of Powell’s role in the U.S. War in Iraq. Students for Justice will hold a speak-out at the Campus Center Plaza at 12:30pm, on Wednesday, Nov. 9 and a march and protest of Powell’s first speech will begin at 6pm on Wednesday evening, November 9. Protests of Powell’s second appearance will occur at 7pm on Thursday, November 10. Religious and political protests will be organized on Friday afternoon and evening before Powell’s third appearance, on November 11, by students and community groups. A peace camp and various civil disobedience actions will take place throughout the three days sponsored by a wide range of students and Bay Area anti-war organizations. (Northern california 9-11 Truth Alliance will be tabling Thursday.)
Northern California 9-11 Truth Alliance Meeting Thursday, November 17, 2005
at The Grand Lake Neighborhood Center 530 Lake Park Avenue,(between Lakeshore Avenue and Grand Avenue) in Oakland
7:00 p.m. to 10:00p.m.
From Hwy. 580 East (coming from the Bay Bridge or Berkeley), take the Grand Ave./Lakeshore exit (the exit ramp merges into MacArthur which intersects with Grand at the light), make a left at the light onto Grand, make a right onto Lake Park Ave. (the Grand Lake Theater will be on the corner on your far right). Go about a block, past the BofA, which will be on your left, and the GLNC will also be on your left. Park on the street or turn right into free public parking under the freeway.From Hwy. 580 West (coming from Hayward), take the Lakeshore Ave. exit (get as far to the right when approaching the exit before, the Harrison/Oakland exit, then continue moving to the right). When you exit at Lakshore Ave., you will be on Lake Park. Go straight at the light (you'll see an OMNI store in front of you to the right), crossing Lakeshore Ave. The GLNC will be a few storefronts down on your right. Park on the street or turn left into free public parking under the freeway across from GLNC. If you cross Grand Ave. (and the theater) you've gone too far.
Endorsing 9-11 Truth Alliance Websites-
http:// Truth Alliance info/events line 1-866-268-2320
"The Planes, the Demolitions, and Our Psychological Resistance to the Truth About 9-11," presented by KEN JENKINS
Wednesday, November 30th, 7:30 P.M.
Santa Cruz Veterans Memorial Building
846 Front Street, Santa Cruz
Presented by Santa Cruz 9-11 Truth Network
Ken Jenkins takes us through David Ray Griffin's latest discoveries in a multimedia presentation of videos, power point, analysis and discussion.
He is an award winning video and media producer with an education in engineering, psychology, and metaphysics. He has been a 9-11 truth activist for four years, speaking at both the San Francisco and Toronto 9-11 Inquiries and producing numerous 9-11 DVDs.
Contact Info: (831) 688-4268
Countmyvote@calcentral.comNorthern California 9-11 Truth Organizing Meeting
Thursday, December 1, 7:00 p.m.- 10:00 p.m.
401 Van Ness Ave., War Memorial Building- Room 219, San Francisco,
Endorsing 9-11 Truth AllianceWebsites-
http:// Truth Alliance info/events line 1-866-268-2320
9-11 Truth Movement Strategy Conference
Saturday's Event is CANCELLED....(We did table and have an Open Michrophone at the Veteran's War Memorial Building- good conversations, passed out lots of materials and received over $500 in donations.)
Sunday, December 4th, 10:00 am - 5:00 pm, Room 215
401 Van Ness Ave.,Veteran's War Memorial Building, San Francisco,
Brainstorming, Accessment, Proposals, Strategy, Media Action Plan
We hope to be joined by Steve Bhaerman (Swami Beyondananda) and Fred Burks, webmaster for We welcome all 9-11 Truth Activists, and our allies to participate in drawing forth our collective wisdom, talents and resources, to develop the best possible strategy to help us with our mission-
Brainstorming/Accessment in the morning. Topics of discussion: How Running for Office Can Help/Harm our Isssue, How We Can Unify the Peace and Justice Movements with the Truth Movement. Proposals/Strategy beginning at noon/after working with Susan- we will conclude our strategy/planning with a media action plan.
" ... to seek and disseminate truths about the terrible crimes committed on September 11, 2001, exposing gaps and deceptions in the official story, and to thus inspire more eyewitness revelations, truthful media coverage, and a movement that will bring the responsible criminals to justice and eliminate governmental and corporate policies that enable criminal elements to commit such acts."
On Sunday, we will be joined from 2:00 pm - 3:30 pm by Susan Strong, from the Metaphor Project. Susan has worked with us before (Between the SF International inquiry and the Toronto Inquiry) to help us find the most effective language to engage the press and public and reframe our issue, on our terms. The heart of our campaign will be how we convey our message. We welcome all creative, brilliant, sensitive, observant, dedicated, honest, caring, willing people to participate in a very focused manner for this period of time.
People can also do some homework and bring whatever they have come up with to the group. Check out Susan's website- particularly American Story Elements and American Metaphor Sources Here is also something Susan sent- which I'll pass out at the meeting on Thursday night-
Framing our issues honestly and clearly to reach our chosen audience is vital now. Deciding what values underlie our position about an issue is essential. To be truly effective, we must do more. We need to understand how our own message is part of a story integral to the ideal AMERICAN VISION. That vision is our best national story of who we are as a people, who we want to be, and the ways we get there—the values and ideas embedded in our Declaration of Independence and the Bill of Rights. It’s much more than actual American history, past or present. The ideal AMERICAN VISION is a nation that stands for equality, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. From our beginnings, this vision has been used by progressive activists to expand the expression of those values in American life. It’s our turn now.
Here are some simple steps you can take for success in framing your messages for mainstream Americans:
STEP 1. Be clear about who your specific audience is.
STEP 2. Think about how your audience sees your issue now. If possible, ask them questions directly or do polling.
STEP 3. Consider how your audience is feeling and reacting now re your issue. Be ready to acknowledge their feelings at the beginning of your message.
STEP 4. Decide to speak “American” by using simple language, avoiding the following:
Long, abstract, multisyllabic words
lots of reasons, facts, and statistics at the beginning of your communication
complex arguments and explanations at the beginning of your communication
historical analysis at the beginning of your communication
attacking America or Americans or the flag by name or implication.STEP 5. The next step in speaking American is arranging your message as a story of potentially successful problem solving. Recognize that mainstream Americans want answers to the following practical questions:
What's the problem?
What will work to solve it?
What should we do now?
What should we do next?
Who is "we"?STEP 6. Develop your own message as answers to these questions, following the simple language rules given in STEP 4 above. Remember that establishing rapport with your audience includes referring to “seeing,” “hearing,” and “feeling” these problems and their solutions, so that people of all learning styles will feel included.
STEP 7. The next step in speaking American is picking out common American Vision words, phrases, metaphors, and images (frames) appropriate for your message. These frames are cognitive shorthand. For example, if you mention “level the playing field” in your message, you connect to a big piece of the American ideal of fairness in a graphic way. (See note at the end of this nutshell for longer examples.*)
· To find American Vision frames that will work with your message, review the Elements of the American Story list and the American Metaphor Categories list found at These lists contain just enough examples of common “American Vision” ideas and language to get you started. (Though not all fit a progressive vision or the present moment, the majority do.) Most adult Americans have an intuitive knowledge of what both our shared American Story and American Vision are and what specific words, phrases, metaphors or images invoke it. You may brainstorm your own additions to these lists with confidence.
Pick out the words, phrases, images and metaphors that match both your values, message, and your audience in an empowering way.
STEP 8. Frame (express) your message, using the “American Vision” words, phrases, metaphors, and images you have identified. Some examples of this kind of framing include: “Government must be an honest referee when it comes to. . . .” or “we need to renew the American promise of. . .” or “We must meet the new challenges of the 21st century in new ways. . .”
STEP 9. Check your newly framed message against the criteria for success and revise as needed.
STEP 10. Test your creations in the field, either informally or if you have access to the funding for it, professionally.
*Longer examples of American Vision framing:
· A brief sketch of Speaking American About Economic Justice:
-Include the “individual hope” aspect of the Horatio Alger or “individual responsibility” element from The MP American Story Elements list. Combine with some sports metaphor references like “leveling the play ing field, playing fair, honest referee, or guaranteeing equal access” from The MP American Metaphor Categories list.
-add some “Small Town Security “ and “American Dream ideas” (from the MP American Story Elements list) about cooperation and working together to make a message about cooperating to make America’s future bright for everyone.
For an even fuller example of how to start on this process, see the MP essay, “Speaking American About Economic Justice,” available in The Spin Project’s 2005 handbook, Words That Work: Messaging for Economic Justice, available for free download at, p. 9.
l. Start by asking your audience how they see the issue now, or introducing a question about a current topic that can lead to your subject: what do they think of a current book, movie, news item and so on? Listen well before you start speaking yourself.
2. Explain your own position with the carefully framed message elements you have created in advance.
3. If your conversation partner does not respond well, try a leading question that appears to be a tangent from the initial topic, but leads to new ground. For example: if the topic is preemptively attacking another country, ask, "How can we build greater international support for the United States?"
The Time is Now: Bay Area Action to Stop Global Warming!
1 pm, December 7, 2005, Wednesday
SF City Hall steps (on Polk, between Grove and McAllister- Civic Center)
Press ConferenceThe SF Bay Area Says Stop Global Warming NOW! Bay Area environmental and social justice groups, San Francisco Supervisors Ross Mirkarimi and Tom Ammiano, concerned residents, and a GROVE of GIANT CALIFORNIA REDWOOD TREES join in spirit with 10,000 delegates from 189 countries, THOUSANDS of activists in the streets of Montreal, and hundreds of solidarity actions around the globe to say NO TO GLOBAL WARMING and highlight what we can do about it! As the first UN Climate Summit since KYOTO unfolds in Montreal (Nov 28--Dec 9), Global Exchange, Rainforest Action Network, Northern California 9-11 truth Alliance, and many others, there will be a PRESS CONFERENCE, & SHORT MARCH from SF City Hall to the Federal Building, to demonstrate broad support for immediate implementation of local, state, and federal policies to Stop the Climate Crisis, fast becoming the overarching issue facing the planet today!!!
***For more information,to volunteer, to BE a DELEGATE or GIANT REDWOOD TREE (once in a lifetime !), please contact 415-731-7924!!!***
The New Pearl Harbor-Confronting the Evidence Tampa TheaterA Real Investigation into What Happened on 9/11
Dec. 7, videos screened on Dec. 8
711 Franklin Street
Tampa, Florida, 33602
What: Vice President Dick Cheney and 24 other Bush officials and friends signed a call for a "New Pearl Harbor" as an excuse to invade Iraq in 1998. They said it would take "some catastrophic and catalyzing event, like a new Pearl Harbor." to convince the American People that we must invade Iraq to "project American Military Power". Time magazine called for "a unified Pearl Harbor sort of purple American fury." Jimmy Walter said, "September 11, 2001 will live in infamy as the day the US military failed to protect even itself, the Pentagon, and that Terrorists, whether they are inside or outside of the government have triumphed over American Freedoms! We must not let that victory stand! We must bring the real terrorists to justice by confronting the evidence!"
This is a real investigation about 1/ Why they ignored warning signs about terrorist attacks 2. Why they leak classified information to the media 3. Why they lied under oath and obstructed justice in an investigation about national security violations 4. Why they sent our country into war without an exit strategy and without a good reason 5. Why they created massive deficits while only cutting spending on social programs and veteran benefits 6. Why they filled vital government positions with political cronies, leading to death and disaster.
For Reservations, call: 813 274 8286
Northern California 9-11 Truth Alliance Meeting Thursday, December 15, 2005
at The Grand Lake Neighborhood Center 530 Lake Park Avenue,(between Lakeshore Avenue and Grand Avenue) in Oakland
7:00 p.m. to 10:00p.m.
From Hwy. 580 East (coming from the Bay Bridge or Berkeley), take the Grand Ave./Lakeshore exit (the exit ramp merges into MacArthur which intersects with Grand at the light), make a left at the light onto Grand, make a right onto Lake Park Ave. (the Grand Lake Theater will be on the corner on your far right). Go about a block, past the BofA, which will be on your left, and the GLNC will also be on your left. Park on the street or turn right into free public parking under the freeway.From Hwy. 580 West (coming from Hayward), take the Lakeshore Ave. exit (get as far to the right when approaching the exit before, the Harrison/Oakland exit, then continue moving to the right). When you exit at Lakshore Ave., you will be on Lake Park. Go straight at the light (you'll see an OMNI store in front of you to the right), crossing Lakeshore Ave. The GLNC will be a few storefronts down on your right. Park on the street or turn left into free public parking under the freeway across from GLNC. If you cross Grand Ave. (and the theater) you've gone too far.
Endorsing 9-11 Truth Alliance Websites-
http:// Truth Alliance info/events line 1-866-268-2320
Northern California 9-11 Truth Alliance Meeting Thursday, January 5, 2006
7:00 p.m.- 10:00 p.m.
Round Table Pizza
801 Van Ness Ave.
San Franscisco, CA
(this is about 4 blocks up the street from the War Memorial, still near City Hall and the Civic Center BART)Endorsing 9-11 Truth Alliance Websites-
http:// Truth Alliance info/events line 1-866-268-2320
Speak-Out- Rally for Truth, Peace and Justice
Sunday, January 15, 2006, Martin Luther King Jr.'s Birthday
Lytton Plaza,
University and Emerson, Downtown Palo Alto
11:00 a.m to 1:00 p.m.
In the spirit of Martin Luther King Jr., speakers will address the most pressing issues of the day. Time to speak truths censored by the mainstream press, truths which birth the movements for social change, for peace and justice. Music provided by Annie and the Vets. Speakers include- newly elected City Councilman Peter Drekmeier, Swami Beyondananda, T.U.C.’s Maria Gilardin, Taking Aim’s Ralph Schoenman, Ken Jenkins,Riva Enteen, Joyce Lynn, John Bass, Ed Rippy, David Kubiak, Christian Pecaut,Dennis Kyne, Green Candidates Laura Wells and Tian Harter… Carol Brouillet will publicly announce her decision to run for Congress. If you wish to be a speaker or represent an organization that would like to table, flyer or speak at the event- please contact- Carol Brouillet, 650-857-0927.
Northern California 9-11 Truth Alliance Meeting Thursday, January 19, 2005
at The Grand Lake Neighborhood Center 530 Lake Park Avenue,(between Lakeshore Avenue and Grand Avenue) in Oakland
7:00 p.m. to 10:00p.m.
From Hwy. 580 East (coming from the Bay Bridge or Berkeley), take the Grand Ave./Lakeshore exit (the exit ramp merges into MacArthur which intersects with Grand at the light), make a left at the light onto Grand, make a right onto Lake Park Ave. (the Grand Lake Theater will be on the corner on your far right). Go about a block, past the BofA, which will be on your left, and the GLNC will also be on your left. Park on the street or turn right into free public parking under the freeway.From Hwy. 580 West (coming from Hayward), take the Lakeshore Ave. exit (get as far to the right when approaching the exit before, the Harrison/Oakland exit, then continue moving to the right). When you exit at Lakshore Ave., you will be on Lake Park. Go straight at the light (you'll see an OMNI store in front of you to the right), crossing Lakeshore Ave. The GLNC will be a few storefronts down on your right. Park on the street or turn left into free public parking under the freeway across from GLNC. If you cross Grand Ave. (and the theater) you've gone too far.
Endorsing 9-11 Truth Alliance Websites-
http:// Truth Alliance info/events line 1-866-268-2320
World Can't Wait- Drive Out the Bush Regime 5pm Rally at Union Square
6pm Bring the Noise. Drown Out Bush's Lies.
7pm Bush statue toppling (30 ft tall paper mache statue)
Northern California 9-11 Truth Alliance will be tabling at this event. Please let me know if you can help! Carol Brouillet 650-857-0927
911=INSIDE JOB FILM FESTIVAL Every Wednesday of February at 7 pm at the Humanist Hall in Oakland
Wednesday, February 1st at 7 pm at the Humanist Hall in Oakland
"Painful Deceptions" is a video version of "Painful Questions" by Eric Hufschmid. This documentary provides an in depth analysis of the Twin Towers sctructure using a scientific approach as well as careful observation and simple common sense. Eric was the first one to bring the attention of the public to the mysterious collapse of Building 7, a 47-story building near the Twin Towers that disintegrated into dust in 7 seconds a few hours after the Towers fell. Eric points out that the same demolition crew was hired to clean up the rubble of the World Trade Center and the rubble of the Oklahoma city bombing which was another cover up and an inside job. Eric takes a very close look at the Pentagon crash and points out a number of obvious facts that make the official story fall apart.
Event is FREE, donation are greatly appreciated
9/11- Truth, Stolen Elections and Beyond: What's going on in our country and what can we do about it?
Part Two -Wednesday, February 1st, 7 - 10 pm
Harmony Community Room
400G Morris St.
(across from Coaches Corner Health Club)Overcoming Barriers to 9/11 Truth - Those familiar with the information presented in part one know that a lack of evidence is not the limiting factor in spreading 9/11 truth. Many people don't want to believe scary stuff like that revealed by the reality of such things as stolen elections and the truth of 9/11. This talk will look at the psychological resistances to such truths, so we can better overcome them. This talk will be shorter to allow more discussion time about examples each of us have of the types of resistance we have encountered in ourselves and others.(A three part multimedia series presented by Ken Jenkins).
9/11- Truth, Stolen Elections and Beyond: What's going on in our country and what can we do about it?
Harmony Community Room
Three Wednesdays: January 25, February 1, February 8th
400G Morris St.
(across from Coaches Corner Health Club)A three part multimedia series presented by Ken Jenkins
Part One - January 25th, 7 - 10 pm. 9/11 101 - Using the newly developed "11 REMARKABLE FACTS ABOUT 9/11" card as a starting point, this PowerPoint and video presentation will cover the most solid evidence disproving the official story of 9/11. Video will include the latest from author David Ray Griffin (The New Pearl Harbor). The talk will conclude with suggestions of empowering actions to take. There will be time for questions and discussion.
Ken Jenkins has been a 9/11 truth activist for over four years. He was a speaker at both the San Francisco and Toronto 9/11 Inquiries and has produced numerous 9/11 DVD's. He is an award winning video and media producer with an education in engineering, psychology and metaphysics. He brings a multifaceted and balanced approach to the 9/11 investigation.
Ken is currently producing a series of DVD's of illustrated lectures by David Ray Griffin, noted author of the books The New Pearl Harbor and Omission and Distortions in the 9/11 Commission Report.
Cost: $10 - No one turned away due to lack of funds RSVP =
Check out complete calendar of events at
1 Host Volunteer position available = Free Entrance
Contact Debra at
For more information contact:
Debra Giusti: 707-861-2038,
Ken Jenkins: 415-485-4491,
January 26th 2006
Time 10:00 am - 10:30 am
"The Destruction of the Trade Towers - radio program with Dr. David Ray Griffin " Portland OR, Location on-the-air: KBOO Radio 90.7 FM
The Destruction of the Trade Towers
Lecture by David Ray Griffin in New York City
On three consecutive Thursdays starting January 26, KBOO Radio presents "The Destruction of the Trade Towers" a lecture by David Ray Griffin in New York City on October 15, 2005.
Dr. Griffin is the author of 'The 9/11 Commission Report: Omissions And Distortions' and 'The New Pearl Harbor: Disturbing Questions About the Bush Administration and 9/11'
At times criticized in the past among 9/11 activists for not speculating on the events of September 11, Dr. Griffin is proclaiming bolder than ever on World Trade Center 1 & 2 with a primary focus on Building 7 and using the terms "inside job" and "demolition explosives". Included with this program are emergency calls from New York firemen giving further evidence of explosives inside the towers.
Part 1 airs Thursday, Jan. 26 at 10am
Part 2 airs Thursday, Feb. 2 at 10am
Part 3 airs Thursday, Feb. 9 at 10amProgram produced by Mel Reslor
KBOO Radio, Box 25
20 SE 8th Avenue
Portland, OR 97214
911=INSIDE JOB FILM FESTIVAL Every Wednesday of February at 7 pm at the Humanist Hall in Oakland
Thursday, February 2, 2006,
Northern California 9-11 Truth Alliance Meeting
7 p.m. to 10 p.m.
Round Table Pizza,
3567 Geary Blvd.
(near University of San Francisco, at Stanyan St. and Geary Blvd.)
(415) 387-5054 - is the pizza place's phone number...Endorsing 9-11 Truth Alliance Websites-
http:// Truth Alliance info/events line 1-866-268-2320
Wednesday, February 8th at 7 pm at the Humanist Hall in Oakland
"The Great Conspiracy" by Barrie Zwicker, a Canadian investigative journalist, is an excellent compilation of short news reports dealing with many different aspects of the attacks such as the airforce stand down (very powerful footage of NORAD's converations with the FAA), the contents of Building 7 (such as Enron files), Bush's reaction to the attacks as well as his resistance to an investigation and much much more. Barrie also gives a very insightful historical perspective where he points out many cases where governments had attacked their own people to blame it on somebody else as a pretext for war.
Event is FREE, donation are greatly appreciated
Part Three -9/11- Truth, Stolen Elections and Beyond: What's going on in our country and what can we do about it?
Wednesday, February 8th,
7 - 10 pm9/11 in Context: The Big Picture. Using the 9/11 truth issue as a touchstone, this discussion will look at the nature of the overall changes we are going through that include other such unsettling realities as the stolen elections, lies leading to war in Iraq, and the response by our government to Katrina. By seeing these in the context of a global awakening that we are all a part of, we can be more effective working on the specific issues that have the most leverage to facilitate this evolutionary process and thus create a better world.
(A three part multimedia series presented by Ken Jenkins).
"Peace and Pizza" Showing "Behind Every TERRORIST there is a BUSH" Friday Feb. 10th, 7-9pm
@ Straw Hat Pizza in Castro Valley.The movie is a compilation of a benefit show for the San Francisco International Inquiry into 9-11. Featuring talented comics, great music, brilliant flash movies, spoken word and the confessions of a 9-11 truth activist. Special guest appearance by video producer Ken Jenkins will be on hand for questions and answers. Free event, all are welcome. Peace and Pizza is a monthly community event on the second Friday of every month showing movies you won’t see on corporate TV.. Co-sponsored by Code Pink Hayward and the South Alameda County Peace and Justice Coalition .Straw Hat Pizza is in the Village Shopping Center off of Castro Valley Blvd. For more information, please call John Bass @ 510-432-9493.
Wednesday, February 15th
at 7 pm at the Humanist Hall in Oakland"Celsius 9/11" (or Full Spectrum Dominance and the War OF Terror) by Jeremy Wright "asks the tough questions "Farenhiet 9/11" does not dare delve into". It features the highlights of the Inernational Citizens' Inquiry into 911 organized by the 911 Truth Alliance in the spring of 2003. In part 1 Jeremy Wright provides a very extensive and in depth overview of all different aspects of the attacks, and part 2 is dedicated to "the bigger picture", the political climate that is surrounding us now, the plans of world domination and their execution by the US government. Very informative and very moving emotionally, with a lot of personal passion and compassion.
Event is FREE, donation are greatly appreciated
Northern California 9-11 Truth Alliance Meeting Thursday, February 16, 2005
at The Grand Lake Neighborhood Center 530 Lake Park Avenue,(between Lakeshore Avenue and Grand Avenue) in Oakland
7:00 p.m. to 10:00p.m.
From Hwy. 580 East (coming from the Bay Bridge or Berkeley), take the Grand Ave./Lakeshore exit (the exit ramp merges into MacArthur which intersects with Grand at the light), make a left at the light onto Grand, make a right onto Lake Park Ave. (the Grand Lake Theater will be on the corner on your far right). Go about a block, past the BofA, which will be on your left, and the GLNC will also be on your left. Park on the street or turn right into free public parking under the freeway.From Hwy. 580 West (coming from Hayward), take the Lakeshore Ave. exit (get as far to the right when approaching the exit before, the Harrison/Oakland exit, then continue moving to the right). When you exit at Lakshore Ave., you will be on Lake Park. Go straight at the light (you'll see an OMNI store in front of you to the right), crossing Lakeshore Ave. The GLNC will be a few storefronts down on your right. Park on the street or turn left into free public parking under the freeway across from GLNC. If you cross Grand Ave. (and the theater) you've gone too far.
Endorsing 9-11 Truth Alliance Websites-
http:// Truth Alliance info/events line 1-866-268-2320
Wednesday, February 22nd
at 7 pm at the Humanist Hall in Oakland"The Truth and Lies of 911" is a 2-hour presentation by Mike Ruppert, who used to be a narcotics investigator at the LA Police Department until he realized that the CIA was dealing drugs and arms. He was offered a nice sallary to keep his mouth shut, but they obviously underestimated Mike who instead became a whistle blower. They tried to threaten him, they even shot him, but he survived and didn't back down. Mike spent many years touring the country and exposing the CIA's drug dealings and other dirty secrets. Today Mike is justly considered the pioneer of the 911 truth movement. In his documentary Mike explains the connection between the CIA and Wall Street, Wall Street being a front, a "laundromat" for the CIA. Mike points out a connection between the put options on American and United Airlines and the CIA as well as many other incriminating facts. Mike is the author of "Crossing the Rubicon", the second best selling book after "The Kean Commission Report on 911".
Event is FREE, donation are greatly appreciated
Thursday, February 23rd
Grand Lake Theatre
3200 Grand Ave.
Oakland, CAA Benefit for the Northern California 9-11 Truth Alliance Hosted by: Janette MacKinlay, 9/11 survivor, Speaking on “Art to Activism”
Door Open at 6:00
Program begins at 7:00
Reception & distribution of activist kits 9:00Films to be shown:
World Premier:
‘Flights 11, 175, 77 and 93:
The 9/ll Commission’s Incredible Tales’
Featuring Dr. David Ray Griffin“9/11: Attack or Godsend?”
A Dutch Television documentaryActivists Kit – A Call To Action
Presentation by Ken JenkinsCitizen’s Counter-Coup
An on-line campaign
Presentations by Ken Jenkins, David Kubiak, Gabriel Day and Carol Brouillet
Co-Sponsors include-
Black Oak Books,
1491 Shattuck, Berkeley,Walden Pond Bookstore,
3316 Grand Ave., Oakland,Pegasus/Pendragon Books,
5580 College Ave. Oakland,
and 2349 Shattuck Ave., BerkeleyTickets- $10.00 available at the bookstores and at the theater.
Details at:
9-11 Film Festival
Wednesday, 7:30 pm at the Humanist Hall
390 27th Street, OaklandMarch 1st: "Loose Change"
March 1st: "Loose Change" is a new documentary written and directed by Dylan Avery. It is filled with information that hasn’t been discussed in any other 911 films so far. The author has done some very extensive research of the historical background of the 911 attacks and is presenting information in a very straightforward and compelling way. Some of the highlights include fake cell phone calls and information pointing to the fact that the planes were landed and replaced by drones.- Gypsy (organizer)
Thursday, March 2, 2006,
Northern California 9-11 Truth Alliance Meeting
7 p.m. to 10 p.m.
LOCATION (new!):
2050 Bryant Street (between 18th and 19th)
San FranciscoWe will hold the meeting in the Parachute Loft, which is in the back left of the large main inside space.
Recommended parking is on Alabama and Florida.
You can find more directions at
By public transportation, the easiest way to get there it take the BART to the Powell station, and take the 27 MUNI from Market/Powell, which ends up going down Bryant and passing right in front of Cellspace.
9-11 Truth Alliance info/events line 1-866-268-2320
Want Peace? Truth? Regime Change? Impeachment? Abolishment of the Patriot Act?
Make your voice heard, locally!
TownHall Meeting Saturday March 4th, 9:30 am, Mountain View
(Click on image for details)
- Town Hall Meeting
March 4th
9:30 a.m. to 11:00 a.m.
Mountain View City Hall
500 Castro Street
Council Chambers, 2nd floor
Cross-street: Mercy
Parking: public lot underneath building on Mercy Street
Here's an opportunity for the Green Party and 9-11 Truth Activists to raise issues and questions to Congresswoman Eshoo, that she would rather avoid...
After marching on Eshoo’s office for years, I got so angry at her position on the most critical issues, that I accepted the suggestion to run against her on the Green Party ticket. Before doing so, however, I told her that if she would champion my issues, I would be her greatest supporter. No- she wouldn’t touch Impeachment (thinks change should happen via the ballot box- ignoring two stolen elections…) Truth? No- She believes the 9-11 Commission was bipartisan and thorough, ignoring ample evidence that it was the biggest cover-up sionce the Warren Report, deeply flawed- the official Report being a 580 page lie used to sell endless wars, the trashing of the Constitution, the Bill of Rights, the construction of “Homeland Security,”the bogus “war on terrorism,”… Worse she co-sponsored The Intelligence Transformation Act which expanded and reorganized the CIA, which frankly should be abolished for all the harm that they have caused. She also would rather “tweak” the Patriot Act than allow it to die the death it deserves.
If you live in the 14th District, make your voice, your issue heard this Saturday in Mountain View
- "American Blackout"- San Jose Premiere
March 4, 2006 at 5:00 p.m.
March 5, 2006 at 4:45 p.m.
Cinequest Film Festival
San Jose Repertory Theatre for tickets.GNN's new film featuring Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney, looking at the stolen elections and 9-11. This film won a Special Jury Prize at the Sundance Film Festival january 2006.
- 9-11 Film Festival
Wednesday, 7:30 pm at the Humanist Hall
390 27th Street, OaklandMarch 8th: "In Plane Site" by Dave Vonkleist of the Power Hour takes a close look at the footage of the planes crashing in to the towers. It appears that there is a mistle tied to the bottom of the plane, the planes are described by witnesses as not passenger planes. Dave takes a very close look at the Pentagon pictures pointing out many inconsistencies with the official story. The damage to the Pentagon was obviously not done by a plane. Interviews with firefighters and many other facts confirm controlled demolition of the Twin Towers. Gypsy, event organizer (Note- I personally do not recommend this film. I think it is deeply flawed. Carol Brouillet)
Event is FREE, donation are greatly appreciated
Film premiere - 9/11 Guilt: The Proof is in Your Hands
by Don Paul and Jim Hoffman
March 8th, 2006, 7pm
Don Paul and Jim Hoffman, activists, authors, and 9/11 researchers will show their new film and speak afterward.
Multipurpose Senior Center
11577 E Ave, Auburn
(DeWitt Center, Bell Rd exit West off Hwy 49 about 3 miles north of I80).
Admission: $5
Contact: Sacramento 9/11 Truth
"9/11 & 7/7" - lecture by Jaideep Singh
Thursday, March 9, 2006
7:00-9:00 pm
Badè Museum, Pacific School of Religion, 1798 Scenic Ave,
Berkeley, CA 94709PANA Institute presents:
A Public Voice Lecture by Jaideep Singh
9/11 & 7/7: A Cross-Atlantic Comparison of the Rising Tides of White and Christian Supremacy in the Wake of Terrorist Attacks
Employing the cataclysmic terrorist attacks in the United States (9/11/01) and the United Kingdom (7/7/05) as points of comparison and departure, this project seeks to paint a broad picture of the latest form of American Apartheid- in effect in the United States since the terrorist attacks of 2001. Moving to the United States, the paper utilizes recent illustrations from the lives of Muslim, South Asian, and particularly Sikh Americans, to trace the increasingly pervasive modern incarnations of intersecting white and Christian supremacy in the United States. In order to contextualize these communities' experiences, and explicate their representational significance, the remainder of the paper will interrogate how the nation's social and political environment informs the events conditioning the lives.
Jaideep Singh is a Ph.D. candidate in Comparative Ethnic Studies at the University of California, Berkeley. He is also the co-founder and managing director of the Sikh American Legal Defense and Education Fund (SALDEF), a Sikh American mediawatch and civil rights advocacy organization.In order to do this, the essay will ground the lived realities of these racially marked "others" through the following thematic lenses: the recent publication of derogatory cartoons of the Muslim prophet Mohammad in numerous Western media sources; the intense intrusion of religion into American politics; a similar incursion into high school science curriculum; the egregious violations of civil liberties by the state in the wake of the terrorist attacks; the pervasive, often racialized, anti-immigrant sentiment permeating large segments of the nation; and numerous instances of aggressive re-assertions of Christian dominance, through the perverse stratagem of claiming persecuted status. The presentation concludes with a vision of hope, highlighting positive efforts that have been made to counteract the rising tides of white and Christian supremacy in the United States, and pointing towards possible organizing strategies and objectives.
Premiere- 911 Guilt: The Proof is in your hands
March 9, 2006
7 p.m.
New College 777 Valencia Street, San Francisco
Two leading researchers into the crimes of 9/11/01, Jim Hoffman and Don Paul
(see 2002-2005 reviews below) offer conclusive evidence that the Twin Towers and World Trade Center Building 7 were subject to controlled demolitions, who profited from these indubitable demolitions, and why.
'The video is a great effort to get to the heart of the challenges we all face.
The showing will open with: 15 MINUTE OVERVIEW: 'ED ASNER'S '9/11 BRIEFING'
Part 1: 9/11 Guilt: The Proof is in Your Hands", Jim Hoffman systematically dismantles the excuses given by the government for collapse of three World Trade Center buildings. Then he clearly proves that these buildings fell due to controlled demolition.
Part 2: Don Paul convincingly reveals a cohesive argument for 9/11 fraud. He makes it difficult to go away from this video without knowing that 9/11 was a planned pretext for a corrupt agenda. Do we have probable cause to indict the individuals named? Without a doubt.' KEVIN RYAN, former Site Manager for Environmental Health Laboratories
'This documentary does an excellent job of connecting the dots about 9/11 and the possible political blueprint and financial reasons leading to that momentous event—detailed and chilling
ED ASNERDVD Features: 86-minute DVD in 5 Parts, Comprehensive Menu, 60 chapters, and 256 illustrations, and Dolby Digital Sound.
'Proving Controlled Demolition of World Trade Center Building 7 and the Twin Towers'--Jim Hoffman (28 minutes) 'Indicting Financiers behind the Crimes of 9/11/01'--Don Paul (28 Minutes)
'What We Can Do' (Slides 2 minutes)
'On the Ground: Testimony of New York Fire Department and Emergency Medical Respondents'--Jim Hoffman (Slides 12 minutes)
'Hidden Means of Theft: The Federal Reserve System and the Council on Foreign Relations'--Don Paul. (Slides 16 minutes)$5-$10 sliding scale
The film features Don Paul and Jim Hoffman
For Information, 415-717-0762
East Bay Film premiere - 9/11 Guilt: The Proof is in Your Hands Don Paul, Jim Hoffman & Celestine Star
March 10th, 2006, 7pm
Don Paul, Jim Hoffman & Celestine Star are activists,
authors, and 9/11 researchers will show their new film and speak afterward.Berkeley Fellowship of Unitarian Universalists
1924 Cedar Street (at Bonita)9-11 Film Festival
Wednesday,7:30 p.m.
390 27th Street, OaklandMarch 15th: "Truth and Politics" and "Omissions and Distortions in the 911 Commission Report" are videotaped presentations by David Ray Griffin, a professor of Philosophy and Theology, the author of "The New Pearl Harbor" and "The 911 Commission Report: Omissions and Distortions." David Ray Griffin provides detailed analysis of the Kean Commission Report and points out how drastically the report deviates from the facts. It is a deliberate misrepresentation of facts, Professor Griffin makes it very clear. -Gypsy, event organizer
Event is FREE, donations are greatly appreciated. Tel. (510)-704-0268
Northern California 9-11 Truth Alliance Meeting Thursday, March 16, 2005
at The Grand Lake Neighborhood Center 530 Lake Park Avenue,(between Lakeshore Avenue and Grand Avenue) in Oakland
7:00 p.m. to 10:00p.m.
From Hwy. 580 East (coming from the Bay Bridge or Berkeley), take the Grand Ave./Lakeshore exit (the exit ramp merges into MacArthur which intersects with Grand at the light), make a left at the light onto Grand, make a right onto Lake Park Ave. (the Grand Lake Theater will be on the corner on your far right). Go about a block, past the BofA, which will be on your left, and the GLNC will also be on your left. Park on the street or turn right into free public parking under the freeway.From Hwy. 580 West (coming from Hayward), take the Lakeshore Ave. exit (get as far to the right when approaching the exit before, the Harrison/Oakland exit, then continue moving to the right). When you exit at Lakshore Ave., you will be on Lake Park. Go straight at the light (you'll see an OMNI store in front of you to the right), crossing Lakeshore Ave. The GLNC will be a few storefronts down on your right. Park on the street or turn left into free public parking under the freeway across from GLNC. If you cross Grand Ave. (and the theater) you've gone too far.
9-11 Truth Alliance info/events line 1-866-268-2320
9-11 Truth Contingent- San Francisco Anti-War Rally
March 18, Civic Center, 11 a.m.
Join the Northern California 9-11 Truth Alliance's contingent at the rally and march. We have banners, signs, hand-outs, a sound system, 9-11 T Shirts. We will gather under the big Deception Dollar banner, where the 9-11 table is located. If you could come earlier than 11, that would make it easier for us to organize ourselves. We need help carrying the signs, and banners, passing out flyers with 9-11 events info, deception dollars...We need strong voices and great chants!!!! My favorite is:
9-11 was an inside job,
If you want to get a T shirt or help organize the details, please come to the Thursday night meeting (the 16th) in Oakland.
Orchestrated by the Cheney mob.9-11 was a special op
Only Justice, gonna make them stop.
9-11 Truth Alliance info/events line 1-866-268-2320
9-11 Film Festival (Wednesdays in March)
Wednesday, 7:30 pm at the Humanist Hall
390 27th Street, OaklandMarch 22nd: "9-11 and the Road to Tyranny" by Alex Jones
March 29th: "Mike Ruppert at the Commomwealth Club"
Events are FREE, donations are greatly appreciated.
9-11 Film Festival
Wednesday, 7:30 pm at the Humanist Hall
390 27th Street, OaklandMarch 22nd: "9-11 The Road to Tyranny" by Alex Jones
From the Description at Alex Jones' website-
The film exposes-
Event is FREE, donation are greatly appreciated
9-11 Film Festival (Every Wednesday in March)
Wednesday, 7:30 pm at the Humanist Hall
390 27th Street, Oakland
March 29th: "Mike Ruppert at the Commomwealth Club"
Activist Opportunities-March 23-27 "Speaking the Unspeakable" is the title of an event tonight with Cindy Sheehan, Ray McGovern and Larry Everest (which will omit 9-11), if we don't raise the issue. I'm trying to get some folks there with signs and our DRG cards to handout. The event begins at 7:00 pm at the International House, 2299 Piedmont Ave., Berkeley. - We're going to try to be there by 6:30 pm. At the Global Exchange Calendar are a whole series of talks with more or less the same people on different days in different cities- it would be good to have a presence at all of them, plus the right wing Christian rally on Friday and Saturday and the 241 mile march against the war- which will go through San Jose Sunday (Details and maps posted at: and San Francisco Monday (Details posted at:
To coordinate with other 9-11 truth activists- call Carol 650-857-0927, Christian 415-573-5655, or Joel 408 667 7443,& for the Christing Right Wing events- Debra 650 344-5330.
Deliver Green Party of Santa Clara County Impeachment Resolution to Eshoo's Office
11:00 am
698 Emerson Street, Palo Alto
All for Impeachment- welcome to join us!
9-11 Film Festival
Wednesday, 7:30 pm at the Humanist Hall in Oakland
390 27th Street, Oakland
March 29th: "Mike Ruppert at the Commomwealth Club" is a videotaped presentation by Mike Ruppert, who used to be a narcotics investigator at the LA Police Department until he realized that the CIA was dealing drugs and arms. He was offered a nice salary to keep his mouth shut, but they obviously underestimated Mike who instead became a whistle blower. They tried to threaten him, they even shot him, but he survived and didn't back down. Today Mike is justly considered the pioneer of the 911 truth movement. In this presentation Mike names Dick Cheney as the prime suspect in orchestrating the 911 attacks. He talks about the war game exercises that involved fake plane highjackings that Cheney conducted on Sept 11. He also gives detailed biographies of the Kean commission members. Huge conflicts of interest and corruption there. Mike is the author of "Crossing the Rubicon", the second best selling book after "The Kean Commission Report on 911".
Event is FREE, donation are greatly appreciated. Tel. (510)-704-0268
(Click on image for details)9/11 The Myth & the Reality
A Talk by David Ray Griffin
Grand Lake Theater
Thursday, March 30, 2006, 7:00 p.m.
3200 Grand Avenue, OaklandPrice: $10. No one turned away at the door for lack of funds
Ticket Purchase: Tickets on sale beginning early March, 2006.
For more information,contact 510-368-0013.Democratic World Federalists 2006 Annual Good Government Luncheon-Lecture
9/11: The Myth and the Reality by Professor David Ray Griffin
Sunday, 2 April 2006
at the First Unitarian Universalist Center,
San Francisco(details at- ) or-
TO PRE-REGISTER, MAIL THIS Info BY MARCH 24. To register after the 24th , please call into our office at 415-227-4880. Mail this coupon and and a check to Democratic World Federalists, 55 New Montgomery St., Room 225, San Francisco, CA 94105Please reserve:_____ Luncheon & Program -- $40 $______________ Luncheon & Program for Youth (under 30) and/or Students (ID required) -- $15$_________I/We would like (indicate number):_____ Chicken with sundried tomatoes, spinach, walnuts, and feta cheese_____ Stuffed Pork Tenderloin_____ Stuffed Peppers (Vegetarian)Meals will be complemented with a salad, dinner rolls, coffee or tea, and dessert._____ Program & Dessert (snacks with coffee or tea) -- $10;$_________I/We cannot attend, but wish make a contribution to the Democratic World Federalists$_________Total Enclosed $_________Name(s) :(1)__________________________________________________(2)_____________________________________________Address:____________________________________________________________________________________________________Phone: ( )_______________________________________E-mail: __________________________________________
(Daylight Savings time starts this day. Don’t forget to turn your clocks ahead!)
9/11: Myth and Reality
11:30 a.m., Check-in
12:00 p.m., Program
Club office, 595 Market St., 2nd floor
San Francisco
Free for Members, $15 for Non-membersDoes the Bush administration's official story regarding the attacks of 9/11 contain gaps and misrepresentations? Has the public been deprived of facts that might shed light on how and why we were attacked? Griffin will delve into what he identifies as the "conspiracy theory" mind-stop that has disconnected Americans from the facts of this history-making event. Ray Griffin, Author, The 9/11 Commission Report: Omissions and Distortions
Program Organizer: John O. Sutter
Co-sponsored by Books Inc. and Democratic World Federalists.
Thursday, April 6, 2006,
Northern California 9-11 Truth Alliance Meeting
7 p.m. to 10 p.m.
LOCATION (new!):
2050 Bryant Street (between 18th and 19th)
San FranciscoWe will hold the meeting in the Parachute Loft, which is in the back left of the large main inside space.
Recommended parking is on Alabama and Florida.
You can find more directions at
By public transportation, the easiest way to get there it take the BART to the Powell station, and take the 27 MUNI from Market/Powell, which ends up going down Bryant and passing right in front of Cellspace.
9-11 Truth Alliance info/events line 1-866-268-2320
Screening of the film Loose Change 2nd Edition
Wednesday, April 12, 2006 at 7:30 PM
Santa Cruz Veterans Memorial Building
846 Front Street (near the clock tower)
Santa Cruz, CA
September 11th was not a surprise attack on America. But rather, a cold and calculated genocide put on by elements within our own government?
The Twin Towers were not brought down by jet fuel, but by a controlled demolition.
The Pentagon was not hit by a Boeing 757, but was hit by a missle.
At 5:20 PM on 9/11, World Trade Center Building 7 collapsed straight down to the ground at the speed of gravity, even though it was not hit by any aircraft.
This film will prove without a shadow of a doubt that everything you know about 9-11 is a complete fabrication.
(There is some controversy over this film within the 9-11 Truth Movement. A critical review by Michael B. Green is posted at: Despite the film's flaws, it has drawn much attention to the 9-11 issue and helped to wake up some people.)Donations taken at the door. No one turned away for lack of funds.
Presented by the Santa Cruz 9-11 Truth NetworkNorthern California 9-11 Truth Alliance Meeting Thursday, April 20, 2006
at The Grand Lake Neighborhood Center 530 Lake Park Avenue,(between Lakeshore Avenue and Grand Avenue) in Oakland
7:00 p.m. to 10:00p.m.
From Hwy. 580 East (coming from the Bay Bridge or Berkeley), take the Grand Ave./Lakeshore exit (the exit ramp merges into MacArthur which intersects with Grand at the light), make a left at the light onto Grand, make a right onto Lake Park Ave. (the Grand Lake Theater will be on the corner on your far right). Go about a block, past the BofA, which will be on your left, and the GLNC will also be on your left. Park on the street or turn right into free public parking under the freeway.From Hwy. 580 West (coming from Hayward), take the Lakeshore Ave. exit (get as far to the right when approaching the exit before, the Harrison/Oakland exit, then continue moving to the right). When you exit at Lakshore Ave., you will be on Lake Park. Go straight at the light (you'll see an OMNI store in front of you to the right), crossing Lakeshore Ave. The GLNC will be a few storefronts down on your right. Park on the street or turn left into free public parking under the freeway across from GLNC. If you cross Grand Ave. (and the theater) you've gone too far.
9-11 Truth Alliance info/events line 1-866-268-2320
Donate to the Northern California 9-11 Truth Alliance
9-11 Truth Activist Opportunity- California Unwelcome War Criminal G. W Bush (Latest Update!!!!!)
Friday, April 21st, 1:00-4:00 PM
Cisco System
Latest Details map!
Mass Protest Against George W. Bush, War Criminal
Say to Bush In Person!Stop the Spying, Stop the Lying, Stop the Dying!
No WAR - On Immigrants
- On Iraq
- On Iran
- on US
- On Truth
President George W. Bush visits Palo Alto and San Jose -Palo Alto Protest
Friday, April 21, 2:30 - 4:30 pm
(Students call for sign-making 1:30- 2:30 at White Plaza)
Hoover Institution, 550 Serra (at Galvez), Stanford Campus
Organized by Peninsula Peace and Justice Center
www.peaceandjustice.orgDetails: Parking on campus will be extremely difficult, if not impossible. (In addition to Bush coming, this is "Admit Weekend" and the campus is loaded with visiting high school students and their parents.) We suggest that you park near El Camino and Embarcadero -- in the lot at Town and Country Shopping Center or another location near El Camino Real and Embarcadero Road.
To get to Hoover, walk up Galvez Street (Embarcadero becomes Galvez once you cross El Camino and enter the Stanford campus). From El Camino and Embarcadero, it is only 6/10 of a mile to the corner of Galvez and Serra, where we will assemble and picket.
San Jose Protest
Friday, April 21, 1:00 - 4:00 pm
Cisco Systems, Tasman Drive and Cisco Way, San Jose
Organized by South Bay Mobilization
www.southbaymobilization.orgDear Friends,
The past 48 hours have been hectic and, at times, confusing. Word of George Bush's visit to our area first started coming out Tuesday with the announcement that he would give an address at Cisco Systems in San Jose. Late on Wednesday we were tipped that he would also visit the Hoover Institution (a conservative think tank) on the Stanford campus. We verified this additional visit just on Thursday.
PPJC and South Bay Mobilization immediately started organizing a San Jose protest. Now that we know Bush is also coming to Stanford, we have gone ahead with plans for two protests, with PPJC taking responsibility for Stanford and South Bay Mobe coordinating San Jose.
From what we've learned, Bush will arrive at Cisco Systems around 2:00 pm, apparently with Governator Schwarzenegger in tow. Bush will then helicopter to Stanford for a "conference" at the Hoover at 3:30 pm.
It remains unclear what security measures will be in place at either protest site, only the assumption that security will be tight. PPJC and SBM continue to monitor the situation as best we can (we're not exactly on the White House press release list), but please realize that events and locations may well be very "fluid" at Friday's protests.
One thing is clear, however: When George Bush visits our area on Friday, this worst President in U.S. history will be met by determined, peaceful and legal protests every step of the way.
U.S. Out of Iraq! Bush Out of Washington! Stop the spying. Stop the lying. Stop the dying.
- Peninsula Peace and Justice Center
Money for Jobs, Health Care & Education
NOT War & Occupation!Friday, April 21st 1:00 PM - 4:00 PM
Initiated by: South Bay Mobilization
International A.N.S.W.E.R. Coalition--S.F. Bay Area
Peninsula Peace & Justice Center, San Jose Peace Center
Students for Justice, WILPF
Northern California 9-11 Truth Alliance
Carpools: If you can provide a ride or need a ride, please call 415-821-6545 (North Bay)
or 408-998-8504 (South Bay).Driving Directions:
From San Francisco, take 101 South to the Great America Parkway exit. Go East onto Great America Parkway (a left turn). Follow for 2 miles to Tasman DriveFrom San Jose, take 101 North to the Great America Parkway exit. Go East onto Great America Parkway (a right turn). Follow for 2 miles to Tasman Drive. T
From Oakland, take 880 South, then take Tasman exit.
Public Transportation:
From San Francisco, you can take CalTrain to Mountain View. At CalTrain's Mountain View Station, take the Valley Transportation Authority (VTA) Light Rail to Tasman (cisco) Station.From San Jose, take the VTA Light Rail to the Tasmin Station(Cisco) . (Warning- if it is obvious you are protesting- sometimes they won't let you off at the right station)
Parking on surrounding streets. The Santa Clara Convention Center has a big parking lot on the south side of Tasman which is 1 mile away.California Says No to Bush!
This protest is being organized by:
South Bay Mobilization, 408-998-8504,
Peninsula Peace and Justice Center, 650-326-8837,
International ANSWER, 415-821-6545,
Direct Action to Stop the War,
Global Exchange, 415-575-5555,
California Peace Action, 510-849-2272,
and The Northern California 9-11 Truth Alliance
- Bay Area Students and Educators to Stop the War! Conference
Saturday, April 22
Mission High School, San FranciscoOn April 22, 2006, at Mission High School in San Francisco, CA, Bay Area students and educators will host a conference with the goal of uniting and empowering ourselves around a common goal of stopping war and working towards a world where education and human rights are the top priority.
This conference, building on the success of the March 5, 2005 conference of Educators to Stop the War in New York, and the November 19, 2005, Stop the War Conference in Los Angeles, is endorsed by a variety of unions/labor councils, community organizations, and student organizations.
The registration fees will be $15 (general) or $5-10 (students, seniors), but no one will be turned away.
For more information,and to register, go to
P.S. Carol Brouillet will be doing a workshop with Albert Dragstedt, one of the Scholars for 9-11 Truth on 9-11-
Including the 9-11 Truth Movement - where we are now
in light of the eight stages of Social Movements
Effective/Ineffective Roles we can play.
(Based on the book/work- Doing Democracy- The Eight Stages of Social Movements by Bill Moyer) (Uniting the Peace and Justice movement with the 9-11 Truth movement and a deeper understanding of the current political situation.) The Northern California 9-11 Truth Alliance will be tabling at the event.
Carol Brouillet on the Meria Heller Show April 25, 2006
12pm EDT, 9am PDTListen Live Online.
Screening of Loose Change
Porter Dining Hall on the UCSC campus, Santa Cruz
on Wednesday, April 26th, 9:00 pm.FREE Event.
This is the most popular 9-11 film amongst young people, but has also received some heavy criticism.
(There is some controversy over this film within the 9-11 Truth Movement. A critical review by Michael B. Green is posted at: Despite the film's flaws, it has drawn much attention to the 9-11 issue and helped to wake up some people.)For more details, or to help contact Matt at 831-502-3953 (email - It's free.
Activist Opportunity! Friday, April 27, 2006
Public Premiere of United 93
AMC Van Ness 14
1000 Van Ness Avenue, SF
At the Northern California 9-11 Truth Alliance meetings, we agreed that it would be good to target at least one showing of United 93 when it premieres in San Francisco. I checked out this theater and we can pass out flyers and literature in the parking garage and outside the main entrance on Van Ness Ave. We could carry signs, wear T shirts, bring flyers -"!
1. 6-Panel pdf 'Flight 93' Flyer from 911Research flyer that highlights some of the omissions and contradictions in the official story of the crash of Flight 93. An HTML version of the flyer has hyperlinks to all the supporting references. Suitable for printing on both sides of an 8-1/2 X 11 sheet. Color or b/w.
2. 1-Page 'Flight 93' Fact Sheet from Digital Style Designs page high resolution pdf with the clear and simple facts for a quick education on the street in b/w. also have plenty of signs- Neo-Con Jobs- Iraq, 9-11, if anyone wants to hold a sign. The press is likely to come and interview people before or after they see the film, if I think we have enough people jpoining us, I can also send out a press release or phone tv stations, and we might get on the evening news. (But since we are doing this at the last moment- I'm hesitant to send out a press release, in case there are just a few of us. I'd like to be there, personally from 4pm onwards, maybe even catch the 1:30 matinee. Please call me if you can come. Carol 650-857-0927
Theater #(415) 922-4AMC Showtimes....1:30pm, 4:30pm, 7:30pm, 10:25pm
There is also an excellent film premiering the same night by our GNN friends which includes 9-11- American Blackout at 9:00 pm at the Kabuki Theater...featuring our Congressional Champion Cynthia McKinney.San Francisco Premiere of Guerrilla News Network's new film- American Blackout"
April 27th: 9:00 pm – Kabuki Theater
(also showing May 1st: 4:15 pm, Kabuki Theater)
1881 Post Street"PARK CITY "American Blackout," an engrossing, low-budget documentary, is a powerful examination of voting rights in America. The filmmakers intend to use the film as a political tool to galvanize voters. Director Ian Inaba, who is part of Guerrilla News Network, an organization that covers stories the mainstream media overlooks, focuses on the disturbing incidents of voter disenfranchisement among African-Americans, who traditionally vote democratic.
Ticket information available at:"The jumping off point is the 2000 presidential election results in Florida, where many blacks were turned away at the polls. Given the saturation coverage of that election and the fight over the Florida vote count, making this material compelling once again would appear to an impossible feat but Inaba does it."
( from a review by Greg Palast)Also included in the film is Cynthia McKinney's vocalized challenge to the official 9-11 story and her questioning of Donald Rumsfeld about the military exercises that were being conducted on 9-11.
Well worth seeing. Winner of a Sundance Special Jury Award, and the "Greg Gund Memorial Standing Up Award," the award honors those films focused on making ours a better world, at the Chicago Int'l Film Festival.
GNN is continuing to show the film to people all over the country, building a powerful network of activists, politicians, celebrities, foundations, unions and organizations in support of their American Blackout Election Outreach Campaign: To reclaim our elections and end voter disenfranchisement in ‘06.
New 9/11 Questions MeetUp Group Formed in San Francisco
Thursday, April 27th at 7:00pm
Ritual Coffee Roasters
1026 Valencia Ave (at 22nd)
San Francisco, CA 94110
This will be the First Meeting of the group
If you are interested in joining this virtual/real-life group, please go to:
San Francisco Premiere of Guerrilla News Network's new film- American Blackout"
April 27th: 9:00 pm – Kabuki Theater
(also showing May 1st: 4:15 pm, Kabuki Theater)
1881 Post Street"PARK CITY "American Blackout," an engrossing, low-budget documentary, is a powerful examination of voting rights in America. The filmmakers intend to use the film as a political tool to galvanize voters. Director Ian Inaba, who is part of Guerrilla News Network, an organization that covers stories the mainstream media overlooks, focuses on the disturbing incidents of voter disenfranchisement among African-Americans, who traditionally vote democratic.
Ticket information available at:"The jumping off point is the 2000 presidential election results in Florida, where many blacks were turned away at the polls. Given the saturation coverage of that election and the fight over the Florida vote count, making this material compelling once again would appear to an impossible feat but Inaba does it."
( from a review by Greg Palast)Also included in the film is Cynthia McKinney's vocalized challenge to the official 9-11 story and her questioning of Donald Rumsfeld about the military exercises that were being conducted on 9-11.
Well worth seeing. Winner of a Sundance Special Jury Award, and the "Greg Gund Memorial Standing Up Award," the award honors those films focused on making ours a better world, at the Chicago Int'l Film Festival.
GNN is continuing to show the film to people all over the country, building a powerful network of activists, politicians, celebrities, foundations, unions and organizations in support of their American Blackout Election Outreach Campaign: To reclaim our elections and end voter disenfranchisement in ‘06.
Loose Change Screening with the Film Makers- Dylan Avery and Korey Rowe
Grand Lake Theater, Tuesday, May 2, 2006, 7:00 p.m.
3200 Grand Lake Avenue
Oakland Theater
Thursday, May 4, 2006,
Northern California 9-11 Truth Alliance Meeting
7 p.m. to 10 p.m.
LOCATION (new!):
522 Valencia St. just up from the 16th St. Bart station
(*press the upper right button on key pad to be let it).
San Francisco9-11 Truth Alliance info/events line 1-866-268-2320
Film- "Everybody's Gotta Learn Sometime"
May 8, 2006 - 375 Greenwich Street, NYC
The Tribeca Screening Room Presents:
"Everybody's Gotta Learn Sometime" Largely ignored by the mainstream media, many of the disturbing facts surrounding the attacks of 9/11 raise deeply ethical questions associated with issues of accountability, justice and censorship in America.Produced by: John J. Albanese
Research Consultant: Nicholas LevisAttendance by RSVP only:
Seating is limited. RSVP Guaranteed Seating tickets for $10 can be purchased here:(This film will be released online - for free - after this premier)
"Everybody's Gotta Learn Sometime" may very well be the most compelling film yet outlining the disturbing and heavily censored facts associated with the worst terrorist attacks in American history. And while a grassroots movement worldwide continues to grow, and demand answers to the growing number of unanswered questions, the public outcry for accountability and transparency makes this film, perhaps, the most important film of 2006.
"Everybody's Gotta Learn Sometime" is a free movie, produced by an independent artist, for educational and journalistic purposes only. Any proceeds derived from this premier event will go towards allaying the costs of presenting this film in the light of day, in New York City, in what is left of a free America in Tribeca.
We are making such material available in our efforts to advance the general public’s understanding of political, human rights, and social justice issues, under the definition of 'fair use' as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. The material on this site is distributed without profit for research and educational purposes only.
May Meeting of Sacramento 9/11 Truth. Wednesday, May 10, 2006
6PM to 8PM
Juliana's Kitchen restaurant
1401 "G" Street (corner of 14th and "G")
Sacramento, CAThe regular meeting day has been changed to the SECOND Wednesday of each month, so this month the meeting will be this Wednesday, May 10th.
Northern California 9-11 Truth Alliance Meeting Thursday, May 18, 2006
at The Grand Lake Neighborhood Center 530 Lake Park Avenue,(between Lakeshore Avenue and Grand Avenue) in Oakland
7:00 p.m. to 10:00p.m.
From Hwy. 580 East (coming from the Bay Bridge or Berkeley), take the Grand Ave./Lakeshore exit (the exit ramp merges into MacArthur which intersects with Grand at the light), make a left at the light onto Grand, make a right onto Lake Park Ave. (the Grand Lake Theater will be on the corner on your far right). Go about a block, past the BofA, which will be on your left, and the GLNC will also be on your left. Park on the street or turn right into free public parking under the freeway.From Hwy. 580 West (coming from Hayward), take the Lakeshore Ave. exit (get as far to the right when approaching the exit before, the Harrison/Oakland exit, then continue moving to the right). When you exit at Lakshore Ave., you will be on Lake Park. Go straight at the light (you'll see an OMNI store in front of you to the right), crossing Lakeshore Ave. The GLNC will be a few storefronts down on your right. Park on the street or turn left into free public parking under the freeway across from GLNC. If you cross Grand Ave. (and the theater) you've gone too far.
9-11 Truth Alliance info/events line 1-866-268-2320
Free Screening of Loose Change 2 Saturday, May 20th, 7 PM
IBEW Union Hall,
6250 Village Parkway, DublinThis is a monthly community event put on by local activists in cooperation with the IBEW Union (located between Dublin Blvd & 580). The event is free, wheelchair accessible, snacks & beverages provided. for more info, call 925-462-3459.
li>Conspiracy Con 2006
May 27th & 28th, Santa Clara, CA
This annual conference is a bold and serious approach to serious issues, dedicated to providing a forum for those who say what few are willing to say and facilitated in an atmosphere of goodwill, integrity and fun. Each year several of the most controversial speakers in the world gather to share their knowledge of many different issues (rarely or never addressed by our controlled media), which profoundly affect us all. Just some of the subjects covered are: Mind Control, Secret Societies, Shadow Government, The Federal Reserve, 9-11, Occult Technologies, Suppressed Knowledge, New World Order, etc...
I submit to each and every one of you reading this that the conspiratorial view of history is far closer to the truth than any other version of history. And, what backs this statement up... history.
It is time for all of humankind to grow up quickly and take a look at some disturbing things.
For details on speakers/program, logistics, see-
Film Presentation- September 11th Revisited Wednesday, May 31, 2006 at 7:30PM
Santa Cruz Veterans Memorial Building
846 Front Street, Santa Cruz, CA
(near the clock tower)Donations taken at the door. A presentation of the Santa Cruz 9-11 Truth Network.
This movie features eyewitness accounts and news footage that was shot on September 11, 2001 and never replayed again on television... until now.
"Do you want to believe the official version or your own eyes!?"
Thursday, June 1, 2006
Northern California 9-11 Truth Alliance Meeting 7 p.m. to 10 p.m.
LOCATION (new!):
2050 Bryant Street (between 18th and 19th)
San FranciscoWe will hold the meeting in a different space than before. Meet out front before 7:00pm so that we all can find each other.
You can find more directions at
By public transportation, you can either take the BART to the Powell station, and take the 27 MUNI from Market/Powell, which ends up going down Bryant and passing right in front of Cellspace.
Or, you can take the BART to the 16th/Mission station, and then walk up 2.5 blocks to 18th/19th Street, and over about 8 blocks to Bryant (away from Valencia).
There are many key members of the group who will be unable to attend, as they will be in Chicago.
9-11 Truth Alliance info/events line 1-866-268-2320
(Click on image for more details)- 9-11- Revealing the Truth, Reclaiming the Future
An International Educational and Strategy Conference
June 2-4, 2006
Embassy Suites Hotel Chicago-O'Hare Rosemont, Chicago, Illinois
There will be outstanding speakers from all over the US, Canada and the UK, and plenty of time for serious strategizing/networking. Hopefully we will premiere the new 9-11 documentaries that are just coming out. Many of us are coming from California. We sure could use some help, too. Volunteer! For details- go to-
Details of Downtown Chicago 9/11 Truth Rally/March June 2, 2006 With over 200 registered participants, we hope to leave en masse after the press conference (1:00 p.m. - 2:15 p.m. at the Embassy Suites Hotel, Rosemont, and got together via the El Train (Blue Line downtown). Please join us!
Activists hope to reach Daley Plaza at by 3:30 p.m. for a brief rally before beginning the March at 4:00 p.m. (Route details below).
Northern California 9-11 Truth Alliance has sent 400 posters, Gary Franchi plans on turning 200 of them into picket signs. We have a sound system, chant sheets, whistles, lots of Deception Dollars, and handouts for the good people and press of Chicago. We hope that the local peace and justice groups will join us and support the efforts to stop the cover-up, expose the lies about 9/11 which have been used to launch illegal wars, attack our Constitution, Bill of Rights, and sell Homeland Security, an endless bogus war on terrorism. Any "Impeachment," or "Don't Believe the Corporate Lies" signs would fit in well with the theme of our march and conference which is to challenge the official myths that support the War Paradigm and to promote the truths and policies which support People and Peace. Bring the kids, babies, musical instruments, your own message, songs, sense of humor, courage, outrage, energy to let Chicago, the world know that we aren't going to let the press, corporations, and government get away with the lies and their dark agenda. We demand and will create a better world for all.
Rally at Daley Plaza 3:30 p.m. and then walk north up Dearborn to Randolph heading east, to State St. continuing north, stopping at the ABC news new street studios located across the street from the Chicago Theatre ( ) then on to NBC / Chicago Tribune / WGN Plaza, just north of the Chicago River. We will stop at each studio and stand in front of their windows, holding our signs and raising awareness. It is very important to stay on the side walk and not block any exits or entrances to the buildings in the area. We will let the media know who we are and what we stand for. ROUTE MAP: 1: Start here:,+Chicago,+IL 2: Then, go here:,+Chicago,+IL 3: Then, go here:,+Chicago,+IL
Join us for the rally, march, and please come to the 9/11 Revealing the Truth, Reclaiming the Future Conference (, too, if you can!
Please help spread the word! Contact Gary or Carol if you want to speak and/or volunteer.
Gary Franchi, Lone Lantern Society ( 847-962-2988 Carol Brouillet, Northern California 9-11 Truth Alliance ( 650-857-0927
"A Call to Re-Open the 9/11 Investigation"
Sunday, June 11, beginning around noon
Please join us for a special presentation sponsored by the Social Action Committee of the Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Redwood City.
This eye-opening 60 minute program features excerpts from two documentary videos that show rarely seen footage and interviews with eyewitnesses and experts on the events in Washington, D.C. and New York City on September 11, 2001. This program will be followed by a discussion.
According to John, who has been making presentations about this topic to small groups in the area, this material received rave reviews from seniors at San Carlos Community Center at a recent screening.
This 9/11 presentation is free and open to the public. Note: This material is *not* suitable for most children.
Before the presentation, you are welcome to join us for a light buffet meal and conversation at 11:30. We request a small fee to help pay for the food.
Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Redwood City
2124 Brewster Avenue
Redwood City CA 94062
Northern California 9-11 Truth Alliance Meeting Thursday, June 15, 2006
at The Grand Lake Neighborhood Center 530 Lake Park Avenue,(between Lakeshore Avenue and Grand Avenue) in Oakland
7:00 p.m. to 10:00p.m.
From Hwy. 580 East (coming from the Bay Bridge or Berkeley), take the Grand Ave./Lakeshore exit (the exit ramp merges into MacArthur which intersects with Grand at the light), make a left at the light onto Grand, make a right onto Lake Park Ave. (the Grand Lake Theater will be on the corner on your far right). Go about a block, past the BofA, which will be on your left, and the GLNC will also be on your left. Park on the street or turn right into free public parking under the freeway.From Hwy. 580 West (coming from Hayward), take the Lakeshore Ave. exit (get as far to the right when approaching the exit before, the Harrison/Oakland exit, then continue moving to the right). When you exit at Lakshore Ave., you will be on Lake Park. Go straight at the light (you'll see an OMNI store in front of you to the right), crossing Lakeshore Ave. The GLNC will be a few storefronts down on your right. Park on the street or turn left into free public parking under the freeway across from GLNC. If you cross Grand Ave. (and the theater) you've gone too far.
9-11 Truth Alliance info/events line 1-866-268-2320
Film screening and report on the Global 9-11 Truth Movement
Sponsored by American Legion Post 310, Veteran's for Peace- Chapter 69, and the Northern California 9-11 Truth Alliancewith Jimmy Walter (who has been in Venezuela and Malaysia lobbying for an International Investigation into 9-11), as well as those of us who just returned from Chicago (Ty Rauber, Ken Jenkins, Bonnie Faulkner, Carol brouillet).
Veteran's War Memorial Building, 2nd floor, Room 219
Tuesday, June 20, 2006, from 7 pm to 10 pm.We'll be screening Who Killed John O'Neil? to activists and possibly press, in anticipation of a larger theatrical screening.
(We'll be screening the film from 7- 8:40 pm, Jimmy Walter will beginn speaking at 8:50 pm.) Activists and press are invited to attend this free event which will highlight Ty Rauber’s film, “Who Killed John O’Neil?,”which looks deeply into the crime of September 11th and the soul splintering effects it has upon one man trying to understand what happened. Produced by Ty
Jimmy Walter, a philanthropist has spent millions of dollars on advertising to promote the campaign to Reopen the 911 Investigation. who funded the Omission Commission in Manhattan- Confronting the Evidence - A Call to Reopen the 9/11 Investigation, in 2004, and organized a European 9/11 Truth Tour in 2005 will report on his recent efforts. He has gone to Venezuela, Malaysia, and Japan, to lobby for an International Commission to Investigate 9/11, and spoke in Japan, June 16, 2006 on this issue. (
Participants from the Chicago Conference who will also say a few words include- Film Producer Ty Rauber; Ken Jenkins, videographer, who has produced many DVDs, especially highlighting the work of David Ray Griffin, and who shared the stage in Chicago with George W. Bush's former Chief Economist at the US Department of Labor, asking the question, “What was supposed to happen on 9/11/2001 and didn’t that has permitted researchers to understand 9/11 as a “failed special operation?” Bonnie Faulkner, producer of KPFA’s Guns and Butter, interviewed and taped the keynote speakers and whistleblowers that cast new light upon September 11th. Carol Brouillet, Green Party Congressional candidate.
Screening of "Confronting the evidence - a call to reopen the 911 investigation" followed by a speach and Q and A by Jimmy Walter, the director of the film.
June 20th, Tuesday, 7:00 PM - Humanist Hall - 390 27th St, Oakland
Jimmy Walter, one of the most serious 911 activists in the country, used to believe the official 911 story until he met Eric Hufschmid and saw his film "Painful Deceptions". Since that day Jimmy has spent millions of dollars out of his own pocket on 911 truth ads in mainstream media, sponsored a European tour for a group of 911 truth researchers and much much more.
In Mid-September, 2004, Walter funded the jam-packed Omission Commission in Manhattan: “Confronting the Evidence - a call to reopen the 9/11 investigation.” The mandate was twofold: First, to expose a complete accounting of the facts and circumstances surrounding the 9/11 attacks; second, like the Independent Commission, to make recommendations. In this made-for-broadcast forum, presenters had the task of laying out a compelling case for their evidence. The panel, composed of 9/11 victims, environmental experts, researchers, scientists, journalists and first responders, challenged some of the key data that had been the basis of the 9/11 Commission's investigations and pointed our many serious omissions and incongruities.
Learn more, get a free DVD and sign Jimmy Walter's petition to reopen the 911 investigation at
For more info about the film screening contact Gypsy at or call (510)-704-0268.
- EDUCATIONAL SERIES: TERRORISM 101: How Governments Use Thugs, Drug Dealers, and Religious Fanatics to Control Us and “Justify” Endless War By Ed Rippy
Thursday, June 22nd 2006
7-9 pm
522 Valencia St., 3rd Floor
(Near 17th St., 2 blocks west of 16th St. BART)
8:30—“CIA Jihad” by special guest Frank RunninghorseFree, but donations appreciated
Sponsored by N. Ca. 9-11 Truth Alliance- "9/11 GUILT THE PROOF IS IN YOUR HANDS"
Sunday, Jun 25, 2006 7:00 pm
Lark Theater
549 Magnolia
Marin County premiere DON PAUL & JIM HOFFMAN present their dvd with post-showing panelists KEVIN DANAHER and PETER B. COLLINS
'This documentary does an excellent job of connecting the dots about 9/11'-- ED ASNER
$7/BRING YOUR OWN PLANS TO IMPEACH THE CRIMINALS For more information contact:
- 9/11 + the Neo-Con Agenda
June 24-25, 2006, Los Angeles, California
National Education + Research conference
Presented by Alex Jones
Wednesday, June 28, 2006, 7:30 pm
Veterans Memorial Building
840 Front Street, Santa Cruz (near the clock tower)
Sponsored by The Santa Cruz 9/11 Truth Network.
Thursday, July 6, 2006,
Northern California 9-11 Truth Alliance Meeting
7 p.m. to 10 p.m.
LOCATION (new!):
522 Valencia St. just up from the 16th St. Bart station
(*press the upper right button on key pad to be let it).
San Francisco9-11 Truth Alliance info/events line 1-866-268-2320
Lecture by Steven Jones of BYU on explosives at the WTC (DVD) and "Loose Change 2" Sunday, July 9, 2006, beginning at noon
Please join us for a special presentation sponsored by the Social Action Committee of the Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Redwood City
2124 Brewster Avenue
Redwood City
www.uufrc.orgAs a follow-up to last month's presentation of excerpts from several videos on the events in Washington, D.C. and New York City on September 11, 2001, John of Menlo Park will show the DVDs.
This presentation is free and open to the public and will be followed by a discussion. Note: The usual 2nd Sunday buffet luncheon has been cancelled, so you can expect the presentation to begin promptly at 12:00 noon. And this material is *not* suitable for most children.
July Meeting of Sacramento 9/11 Truth
Wednesday, July 12, 2006 6PM to 8PM
1401 “G” Street, Sacramento, CA Juliana’s Kitchen restaurant
(At the corner of 14th and “G” Streets)At our July meeting, we’ve got a lot to discuss. More knowledge has been gained about 9/11 – and some of this was covered at the two recent national events, briefly described below. At the meeting, we can also strategize regarding a 9/11 follow-up event in our area, such as a featured guest speaker and a panel discussion regarding the June national events, followed question and answer dialogue. We can also explore ideas about utilizing media resources here, such as local alternative television.
Public Meeting Before & After 7/7: Interrogating British ‘Security’ Policies 6.30pm Wednesday 12 July
Committee Room 3, House of Lords, Westminster, SW1, London, UKHosted by Lord Rea
We are honoured to confirm that a number of survivors of the 7th July atrocities will be participating in the meeting, Rachel North and Holly Finch, who were both passengers of the Kings Cross train that terrible day. Rachel will be called to give a special address to the audience. Details of the rest of the meeting and speakers are below. The organizers and supporters of this event hope that this will be a significant step in building a solid campaign for an independent public inquiry.
Why did the 7/7 terrorist attack happen?,br> Like the 11 September 2001 attack, was this a ‘blowback’ effect of government policy?
What is being protected by British ‘security’ policies?
What alternative policies could protect us?Speakers
Nafeez Ahmed, author of The War on Freedom and The War on Truth and the new book London Bombings – An Independent Inquiry,
Milan Rai, co-founder of Voices in the Wilderness UK; author of Chomsky's Politics; War Plan Iraq; Regime Unchanged; and 7/7: The London Bombings, Islam and the Iraq War
Gareth Peirce, human rights lawyer Asad Rehman, Chair of Newham Monitoring Project
Representative of Charles de Menezes Family Campaign
Saghir Hussain, lawyer and Stop Political Terror
Prof. Bill Bowring, Human Rights & Social Justice Research Institute
Les Levidow, CAMPACCAnomalies and inconsistencies continue to plague the government's explanation of what happened on 7th July 2005, and why it failed to anticipate the London tube bombings. The government has since used the attacks to promote increasingly draconian powers, justified on the basis of protecting ‘national security’. This strategy does not protect us, but instead alienates and even criminalizes communities, especially by creating and persecuting more ‘terror suspects’. As the most extreme cases, the shootings at Stockwell and Forest Gate have disturbing parallels.
There is still no coherent, verifiable public account of the 7th July terrorist attacks. In his book, The London Bombings: An Independent Inquiry, Nafeez Ahmed demonstrates how the authorities' explanations have shifted continuously and inexplicably. In this context, the absence of a credible narrative has fueled wild speculation and left the public in the dark. Meanwhile leaks from security services and journalistic investigations continue to undermine the government's claims that the bombers were 'clean skins'.
Ahmed argues that the attacks can only be fully understood in the light of extensive co-operation between Islamist extremists and Western intelligence in the Balkans, Central Asia and Northwest Africa before 7/7. In reality, government policies promote terror abroad and tolerate extremism at home. Looking beyond the platitudes of the 'war on terror', Ahmed asks what exactly the government means by ‘national security’.
This meeting will hear critical perspectives from Nafeez Ahmed and Milan Rai and other leading experts. They will explore links between government policies that were already undermining our security before 7/7, and that are backfiring drastically after 7/7. The participants are calling for an independent public inquiry to unearth the failures that may have facilitated the London bombings, and which point towards an anti-terrorist strategy which could truly protect us.
The meeting has been called by CAMPACC (Campaign Against Criminalising Communities) and is supported by HRSJ (Human Rights & Social Justice Research Institute), Stop Political Terror, 1990 Trust, The Muslim Parliament
Information:,, Tel 020 272 4131, 020 7586 5892
All are welcome to attend the next organizational meeting, 7-9pm Monday 24th July at Camden Town Hall, Judd St, near Kings Cross station. Ask for the room booked by UNISON.
The film "LOOSE CHANGE 911"
Four Star Theater
2200 Clement St, San Francisco
Wednesday, July 12th @ 7 PM. Admission $5.
How to Impeach a President
Wednesday, July 19th 7:00 pm
Grand Lake Theater
3200 Grand Avenue, Oakland, CA
How to Impeach a President
Confirmed guests:
Bill Goodman, Legal Director, the Center for Constitution Rights
Daniel Ellsberg, Board Member, Constitution SummerInvited Guests:
Oakland- Mayor-Elect- Ron Dellums
Mayor of Berkeley- Tom BatesA Film Screening and Discussion from the people who brought you the Berkeley Impeachment Initiative
Center for Constitution Rights
Constitution Summer
Melville House PublishingIf Attending, please RSVP at
(Our ally and owner of The Grand Lake Theater put me in touch with the organizer of this event, in hopes that we could participate in it and table in the lobby. The Northern California 9/11 Truth Alliance will not be an official sponsor nor table at the event, but I think we should promote the event, anyway- and Impeachment. I believe Bush & Co. should be impeached for their role in 9/11, but I understand that there is already a slam/dunk case for impeachment on other grounds- which still creates more space for public dialogue on the issue and helps move the country in a different direction. I think we should pass out Deception Dollars, at least, and raise our voices given the opportunity, but I do appreciate the legitimacy of the young legal nerds pushing for impeachment using conservative arguments at this point in time. I have no doubts that the movement for impeachment, truth, peace and justice will continue to grow.)
Northern California 9-11 Truth Alliance Meeting Thursday, July 20, 2006
at The Grand Lake Neighborhood Center 530 Lake Park Avenue,(between Lakeshore Avenue and Grand Avenue) in Oakland
7:00 p.m. to 10:00p.m.
From Hwy. 580 East (coming from the Bay Bridge or Berkeley), take the Grand Ave./Lakeshore exit (the exit ramp merges into MacArthur which intersects with Grand at the light), make a left at the light onto Grand, make a right onto Lake Park Ave. (the Grand Lake Theater will be on the corner on your far right). Go about a block, past the BofA, which will be on your left, and the GLNC will also be on your left. Park on the street or turn right into free public parking under the freeway.From Hwy. 580 West (coming from Hayward), take the Lakeshore Ave. exit (get as far to the right when approaching the exit before, the Harrison/Oakland exit, then continue moving to the right). When you exit at Lakshore Ave., you will be on Lake Park. Go straight at the light (you'll see an OMNI store in front of you to the right), crossing Lakeshore Ave. The GLNC will be a few storefronts down on your right. Park on the street or turn left into free public parking under the freeway across from GLNC. If you cross Grand Ave. (and the theater) you've gone too far.
9-11 Truth Alliance info/events line 1-866-268-2320
Activist Opportunity! Public Premieres of United 93
Carry signs, wear T shirts, take flyers to challenge the worst propaganda movie of all time! -"!
1. 6-Panel pdf 'Flight 93' Flyer from 911Research flyer that highlights some of the omissions and contradictions in the official story of the crash of Flight 93. An HTML version of the flyer has hyperlinks to all the supporting references. Suitable for printing on both sides of an 8-1/2 X 11 sheet. Color or b/w.
2. 1-Page 'Flight 93' Fact Sheet from Digital Style Designs page high resolution pdf with the clear and simple facts for a quick education on the street in b/w.
Educational Series: Terrorism 101: How Governments Use Thugs, Drug Dealers, and Religious Fanatics to Control Us and "Justify" Endless War
(Every fourth Thursday)
Thursday, July 27th, 2006, 7-9 pm
522 Valencia St., 3rd Floor, (ring upper left bell to be let in)
(near 16th St., 2 blocks west of 16th St. BART) 8:00-- Advanced topic: The Report from Iron Mountain: "Peace is not in the best interests of our society"Organized by Ed Rippy
Free, but donations appreciated
Sponsored by Northern California 9-11 Truth Alliance
Open House- 9/11 Truth Party July 30 from 1 to 5 pm
Janette's house (Oakland Hills, RSVP for directions)
Here's the invitation from Janette-
Greetings from New York
I am going to be back in the Bay Area for business and pleasure for a couple of weeks the end of July.
For pleasure, I always enjoy entertaining my artists and 9/11 activists friends in my home in the hills. I am having an Open House on Sunday, July 30 from 1 to 5.
There will be plenty of food and drink, so not to worry about that, but if you are so inspired to bring something, please do.
I’ll have photographs of Ground Zero today, and plenty of tales of what’s happening in New York. For business, I would like to do some fundraising to help finance Producer Ken Jenkins latest DVD of Dr. David Ray Griffin’s talk regarding “9/11, The Myth and the Reality”. It is scheduled to premier at the Grand Lake Theatre in Oakland on the Fifth Anniversary of the attacks, this Sept. 11, 2006.
I completely support Dr. Griffin’s research and message as well as Ken Jenkins efforts in getting this message to audiences.
I invite you to join me in supporting Ken’s educational projects and contribute whatever amount you are able. I have found it gratifying to help.
Ken will be on hand to show us some never before seen footage of Dr. Griffin’s talk in Santa Barbara discussing false flag operations.
I’m looking forward to seeing all of you for a pleasurable reunion. Could you let me know if you are going to be able to make it, so I can plan accordingly? I will be happy to e-mail you directions.
Janette MacKinlay
510-339-9358 after 7/26
212-227-3020 before 7/26Thursday, August 3, 2006,
Northern California 9-11 Truth Alliance Meeting
7 p.m. to 10 p.m.
LOCATION (new!):
522 Valencia St. just up from the 16th St. Bart station
(*press the upper left button on key pad to be let it).
San Francisco9-11 Truth Alliance info/events line 1-866-268-2320
(August 6- 9, 2006)
From Hiroshima to Yucca Mountain to the Middle East
Stop Bechtel
August 6- 9, 2006
August 6, 2006
Aug 9 2006 - 10:00am
Rally, Ritual and Nonviolent Action at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
S Vasco Rd & Patterson Pass Rd
Take 580, exit south at Vasco
Livermore, CaliforniaA morning of action at one of the primary design labs for nuclear weapons in the world - where new nuclear weapons are designed.Speakers include Hibakusha (Hiroshima Survivor) Keiji Tsuchiya and Norman Soloman, author and media critic. Also featured is the music of Francisco Herera and Ras K'Dee. Finally, Reverend Offering will lead a ritual at the Lab's gates.A Peace Camp will be held on August 5th, the night before the action. To register, e-mail Lacey at For information on ridesharing for the day of the event, please visit
Nonviolent Action at Bechtel Corporate Headquarters
50 Beale St, San Francisco. (Half a block from Embarcadero BART.)
On the UN International Day of the World's Indigenous Peoples and the Anniversary of the Bombing of Nagasaki
Bechtel is one of the top profiteers of the war in Iraq, a violator of indigenous rights, and a nuclear weapons profiteer. Ceremony will be led by Western Shoshone spiritual leader Corbin Harney.
Mark the UN International Day of the World's Indigenous Peoples and the anniversaries of the US atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki by demanding an end to nuclear weapons and war. At Bechtel and Livermore nuclear weapons lab we will support the sovereignty and dignity of indigenous people around the world and call for the global abolition of nuclear weapons and the end to the war in Iraq.
For more information:
Nationwide- Civil Disobedience at the premiere of Oliver Stone's film- World Trade Center We will flyer the public in shopping malls (where free speech rights do not exist) - to win those rights, and to give the public key facts about 9/11 which have not been reported well by the mainstream press, and have been covered up by the government.
Check out the for details on conference calls, and how you can help and participate. (Please spread the word- and link to the website!)
World Trade Center- a film by Oliver Stone premieres at the Grand Lake Theater
Wednesday, August 9, 2006
3200 Grand Lake Avenue, Oakland, CaliforniaThe Northern California 9-11 Truth Alliance will be tabling in the lobby.
(Contact Carol- 650-857-0927 if you want to help table).
Meeting of Sacramento 9/11 Truth
Wednesday, August 9, 2006 6PM to 8PM
Juliana’s Kitchen restaurant
1401 “G” Street, Sacramento (at the corner of 14th and “G” Streets)Sacramento 9/11 Truth now has its very own blog, set up a little over a week ago. This will help greatly in facilitating communication, and sharing information, on the way to getting our own website. Our blog can be found either of two ways:
1] Go to the Sacramento Peace Action website at , then go to the announcement of our meeting, and click on the “live link” there which says “Sacramento 9/11 Truth: Questioning the War on Terror”.
2] Go directly to
Important upcoming 9/11 events:
Significant national 9/11 activist Gabriel Day, of and David Kimball will appear on Jeanie Keltner’s and Ken Adams’ Access Sacramento, Cable TV Channel 17 show “Soapbox” on Monday, August 28th, at 8PM.
Emergency- Anti-War Rally at the Civic Center, and March in San Francisco
Saturday, August 12, 2006, 11 am
Logistical details posted at I will be arriving with tables, banners, some sign making materials at 9 am- please let me know if you can help bring sticks for signs and help staple the posters to the sticks. We have lots of signs, banners, leaflets to pass out. Carol, 650-857-0927,
Northern California 9-11 Truth Alliance Meeting Thursday, August 17, 2006
at The Grand Lake Neighborhood Center 530 Lake Park Avenue,(between Lakeshore Avenue and Grand Avenue) in Oakland
7:00 p.m. to 10:00p.m.
(This is a business meeting for logistical purposes- getting out a newsletter, organizing upcoming events, it conflicts with an educational presentation in Berekley by Ralph Schoenman and Mya Shone which gives more deep historical and current insight into 9/11 and the events happening now in the Middle East.)
From Hwy. 580 East (coming from the Bay Bridge or Berkeley), take the Grand Ave./Lakeshore exit (the exit ramp merges into MacArthur which intersects with Grand at the light), make a left at the light onto Grand, make a right onto Lake Park Ave. (the Grand Lake Theater will be on the corner on your far right). Go about a block, past the BofA, which will be on your left, and the GLNC will also be on your left. Park on the street or turn right into free public parking under the freeway.From Hwy. 580 West (coming from Hayward), take the Lakeshore Ave. exit (get as far to the right when approaching the exit before, the Harrison/Oakland exit, then continue moving to the right). When you exit at Lakshore Ave., you will be on Lake Park. Go straight at the light (you'll see an OMNI store in front of you to the right), crossing Lakeshore Ave. The GLNC will be a few storefronts down on your right. Park on the street or turn left into free public parking under the freeway across from GLNC. If you cross Grand Ave. (and the theater) you've gone too far.
9-11 Truth Alliance info/events line 1-866-268-2320
Ralph Schoenman and Mya Shone discuss: Apocalypse Now - The U.S. and Israeli Master Plan for the Middle East.
Premiering in the Bay Area- the film- "The War in Lebanon: An Inside View" including harrowing photos of the 1982 Sabra and Shatila Massacre.
Thursday, August 17 from 7:00 to 10:00 p.m.
Unitarian Universalist
Fellowship Hall, 1924 Cedar St.(at Bonita)
Berkeley, CA.
$10 suggested donation. No one will be turned away for lack of funds.Ralph Schoenman and Mya Shone, producers of the national radio show "Taking Aim," present a dramatic exposé of the current wave of U.S. coordinated and Israeli mass slaughter in Gaza, the West Bank and Lebanon. They discuss in compelling and heart-rending detail the U.S. and Israeli murderous agenda, its timetable and the collusion of client Arab regimes in targeting the peoples of the region.
From Rafah to, Ramallah and Nablus, from Bint Jbail, Tyre, Sidon and Beirut to Tripoli, from 1947, 1967 to 1982 and now, an ongoing genocide has been unleashed - part of a plan to visit the identical agony on the people of Syria, Iran, Iraq and the region.
This murderous agenda proceeds under the cover of the false category of terror for which 9/11 was planned, implemented and orchestrated by the U.S. ruling class and its Israeli cohorts.
Heralded authors of "The Hidden History of Zionism," "Prisoners of Israel" and "Homage to Palestine," Schoenman and Shone, reveal through first hand testimony and shocking visuals the wholesale massacre and mass expulsion that emptied Palestine of its population in 1948 and was repeated in an identical operation in Lebanon in 1982.
In 1982-83, Schoenman and Shone lived in the Palestinian refugee camps as these were reduced to rubble. They documented the round-up by the Israeli invaders of males from ages 7 to 70 across Lebanon and took 6,000 affidavits from the victims' families. They witnessed and made a photo record of the mass murder and the mass graves from Ain El Helweh, Rashidieh, Bourj al Burajneh to Sabra and Shatila in Beirut.
Schoenman and Shone draw from their experiences in Palestine and Lebanon, their testimony presented to the United Nations, Foreign Ministers and to the Nordic Commission in Oslo, Norway as well as their years of advocacy on behalf of the Palestinian struggle for self-determination.
Ralph Schoenman was Secretary General of the International Tribunal on U.S. War Crimes in Indochina. He worked with Malcolm X with respect to the battle for the Congo and has negotiated the release of political prisoners in many countries. He was the Executive Director of the Committee in Defense of the Palestinian and Lebanese Peoples and the Committee for a Democratic and Secular Palestine. He is the author of "The Hidden History of Zionism," "Iraq and Kuwait: A History Suppressed," and co-authored with Mya Shone "Prisoners of Israel" (report for the United Nations) and "Homage to Palestine." Ralph Schoenman and Mya Shone co-produce "Taking Aim with Ralph Schoenman and Mya Shone" heard weekly on Pacifica's WBAI-NY and nationally on the Progressive Radio Network.
Mya Shone is an economist and has a long history as an activist involved in political, community and labor issues. She worked closely with Casa Nicaragua and Casa El Salvador during the struggles taking place in Central America, was the coordinator of the Tri-County (Santa Barbara, Ventura, San Luis Obispo) Labor Party chapter and co-coordinator of the Open World Conference in Defense of Trade Union Independence and Democratic Rights. She was the coordinator of the Committee in Defense of the Palestinian and Lebanese Peoples and the Committee for a Democratic and Secular Palestine. Mya Shone was also an award-winning documentary filmmaker as well as a newscaster at KPFK in Los Angeles.
Ben Gurion and the Final Aim:
(an excerpt from "The Hidden History of Zionism" by Ralph Schoenman, available from Veritas Press - see and
In 1938, David Ben Gurion, who became the first Prime Minister of the Israeli state, wrote in a letter to his son:
"A partial Jewish State is not the end, but only the beginning. I am certain that we can not be prevented from settling in the other parts of the country and the region."
In 1937, he declaimed:
"The boundaries of Zionist aspirations are the concern of the Jewish people and no external factor will be able to limit them."
In 1938, he was more explicit: "The boundaries of Zionist aspirations," he told the World Council of Poale Zion in Tel Aviv, "include southern Lebanon, southern Syria, today's Jordan, all of Cis-Jordan [the West Bank] and the Sinai."
- William Rodriguez, 9/11 hero speaks
in San Jose, CA
August 18-20, 2006
Speakers include, California Assemblyman Ray Haynes; Former IRS Special Agent Joe Banister; Michael Shaw of Freedom 21; Idaho Representative Phil Hart; David vonKleist, producer of "911 in Plane Site;" Bill Still, Producer of The Money Master; Steve Hempfling, FES Director; Peymon M., President of Freedom Law School; Attorney Larry Becraft; Red Beckman; and William Rodriguez.
Details at
The Northern California 9/11 Truth Alliance will have a table at the event.
- World Crisis Radio
Host: Webster Tarpley
Listen at
Webster Tarpley's website:
Call-in Number: 800-313-9443
Show Times: Tuesday 11:00am - 1:00pm, Saturday, 4:00pm - 6:00pm CST (3pm - 4pm Pacific Time)Webster Griffin Tarpley is our most incisive critic of Anglo-American hegemony. As an activist historian he is best known for his George Bush: The Unauthorized Biography (1992), a masterpiece of research which is still must reading. He is a 9/11 Truth Scholar and activist; AB Princeton 1966, summa cum laude and Phi Beta Kappa; Fulbright Scholar at University of Turin, Italy; and MA in humanities from Skidmore College. He is fluent in Italian, German, French, Latin and Russian. A decades-long expert on international terrorism, his 1978 study for the Italian parliament "Chi ha ucciso Aldo Moro?" (Who Killed Aldo Moro?) broke open the ownership of the "Red Brigades" by NATO's clandestine "stay-behind" networks.
Upcoming guests: August 19, 2006- Ken Jenkins, producer of many 9/11 documentaries featuring David Ray Griffin.
EDUCATIONAL SERIES: (Fourth Thursday of Ea. Month)
TERRORISM EXPLAINED: How Governments Use Thugs, Drug Dealers, and Religious Fanatics to Control Us and “Justify” Endless War By Ed Rippy
Thursday Aug. 24th, 2006
7-9 pm
522 Valencia St., 3rd Floor
(Near 16th St., 2 blocks west of 16th St. BART)
8:00—Advanced topic: The Report from Iron Mountain: “Peace is not in the best interests of our society”
Free, but donations appreciated
Sponsored by N. Ca. 9-11 Truth Alliance
9-11 Truth Alliance info/events line 1-866-268-2320
Northern California 9-11 Truth Alliance Meeting Tuesday, August 29th, 2006
7 p.m. to 10 p.m.
522 Valencia St. just up from the 16th St. Bart Station
(*press the upper left button on key pad to be let it).
San Francisco
Normally we meet the 1st Thursday of the month, but we have just agreed to co-sponsor the premeire of the film- 9/11 Press for Truth" at the Grand Lake Theater on September 7th, so had to move our SF meeting. 9-11 Truth Alliance info/events line 1-866-268-2320
World Crisis Radio
Host: Webster Tarpley
Listen at
Webster Tarpley's website:
Call-in Number: 800-313-9443
Show Times: Tuesday 11:00am - 1:00pm, Saturday, 4:00pm - 6:00pm CST (3pm - 4pm Pacific Time)Webster Griffin Tarpley is our most incisive critic of Anglo-American hegemony. As an activist historian he is best known for his George Bush: The Unauthorized Biography (1992), a masterpiece of research which is still must reading. He is a 9/11 Truth Scholar and activist; AB Princeton 1966, summa cum laude and Phi Beta Kappa; Fulbright Scholar at University of Turin, Italy; and MA in humanities from Skidmore College. He is fluent in Italian, German, French, Latin and Russian. A decades-long expert on international terrorism, his 1978 study for the Italian parliament "Chi ha ucciso Aldo Moro?" (Who Killed Aldo Moro?) broke open the ownership of the "Red Brigades" by NATO's clandestine "stay-behind" networks.
Upcoming guests: September 1, 2006- Carol Brouillet
PPJC Forum: Five Years After 9/11 - Terror, Power, and Resistance
Tuesday, September 05 2006 @ 07:00 PM PDT
Community Media Center
900 San Antonio Rd (near Charleston)
Palo AltoDescription: Other Voices ~ PPJC's Free Monthly Forum and TV Program
Five Years After 9/11: Terror, Power, and Resistance
An Activists' Roundtable Discussion with
Nicole Ozer - ACLU of Northern California
Rachelle Marshall - Writer, Washington Report on Middle East Affairs
Charlotte Casey - Activist, Code Pink and South Bay Mobilization
Paul George - Director, Peninsula Peace and Justice Centerand YOU! Come join the discussion.
A lot has happened since 9/11. Many things about the U.S. and the world have changed. Most of these changes have been for the worse... two wars, deteriorating civil liberties, out-of-control military spending, stolen elections. The list is long.
(Besides showing Hijacking Catastrophe, the PPJC has been very resistant to 9/11 Truth- so this issue will not be raised unless we show up and raise it. I would encourage 9/11 Truth activists to come.)
Join us as we analyze just where we're headed five years after those tragic events and what activists must do to change course... for the U.S. and the world.
Simultaneous live broadcast on Mid-Peninsula cable TV channel 27, available in Palo Alto, East Palo Alto, Stanford, Menlo Park, Atherton and nearby areas of Santa Clara and San Mateo Counties.
Simultaneous live webstream at
Event URL:
Premiering- 9/11 Press for Truth
Thursday, September 7, 2006 at 7:00 pm., and 9:00 pm.
Grand Lake Theater
3200 Grand Lake Avenue Oakland, CA
Intro, Q & A with Bay area’s Emmy-winning Ken Ellis, co-executive producer, senior producer for George Lucas’s Educational Foundation.
The film's story-
Following the attacks of September 11th, a small group of grieving families waged a tenacious battle against those who sought to bury the truth about the event—including, to their amazement, President Bush. In ‘9/11 PRESS FOR TRUTH’, six of them, including three of the famous “Jersey Girls”, tell for the first time the powerful story of how they took on the greatest powers in Washington—and won!—compelling an investigation, only to subsequently watch the 9/11 Commission fail in answering most of their questions.
Adapting Paul Thompson’s definitive Complete 9/11 Timeline (published by HarperCollins as ‘The Terror Timeline’), the filmmakers collaborate with documentary veterans Globalvision (‘WMD: Weapons of Mass Deception’, ‘Beyond JFK’) to stitch together rare overlooked news clips, buried stories, and government press conferences, revealing a pattern of official lies, deception and spin. As a result, a very different picture of 9/11 emerges, one that raises new and more pressing questions.
What actions were taken by top government officials who received dozens of specific warnings before the attack? Was Osama Bin Laden and his top al Qaeda leadership allowed to escape U.S. forces in Afghanistan? And what has been the reason for the deliberate obscuring of evidence for state sponsorship? Perhaps the most important one of all: Why, five years later, are so many of the families’ questions still unanswered?
A Benefit for Cooperative Research and the Northern California 9/11 Truth Alliance
5th Annual Rally and March for 9-11 Truth
Saturday, September 9th, 2006
This Year's theme- "Impeach the Terrorists!"
Rally 10:00 AM in San Francisco at the Panhandle (between Oak and Fell at Ashbury),
10:30 AM March/Parade up Ashbury to Haight Street through Golden Gate Park to Speedway Meadow (about 2 miles) to the-8th Annual 9-11 Power to the Peaceful Concert
featuring Michael Franti & Spearhead
beginning at 11:00 AM, free Concert & Social Justice Festival lasts until 5:00 PM. (We are co-sponsors of the Power to the Peaceful Concert/Social Justice Festival and will have a booth there.)9-11 Truth for Peace and Justice Rally and March sponsored by the Northern California 9-11 Truth Alliance, 1-866-268-2320,,
Pictures of last year's march and rally- (It was fun!)
Directions to the Panhandle:
From BART (Montgomery or Powell station), catch the #21 Hayes bus upstairs. Ride it west, ask the driver to let you off at Ashbury. Walk one block south to the Panhandle.
From the beach, catch the #5 at Cabrillo and La Playa (one block north of Golden Gate Park and one block east of the Great Highway). Ask the driver to let you off at Ashbury. Walk three blocks south to the Panhandle.
Directions to Speedway Meadows:
From the beach, catch the #5 as above, get off at 25th Ave, follow the signs.
From BART (Montgomery or Powell) catch the #5, get off at 25th Ave. Follow the signs.
Other directions (driving or Peninsula), see
To endorse, volunteer, contact Carol Brouillet, 650-857-0927,
9-11 Truth Alliance info/events line 1-866-268-2320
Film- BEYOND TREASON Saturday, September 9, 7:00 p.m.
Unitarian Universalist Church
505 E. Charleston Road, Palo AltoThis film was a Grand Festival Award Winner – 2005 Berkeley Film Fest
Followed by a discussion of the film and the unexpected consequences of vaccines. This fall the mass media will encourage us to roll up our sleeves for vaccinations in order to protect ourselves from a possible pandemic illness. Parents, health workers, teachers, police, and firemen all need to think clearly about their decisions.
For the past 50 years the military has been testing toxic chemicals on U.S. military personnel without their knowledge or consent. Some of the chemicals were inhaled; others were taken orally or given as vaccines to protect soldiers from “enemy-discharged” bio-toxins. The consequences for individuals and their families were alarming and some of their well documented stories have been explored on 60 Minutes.
In particular, parents need to be thoughtful about inoculations for their children. Autism, learning disabilities and adult ADD percentages are up, but experts have yet to identify the causes. Recent statistics reveal that boys are four times more likely to be affected, while 1 in 166 children are now categorized with learning disabilities. The question is: Are there safe ways to protect your loved ones if there is a real pandemic?
Dennis Kyne who is interviewed in the film, and spent 15 years in the military, will discuss his experiences and your rights regarding environmental toxins and vaccines. Kyne was a Veteran Staff Sergeant Army medic in the 18th Airborne during the first Bush Gulf War in the early l990’s. He was the first to receive a settlement from poisoning due to exposure to depleted uranium.
This free event will be presented by co-sponsors:
MultiFaith Voices for Peace, Peace Umbrella of Unitarian Universalist Church, World Centric, South Bay Mobilization, Northern California 911 Truth Alliance, People’s Action NetworkThe RU Sirius Show
Sunday, September 10, 2006, 2 pm
Live panel discussion on 9/11 from San Francisco, with 9/11 Truth Activist, Fred Burks who has some great resources at his websites-
A two-page 9/11summary at and basic 9/11 Information at
September 11-12th, 2006- 9/11 Film Festival
Premiere of new film of David Ray Griffin- "9/11 the Myth and the Reality"
September 11, 2006, 6:30 pm
Grand Lake Theater
3200 Grand Avenue
Oakland, California
Doors open at 6:00 each night, trailers, previews and shorts start at 6:30, film premieres start at 7:00. Q & A / discussion with the filmmakers follows each night.
This will be the world film premiere of David Ray Griffin's talk given at the Grand Lake Theater March 30, 2006 to a sold out audience. Griffin's presentation was videotaped with six cameras, and 9/11 filmmaker Ken Jenkins has illustrated the film with hundreds of graphics and clips. This video will likely become not only the definitive Griffin DVD, but will likely serve as the Loose Change for the older generations. Griffin condensed the highlights of his first two books on 9/11 into a dynamic presentation. A slightly shorter version of the same talk was given April 3rd at the prestigious Commonwealth Club in San Francisco, and much of the footage in the film is from that location. The premiere will be followed by a question and answer session with filmmaker and 9/11 activist Ken Jenkins
Tickets $10 or $15 for both the 11th & 12th.
Co-sponsored by the Northern California 9-11 Truth Alliance
LOOSE CHANGE 2nd Edition
Rio Theatre
Monday, September 11th, 2006
1205 Soquel Avenue
Santa Cruz, CA
On the 5th Anniversary of 9/11, The Santa Cruz 9-11 Truth Network presents
The underground blockbuster documentary,
LOOSE CHANGE 2nd Edition including TV-footage you may have seen on 9/11 but was never shown again!!! at the Rio Theatre.Doors open at 6:30
Program at 7 p.m.
Advance tickets $5, Door $6Tickets may be purchased at:
Streetlight Records
939 Pacific Ave.
Santa Cruz
(831) 421-9200
Film- 9/11 Guilt: The Proof is in Your Hands
6:30 pm
September 12, 2006
Grand Lake Theater
3200 Grand Avenue
Oakland, California
Doors open at 6:00 each night, trailers, previews and shorts start at 6:30, film premieres start at 7:00. Q & A / discussion with the filmmakers follows each night.
Tickets $10 or $15 for both the 11th & 12th.In August 2005 Jim Hoffman and Don Paul recorded presentations for the second convening of the Los Angeles Citizens' Grand Jury on the Crimes of September 11, 2001. Later they spent many hours with videographer Celestine Star adding photographs, footage, and other graphics to document their assertions. The result is 58 minutes of compelling evidence and analyses.
9/11: A Message from the Collective Unconscious Wednesday, September 13, 2006, 7:30-10:00pm
Grand Lake Neighborhood Center
530 Lake Park Avenue in Oakland
There have been many ideas about why the U.S. was attacked on September 11. Jungian Cal Simone will lead an exploration of the trends and patterns in the American collective psyche. Rather than talking about who perpetrated the events, we will bring focus to the underlying meanings of the attack as well as our own accountability for bringing this about.
Free; donations welcome.
9/11 Press for Truth
September 15-20, 2006
Grand Lake Theater, 3200 Grand Ave., OaklandShowtimes- 5 pm, 7 pm, 9 pm (except Sunday 7 pm)
The film's story-
Following the attacks of September 11th, a small group of grieving families waged a tenacious battle against those who sought to bury the truth about the event—including, to their amazement, President Bush. In ‘9/11 PRESS FOR TRUTH’, six of them, including three of the famous “Jersey Girls”, tell for the first time the powerful story of how they took on the greatest powers in Washington—and won!—compelling an investigation, only to subsequently watch the 9/11 Commission fail in answering most of their questions.
Adapting Paul Thompson’s definitive Complete 9/11 Timeline (published by HarperCollins as ‘The Terror Timeline’), the filmmakers collaborate with documentary veterans Globalvision (‘WMD: Weapons of Mass Deception’, ‘Beyond JFK’) to stitch together rare overlooked news clips, buried stories, and government press conferences, revealing a pattern of official lies, deception and spin. As a result, a very different picture of 9/11 emerges, one that raises new and more pressing questions.
What actions were taken by top government officials who received dozens of specific warnings before the attack? Was Osama Bin Laden and his top al Qaeda leadership allowed to escape U.S. forces in Afghanistan? And what has been the reason for the deliberate obscuring of evidence for state sponsorship? Perhaps the most important one of all: Why, five years later, are so many of the families’ questions still unanswered?
My Review: Report on the Premiere/Review
9/11 Press for Truth
September 15-20, 2006
Grand Lake Theater, 3200 Grand Ave., OaklandShowtimes- 5 pm, 7 pm, 9 pm
The film's story-
Following the attacks of September 11th, a small group of grieving families waged a tenacious battle against those who sought to bury the truth about the event—including, to their amazement, President Bush. In ‘9/11 PRESS FOR TRUTH’, six of them, including three of the famous “Jersey Girls”, tell for the first time the powerful story of how they took on the greatest powers in Washington—and won!—compelling an investigation, only to subsequently watch the 9/11 Commission fail in answering most of their questions.
Adapting Paul Thompson’s definitive Complete 9/11 Timeline (published by HarperCollins as ‘The Terror Timeline’), the filmmakers collaborate with documentary veterans Globalvision (‘WMD: Weapons of Mass Deception’, ‘Beyond JFK’) to stitch together rare overlooked news clips, buried stories, and government press conferences, revealing a pattern of official lies, deception and spin. As a result, a very different picture of 9/11 emerges, one that raises new and more pressing questions.
What actions were taken by top government officials who received dozens of specific warnings before the attack? Was Osama Bin Laden and his top al Qaeda leadership allowed to escape U.S. forces in Afghanistan? And what has been the reason for the deliberate obscuring of evidence for state sponsorship? Perhaps the most important one of all: Why, five years later, are so many of the families’ questions still unanswered?
My Review: Report on the Premiere/Review
Northern California 9-11 Truth Alliance Meeting Thursday, September 21, 2006
at The Grand Lake Neighborhood Center
530 Lake Park Avenue,(between Lakeshore Avenue and Grand Avenue) in Oakland
7:00 p.m. to 10:00p.m.
From Hwy. 580 East (coming from the Bay Bridge or Berkeley), take the Grand Ave./Lakeshore exit (the exit ramp merges into MacArthur which intersects with Grand at the light), make a left at the light onto Grand, make a right onto Lake Park Ave. (the Grand Lake Theater will be on the corner on your far right). Go about a block, past the BofA, which will be on your left, and the GLNC will also be on your left. Park on the street or turn right into free public parking under the freeway.From Hwy. 580 West (coming from Hayward), take the Lakeshore Ave. exit (get as far to the right when approaching the exit before, the Harrison/Oakland exit, then continue moving to the right). When you exit at Lakshore Ave., you will be on Lake Park. Go straight at the light (you'll see an OMNI store in front of you to the right), crossing Lakeshore Ave. The GLNC will be a few storefronts down on your right. Park on the street or turn left into free public parking under the freeway across from GLNC. If you cross Grand Ave. (and the theater) you've gone too far.
9-11 Truth Alliance info/events line 1-866-268-2320
Northern California 9-11 Truth Alliance Meeting Thursday, September 21, 2006
at The Grand Lake Neighborhood Center
530 Lake Park Avenue, (between Lakeshore Avenue and Grand Avenue) in Oakland
7:00 p.m. to 10:00p.m.
From Hwy. 580 East (coming from the Bay Bridge or Berkeley), take the Grand Ave./Lakeshore exit (the exit ramp merges into MacArthur which intersects with Grand at the light), make a left at the light onto Grand, make a right onto Lake Park Ave. (the Grand Lake Theater will be on the corner on your far right). Go about a block, past the BofA, which will be on your left, and the GLNC will also be on your left. Park on the street or turn right into free public parking under the freeway.From Hwy. 580 West (coming from Hayward), take the Lakeshore Ave. exit (get as far to the right when approaching the exit before, the Harrison/Oakland exit, then continue moving to the right). When you exit at Lakshore Ave., you will be on Lake Park. Go straight at the light (you'll see an OMNI store in front of you to the right), crossing Lakeshore Ave. The GLNC will be a few storefronts down on your right. Park on the street or turn left into free public parking under the freeway across from GLNC. If you cross Grand Ave. (and the theater) you've gone too far.
9-11 Truth Alliance info/events line 1-866-268-2320
9/11 & The American Empire: Intellectuals Speak Out
Sunday, September 24, 2006
7:00 PM
Martin Luther King Middle School
1781 Rose Street
Berkeley, CA
A KPFA original event gathering scholars who confront the unspeakable:
DAVID RAY GRIFFIN - Professor Of Philosophy and Theology, Emeritus, Claremont Graduate University. He is the author or editor of some 30 books, including The New Pearl Harbor, Disturbing Questions About the Bush Administration and 9/11 (2004) The 9/11 Commission Report: Omissions and Distortions (2005) Christian Faith and the Truth Behind 9/11: A Call to Reflection and Action (2006)
wheelchair accessible, substantial free parkingPETER DALE SCOTT - former Canadian diplomat, Professor of English, Emeritus, at U.C. Berkeley. Books include: Drugs, Oil and War; The U.S. in Afghanistan, Colombia, and Indochina, The Iran-Contra Connection, and Coming To Jakarta. Forthcoming from U.C. Press: The Road to 9/11: Wealth, Empire, and the Future of America. He won the 2002 Lannan Poetry Award.
RAY McGOVERN, host - Army officer, CIA analyst for 27 years (from John F. Kennedy to George H. W. Bush administrations). Founder of Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity. His articles and op-eds have appeared in newspapers around the country, in Europe, on,,, and McGovern has appeared in several video documentaries-notably, Robert Greenwald's "Uncovered: The War on Iraq" and "Breaking the Silence: Truth and Lies in the War on Terror" (produced by John Pilger). He writes and speaks for the arm of Tell the Word called "Speaking Truth to Power."
PETER PHILLIPS - Professor of Sociology at Sonoma State University, Director of Project Censored (with Bridget Thornton and Celeste Vogler), a media research organization, whose annual compilations are published by W.W. Norton. "Project Censored is one of the organizations that we should listen to, to be assured that our newspapers and our broadcasting outlets are practicing thorough and ethical journalism." - Walter Cronkite. His senior-level research assistants are Bridget Thornton and Celeste Vogler.
KEVIN RYAN - Certified Quality Engineer, B.S. in Chemistry, many years Laboratory Operations Manager and then Site Manager at Environmental Health Laboratories. On March 15, 2006 Ryan gave a lecture titled A 9/11 Whistleblower Examines the Official Conspiracy Theory in Bloomington, Indiana. This lecture was taped and broadcast.
"We have put out this volume in the conviction that 9/11 was not only the largest and least-investigated homicide in American history but perhaps also the largest hoax, with extremely fateful consequences for human civilization as a whole. If our educational community cannot address this issue, then it risks remaining merely "academic" in the worst sense of that term." - statement of editors David Ray Griffin & Peter Dale Scott
Details posted at
tickets: $15 advance, $20 door (available August 25 at Bay Area independent bookstores or Bookstores (always to be supported!) - EAST BAY: Black Oak, Cody's 4th Street, DIESEL a Bookstore, Moe's Books, Pegasus (both stores), Pendragon, Walden Pond SAN FRANCISCO: Cody's, Modern Times
Event sponsors: KPFA 94.1FM + Pacifica Radio, Northern California 9-11 Truth Alliance, Interlink Publishing + Bay Area independent bookstores
- Northern California 9-11 Truth Alliance Meeting
Thursday, September 21, 2006
at The Grand Lake Neighborhood Center
530 Lake Park Avenue, (between Lakeshore Avenue and Grand Avenue) in Oakland
7:00 p.m. to 10:00p.m.
From Hwy. 580 East (coming from the Bay Bridge or Berkeley), take the Grand Ave./Lakeshore exit (the exit ramp merges into MacArthur which intersects with Grand at the light), make a left at the light onto Grand, make a right onto Lake Park Ave. (the Grand Lake Theater will be on the corner on your far right). Go about a block, past the BofA, which will be on your left, and the GLNC will also be on your left. Park on the street or turn right into free public parking under the freeway.From Hwy. 580 West (coming from Hayward), take the Lakeshore Ave. exit (get as far to the right when approaching the exit before, the Harrison/Oakland exit, then continue moving to the right). When you exit at Lakshore Ave., you will be on Lake Park. Go straight at the light (you'll see an OMNI store in front of you to the right), crossing Lakeshore Ave. The GLNC will be a few storefronts down on your right. Park on the street or turn left into free public parking under the freeway across from GLNC. If you cross Grand Ave. (and the theater) you've gone too far.
9-11 Truth Alliance info/events line 1-866-268-2320
9/11 & The American Empire: Intellectuals Speak Out
Sunday, September 24, 2006
7:00 PM
Martin Luther King Middle School
1781 Rose Street
Berkeley, CA
A KPFA original event gathering scholars who confront the unspeakable:
DAVID RAY GRIFFIN - Professor Of Philosophy and Theology, Emeritus, Claremont Graduate University. He is the author or editor of some 30 books, including The New Pearl Harbor, Disturbing Questions About the Bush Administration and 9/11 (2004) The 9/11 Commission Report: Omissions and Distortions (2005) Christian Faith and the Truth Behind 9/11: A Call to Reflection and Action (2006)
wheelchair accessible, substantial free parkingPETER DALE SCOTT - former Canadian diplomat, Professor of English, Emeritus, at U.C. Berkeley. Books include: Drugs, Oil and War; The U.S. in Afghanistan, Colombia, and Indochina, The Iran-Contra Connection, and Coming To Jakarta. Forthcoming from U.C. Press: The Road to 9/11: Wealth, Empire, and the Future of America. He won the 2002 Lannan Poetry Award.
RAY McGOVERN, host - Army officer, CIA analyst for 27 years (from John F. Kennedy to George H. W. Bush administrations). Founder of Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity. His articles and op-eds have appeared in newspapers around the country, in Europe, on,,, and McGovern has appeared in several video documentaries-notably, Robert Greenwald's "Uncovered: The War on Iraq" and "Breaking the Silence: Truth and Lies in the War on Terror" (produced by John Pilger). He writes and speaks for the arm of Tell the Word called "Speaking Truth to Power."
PETER PHILLIPS - Professor of Sociology at Sonoma State University, Director of Project Censored (with Bridget Thornton and Celeste Vogler), a media research organization, whose annual compilations are published by W.W. Norton. "Project Censored is one of the organizations that we should listen to, to be assured that our newspapers and our broadcasting outlets are practicing thorough and ethical journalism." - Walter Cronkite. His senior-level research assistants are Bridget Thornton and Celeste Vogler.
KEVIN RYAN - Certified Quality Engineer, B.S. in Chemistry, many years Laboratory Operations Manager and then Site Manager at Environmental Health Laboratories. On March 15, 2006 Ryan gave a lecture titled A 9/11 Whistleblower Examines the Official Conspiracy Theory in Bloomington, Indiana. This lecture was taped and broadcast.
"We have put out this volume in the conviction that 9/11 was not only the largest and least-investigated homicide in American history but perhaps also the largest hoax, with extremely fateful consequences for human civilization as a whole. If our educational community cannot address this issue, then it risks remaining merely "academic" in the worst sense of that term." - statement of editors David Ray Griffin & Peter Dale Scott
Details posted at
tickets: $15 advance, $20 door (available August 25 at Bay Area independent bookstores or Bookstores (always to be supported!) - EAST BAY: Black Oak, Cody's 4th Street, DIESEL a Bookstore, Moe's Books, Pegasus (both stores), Pendragon, Walden Pond SAN FRANCISCO: Cody's, Modern Times
Event sponsors: KPFA 94.1FM + Pacifica Radio, Northern California 9-11 Truth Alliance, Interlink Publishing + Bay Area independent bookstores
EDUCATIONAL SERIES: (Fourth Thursday of Ea. Month)
TERRORISM EXPLAINED: How Governments Use Thugs, Drug Dealers, and Religious Fanatics to Control Us and “Justify” Endless War By Ed Rippy
Thursday September 28th, 2006
7-9 pm
522 Valencia St., 3rd Floor
(Near 16th St., 2 blocks west of 16th St. BART)
8 PM: Advanced Topic: Oil, Money, and War: Why They Have To Garisson All the Oil On the Planet
Free, but donations appreciated
Sponsored by N. Ca. 9-11 Truth Alliance
9-11 Truth Alliance info/events line 1-866-268-2320
Meet and Greet California Green Party Candidates!
Tuesday, October 3rd, 6:45 pm, Historic Adobe House, Mountain View
(Click on leaf for details)
Thursday, October 5, 2006
World Can't Wait Drive out the Bush Regime!
(We've cancelled our regularly scheduled monthly meeting to join in solidarity with World Can't Wait. We'll bring our table, banner, signs, educational materials, possibly screen films... in cooperation with World Can't Wait.)There is still an effort to secure march and rally permits in San Francisco, but as of now, here's what we have- check out the World Can't Wait website for the latest details...
NOON Convergence
4 PM rally and a dramatic Peoples Tribunal to indict the regime
Into the night vigil Camp WAKE THE FOLK UP broadcasting 24+ hours
OCT 6 (Friday morning) 8 AM rally and press conferenceOctober 5 THURSDAY MORNING: High School and College Walk-Outs -- Leave work early or stay out -- join us in the streets to call out to the people of the Bay Area to GET INVOLVED! All over the Bay Area, people wake up to the sights and sounds of October 5th. Banner drops, giant public art, poster lines along commute lanes, flyering busses and trains, radio news, soundtrucks, people are everywhere visible, building the heart and determination to make this truly a day of mass political resistance. Tell all the youth and the communities. Bring signs, banners, music, boom boxes, creative arts supplies, your ideas, your voice. Come to downtown San Francisco early, head for the mass convergence -- or on your way there, pick your spot for creative action in the street, or join those who have planned a sit-in, a worship service, street theater, a rally. The theme and message of October 5th: WE REPUDIATE THE ENTIRE PROGRAM OF THE BUSH REGIME, THE PEOPLE WILL DRIVE THEM OUT AND REVERSE THE DIRECTION THEY HAVE BEEN TAKING THIS COUNTRY AND THE WORLD.
** The color is of the day is The World Can't Wait green. Send your plan and contact info to be included in a schedule of the day to
OCTOBER 5 THURSDAY NOON: 1. Mass Convergence at the Statue of the Bush Regime, 2. Youth Speak Out and then MARCH.
At points during this day, groups of youth will gather to publicly take a pledge to the people of the world: We refuse to take any part in this governments murderous and utterly illegitimate war on the world, and we refuse to give our support to any of the other crimes of the Bush Regime! (***note this pledge wording is not finalized, but you get the idea)
OCTOBER 5 THURSDAY 4PM into the evening: MAJOR MASS CONVERGENCE with prominent speakers, performers, and a dramatic People's Tribunal against George Bush and his entire adminstration on charges of war crimes and crimes against humanity. Trial to be convened in the traditional San Francisco World Can't Wait huge manner. Will the people find the Bush Regime guilty as charged?
OCTOBER 5-6 ALL NIGHT LONG: 'CAMP WAKE THE FOLK UP!' will continue non-stop as a large diverse crowd vigils all night listening to testimony by victims of the Bush Regime, and by those in resistance against it - and their speakers, poetry, songs - broadcast and podcast from the vigil grounds round-the-clock. People are invited from everywhere to come to join this encampment whatever the hour. As the night unfolds, people will talk, debate, and work together on visions and plans for driving out the Bush Regime and reversing the whole direction it has been taking the country and the world.
OCTOBER 6 FRIDAY 8AM: Press Conference and Rally. Greet the new day with a morning rally, reporting on the historic events of the past 24 hours around the country -- and plans for upcoming days as this mass movement looks ahead to its next steps to drive out the Bush Regime. *** NOTE: Permits for the above events are being applied for now.
9/11 Press For Truth
Wednesday, October 11, 2006, 7:30 pm
CitySites Media Center, 169 Sixth St.
(FREE- but you must RSVP-
9/11 Press For Truth
Thursday, October 12, 2006, 7 pm
Veterans Memorial Building, 846 Front St
Presented by the Santa Cruz 9-11 Truth Network
Follow-Up Mass Meeting to the Oct 5th- March, Rally, Vigil to Drive Out the Bush Regime
Saturday, October 14, from 7:00-9:00 PM,
Main auditorium of the Women’s Building
3543 18th Street, (between Valencia and Guerrero Streets in the Mission District of San Francisco).
This meeting will discuss: “How do we drive an illegitimate regime from power?” and the next ambitious, necessary steps our movement should take.
World Can't Wait is saying-
· We’re staying in the streets/public squares, and reaching out to everyone in every community to come into this movement.
· We’re raising a call to wear orange (armbands are great) and decorate our cities with orange Emergency crime tape this symbolizes those being disappeared and tortured in our name.
· We’re going to launch 6 weeks of street gatherings where people create a culture of resistance in song and theater, with exhibits and speak-outs focused on our Call’s “Your Government” indictments.
· We want to be ready to respond to an October (or November) Surprise from the Bush Regime.
· We are planning STATE OF EMERGENCY TEACH-INS on campuses and in communities before the end of October, to do emergency education on each of the “Your Government” indictments. We are out to wake people up to what is going on, in their name. We will make and deepen our case that this regime is guilty of war crimes and crimes against humanity.
3rd Annual George Bush Going Away Party
Sat, October 14th, 2006 @ 8pm
The Herbst Theatre
401 Van Ness Ave @ McAllister
Greg Proops (TV improv show "Whose Line Is It Anyway?")
Bill Santiago (Comedy Central)
Alana Devich (Comedy Central's "Laugh Riots")
MC: Lisa Geduldig
A benefit for Central Committee for Conscientious Objectors
Details at
Tickets available through City Box Office
Northern California 9-11 Truth Alliance Meeting Thursday, October 19, 2006
at The Grand Lake Neighborhood Center
530 Lake Park Avenue, (between Lakeshore Avenue and Grand Avenue) in Oakland
7:00 p.m. to 10:00p.m.
From Hwy. 580 East (coming from the Bay Bridge or Berkeley), take the Grand Ave./Lakeshore exit (the exit ramp merges into MacArthur which intersects with Grand at the light), make a left at the light onto Grand, make a right onto Lake Park Ave. (the Grand Lake Theater will be on the corner on your far right). Go about a block, past the BofA, which will be on your left, and the GLNC will also be on your left. Park on the street or turn right into free public parking under the freeway.From Hwy. 580 West (coming from Hayward), take the Lakeshore Ave. exit (get as far to the right when approaching the exit before, the Harrison/Oakland exit, then continue moving to the right). When you exit at Lakshore Ave., you will be on Lake Park. Go straight at the light (you'll see an OMNI store in front of you to the right), crossing Lakeshore Ave. The GLNC will be a few storefronts down on your right. Park on the street or turn left into free public parking under the freeway across from GLNC. If you cross Grand Ave. (and the theater) you've gone too far.
9-11 Truth Alliance info/events line 1-866-268-2320
Northern California 9-11 Truth Alliance Meeting Thursday, October 19, 2006
at The Grand Lake Neighborhood Center
530 Lake Park Avenue, (between Lakeshore Avenue and Grand Avenue) in Oakland
7:00 p.m. to 10:00p.m.
From Hwy. 580 East (coming from the Bay Bridge or Berkeley), take the Grand Ave./Lakeshore exit (the exit ramp merges into MacArthur which intersects with Grand at the light), make a left at the light onto Grand, make a right onto Lake Park Ave. (the Grand Lake Theater will be on the corner on your far right). Go about a block, past the BofA, which will be on your left, and the GLNC will also be on your left. Park on the street or turn right into free public parking under the freeway.From Hwy. 580 West (coming from Hayward), take the Lakeshore Ave. exit (get as far to the right when approaching the exit before, the Harrison/Oakland exit, then continue moving to the right). When you exit at Lakshore Ave., you will be on Lake Park. Go straight at the light (you'll see an OMNI store in front of you to the right), crossing Lakeshore Ave. The GLNC will be a few storefronts down on your right. Park on the street or turn left into free public parking under the freeway across from GLNC. If you cross Grand Ave. (and the theater) you've gone too far.
- Screening! Thursday, October 26, 7:00 PM
Mt. Diablo Peace & Justice Center
55 Eckley Lane, Walnut CreekVideos for Peace: 9/11: Press for Truth (84 min.)
Guest Speaker: Dr. Paul Rea, author of Still Seeking the Truth About 9/11"I've been waiting for the Hearts and Minds of the 9/11 movement, and now we have it." -- Dr. Paul Rea, after viewing 9/11: Press for Truth.
Following the attacks of September 11th, a small group of grieving families waged a tenacious battle against those who sought to bury the truth about the event "including, to their amazement, President Bush. In "9/11: Press for Truth" six of them, including three of the famous 'Jersey Girls', tell for the first time the powerful story of how they took on the greatest powers in Washington—and won!— compelling an investigation, only to subsequently watch the 9/11 Commission fail in answering most of their questions. Perhaps the most important one of all: Why, five years later, are so many of the families' questions still unanswered?
Adapting Paul Thompson's Complete 9/11 Timeline (, the film stitches together news clips, buried stories and government press conferences, revealing a pattern of official lies, deception and spin. Thompson's narrative presents a different picture of 9/11, one that raises new, more pressing questions.
What actions were taken by top government officials who received dozens of specific warnings before the attack? Was Bin Laden and his top al Qaeda leadership allowed to escape in Afghanistan? What has been the reason for obscuring the evidence regarding the Pakistani connection? These and many more questions have have not yet been fully answered, but the 9/11 Truth Movement ( is working hard to find credible explanations.
9/11 Press for Truth premieres in Palo Alto with authors- Paul Thompson and Peter Dale Scott Friday, October 27th 7 pm at Spangenberg Theater
Gunn High School, 780 Arastradero Road.This film tells the story of the battle between the grieving families and the White House. The families won one battle and forced the Commission into existence, but they were distressed to witness the Commission's failure to address most of the questions posed by the Family Steering Committee. The documentary adapts Paul Thompson's Complete 9/11 Timeline and pieces together news clips, buried stories, and government press conferences to reveal a pattern of lies, deception, and spin. The film raises questions about 9/11 that have led many families to express skepticism about the official story and demand a new investigation. The film will be followed by a discussion with Paul Thompson and Peter Dale Scott, editor of 9/11 and American Empire, both of whom have researched extensively the relationship between the terrorists and the US government.
Click here for Details,to reserve a seat, to volunteer to help.
$5 Admission, students with ID free, proceeds benefit the Northern California 9/11 Truth AllianceContact 650-857-0927
Palo Alto Premiere, October 27, 2006, 7 pm with Paul Thompson and Peter Dale Scott, Spangenberg Theater, Gunn High School
National Day of Anti-War Actions
October 28, 2006
UN Plaza in San Francisco- all day!Details at (We would like someone to help coordinate a 9-11 Truth presence, if possible, contact Carol at (I will be out of state- so can't table like I usually do.)
Impeach Bush/Cheney- Carnival of Horrors
Halloween, October 31, 2006, 11:30 AM (Press Conference at 12:15)
Nancy Pelosi's Office 450 Golden Gate Ave.( between Larkin and Polk in San Francisco, CA 94102)House Rep. Nancy Pelosi “I don't see us going to a place of impeachment.”
Help Nancy ‘Get it’ …. With a PRESS CONFERENCE & over 12,000 signatures from people who actually do!
Help end the pain. Support us in this ghoulish matter. Come in costume (or not) to deliver over 12,000 citizen calls a PRESS CONFERENCE for Impeachment to the Democratic Minority Leader, Nancy Pelosi in San Francisco at 11:30 to 2:30 pm 450 Golden Gate Ave. between Larkin and Polk in San Francisco, CA 94102. Let Nancy Pelosi know that the San Francisco and the Bay Area is aghast at the immoral and illegal policies of Bush, Cheney and the gang! We want our country back with the Bill of Rights intact. Protest the horror of Illegal war, Illegal detention and Illegal torture as the Bush Administration continues their assault on us all and the Basic protections of the Constitution. Be there for your country. Are you spooked by the horrors? Support Impeachment!
This event is endorsed by the Northern California Truth Alliance. We plan on attending (as Billionaires for Bush, and wearing V for Vendetta masks- to pass out "Unmask State Sponsored Terrorism" Deception Dollars, and Global Peace Week leaflets (Isn't impeachment the peaceful solution to the world's biggest rogue terrorist operation???- Let's just be sure that it is included in the articles of impeachment- so that they can't continue the bogus war on terrorism without their figurehead).
Northern California 9-11 Truth Alliance Meeting Thursday, November 2nd, 2006
7 p.m. to 10 p.m.
522 Valencia St. just up from the 16th St. Bart Station
(*press the upper left button on key pad to be let it).
San Francisco9-11 Truth Alliance info/events line 1-866-268-2320
Project Censored- Media Accountability Conference November 3rd and 4th, Sonoma State University
Keynote Speaker- Dr. Steven E. Jones, physicist, speaking on the mysterious collapse of Building #7.
LIFTING THE FOG ON 9/11: Applying the Scientific Method to the World Trade Center Destruction- Conference
Saturday, November 11, 2006; 10 am to 10 pm.
Presenters include: BYU Physics Professor Steven Jones; 9-11 Research creator Jim Hoffman; World Trade Center Environmental Organization founder Jenna Orkin; Former UL Site Manager Kevin Ryan; Mickey Huff, M.A, Survivor- Janette McKinlay, Peter Phillips. Details at
Screening of 9/11 The Myth and the Reality with Filmmaker, Ken Jenkins Tuesday, November 14, 2006, at 7PM
909 - 12th Street, SacramentoKen Jenkins - activist, psychologist, and videographer - will present a new film that he produced and directed. The film is of two speeches that David Ray Griffin delivered earlier this year in the Bay Area
Dr. Griffin - author, lecturer, and Emeritus Professor of Philosophy of Religion and Theology - has written some of the most significant books on the subject of 9/11, and is regarded as an authority on this subject. This film of Dr. Griffin's talks - at the Commonwealth Club in San Francisco and the Grand Lake Theater in Oakland - is enhanced with numerous graphics and video clips. In the film, Dr. Griffin explains how the official story of 9/11 is a sacred myth. He then details nine commonly held myths about 9/11, and why each is false.
Ken Jenkins will give a short powerpoint presentation following the film, and host question and answer discussion. The DVD is available through 911TV.
Northern California 9-11 Truth Alliance Meeting Thursday, November 16, 2006
at The Grand Lake Neighborhood Center
530 Lake Park Avenue, (between Lakeshore Avenue and Grand Avenue) in Oakland
7:00 p.m. to 10:00p.m.
From Hwy. 580 East (coming from the Bay Bridge or Berkeley), take the Grand Ave./Lakeshore exit (the exit ramp merges into MacArthur which intersects with Grand at the light), make a left at the light onto Grand, make a right onto Lake Park Ave. (the Grand Lake Theater will be on the corner on your far right). Go about a block, past the BofA, which will be on your left, and the GLNC will also be on your left. Park on the street or turn right into free public parking under the freeway.From Hwy. 580 West (coming from Hayward), take the Lakeshore Ave. exit (get as far to the right when approaching the exit before, the Harrison/Oakland exit, then continue moving to the right). When you exit at Lakshore Ave., you will be on Lake Park. Go straight at the light (you'll see a Busy Body Home Fitness store in front of you to the right), crossing Lakeshore Ave. The GLNC will be a few storefronts down on your right. Park on the street or turn left into free public parking under the freeway across from GLNC. If you cross Grand Ave. (and the theater) you've gone too far.
Buses (check schedules):
The 57 Macarthur, to Kaiser hospital, 40th and the Emeryville shopping district.
The NL, via Grand to downtown Oakland and San Francisco9-11 Truth Alliance info/events line 1-866-268-2320
Radio Malaspina, CHLY 101.7 FM, presents 9/11 Truth Show: An Exercise in Speaking Truth to Power
Wednesday evenings from 6:00 to 7:00 pm
Nov. 29 2006.Confirmed Guest:
Nov. 29 Carol Brouillet - 9/11 Truth activist.For reading, website and documentary movie lists, questions, and comments contact producer/host Raymond Geisler at
Listen online at
Premiering the film- 9/11 MYSTERIES
Thursday, November 30, 2006, 7 PM
Santa Cruz Veterans Memorial Building
846 Front St, Santa Cruz, CA9/11 Mysteries
A riveting new documentary with analysis of the physical evidence, eyewitness and expert testimonies.Cost: By donation only, no one turned away for lack of funds. Movie
A presentation of the Santa Cruz 9-11 Truth Network
Hoilday Peace Fair Saturday, December 1, 2006
11 am to 4 pm Campbell United Methodist Church
1675 Winchester Blvd. (south of Hamilton)(Northern California 9-11 Truth Alliance will be tabling our 9-11 materials...)
Unique items and gifts books, buttons, tapes
food, hot and cold drinks
free children's activitiesAdmission $1, includes prizes. Free admission for kids
Northern California 9-11 Truth Alliance San Francisco Strategy Meeting
Sunday, December 3, 2006
The meeting will be from 10am to 6pm.
We generally meet on the first Thursday of the month in San Francisco, however, in December our regular space is not available, and we voted to try to have an all day meeting on the first weekend in December.
Last year, we opened it up to all of Northern California and had about 75 people, created a long list of ideas, came up with language for our actions/posters/articles/press releases, and voted to support Carol Brouillet's 9/11 Truth/Impeachment Congressional bid.
Assess (and celebrate) the 9/11 Truth Movement's (and our) achievements, over the years, this year in particular, and where we are now. Look at our current situation, politically, the obstacles, opportunities, threats, before us now.
Determine what our resources our, where are passions and energies can be directed for the benefit of Movement needs, and our personal needs/hopes. Brainstorm short, medium, long term goals.
Consider how we can be more effective, what our our internal weaknesses, how can we improve our communications within the group, and getting our message out to the public.
How can we support, encourage, inspire one another, and grow the movement?
We want to be able to have the thoughtful discussions that we don't have time for at our regular meetings, but since this meeting will replace our usual San Francisco, first Thursday meeting, we will try to cover our regular business, as well. One reason we chose to have the meeting this weekend is so that those who wanted to do a solidarity action with the December 16th Boston Tea Party 9/11 Truth event- would have a bit of time to connect and plan an action.
- KPFA CRAFTS FAIR San Francisco
December 9th & 10th
(We had hoped to table and leaflet both days, but the weather forecast is for rain. If you still would like to go and leaflet/pass out Deception Dollars and leaflets for our upcoming action- please call Carol- 650-857-0927).
Details at Human Rights Day/Impeachment Day! Sunday, December 10, 2006
1:00 PM - 3:00 PM
United Nation PLaza (Civic Center BART) Market/Hyde Streets, San FranciscoRAIN OR SHINE!!! Join us for United Nations Human Rights & Impeach Bush-Cheney Rally Costumed Shopping Spree at the UN Plaza Heart Farmer’s Market; Sign the Petitions and Donate if you can! Find out how to demand justice for this administration’s unprecedented crimes against humanity.
Fantastic SPEAKERS INCLUDE:LARRY EVEREST: author of “Oil, Power and Empire”
PETER PHILLIPS: Director of “Project Censored” and author of “Impeach the President”
MEDEA BENJAMIN: Director of “Global Exchange” and a spokersperson from ANSWER!
CAROL BROUILLET: Co-Founder of The Northern California 9/11 Truth Alliance ;
The ORANGE JUMPSUIT SHOPPERS : from “World Can’t Wait ENJOY + local artist and songwriter Evan Raymond and others & much more.Nancy Pelosi’s constituents voted almost 60% in the last election in favor of impeachment and she still refuses to publicly acknowledge what was voted on in her own district !!
With the new congress we have a better chance than ever before to make great strides for human rights all over the world. They will not budge without consistent pressure from below. Let’s force Bush/Cheney to resign when investigations/impeachment reveal more truth about the crimes.
Now more than ever we must be Organized, Vigilant and Informed !!
Sponsored by Impeach-Bush-Cheney & World Can’t Wait Drive out the Bush Regime
Endorsed by:Codepink, ANSWER, Alameda Co. Peace & Freedom Party, Krissy Keefer, Dr. Peter Philips (Project Censored), Larry Everest, Northern California 9/11 Truth Alliance & many others!
More info at (510) 845-4154
December meeting of Sacramento 9/11 Truth
Wednesday, December 13, 2006
6PM to 8PM
Juliana’s Kitchen restaurant
1401 “G” Street, Sacramento, (Corner of 14th and “G” Streets)On November 30th, seventeen other activists from across the nation and I participated in the monthly National Grassroots Contacts Conference Call. This call had two portions. In the first, led by Gabriel Day, we discussed upcoming national events (such as the Boston Tea Party for 9/11 Truth coming up on December 16th), new resources available to us, and the general consensus on where the focus of our Movement should be at this time, among other topics. In the second portion, Tom Tvedten – led a discussion of the rapidly expanding national 911 DVD Project, and how to utilize this outstanding resource to further our goal of disseminating 9/11 Truth.
At our meeting this Wednesday, we’ll discuss this conference call in greater detail. We’ll also talk about some pertinent websites, such as the new Pilots for 9/11 Truth , Patriots Question 9/11, a lengthy listing of Senior Military, Intelligence, and Government Critics of the 9/11 Commission Report, and a PowerPoint presentation of 9/11 Truth found at
Film Screening: 9/11 Mysteries, Part 1: Demolitions
Thursday, December 14, 2006
4:30 PM
San Francisco State University, Cesar Chavez Student Center
Rm: Rosa Parks A-C
1900 Holloway Ave.
San Francisco, CAThis event is a screening of the film "9/11 Mysteries, Part 1: Demoltions." Free to the public. ( proceeded by a follow-up discussion.
"Excellent. The best of the 9/11 movies." --David Ray Griffin, author of The New Pearl Harbor
"WOW! is my reaction to this movie. Great insight into demolitions and what really happened on 9/11/2001." --Steven E. Jones, physics professor, Brigham Young University
"An outstanding contribution to understanding 9/11. Simply superb." --James H. Fetzer, founder, Scholars for 911 Truth
"A superb work and asset to the patriot community and America itself." --Aaron Russo, producer/director, America: From Freedom to Fascism
For more info about this event, contact:
In Boston
- Boston Tea Party for 9/11 Truth
Saturday, December 16th, 2006
Check-out the website for more details and learn about the evening educational events scheduled for December 15th & 16th. San Francisco Tea Party for 9/11 Truth
Saturday, December 16th, 2006Inspired by the Boston Tea Party for 9/11 Truth, we plan on doing a solidarity action and tossing our own giant replica of the flawed official 9/11 Report into San Francisco Bay
1:00 pm Rally near the Aquarium at Pier 39 Parade along the waterfront westward
2:00 pm Rally at the base of Hyde Street Pier
2:30 pm Rally at the bleachers at Aquatic Park
2:45- 3:00 March to the end of the Municipal Pier-
Cast the 9/11 Report into the Bay (Dunking 3:00 pm)
*Colonial Wear - Simple instruction on becoming an american colonial patriot
Tri corner hat - easily procured from costume shops and online, White loose fitting shirt to wear under vest or cloak, Vest and or Cape
Pants, use corduroy pants, roll them up to the knee , Socks long socks from knee length , Black shoes (with buckle if possible)
Bring a fife, drum, historical flag, hand held bells, Signs, create your own signs - use colonial typefaces if you can - Caslon is a good oneContact- Northern California 9-11 Truth Alliance- Carol 650-857-0927, or email-
In solidarity and in spirit with the Boston Tea Party for 9/11 Truth and the courageous American patriots who, on December 16, 1773 said "No!" to lack of representation and tyranny by tossing crates of British tea into Boston harbor, the Northern California 9/11 Truth Alliance will enact a "9/11 Truth Tea Party" on December 16, 2006, calling upon those who cherish the ideals of liberty and justice to cast off the tyrannies imposed on the American public and the world that were sold by governmental lies immediately after 9/11, and later through compounded lies and coverups within the official 9/11 Commission Report.
For those who were not able to cross the continent to be with our brothers and sisters in Boston, we gathered in San Francisco to hear about the “Connected Dots” that should be “Heard Round the World,” and to voice our own proclamation demanding an immediate, genuinely independent investigation. We applaud Boston's efforts to re-establish Citizen Grand Juries by which the pre-Revolutionary War colonists legally threw off the yoke of tyranny. We paraded an enlarged replica of the deeply flawed 9/11 Commission Report to the waters of San Francisco Bay. There we declared its false-conclusions ‘null and void.’
According to the latest polls, 62% of the American people believe that the official 9/11 story of George W, King Pretender, is fatally flawed or a deliberate lie. As more and more scholars, physicists, engineers, architects, and high-level government, military and intelligence insiders come forward to contribute to a fuller understanding of the true facts of 9/11 (, often at great risk to themselves, so we came forward to add our voices to those of Boston and New England 9/11 Truth groups who believe that truth is the moral imperative of our democratic society and an obligation of all public servants. We were joined by 9/11 Truth groups in Philadelphia, DC, St. Louis, and Milwaukee who organized their own Tea Parties for 9/11 Truth.
The catastrophic events of 9/11 and the illegal, unilateral wars and unprecedented assaults on our constitutional rights and liberties here at home, justified by the official lie about who perpetrated the 9/11 events, are at the very center of everyday life in America. We therefore will accept no compromise until the full truth of 9/11 reclaims its rightful place at the core of the American psyche. Only a complete and independent 9/11 investigation will yield the answers all Americans deserve. These answers will empower us to confront the Bush Administration’s challenges to the freedoms and democracy guaranteed by our Constitution and defended through the sacrifices of those who have come before us and the many who are still dying because of this unconscionable official Lie.
We welcome and invite those who cherish liberty, truth, justice, and peace to join us in our efforts!
San Francisco Bay TEA PARTY for 9/11 TRUTH
PROCLAMATION 12/16/2006Fellow citizens, the lies and deceptions of the tyrannical elite within our government regarding the crimes of September 11, 2001 have undermined our democratic processes and our liberties, and have been used to launch wars upon other nations for far too long. The Executive, Judiciary and US Congress are hereby advised that we, the citizenry of these United States, hold an uncompromising DEMAND for:
A genuine independent investigation of the attacks on 9/11/2001.
Whereas the catastrophic events of September 11, 2001 have been used to justify attacks upon our Constitution, the Bill of Rights, and habeas corpus, and whereas subsequent wars launched upon the world have, together, threatened all of humanity--physically, legally, morally, and psychologically; and
Whereas the 9/11 Commission ignored the fact that the Government lied and falsified scientific data about the quality of the air and water in the wake of 9/11, thereby compounding the disaster, endangering the health of unprotected first responders and citizens, sacrificing them in the interests of re-opening Wall Street, and later fighting the victims in court to deny them health benefits; and
Whereas the 9/11 Commission was directed by Dr. Philip Zelikow, author of Bush’s “pre-emptive war doctrine,” whose tenure as a member of the Bush National Security transition team caused him to appear as a witness before the Commission and represented so outrageous a conflict of interest that the 9/11 Family Steering Committee demanded his resignation, to no avail; and whereas Dr. Zelikow's expertise is the creation and maintenance of, in his words, “public myths,” which he defined as “beliefs… thought to be true (although not necessarily known to be true with certainty),” and in what he called “‘searing’ or ‘molding’ events [that] take on ‘transcendent’ importance and retain their power” across generations; and
Whereas the 9/11 Commission failed to investigate members of the Administration who also were members of the Project for a New American Century and wrote "Creating Tomorrow's Dominant Force," which stated the need for the Department of Defense to "move more aggressively to experiment with new technologies and operational concepts,” and that "further, the process of transformation, even if it brings revolutionary change, is likely to be a long one, absent some catastrophic and catalyzing event like a new Pearl Harbor;” and
Whereas the 9/11 Commission failed to investigate numerous Air Force war games conducted on September 11, 2001 that severely crippled our highly competent aircraft interception capability; and
Whereas the 9/11 Commission failed to investigate or even mention the demolition of the 47-story World Trade Center Building 7, which was not struck by a plane, but went down at near freefall speed at 5:20 pm on 9/11; and
Whereas the 9/11 Commission failed to mention that fire had never caused steel-frame high-rise buildings to collapse, and that the pulverization of the towers shared the distinctive features of controlled demolitions, and mischaracterized the towers' core structure as “a hollow steel shaft,” ignoring the 47 massive steel support columns as large as 22 inches by 54 inches; and
Whereas the 9/11 Commission failed to investigate and explain how the Pentagon, within the most-guarded airspace on the planet, including its own missile defense system, was penetrated on 9/11/2001; and
Whereas, the 9/11 Commission decided that who financed 9/11 was “of little practical significance,” ignoring evidence that top ISI General Mahmoud Ahmad had $100,000 wired to alleged lead pilot Mohammed Atta, and evidence that top Al Qaeda operative Ali Mohammed, who was involved with the ’93 WTC bombings, the African Embassy attacks and 9/11, was employed and protected by the FBI, CIA and the US military; and
Whereas the 9/11 Commission failed so utterly in its stated mission “to prepare a full and complete account of the circumstances surrounding the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks,” that Dr. David Ray Griffin, author of The 9/11 Commission Report: Omissions and Distortions, deemed the Commission’s effort a 571-page lie, after chronicling 115 of its “errors;”
We, people of the United States of America, today, from Boston to California, from sea to shining sea, on the sixteenth day of December in the year two thousand and six, do hereby REJECT the findings contained in the Report of the Kean-Hamilton Commission to Investigate Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States, and DEMAND the release of documents, evidence, withheld by the government, and an IMMEDIATE, genuinely Independent 9/11 investigation with subpoena powers, independent 9/11 researchers, and oversight by 9/11 families and concerned citizens.
Join us, be not afraid-- the day of reckoning and the end of the era of lies, deceit, tyranny, and war is at hand.
May truth, peace, liberty, respect for life and justice prevail.*
[Apologies go out to those who might have missed us today, because of poor communications and a change of schedule. Some of us arrived near Hyde Street Pier at 9:30 am, where we set up our awning, tables, chairs, resource materials, banners, and began to leaflet the public. We arrived at Pier 39 at 12:50, began our rally promptly at 1:00 pm, and a leisurely parade westward at 1:15. We rallied near Hyde Street Pier from 2:00- 2:20 pm and converged for another rally at the bleachers in Aquatic Park at 2:30 pm. At that time we received a call from the local television station KPIX, saying that they were stuck in traffic and running late, so we promised not to cast our replica into the Bay, until they arrived. The delay was somewhat convenient, because Federal Park Security blocked off the entrance to the pier for awhile, but dispersed when the TV camera showed up. Our giant replica (12' x 8' x 2') of the 9/11 Report was also late, but paraded down Municipal Pier for final words before we cast the large replica (47" x 31" x 7") into the Bay. KPFA caught some of the speeches, an interview, and the proclamation for their evening news broadcast. We gave an update on Webster Tarpley's radio show, and heard great reports about the events in Milwaukee and Boston.
It really needs to be said here- that a great time was had by all. Despite the drama, the fears, the threats, the concerns, the logistical challenges, late arrivals- wonderful people came- our outreach effort was a great success, despite the seriousness of our cause, and our very deep committment to truth, peace, justice, a better future for all- we had fun! My love to all who came, supported us, wished us well, especially those who helped mind the table- Bob, Camille, Dana, Diane, Ken- and to the Herculean, heroic, brilliant effort at constructing the giant Report and getting it to the pier- Bravo Brian! And of course- the organizers- John, our scout who figured out the route, and our videographers- Mike Marino and Ken Jenkins, Chuck who made the images for the large replica, Cam who designed the beautiful cards, Boston 9/11 Truth for inspiring us, and sending us the media list and the T-shirts. Scott, John, Richard, David, Joseph, and the others who went to the effort of getting costumes, and pulled through and spoke at the rallies. It truly was a group effort, by we the people... Carol (who brought the sound system, and the food)]
Video coverage by KPIX (Local Television entitled-
San Francisco version of Boston Tea Party, Protest Over 9/11 Report,
posted on their website December 17, 2006.Thanks to 9/11 Youth for Truth for this clip:
Another video clip of The San Francisco Tea Party (9 minutes 38 seconds).
More great photos are posted at including this one which I think is priceless:
Tian, who is in this photo, also took some great photos and a short video of the toss. Check out his webpage by clicking on this photo which he took:
And here are a couple more-
This great photo appeared in the Boston Globe:
A great photo album and video of the Boston Tea Party from A short, poor account of the- Boston Tea Party for 9/11 Truth from the Keene Free Press. (Who obviously got some of the facts wrong- if you look at the photos and see the video.)
Latest Press Release, December 14, 2006
& Official Press Advisory, December 7, 2006Here's the link to the Great Midwest Tea Party for 9/11 Truth:
Organized by Take A Stand For 9/11 Truth. The Report was burned and tossed into Lake Michigan. Channel 12 covered it- and there are some nice pictures and a write up at their site.Links and updates on more Tea Parties for 9/11 Truth in Philadelphia, DC, and St. Louis. See for more details.
We also produced an informational card to pass out to the public:
Film Screening at SF Library, Koret Auditorium, Wednesday, December 20th, 5:45 pm. Free.- Film Screening: 9/11 Mysteries, Part 1: Demolitions
Wednesday, December 20, 2006
5:45 PM
San Francisco Public Library
Koret Auditorium
100 Larkin Street
San Francisco, CAThis event is a screening of the film "9/11 Mysteries, Part 1: Demoltions." Free to the public.( proceeded by a follow-up discussion.
"Excellent. The best of the 9/11 movies." --David Ray Griffin, author of The New Pearl Harbor
"WOW! is my reaction to this movie. Great insight into demolitions and what really happened on 9/11/2001." --Steven E. Jones, physics professor, Brigham Young University
"An outstanding contribution to understanding 9/11. Simply superb." --James H. Fetzer, founder, Scholars for 911 Truth
"A superb work and asset to the patriot community and America itself." --Aaron Russo, producer/director, America: From Freedom to Fascism
For more info about this event, contact:
Northern California 9-11 Truth Alliance Meeting Thursday, December 21, 2006
at The Grand Lake Neighborhood Center
530 Lake Park Avenue, (between Lakeshore Avenue and Grand Avenue) in Oakland
7:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m.
From Hwy. 580 East (coming from the Bay Bridge or Berkeley), take the Grand Ave./Lakeshore exit (the exit ramp merges into MacArthur which intersects with Grand at the light), make a left at the light onto Grand, make a right onto Lake Park Ave. (the Grand Lake Theater will be on the corner on your far right). Go about a block, past the BofA, which will be on your left, and the GLNC will also be on your left. Park on the street or turn right into free public parking under the freeway.From Hwy. 580 West (coming from Hayward), take the Lakeshore Ave. exit (get as far to the right when approaching the exit before, the Harrison/Oakland exit, then continue moving to the right). When you exit at Lakshore Ave., you will be on Lake Park. Go straight at the light (you'll see a Busy Body Home Fitness store in front of you to the right), crossing Lakeshore Ave. The GLNC will be a few storefronts down on your right. Park on the street or turn left into free public parking under the freeway across from GLNC. If you cross Grand Ave. (and the theater) you've gone too far.
Buses (check schedules):
The 57 Macarthur, to Kaiser hospital, 40th and the Emeryville shopping district.
The NL, via Grand to downtown Oakland and San Francisco9-11 Truth Alliance info/events line 1-866-268-2320
Ed Rippy's Educational Series: "Terrorism Explained: How Our Government Uses Thugs, Drug Dealers, and Religious Fanatics to Control Us and 'Justify' Endless War."
Thursday, December 28, 2006
at The Grand Lake Neighborhood Center
530 Lake Park Avenue, (between Lakeshore Avenue and Grand Avenue) in Oakland
7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.Free, but donations gratefully accepted.
A historical overview of Western capitalism's response to the Malthusian dilemma: The military importance of oil; why the system can't afford peace; how the system manufactures enemies to keep the war machine going; and how our government has built up modern terrorism to create the enemy that it needs to maintain a permanent war economy and allegiance to the existing power structure.
Sponsored by the Northern California 9-11 Truth Alliance.
Northern California 9-11 Truth Alliance Meeting Thursday, January 4, 2007
7 p.m. to 10 p.m.
522 Valencia St., just up from the 16th St. Bart Station
San Francisco
We will be discussing our presence at the National Conference on Media Reform January 12-14th, and having a contingent at the upcoming anti-war rally January 27th in San Francisco.
9-11 Truth Alliance info/events line 1-866-268-2320
Impeach Beach in San Francisco
Saturday, January 6, 2007
Ocean Beach(Just two days after the new US Congress convenes), 1,200 people will gather for an impeachment event in Nancy Pelosi’s back yard — on Ocean Beach in San Francisco. (We pitched this event at our San Francisco Tea Party- the more of us- the louder the statement- and it shouldn't take much effort to win over all those for impeachment to 9/11 Truth- let's all go and pass out Deception Dollars, flyers... and have fun knowing that so many share our desire to end the criminal's reign of terror. We'll try to meet at the left top of the H.)
Early that morning, in 100-foot letters stretching 450 feet across the sand, volunteers from the Beach Impeach Project will outline the message:
I M P E A C H !
At 10:30, the attendees will arrive and lay their bodies down inside the message’s lettering. At 11 a.m. a helicopter will arrive overhead and photographers will record the 1,200 bodies in the sand — “IMPEACH!” — with the San Francisco skyline and the Golden Gate Bridge in the background.
News editors will have compelling photos for the next morning’s Sunday papers; the nation and world will have convincing evidence of how badly the American people (even Ms. Pelosi’s own constituency) want their leaders held accountable for the Iraq disaster; and the impeachment movement will have powerful visuals to go with the words and chatter swirling in the air for months and months.
If 1,200 people register in advance, this will be not just a frolic at the beach, but a NEWS story (the media are already interested). Also, I can communicate via just one email with all who are registered, instead of 1,200 emails. Please take 60 seconds to register yourself and your friends. (It's a good idea as they had to cancel due to dangerous surge last December at the last minute- and the weather isn't that predictable.)
Screening of Behind Every Terrorist- There is a Bush
Monday, Jan. 8 at 7 p.m
Louden Nelson Center
301 Center Street, Santa Cruz.Behind Every Terrorist- There is a Bush was a benefit show for the San Francisco International Inquiry into 9-11. It featured talented comics, great music, brilliant flash movies, spoken word, and the confessions of a 9-11 truth activist.
Cast in order of Appearance-
David Rovics- The voice of the Global Justice Movement." Songs include- American Reichstag, Operation Iraqi Liberation, Who Would Jesus Bomb?, and After the Revolution.
Comedian Rene Hicks- Nominated for an American Comedy Award for Best Female Stand-Up. She is a two-time recipient of the coveted National Comedian of the Year Award.
Take Back The Media is a cooperative project by progressive American citizens. The Protest That Never Was features Symbolman and millionaire, Jimmy Walters, The flash movie- Bush Not a Nazi was also a creation of Symbolman (Michael Stinson).
Carol Brouillet- 9-11 Truth hyperactivist , publisher of the Deception Dollar, and mother of three boys.
Drew Dellinger- Drew is a poet, teacher, rap artist author of Love Letter to the Milky Way.
Bill Santiago- Once a journalist for the Washington Post and the Miami Herald, he assumes that people have brains as well as funny bones.
Will Durst- He has appeared on every comedy show featuring a brick wall, & received 7 consecutive nominations for the American Comedy Awards Stand Up of the Year.
Screening is free and open to the public. It is being shown at the general assembly meeting of the Green Party of Santa Cruz County. Carol Brouillet, producer of the event/film/organizer of the San Francisco Int'l Inquiry into 9/11, publisher of the Deception Dollar (and most recently a Congressional challenger in the 14th District running on a 9/11 Truth, Impeachment, Peace platform as a Green) will be in attendance. For more information, call 831- 476-5019.
National Conference on Media Reform
January 12-14, 2007, Memphis, Tennessee
Project Censored, Northern California 9-11 Truth Alliance, The Peace Resources Project will each have exhibition space at the conference, and we hope to have a strong 9-11 Truth presences there, so that our issue cannot be ignored (like last time). We hope to get 9/11 Press for Truth shown, and will have a poster session, and try to get our info into the hands of the genuine media activists who should all be on our side and championing (rather than attacking) those who have the courage to raise the critical 9-11 questions and expose the government/corporate/media cover-up.
Join us! And volunteer to help out!
www.freepress.netNorthern California 9-11 Truth Alliance Meeting Thursday, January 18, 2006
at The Grand Lake Neighborhood Center
530 Lake Park Avenue, (between Lakeshore Avenue and Grand Avenue) in Oakland
7:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m.
From Hwy. 580 East (coming from the Bay Bridge or Berkeley), take the Grand Ave./Lakeshore exit (the exit ramp merges into MacArthur which intersects with Grand at the light), make a left at the light onto Grand, make a right onto Lake Park Ave. (the Grand Lake Theater will be on the corner on your far right). Go about a block, past the BofA, which will be on your left, and the GLNC will also be on your left. Park on the street or turn right into free public parking under the freeway.From Hwy. 580 West (coming from Hayward), take the Lakeshore Ave. exit (get as far to the right when approaching the exit before, the Harrison/Oakland exit, then continue moving to the right). When you exit at Lakshore Ave., you will be on Lake Park. Go straight at the light (you'll see a Busy Body Home Fitness store in front of you to the right), crossing Lakeshore Ave. The GLNC will be a few storefronts down on your right. Park on the street or turn left into free public parking under the freeway across from GLNC. If you cross Grand Ave. (and the theater) you've gone too far.
Buses (check schedules):
The 57 Macarthur, to Kaiser hospital, 40th and the Emeryville shopping district.
The NL, via Grand to downtown Oakland and San Francisco9-11 Truth Alliance info/events line 1-866-268-2320
Rally and March to End the War in Iraq
Saturday, January 27th 2007, 12 noon
Powell and Market Street, San Francisco
Bring the Troops Home Now from Iraq! Stop Racist Attacks on Arabs and Muslims! End the Occupation of Palestine!
Almost 3,000 dead American soldiers, at least 650,000 dead Iraqis. It's time to put a stop to the war machine. Millions of people voted to get the Republicans out and end the war, but we can't leave it up to the Democrats to do the only reasonable thing: BRING ALL THE TROOPS HOME NOW FROM IRAQ!
The Iraq Study Group offers more of the same, or even an escalation of troops in Iraq. President Bush is vowing to continue the war and the danger grows every day that the US or Israel will attack Lebanon again or launch another "pre-emptive strike" against Syria or Iran.
It's time to get the anti-war movement back in the streets! On January 27, hundreds of thousands of people will march in DC to demand an end to the war. Let's show Bush and the new Democratic Congress that the anti-war movement is back.See for downloadable flyer and more details.
Northern California 9/11 Truth Alliance is endorsing this rally/march and we will have a 9/11 Truth Contingent, and hopefully a table at some place for the rally/march, depending on the route and timetable. If you can volunteer to help carry banners, signs, the sound system, or manuever our 12' x 8' x 2' replica of the flawed 9/11 Report, which will be on wheels and part of the march,or pass out our flyers/deception dollars... contact Carol- 650-857-0927. We'll meet at 11:00 am at Powell and Market to set up and get prepared.
Neighborhood Meeting,
Sunday January 28, 2-4 pm,
Barron Park School, 800 Barron Avenue, Palo Alto"Preparing for a flu pandemic" with Palo Alto's new-
Coordinator for Homeland Security and Public Outreach"
Please help Carol Brouillet, in her neighborhood, challenge the "Bogus War on Terrorism" and the "Bird Flu Hoax" at the Barron Park Association Annual Neighborhood Meeting. The invite says we can look forward to remarks by the new mayor and to bring the whole family for refreshments and celebration, and encourages us to "Bring some cookies to share." I'll be happy to bring cookies- and free literature which challenges the direction this town is going- building an expensive new police station and preparing for the next terrorist attack.
The film- “Divided We Fall: Americans in the Aftermath” Wednesday, Jan. 31, 7:00 pm
2040 Life Sciences Building (LSB), UC BerkeleyPANA Institute’s project on Civil Liberties and Faith presents- Divided We Fall
written and produced by Valerie Kaur
directed and produced by Sharat RajuDivided We Fall is a film about the untold American story in the aftermath of 9/11. It is a moving story that brings us to the intersections of violence, identity, and power in America, and forces us to confront where we stand as a people.
Valarie Kaur was twenty years old when she got in her car and began driving across the country. A man from her community had just been murdered. An elderly man nearly beaten to death. A woman stabbed in the head. Fragments of these stories sent across e-mail lists were not making the nightly news, only the towers falling over and over again between headshots of turbaned and bearded Osama bin Laden. As a Sikh American college student, Valarie wanted to reconcile the two faces of America— the unity of a grieving nation and the fear dividing her country. At the end of September 2001, she left behind her junior year and began a journey across the country, looking for the heart of America.
Award-winning director Sharat Raju and his team joined Valarie Kaur in 2004 to create the footage into a feature-length documentary. The crew retraced Valarie's steps in summer 2005 in a second phase of production on 16mm film and interviewed again the people Valarie first met in 2001. The team has created a film that explores what it means to be American five years in the aftermath.
$5.00 at the door; or free with any valid student ID Please visit the film website for more information. Every dollar raised will go back into film production.
For more information or directions, please contact:
Jaspreet Kaur: (916) 396-3397;or Shelley Kaur: (661) 917-7295; Sponsored by:
PANA Institute, UC Berkeley Sikh Students Association, Gurdwara Sahib, El Sobrante, Sikh American Legal Defense and Education Fund (SALDEF).
PANA Institute
The Institute for Leadership Development and Study of Pacific and Asian North American Religion
pana.psr.eduWorld Can't Wait Organizing Meeting
Wednesady, 1/31/2007, 6-8 pm
Redstone Building, all welcome,
2940 16th St, second floor, San Francisco
Northern California 9-11 Truth Alliance Meeting Thursday, February 1, 2007
7 p.m. to 10 p.m.
522 Valencia St., just up from the 16th St. Bart Station
San Francisco9-11 Truth Alliance info/events line 1-866-268-2320
Film- "IRAQ FOR SALE: THE WAR PROFITEERS" will be shown followed by a discussion led by Dr. Sharat G. Lin. Saturday, February 3rd at 1:30
Fremont Library, 2400 Stevenson Blvd.( At Paseo Padre, by Lake Elizabeth.)
Presented by newly formed Tri-City independent Documentary Series, founded by Professor Paul Rea, a Newark resident, and Jane Bark of Fremont (Northern California 9-11 Truth Alliance members) with the intention of showing current affairs documentaries monthly at the Fremont Library.
"IRAQ FOR SALE: THE WAR PROFITEERS" will be shown followed by a discussion led by Dr. Sharat G. Lin. Dr. Lin writes on the Middle East, India, global political economy, and the environment. His articles include "Economic roots of conflict in the new world order" and "Who started it? Chronology of the latest crisis in the Middle East."
The film tells the story of what happens to everyday Americans when corporations go to war. Acclaimed director Robert Greenwald takes you inside the lives of soldiers, truck drivers, widows and children who have been changed forever as a result of profiteering in the reconstruction of Iraq.
"A Senator named Harry Truman made a name for himself investigating just such misconduct during World War ll. Back then war profiteers were run out of town. Today it appears they run the town." -- Keith Olbermann.
From 880 freeway exit Stevenson, go approx. 2 miles towards the hills, cross Paseo, turn right into library. From Fremont BART walk 2 blocks south on Civic Center (hills on your left), turn right on Stevenson.
Film Showing "America: Freedom To Fascism", Rio Theatre
Saturday, February 3, 2007 AT 7PM (doors 6:30PM)
1205 Soquel Ave. Santa Cruz, CA
* The Income Tax is a Fraud
* National ID Cards with RFID Required
* Federal Reserve System is UnconstitutionalAdvance Tickets $6, Door $7
Advance Tickets Streetlight Records
939 Pacific Ave, Santa Cruz, (831) 421-9200Sponsored by The Santa Cruz 9-11 Truth Network
Impeach Bush-Cheney Coalition Meeting
Sunday, February 4, 2007, 3 to 5 PM
2161 Alston Way Suite B,
Berkeley ( 1 block from downtown Berkeley BART line)Ken Jenkins, talk with film clips- the connections between 9/11 and wars that answers the questions, "Who benefits from what happened on 9/11/2001 and the ongoing war in Iraq?"
February 8, 2007 , 7 PM Unitarian Universalist Fellowship
2124 Brewster Ave. (at Lowell St.), Redwood City, CA 94062All are welcome to attend the talk to become more aware of the truths that can end wars. This talk is part of the Smokin' Gun Discussion Series sponsored by the Peninsula Ministry of Truth and the Social Action Committee of UUFRC. A $10 donation is suggested.
About Ken Jenkins
Ken Jenkins has produced seven DVDs with leading 9/11 author David Ray Griffin, including "9/11 - The Myth and Reality." Ken has a background in electrical engineering and psychology, and has spoken at many 9/11 conferences and film premiers.
Map / Driving:
Public Transit: 1-(800) 660 - 4 BUS / http://transit.511.orgAbout Peninsula Ministry of Truth The Peninsula Ministry of Truth rectifies misinformation by studying, discussing and sharing the hidden truths that contrast markedly with the stories and political messages that pervade our popular culture. Our goal is to inspire you to reveal what you know, to expose more of what you learn with others, and to support you to act in ways that reduce your support for the damaging lies that abound. We strive to help each other learn to interpret our popular myths such as the ones connected to the crimes that occurred around the time of eleven September 2001.
To be informed of future Ministry of Truth events, subscribe by sending email to or visit
Help co-sponsor by posting this message to your website and mailing list. Subscribers of the Ministry of Truth events mailing list can download a flyer of the event to print at or contact us to receive a copy.
Educational Forum
Thursday, Feb. 8th, 2007
7-9 pm @ Grand Lake Neighborhood Center 530 Lake Park Ave, Oakland
The first hour will be Ed Rippy's basic "How Governments Use Thugs, Drug Dealers, and Religious Fanatics to Control Us and 'Justify' Endless War." The second hour will be the first installment of Frank Runninghorse's "CIA Jihad" series. Sponsored by Northern California 9-11 Truth Alliance.
Peace and Pizza time Screening of "9/11 Press For Truth"
Friday, February 09, 7:00 PM
Round Table Pizza
20920 Redwood Rd
Castro Valley, California 94546HOSTED BY: South Alameda County Peace and Justice Coalition ; Code Pink Hayward. FREE. RSVP required.
For more details and to RSVP, please visit:
About the film:
Although independent investigations began within weeks of both Pearl Harbor and the Kennedy assassination, the same was not true of the attacks of September 11th. Most are unaware that formation of the 9/11 Commission was strongly opposed by many in Washington, including the Bush administration. It was only due to pressure from the 9/11 families, led by a particular twelve calling themselves the Family Steering Committee, that, fourteen months after the attacks, the first hearing finally began.In 9/11: PRESS FOR TRUTH, five of the most prominent members of the Family Steering Committee, including three of the Jersey Girls , tell their story for the first time, providing the most powerful argument yet for why 9/11 still needs investigation.
Adapting Paul Thompson's definitive Complete 9/11 Timeline (published by HarperCollins as The Terror Timeline), the filmmakers stitch together rare, overlooked news clips, buried stories, and government press conferences, revealing a patternof official lies, deception, and spin.
To learn more, or find another screening to attend, please visit: ttp://
Join us in honoring the memory of Dan Wallace and initiating a national campaign of truth action.
Sunday February 11th
Meet at 12 noon near the cable car turnaround at Powell & Market for 9/11 truth visibility and outreach
12-4pmBring your signs and outreach materials.
This action will be taking place regardless of the weather if it's totally pouring we will meet up in the BART station closest to the cable car turnaround.
I hope to see you there,
cosmosA Call to Action and Actions for February 11th
Love America! Impeach Bush/Cheney Valentine Action! Wednesday, Valentine's Day, February 14, 2007
Rally begins following the Listening Project at Lytton Plaza (11am- 1pm- Emerson/University, Downtown Palo Alto). 1- 1:30 pm.
1:30 pm March to Congresswoman Anna Eshoo's Office (a short 5 minute walk- Eshoo's office is at 698 Emerson Street)Time for Impeachment! With Love for our Country and the World- what better Valentine could there be?
The Silicon Valley Impeachment Group is delivering Impeachment messages to Congressional offices in Santa Clara County. Please join us!!!!!
(Contact- Carol Brouillet about the Palo Alto Rally/March, 650-857-0927,
From the Silicon Valley Impeachment Group-
Celebrate a Green Valentines Day of Impeachment Demonstrations — Campbell, San Jose, and Palo Alto (we will travel by the Light Rail - our Impeachment Train)
The day of Impeachment demonstrations begins in Campbell at congressmember Mike Honda's office
9 a.m. Meet in front of Mike Honda's office, 1999 South Bascom Ave., Suite 815
Join the Green Party of Santa Clara County in showing love for our country and our Constitution. The Green Party has passed a resolution requesting impeachment proceedings against George Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld and Alberto Gonzales. Green Party representatives and the South Bay Impeachment Committee will deliver the resolution to our congressional representatives.
Come with us as we deliver our resolution to Mike Honda, Zoe Lofgren, Anna Eschoo and Jerry McNerney. We are going to travel on our own Impeachment Train and we invite you to join us for a day of standing up for the Constitution. We will begin our day at Mike Honda's office, travel by the Light Rail to Zoe Lofgren's office and to Anna Eshoo's office. We will have our signs demanding impeachment and in support of the Green's resolution. We will have a day of friendship, solidarity and enjoyment. We also will be delivering impeachment valentines. Plan to be a part of this history we are creating, this valentine of impeachment.
To RSVP and to get full details CONTACT: Merriam Kathaleen 408-482-6032
Film - 9/11 Mysteries, Part 1: Demolitions
Wednesday, February 14, 2007, 4:00 PM
San Francisco State University
Cesar Chavez Student Center, Rosa Parks D
1600 Holloway Ave., San Francisco,The film 9/11 Mysteries, Part 1: Demolitions ( will be screened and a follow-up discussion will be held. For questions or further information please contact
Northern California 9-11 Truth Alliance Meeting Thursday, February 15, 2006
at The Grand Lake Neighborhood Center
530 Lake Park Avenue, (between Lakeshore Avenue and Grand Avenue) in Oakland
7:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m.
From Hwy. 580 East (coming from the Bay Bridge or Berkeley), take the Grand Ave./Lakeshore exit (the exit ramp merges into MacArthur which intersects with Grand at the light), make a left at the light onto Grand, make a right onto Lake Park Ave. (the Grand Lake Theater will be on the corner on your far right). Go about a block, past the BofA, which will be on your left, and the GLNC will also be on your left. Park on the street or turn right into free public parking under the freeway.From Hwy. 580 West (coming from Hayward), take the Lakeshore Ave. exit (get as far to the right when approaching the exit before, the Harrison/Oakland exit, then continue moving to the right). When you exit at Lakshore Ave., you will be on Lake Park. Go straight at the light (you'll see a Busy Body Home Fitness store in front of you to the right), crossing Lakeshore Ave. The GLNC will be a few storefronts down on your right. Park on the street or turn left into free public parking under the freeway across from GLNC. If you cross Grand Ave. (and the theater) you've gone too far.
Buses (check schedules):
The 57 Macarthur, to Kaiser hospital, 40th and the Emeryville shopping district.
The NL, via Grand to downtown Oakland and San Francisco9-11 Truth Alliance info/events line 1-866-268-2320
Peter Phillips, Co-author of - Impeach the President - The Case Against Bush and Cheney
Friday, February 16, 2007, 7:30 pm
Willow Park Clubhouse
500 W Middlefield Road
Mountain View, CA
Peter Phillips,associate Professor at Sonoma State University and Director of Project Censored will be speaking in Mountain View about the crimes Bush/Cheney, on the case for impeachment, and the growing impeachment movement, and how we can all help. Detailed directions: Willow Park Condo Clubhouse, at the Intersection of Moffett Blvd. and W. Middlefield Rd. Mountain View (Enter from Moffett Blvd., just north of Middlefield Rd.)
Call 650-691-1215 for more details.
FREE, but DONATIONS will be much appreciated.
A Benefit for the Silicon Valley impeachment Coalition
Film Screening: High Crimes, and "Setting the Table for Impeachment"
Thursday, February 22, 2007
7:00 pm - 9:30 pm
Grand Lake Theater, Oakland, CaliforniaDiscussion panel featuring Impeachment and Scholarly Experts including Cynthia McKinney, Elizabeth de la Vega, Peter Phillips of Project Censored and author of a new book on impeachment and Larry Everest, scholar and author of "Oil, Power, and Empire" and a the brand new film by filmographer Jacob Clapsaddle.
A benefit for Impeach Bush-Cheney. Tickets- $15- 7 sliding scale. Call 510- 845-4154. Champagne Reception with Cynthia McKinney at 6 pm.
More details and downloadable flyers at
9/11 Accountability - Strategies and Solutions Conference
Chandler Arizona, February 23-25, 2007
The evidence is overwhelming. Accountability must be demanded! Join us for the 9/11 Accountability Conference focusing on Strategies and Solutions to hold those responsible . . . Accountable!
Keynote Speakers • Entertainment • Panel Discussions • Strategy Workshops • Documentary Film Marathon • Networking
The Northern California 9/11 Truth Alliance will be helping with the conference. The organizers are still looking for volunteers to help with all aspects of the conference. Get involved.
Northern California 9-11 Truth Alliance Meeting Thursday, March 1, 2007
7 p.m. to 10 p.m.
Round Table Pizza
3567 Geary near Arguello
San Francisco
This is near the Panhandle- Check out the map:
9-11 Truth Alliance info/events line 1-866-268-2320
Unified Mobilizer’s Meeting Tuesday, March 6 at 7pm
Centro del Pueblo, 474 Valencia St., near 16th St. in San FranciscoMeeting to prepare for the March 18 San Francisco March and Rally marking the 4th anniversary of the U.S. invasion of Iraq.
The meeting is being convened by World Can't Wait and the ANSWER Coalition (Act Now to Stop War & End Racism) The organizing for March 18 in San Francisco and the March on the Pentagon on March 17 has gained great momentum over the past month. We urge you to visit the website There you will see that people are mobilizing in at least 200 cities in 43 states and the District of Columbia for March 17-18. A statement, "Why We Are Marching on the Pentagon," has been signed by more than 1,000 active-duty soldiers and sailors, their family members and veterans. Watch the promotional video for the March on the Pentagon
Here in San Francisco, large contingents are being organized. Dennis Banks, co-founder of AIM will be a featured speaker. Several student and youth organizations are working together to build a very large contingent on March 18. The San Francisco Labor Council has endorsed the march. All over northern and central California, southern Oregon and western Nevada, people are organizing buses, vans and carpools to come to San Francisco on Sunday, March 18. The S.F. protest will begin at 12 noon, Justin Herman Plaza (Embarcadero) and march up Market St. to the Civic Center.
(Outreach Opportunity- We have permission to table and flyer outside)
Chalmers Johnson - NEMESIS: The Last Days of the American Republic
Wednesday, March 7, 2007, 7:30 p.m.
King Middle School Auditorium
1781 Rose Street, BerkeleyChalmers Johnson in conversation with Gray Brechin
CHALMERS JOHNSON, president of the Japan Policy Research Institute, is the author of the bestselling Blowback and The Sorrows of Empire. A contributor to the Los Angeles Times, the London Review of Books, Harper’s Magazine and The Nation, among others, He appears in the 2005 prizewinning documentary film Why We Fight.(Hasn't spoken out on 9/11 yet.)
GRAY BRECHIN is the author of the best-selling Imperial San Francisco: Urban Power, Earthly Ruin, and Farewell, Promised Land. He has contributed essays to numerous newspapers and scholarly publications, and is a popular public speaker. Currently a Visiting Scholar in the U.C. Berkeley Department of Geography, he is working on a major original project regarding the FDR era.(Gray also marched with us when we demanded the 1st Congressional Investigation of 9/11 and he spoke at the San Francisco International Inquiry into 9/11)
Tickets: $12 advance, $15 door
Order tickets online at
Benefit: KPFA Radio & Global Exchange
Tickets at many Bay Area independent bookstores
9/11 Educational Series Featuring Architect, Richard Gage
March 8, 2007, 7-9 pm
The Grand Lake Neighborhood Center
530 Lake Park Avenue, (between Lakeshore Avenue and Grand Avenue) in OaklandRichard Gage will be giving the multimedia presentation this Thursday Night. This is a 1-1/2 power-packed expose of the 3 WTC High-rise “Collapses” on 9/11 and is an opportunity to bring your friends to hear an architect speak out. This is the PowerPoint presentation will be given at 6 different colleges during March and April. So he would love to gather your helpful feedback prior to delivering to these audiences. Bring your friends! For downloadable flyers email or go to the discussion list website. (Sorry I can't figure out how to post pdfs at the moment).
Emergency Summit to Prevent War with Iran
Saturday, March 10, 2007 – 10AM to 4PM – UC Berkeley
So goes the tagline on a new ad by Physicians for Social Responsibility.
As Congress and the mainstream media are distracted by the new troop escalation in Iraq, little attention is given to the much more consequential reality that we may be only a few months, weeks, or even days away from a new and potentially more horrifying war.
At this summit, a wide range of organizations and activists are coming together to take a serious look at how, together, we may be successful in preventing an attack on Iran. See the end of this message for a partial list of organizations that have confirmed their attendance in this summit.
Even though this summit is primarily for organizations and activists, others are also welcome.
In the morning session we will hear from one or more experts on the US-Iran standoff. In the afternoon session we will work on:
Producing more with less: How can we increase the level of collaboration among our organizations?
Power of many: How can we effectively share our experiences and leverage our resources?
Learning from our successes and mistakes: What has been working and what has not?
Sharpening our message: What are some effective talking points?
Formulating a winning strategy
The good news: Why are the chances of success much better now than the pre-Iraq-war time?
Collaborative action planDue to the urgency of this matter, this summit is being organized in a short timeframe. Please help this effort by emailing your RSVP as soon as possible and by taking the initiative to contact other organizations that may be interested in the goal of the summit.
Please RSVP (your name, email address, phone contact, and your organization’s name) as soon as possible by sending an email to:
For the latest up-to-date details visit:
March 11, 2007
Sunday- 9/11 Truth Visibility ActionMEET at 12 noon at the entrance of Golden Gate Park at Stanyan and Haight Street
12:30 Visibility walk through upper Haight to Masonic and back
1:00 9/11 truth demonstration at Stanyan and Haight
2:00 Outreach and visibility in Golden Gate Park until darkIf you're coming into the city on BART you can catch the 7 Haight or 71L bus on Market St and take it to Haight and Stanyan. For more info: To help plan this event or future events, sign up and join in here: you can't make it to San Francisco, wear a T-shirt or a button, or try to post a sign or do something visible on this day.
For those going to San Francisco, remember to recruit people to join us at the anti-war rally on March 18th where we hope to have a strong 9/11 Truth presence.
Justice and Freedom Conference March 9-11, 2007
The Atrium Hotel
18700 MacArthur Blvd., Irvine, CA
Speakers include:
William Rodriguez
Steven Jones
Kevin Barrett
Dylan Avery, Korey Rowe, or Jason Bermas (creators' of Loose change)
April Gallop (survivor from the Pentagon attack),br> William Blume (Author of innumerable exposes on the CIA- including Killing Hope)
Webster Griffin TarpleyDetails at
Impeach the Terrorists! Rally and March Wednesday, March 14, 2007
1 pm to 2 pm
Lytton Plaza, Downtown Palo Alto, University & Emerson
Every Wednesday from 11 am to 1 pm, Carol Brouillet holds the Listening Project in Lytton Plaza with help from supporters. Beginning in February, we will be holding a monthly "Impreachment March and Rally" on the second Wednesday of each month. Bring your signs, voices, speeches, chants, flyers, Impeachment pettitions, messages for the public, the press, and Congress...
We will have speakers, and can march directly on Congresswoman Eshoo's office, a few blocks away, or parade on University en route to Eshoo's to gether more public support and flyer them on Impeachment, the upcoming anti-war actions, 9/11 Truth, Preventing the next 9/11-War on Iran...
All are welcome!
To endorse please email-
Northern California 9-11 Truth Alliance Meeting Thursday, March 15, 2006
at The Grand Lake Neighborhood Center
530 Lake Park Avenue, (between Lakeshore Avenue and Grand Avenue) in Oakland
7:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m.
From Hwy. 580 East (coming from the Bay Bridge or Berkeley), take the Grand Ave./Lakeshore exit (the exit ramp merges into MacArthur which intersects with Grand at the light), make a left at the light onto Grand, make a right onto Lake Park Ave. (the Grand Lake Theater will be on the corner on your far right). Go about a block, past the BofA, which will be on your left, and the GLNC will also be on your left. Park on the street or turn right into free public parking under the freeway.From Hwy. 580 West (coming from Hayward), take the Lakeshore Ave. exit (get as far to the right when approaching the exit before, the Harrison/Oakland exit, then continue moving to the right). When you exit at Lakshore Ave., you will be on Lake Park. Go straight at the light (you'll see a Busy Body Home Fitness store in front of you to the right), crossing Lakeshore Ave. The GLNC will be a few storefronts down on your right. Park on the street or turn left into free public parking under the freeway across from GLNC. If you cross Grand Ave. (and the theater) you've gone too far.
Buses (check schedules):
The 57 Macarthur, to Kaiser hospital, 40th and the Emeryville shopping district.
The NL, via Grand to downtown Oakland and San Francisco
Major Activist Visibility Opportunities!!!
Three large Anti-War Demonstrations!!!!!- Students Against the War
Saturday March 17, 2007
11:30- 2:00 pm
Broadway Plaza fountain in downtown Walnut CreekThis event will be a group of as many students and young people as possible, organizing together to express discontent and disgust with the current war in Iraq and the increase in troops. There will be opportunity for speeches. Signs, passion and a good attitude are encouraged.
Be there on time and come stand up against the war!
Contact- Bryan Gigantino
Anti-War Rally Saturday, March 17
12:00 Noon
Palo Alto City Hall Plaza
250 Hamilton Avenue, Palo Alto
Mass Mobilization to End the War
Anti-War Rally
Get Out of Iraq
Tell Congress:
No More Money for WarAnti-War Rally and March
March 18, 2007
12:00 pm Noon, Meet at Justin Herman Plaza
1:30 March up Market Street to the Civic Center
The next step for the growing anti-war movement will be the March on the Pentagon on Saturday, March 17, followed by a San Francisco action on March 18. The demonstrations are timed to coincide with the 4th anniversary of the start of the criminal invasion of Iraq. To make sure we reach everyone possible between now and then, we need everyone’s help on postering, flyering, stickering and making alert phone calls. Materials are available at our office anytime between Mon – Fri, 9 a.m.–9 p.m. (Call for weekend hours.) If you would like materials mailed to you, please call 415-821-6545 or email
Stop Funding the War in Iraq Rally at the Federal Building
Noon, March 19, 2007
450 Golden Gate Ave (between Polk and Larkin)
San Francisco, CaliforniaJoin us in front of Nancy Pelosi's San Francisco district office to urge her and her fellow Representatives to deny any White House war funding request and to support HR 508, The Bring Our Troops Home and Sovereignty of Iraq Restoration Act. Endorsed by the Northern California 9/11 Truth Alliance.
Ken Jenkins will return to Sacramento Wednesday, March 21, 2007, 7 pm
Location: 909 12th Street, SacramentoPart Two of a three-part series (Part I was presented in November 2006).
9/11 Truth, Stolen Elections and Beyond: What’s going on in our country and what can we do about it? A multimedia series by Ken Jenkins
Film- "9/11 Press for Truth" followed by a Discussion with Professor Paul Rea, author of Still Seeking the Truth about 9/11
Saturday, March 24 at 1:30 pm
Fremont Library, 2400 Stevenson Blvd. (at Paseo Padre, by Lake Elizabeth.)
Presented by Tri-City Independent Documentary Series, founded by Paul Rea, a Newark resident, and Jane Bark (Northern California 9-11 Truth Alliance members) with the intention of showing current affairs documentaries monthly at the Fremont Library.
The Story-
Following the attacks of September 11th, a small group of grieving families waged a tenacious battle against those who sought to bury the truth about the event—including, to their amazement, President Bush. In ‘9/11 PRESS FOR TRUTH’, six of them, including three of the famous “Jersey Girls”, tell for the first time the powerful story of how they took on the greatest powers in Washington—and won!—compelling an investigation, only to subsequently watch the 9/11 Commission fail in answering most of their questions.
Adapting Paul Thompson’s definitive Complete 9/11 Timeline (published by HarperCollins as ‘The Terror Timeline’), the filmmakers collaborate with documentary veterans Globalvision (‘WMD: Weapons of Mass Deception’, ‘Beyond JFK’) to stitch together rare overlooked news clips, buried stories, and government press conferences, revealing a pattern of official lies, deception and spin. As a result, a very different picture of 9/11 emerges, one that raises new and more pressing questions.
What actions were taken by top government officials who received dozens of specific warnings before the attack? Was Osama Bin Laden and his top al Qaeda leadership allowed to escape U.S. forces in Afghanistan? And what has been the reason for the deliberate obscuring of evidence for state sponsorship? Perhaps the most important one of all: Why, five years later, are so many of the families’ questions still unanswered?
From 880 freeway exit Stevenson, go approx. 2 miles towards the hills, cross Paseo, turn right into library. From Fremont BART walk 2 blocks south on Civic Center (hills on your left), turn right on Stevenson.
Northern California 9-11 Truth Alliance Meeting Thursday, April 5, 2007
7 p.m. to 10 p.m.
522 Valencia St., just up from the 16th St. Bart Station
San Francisco
San Francisco monthly 9/11 Visibility Action
April 11, 2007
10 AM rally
across from the City Hall steps, on Polk at the Civic CenterDetails are being worked out in the Forum at website
"411 on 911"/9/11 Truth Impeachment Rally 1 pm Rally 4/11/2007, Wednesday, April 11, 2007
Lytton Plaza
2 pm March
University x Emerson, Downtown Palo AltoOur third monthly Impeachment Rally and March is also falling on the monthly 9/11 Truth Visibility Action Day. Speakers include: Gabriel Day, David Kubiak, Carol Brouillet, Ed Rippy and others. The march to Eshoo's office will begin at 2 pm and conclude at 3 pm. Endorsements, volunteers, welcome. This will also be an opportunity to let the public know about the national "We Are Not Buying It" shopping boycott from Tax Day to Earth Day- Impeachment for Peace and Justice.
Educational Forum
Thursday, April 12th, 2007
7-9 pm @ Grand Lake Neighborhood Center 530 Lake Park Ave, Oakland
The first hour will be Ed Rippy's basic "How Governments Use Thugs, Drug Dealers, and Religious Fanatics to Control Us and 'Justify' Endless War." Sponsored by Northern California 9-11 Truth Alliance.
Film- "9/11-The Myth and the Reality BFUU fellowship Hall
1924 Cedar St (@Bonita) Berkeley
April 14, 2007 7pm
Suggested $5 donation at the door. No one turned away for lack of funds.Consider some of the following questions:
1) Is there any significant evidence definitively proving that 9/11 was (or was not) an inside job?
2) Is there significant evidence backing up the government and media's story that 9/11 was completely orchestrated and controlled by Osama bin Laden and 19 Muslims on the 4 planes involved in the 9/11 attacks?
3) What is a-myth in the religious/folkloric sense and how are myths of this sort able to control, direct or influence society?
4) Is it possible that 9/11 is a myth in either the religio/folkloric sense or in the pejorative sense, i.e. that the story we have been given is not true (does not correspond to the facts)?
5) Question for consideration: Consider other beliefs, opinions, and positions that we hold individually or as members of society. Could these beliefs, opinions or positions be considered myths?
6) Are there such things as constructive myths? Destructive myths? Neutral myths? Ambiguous or dual use myths?
7) What was the crime for which Socrates was executed? Did he not teach young people (and others) to examine themselves, to critically look at themselves and society? Would Socrates (if he could come back to life today) seem to be as dangerous and threatening to our present day establishment here as the original Socrates was to classical Athenian society?
8) Given what humanity and our corporate controlled war and money society is doing to our biosphere and many of our ecosystems, native cultures, and systems of justice (injustice?) can we afford not to question our thoughts, our beliefs, our society and its institutions and consider whether there is not perhaps a better way to live? If we do not do this are we not condemning the earth to a terrible fate?
9) So the question is, "Are you willing to become a thoughtful (and perhaps dangerous) person, like Socrates?"
10) Consider coming to view David Ray Griffin's - "9/11 - the Myth and the Reality" and joining in a discussion of an event which is pivotal to life in 21st century America.
VOICES FOR IMPEACHMENT Sunday, April 15, 2:00 PM - 4:30 PM
King Middle School, 1781 Rose Street, Berkeley,A Roundtable Discussion with national Experts on Impeachment
Dennis Loo and Peter Phillips; Editors of the book- Impeach the President Debra Sweet; National Director, The World Can’t Wait – Drive Out the Bush Regime! Elizabeth de la Vega; Author, United States v. George W. Bush et al Sophie deVries; National Impeachment Coordinator, For more information Phone Number 415-864-5153
Ken Jenkins will return to Sacramento Wednesday, April 18, 2007, 7 pm
Location: 909 12th Street, SacramentoPart Three of a series:
9/11 in Context: The Big Picture: Using the 9/11 truth issue as a touchstone, this discussion will look at the nature of the overall changes we are going through that include other such unsettling realities as the stolen elections, lies leading to war in Iraq, and the response by our government to Katrina. By seeing these in the context of a global awakening, we can more effectively work on issues to facilitate the creation of a better world.
Film - 9/11 Mysteries, Part 1: Demolitions
Thursday, April 19, 2007, 3:00 PM
Cesar Chavez Student Center, T-160
San Francisco State University,
1600 Holloway Ave., San FranciscoThe film 9/11 Mysteries, Part 1: Demolitions ( will be screened and a follow-up discussion will be held. For questions or further information please contact
Northern California 9-11 Truth Alliance Meeting Thursday, April 19, 2007
at The Grand Lake Neighborhood Center
530 Lake Park Avenue, (between Lakeshore Avenue and Grand Avenue) in Oakland
7:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m.
From Hwy. 580 East (coming from the Bay Bridge or Berkeley), take the Grand Ave./Lakeshore exit (the exit ramp merges into MacArthur which intersects with Grand at the light), make a left at the light onto Grand, make a right onto Lake Park Ave. (the Grand Lake Theater will be on the corner on your far right). Go about a block, past the BofA, which will be on your left, and the GLNC will also be on your left. Park on the street or turn right into free public parking under the freeway.From Hwy. 580 West (coming from Hayward), take the Lakeshore Ave. exit (get as far to the right when approaching the exit before, the Harrison/Oakland exit, then continue moving to the right). When you exit at Lakshore Ave., you will be on Lake Park. Go straight at the light (you'll see a Busy Body Home Fitness store in front of you to the right), crossing Lakeshore Ave. The GLNC will be a few storefronts down on your right. Park on the street or turn left into free public parking under the freeway across from GLNC. If you cross Grand Ave. (and the theater) you've gone too far.
Buses (check schedules):
The 57 Macarthur, to Kaiser hospital, 40th and the Emeryville shopping district.
The NL, via Grand to downtown Oakland and San Francisco“Proof of Controlled Demolition”
Friday April 20, 2007 7pm
Sonoma State University
1801 E. Cotati Ave, Rohnert Park, CA- Architect Speaks Out about 9-11 Media research group Project Censored will host a fascinating no-holds-barred second look at the world’s three largest structural failures in history. San Francisco architect Richard Gage will present the results of his extensive research into the collapse of World Trade Center buildings 1, 2 and 7 on September 11, 2001. In a 1-hour multimedia presentation, he will ask the questions the media never asked – and will go where the 9/11 commission dared not. The accounts and conclusions of firemen, physicists and other experts will be addressed. Tough questions about the damage by jet impacts and fires on the WTC twin towers will be answered. Mr. Gage will examine some of the mysteries of World Trade Center 7, such as how the 47-story high rise building fell straight into its own foot print in 6.5 seconds, and why tons of molten metal were later found under the rubble. The presentation will include a scrutiny of the NIST and FEMA building failure reports and the holes they leave regarding the possible use of explosives on 9-11.
Richard Gage has been a practicing architect for 20 years and has designed numerous fire-protected steel-framed buildings. He became interested in the 9/11 WTC high-rise collapses after hearing the startling conclusions of self-proclaimed “reluctant 9/11 researcher” David Ray Griffin. Richard’s own quest to discover the truth behind the strange events of that fateful day has inspired him to found the organization Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth.
COST: Public-$10.00, Students- $5.00, no one turned away
For more information go to:
Or contact Emily Chavez at 707-664-3373"Deconstructing Deceit: 9/11, the Media, and Misinformation" Saturday, April 21, 2007, 1:00 pm to 5:00 pm
Berkeley City College
2050 Center St.(one block west of the Downtown Berkeley BART in the basement auditorium).Speakers include Peter Phillips and Bonnie Faulkner in session one, and Richard Gage and Jim Hoffman in session two. Mickey S. Huff will moderate and will provide a brief introduction at the outset on the weaponization of information in U.S. history and turn the focus to 9/11 [The event coincides with his Saturday class at BCC on "History of U.S. Media"and "America, 911, and the War on Terror: Foreign Domestic Policy, Media, and Propaganda." Berkeley City College (2050 Center St.)
This event is free and open to the public and is wheelchair accessible.
9/11 Cover-Up?
Exposing the official Story
Thursday, April 26, 2007, 7:30 pm
Chevron Auditorium
International House (at UC Berkeley)
2299 Piedmont Ave. (SE corner of campus)
Exposing the official Story
With Pioneering 9/11 Activists-
Carol Brouillet
Co-Founder of 9/11 Truth Alliance, Publisher of the Deception Dollar
Ken Jenkins
Video Producer, partner
Joyce Lynn
Journalist, Dream Guidance CounselorDonation Requested, Wheelchair Accessible
Sponsored by Int'l House Program Office
For more info
Telephone- 510-642-9460 or 510-527-7543IMPEACHMENT BLIMP! PRESS CONFERENCE
FRIDAY 4/27 from Noon-1:30 PM
450 Golden Gate Ave. San Francisco
CIVIC CENTER BART – 4 blocksFeaturing Keynote speaker:
Other speakers with exciting current events (Including Carol brouillet- Northern California 9/11 Truth Alliance)
FREE – Please be early to help with the launching ;Call IBC office at (510) 845 4154
Or visit impeachbush-cheney.comImpeach Beach- Rally at Nancy Pelosi's home- National Day of Action for Impeachment
Saturday, April 28, 2007
10:30 am Ocean Beach
San FranciscoA special-event permit application has been submitted to the Park Service, and the Park Service has given a verbal thumbs up. The permit, when issued (the Park Service expects to issue it in early April,) will allow 2,000 people to come and lie down on the beach with their bodies arranged to spell out an impeachment message. On January 6, 2007, one thousand people came to the same spot on Ocean Beach and laid down and spelled out “IMPEACH” in 100-foot letters. Since we’ll have 2,000 people this time, we’ll probably spell out “IMPEACH NOW!” – with the “NOW!” part either in slightly bigger letters (125 feet?) than the “IMPEACH” part, or perhaps we’ll simply underline the “NOW!” part, or whatever seems to make the most sense during the graph-paper-and-tide-charts stage of planning…
TIME: Please arrive BY 10:30 a.m and find a spot in the lettering. The helicopter or photographer’s airplane (not finalized yet) plus whatever news helicopters may come should arrive overhead at 11. The whole should all be over within 15-30 minutes. Last time, a few people trickled in around noon, thinking they’d still be a part of it, but by noon most people had departed and a football game had broken out on the sand.
And Please REGISTER at
9-11 Truth Activists- Let's try to be the "W" in NOW! if Brad spells it out- otherwise- let's just do the H, again like last time. I'll try to be early with signs, banners, Deception Dollars, 9/11 fact sheets...
12 Noon March & Caravan from Beach Impeach to “Camp Pelosi”
2640 Broadway
Join the GIANT GANDHI PUPPET on foot or by car in a 5.7 mile trek to Speaker Pelosi's home in Pacific Heights.
A "PEACE & IMPEACH BUS" will shuttle people to Camp Pelosi from Ocean Beach and from 3 "Peace Stops" along the route. Decorate your bodies, signs, or cars with impeach messages and visuals. Contact Toby 510-215-5974, for details, and to reserve seats on the bus. Muni # stops is closest to Camp Pelosi @ Jackson & Scott. Parking available in Camp Pelosi neighborhood.2-4 pm Rally at Camp Pelosi
Teach-in, speakers, Impeachment Slogan Contest, "Postcards To Pelosi" calling for impeachment, music, food, kids' activities.
Speakers: Medea Benjamin, co-founder, Code Pink Women for Peace: Dr. Peter Phillips, co-editor, Impeach the President; Colonel Ann Wright, Ret.; Lew Brown, “We’re not Buying it” Nat'l Impeachment Shopping Boycott
Northern California 9-11 Truth Alliance Meeting Thursday, May 3, 2007
7 p.m. to 10 p.m.
522 Valencia St., just up from the 16th St. Bart Station
San Francisco
Be a Hero! Stand Up and March for Impeachment for Peace and Justice Wednesday, May 9th at Lytton Plaza at 1 p.m
Downtown Palo Alto (University and Emerson)Our monthly Impeachment Rally, beginning with music and words at Lytton Plaza, and at 2 p.m. we will march on Congresswoman Anna Eshoo's Office. Our featured singer, August Bullock produced this wonderful video:
Inspired by this video, was our theme- "Be a Hero! Stand up and March for Impeachment, for Peace, for Justice."August Bullock, the singer, also has a website at- Costumes encouraged!!! The Raging Grannies will also perform and "2007 Heroic Citizens for Impeachment" awards will be presented to- to Brad Newsham, who organized the two major “Beach Impeach” events in San Francisco, inspiring Impeachment spellings across the country; Cynthia Papermaster from Code Pink, who organized vigils at Nancy Pelosi’s mansion as well as rallies and marches for impeachment; Carol Wolman (, who ran for Congress in 2006 on an Impeachment platform; and Don Spark from World Can’t Wait, who helped organize major Impeachment events and street actions.
(Click image to go to video-link)The Silicon Valley Impeachment Coalition, The Santa Clara County Green Party and the Northern California 9/11 Truth Alliance are co-sponsors of the May 9th Rally/March, we welcome your participation. E-mail Carol at if you would like to endorse, or co-sponsor this event, or call 650-857-0927. Please join us with your voices, signs, flyers, messages for Congress, the media and the public!
Film - 9/11 Mysteries, Part 1: Demolitions
Thursday, May 10, 2007, 3:30 PM
San Francisco State University, Cesar Chavez
Student Center, Rosa Parks D
1600 Holloway Ave., San Francisco, CAThe film 9/11 Mysteries, Part 1: Demolitions ( will be screened and a follow-up discussion will be held. For questions or further information please contact Rippy's Educational Series- "Terrorism Explained: How Our Government Uses Thugs, Drug Dealers, and Religious Fanatics to Control Us and 'Justify' Endless War."
Thursday, May 10, 2007, 7-9pm
The educational series is on the 2nd Thursday of each month, 7-9 pm, at the Grand Lake Neighborhood Center, 530 Lake Park Ave. in Oakland. That's about a block from the Grand Lake Theater. AC Transit buses #12 and #57 go within a couple of blocks (same place we hold our meetings). Sponsored by the Northern California 9/11 Truth Alliance.
The first hour is always the basic introduction to the Malthusian/Ricardian dilemma, the "Iron Mountain" model of permanent war, the military and monetary importance of oil ("petrodollar hegemony"), the 1945 "Qunicy Pact" with Saudi Arabia, and much more.
The second hour is a rotating advanced topic with guest speakers. Sponsored by the Northern California 9/11 Truth Alliance
Meet at 5th and Mission at 10:50 for pre-demo briefing
11:00 AM
San Francisco Chronicle
901 Mission St, San Francisco, CA
(415) 777-1111
(415) 273-3022(ABC is walkable from the Chron - I thought it might be good to do outreach along Market Street as we make our way over there. Or you can drive or take the bus.)
1 PM
900 Front Street
Main: (415) 398-5600
Radio: (415) 954-8100
TV: (415) 954-7777
Office: (415) 954-7901
Map(ABC and CBS are near each other, it might be good to take a break for lunch between 2:30 and 3:00)
3 PM
CBS News
825 Battery St, San Francisco, CA
(415) 362-8177
Map4:00 - whenever
Outreach in North BeachIf you are not able to join us, please be sure to call and email as many mass media outlets as you can on Friday to inform them that their complicity in covering up the truth about 9/11 will no longer be tolerated.
If anyone wants to get together with me and kdub for some early morning truthing on Friday, get in touch with me.It's probably a good idea to get myk's cell phone number if you are going to be showing up late, just to make sure you can find us.
415 552 5776
A Marin County 9/11 Truth meeting
Friday, May 11th at 7:00 PM
Sunrise Center in Corte Madera (Map
645 Tamalpais Dr
Corte Madera, CAHosted by Ken Jenkins, Byron Belitsos, and John Wright, the meeting has three purposes:
Details of these three purposes:
1) To explore the possibility of forming a Marin 9/11 Truth group to meet on an ongoing basis.
2) To generate awareness and support for an upcoming event June 15th in Marin with a leading light in the 9/11 Truth movement, Dr. Bob Bowman.
3) To co-create a three part 9/11 Truth film series at the Lark Theater.
1) There has long existed a Bay Area 9/11 Truth group, known as The Northern California 9/11 Truth Alliance. It meets twice a month alternately in SF and Oakland. At this Marin meeting, we will explore the level of interest in starting a more regional Marin County/North Bay group, and if there is sufficient interest, when and where we might meet and what folks are interested in doing. Two general possibilities are a) a discussion/education group exploring evidence and other points of interest around 9/11, and b) an activist group to plan and do activities supporting 9/11 Truth. Depending on interest, there could be alternate meetings for each option, or a combined meeting with both agendas.
2) A leading light in the 9/11 truth movement, Dr. Bob Bowman ”the distinguished former "Star Wars" director under Reagan and most recently a Congressional candidate who ran a 9/11 truth platform—will be speaking in Marin on Friday evening, June 15, at Olney Hall. This event is cosponsored by the newly forming Marin 9/11 Truth and by Marin Peace and Justice Coalition. Marin is just one stop out of 120 cities on Bowman's Patriot Tour, whose goal is a government that will follow the Constitution, honor the truth, and serve the people. One of the goals of Bowman's Patriot's Tour unites progressives and conservatives to Take Back America.
3)Â A three part 9/11 Truth Film series at the Lark Theater has been proposed by Ken Jenkins and John Wright. The three films would be Press for Truth, 9/11 - The Myth and the Reality, and 9/11 Mysteries. Press for Truth features the "Jersey Girls", the 9/11 widows who forced our highly reluctant government to have an investigation into 9/11. One of the producers is a Marinite. 9/11 - The Myth and the Reality is the latest and best DVD made from presentations (given here in the Bay Area) by leading 9/11 author David Ray Griffin. It was produced and directed by Marinite Ken Jenkins. 9/11 Mysteries has become one of the most popular of the 9/11 Truth DVDs, with it's artistic and serious exploration of the fall of the three World Trade Center Towers on 9/11. If you would like to see this film series manifest, we would like your help.
So you can see there are lots of good reasons to come meet this one time, even if you don't personally have interest in any ongoing meetings, and especially if you do. Most of you agree that 9/11 Truth has enormous power to awaken our fellow citizens about the need for profound changes in our troubled country. Many would agree that 9/11 Truth has the most potential for deep change, urging a level of awakening which can lead to positive changes in many other arenas, such as peace, justice, environmental healing, and election reform, in short, to help reclaim our country. Please come join us in this great work!
And please RSVP by emailing Ken Jenkins-
Northern California 9-11 Truth Alliance Meeting Thursday, May 17, 2007
at The Grand Lake Neighborhood Center
530 Lake Park Avenue, (between Lakeshore Avenue and Grand Avenue) in Oakland
7:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m.
From Hwy. 580 East (coming from the Bay Bridge or Berkeley), take the Grand Ave./Lakeshore exit (the exit ramp merges into MacArthur which intersects with Grand at the light), make a left at the light onto Grand, make a right onto Lake Park Ave. (the Grand Lake Theater will be on the corner on your far right). Go about a block, past the BofA, which will be on your left, and the GLNC will also be on your left. Park on the street or turn right into free public parking under the freeway.From Hwy. 580 West (coming from Hayward), take the Lakeshore Ave. exit (get as far to the right when approaching the exit before, the Harrison/Oakland exit, then continue moving to the right). When you exit at Lakshore Ave., you will be on Lake Park. Go straight at the light (you'll see a Busy Body Home Fitness store in front of you to the right), crossing Lakeshore Ave. The GLNC will be a few storefronts down on your right. Park on the street or turn left into free public parking under the freeway across from GLNC. If you cross Grand Ave. (and the theater) you've gone too far.
Buses (check schedules):
The 57 Macarthur, to Kaiser hospital, 40th and the Emeryville shopping district.
The NL, via Grand to downtown Oakland and San Francisco
Sacramento May Monthly Meeting Rescheduled! NEW MEETING TIME AND PLACE:
Monday, May 21, 2007 6:00 to 8:00PM
Denny’s restaurant, 925 – 3rd Street, Sacramento (Corner of 3rd and “J” Streets- inside- In the Conference Room)
There is a 9/11 Truth demonstration planned for this coming Friday - May 11th. Demonstrate with other Truth activists at the corner of 11th and “L” Streets from 2PM to 6PM. Signs will be provided. (Stay on the sidewalk. A permit is needed to demonstrate in the park.) See for info.
* * *
Dr. Bob Bowman, Lt.Col., USAF, ret. will be speaking in our area on June 8th (and possibly June 9th) Go to Bob Bowman’s website at and click on “2007 Tour” for further info.
New- San Jose 9/11 Truth group meeting
Sunday, May 27 2007, 2:00 pm
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Library
150 E. San Fernando St.
San Jose, CAMeet with concerned citizens to discuss the lies told to us by mainstream media and current administration. Topics include 9/11, HR6166, The Patriot Act, North American Union.
We will be discussing how to expose the lies and truths about 9/11 first responders, the FDA, Military Commissions Act, Patriot Act, North American Union, and other topics all relating to the loss of our civil liberties and health. We will discuss the best methods to bring it to the media on June 11th the international day of action when nationwide concerned citizens will be protesting the lies in the 911 commission report.
Note from organizer- Just a quick reminder to ask everyone who reads this to please RSVP for the meetup this Sunday! Even if you cant make it please RSVP "no" or "maybe" so we can get an accurate headcount!
I look forward to sitting down with everyone and sharing our ideas and comments. We can get to know each other and make big plans for June 11th! Remember the meetup is at 2pm on Sunday at the Martin Luther King Jr Library in San Jose. I personally havnt been there before so I cannot give a great place to meet, so I will just be right at the front of the library I guess! After that we can just head to the closest place to sit inside so others can find us if they are late. We will then just play it by ear, maybe get some food after we talk a while I dont know. It will be casual and Im always up for anything!
Hope to see you there!
**brainphreak** aka Don White (408)506-8063
Saturday, June 2, 1:30 p.m.
Fremont Main Library
2400 Stevenson Blvd at Paseo PadreThe glory days of NASA are over! Today the Military Industrial Complex is marching towards world dominance through Space technology on behalf of global corporate interest. To understand how and why the Space program will be used to fight all future wars on earth from Space, it's important to understand how the public has been misled about the origins and true purpose of the Space program.
The discussion following the film will be led by David Dionisi, founder of the Teach Peace Foundation, ex military intelligence officer and author of "American Hiroshima: The Reasons Why and a Call to Strengthen America's Democracy".
Sponsored by Tri-City Independent Documentary Series and Alameda County Libraries
Admission free. More info at- 510-745-1400Northern California 9-11 Truth Alliance Meeting Thursday, June 7, 2007
7 p.m. to 10 p.m.
522 Valencia St., just up from the 16th St. Bart Station
San Francisco
Meeting of 9/11 Truth Marin Friday June 8th, 7:30 pm- 9:15 pm
Town Center Corte Madera Community Room
Corte Madera Town Center, Corte Madera, (South end of the office building)
770 Tamalpais Drive, Suite 201 (upstairs).We could not get the room for the day we had agreed, which was Tuesday, June 5th, so got it for . Please note the day change. We will gather at 7:00 PM and start the meeting at 7:30. We have to be out of the room by 9:30. This will be the last meeting before the Bob Bowman event on Friday June 15th, and so that event will be a primary topic for this meeting. We will have new event flyers and will plan ways to promote the event. We want to fill the hall for Dr. Bowman's talk!
As before, please RSVP either way as to your desire and ability to come, as the ongoing existence of this group depends entirely on YOUR interest and participation. So if you would like to come but have a conflict the night of June 8th, do let me know so we can keep you informed as to future meetings. Thanks for your interest. Ken
LT. COL. RET. ROBERT BOWMAN, PHD presented by the Teach Peace Foundation, with Dave Dionisi Friday, June 8th, 2007, 7-9 pm
Marriot Courtyard in the Main Ballroom. 4422 Y Street in SacramentoFor further info, see the Teach Peace Foundation website: The phone number for the hotel is 916-455-6800. $15 ticket online
Robert Bowman is “the best public speaker in the country.” - Los Angeles Times
Let’s “Take Back America!”
Robert M. Bowman was the Director of Advanced Space Programs Development for the U.S. Air Force in the Ford and Carter administrations, and is a former United States Air Force Lieutenant Colonel with 101 combat missions. He holds a Ph.D. in Aeronautics and Nuclear Engineering from the California Institute of Technology.
Robert Bowman was a keynote speaker at the 9-11 Revealing the Truth Conference in Chicago in June of 2006: "A lot of people say that our government was warned, they knew this was going to happen and they did nothing. That is not true, if they had done nothing and just let normal procedures take their place those twin towers would still be standing and thousands of dead Americans would still be alive..."
Robert Bowman was a candidate for the U.S. House of Representatives in the 15th District in Florida in 2006, running as a 9/11 Truth candidate. In spite of receiving only one campaign dollar for every thirty his Republican opponent received, Bob Bowman garnered 44% of the vote.
Robert Bowman’s website is: . An excerpt from his Home Page reads:
“We reject as totally inadequate the Kean-Hamilton-Zelikow 9/11 Commission Report which admittedly contains perjured testimony, refrains from assigning responsibility and accountability for our defense's failures, and fails to even address dozens of unanswered questions and obvious flaws in the Bush Administration's official story. We therefore demand a new and truly independent investigation of 9/11. We demand an investigation of the cover-up which followed 9/11 involving the confiscation and destruction of evidence, lying to investigators, and obstruction of justice. Finally, we demand an investigation of the exploitation of the 9/11 tragedy to launch unnecessary wars against Afghanistan and Iraq under false pretenses.”
“9/11 Mysteries, Part 1: Demolitions” Saturday, June 9, 2007, 2:00 pm – 5:00 pm,
San Francisco Public Library, Park Branch, 1833 Page St. (near Cole)Screening and discussion – Contact for more information, free DVDs, flyers.
San Jose Says Impeachment Is On The Table!!! Saturday June 9th 1:00 pm - 3:00 pm
San Jose City HallWe are spelling IMPEACH for the world to see. Join us Saturday June 9th at the San Jose City Hall,at the corner of 5th St & E, Santa Clara St. We will spell out IMPEACH! with our bodies. Meet in front of the City Hall fountainsat 1:00 pm. ALL OUT FOR IMPEACHMENT!!!
RSVP (or call Merriam at 408-482-6032).
Dr. Bob Bowman "Take Back America Tour" Sunday, June 10, 2007, 7:00 pm
Humanist Hall
390 27th St., Oakland, CA
Dr. Bowman is a Lt. Col., USAF, ret. He directed all DoD “Star Wars” programs under presidents Ford and Carter, and he retired as Presiding Archbishop of the United Catholic Church. His Ph.D. is in Aeronautics & Nuclear Engineering from Cal Tech. He has lectured at the National War College, the United Nations, the Academies of Science of six nations, and the House of Lords. He ran for Congress in 2006, and was one of the few 9/11 Truth candidates.
Dr. Bowman’s mission is to educate the public on the critical issues facing this country. He explains why we need a government that (1) Follows the Constitution, (2) Honors the Truth, and (3) Serves the People.
More details on this nationwide tour are available at-
“Think what a difference that would make! No more imperial presidency. No more undeclared wars of aggression. No more spying on the American people. No more jailing of dissidents. No more corporations importing and exploiting millions of illegal immigrants to drive down wages. No more exporting of jobs. No more NAFTA. No more North American Union. No more government lies, false-flag attacks, and cover-ups. No more corporate welfare. No more health plans written by insurance companies and pharmaceutical manufacturers. No more energy policies written by Exxon and Enron. No more trillions in debt."
June 11, 2007- National Day of Truth Action - Take 9/11 Truth to the Mass Media
In San Francisco-We will be returning to the media outlets we visited last month, this time with Dr. Bob Bowman and the giant 9/11 Commission Report replica. We are asking that everyone dress their best, ie respectable attire. BRING CAMERAS and signs and outreach materials-
10:00 AM ABC
900 Front Street
Main: (415) 398-5600
Radio: (415) 954-8100TV:
(415) 954-7777
Office: (415) 954-7901 AM CBS
825 Battery St(right around the corner from ABC)
(415) 362-8177,-122.401085&spn=0.03252,0.040212&z=15&iwloc=A&om=1
After we're done with CBS we will march to Market and Powell
1 PM - 4 PM
Outreach/Demo at Powell and Market near the cable car turnaroundOrganized by Cosmos
415 552 5776
Dr. Bob Bowman "Take Back America Tour" Tuesday, June 12th, 2007, at 7:00 p.m.
Orchard City Banquet Hall
Campbell Community Center
1 W. Campbell Avenue, Campbell, California
Dr. Bowman is a Lt. Col., USAF, ret. He directed all DoD “Star Wars” programs under presidents Ford and Carter, and he retired as Presiding Archbishop of the United Catholic Church. His Ph.D. is in Aeronautics & Nuclear Engineering from Cal Tech. He has lectured at the National War College, the United Nations, the Academies of Science of six nations, and the House of Lords. He ran for Congress in 2006, and was one of the few 9/11 Truth candidates.
Dr. Bowman’s mission is to educate the public on the critical issues facing this country. He explains why we need a government that (1) Follows the Constitution, (2) Honors the Truth, and (3) Serves the People.
More details on this nationwide tour are available at-
“Think what a difference that would make! No more imperial presidency. No more undeclared wars of aggression. No more spying on the American people. No more jailing of dissidents. No more corporations importing and exploiting millions of illegal immigrants to drive down wages. No more exporting of jobs. No more NAFTA. No more North American Union. No more government lies, false-flag attacks, and cover-ups. No more corporate welfare. No more health plans written by insurance companies and pharmaceutical manufacturers. No more energy policies written by Exxon and Enron. No more trillions in debt."
Monthly Impeachment Rally
June 13th at Lytton Plaza at 1 p.m., and at 2 p.m. proceed to march on Congresswoman Anna Eshoo's Office.
We will have August Bullock (Superman) singing with us again, and a "Be a Hero" for 9/11 Truth and Impeachment theme. Spiderman, Wonder Woman, Yoda, and hopefully more superheroes and citizen heroes will make appearances. Our Master of Ceremonies will be Dennis Bernstein, host of KPFA's Flashpoints. Receiving Heroic Citizens for 9/11 Truth awards will be Dr. Robert Bowman, on his 2007 Patriots' Tour, and Janette MacKinlay, 9/11 survivor and truth activist, Richard Gage, founder of Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth, and Cosmos, host of Truth Revolution on We The People Radio Network and founder of, Jim Hoffman, creator of 9-11 Research website who began speaking publicly about the Twin Towers demolition in September 2003, and Aaron Dames, a junior at San Francisco State University studying International Relations, he has worked to educate the public, primarily through weekly meetings and campus and library film screenings, he has also demonstrated for 9/11 Truth in front of the White House and Capitol building and will return to DC in July to do the same.
We began jamming a new impeachment song at our last rally- we hope to get the words down and produce a music video with all our great footage from the previous rally and this one. We will have the huge replica of the flawed Commission Report at the rally. Everyone welcome to participate.
E-mail Carol at if you would like to endorse, or co-sponsor the next impeachment rally, or call 650-857-0927. Current sponsors are- the Northern California 9/11 Truth Alliance, the Silicon Valley Impeachment Coalition, the Santa Clara County Green Party. We also have posters and fliers available- if you can help us with outreach. Calling on all citizen heroes championing 9/11 Truth and Impeachment! More details posted at
Bob Bowman in Monterey, CA
Wed., June 13, 7:30 - 9:00 p.m.
Unitarian Universalist Church of Monterey, 490 Aguajito Road, Monterey.
Doors open at 7:00 with limited seating, talk begins at 7:30. Light refreshments. $5 to $15 donation, on a sliding scale, requested at the door. For more information, call (831) 375-2016.
Bob Bowman in Santa Cruz, CA FLAG DAY, Thurs, June 14, 2007. Doors at 6pm, Starts 7pm.
Where: University Inn & Conference Center, 611 Ocean Street, Santa Cruz. $15 door / $10 adv / $5 with student or senior ID. No one turned away. Advanced tickets available at Streetlight Records, Santa Cruz,
ph. 831-421-9200.
Presented by Santa Cruz 9/11 Truth.
Ed Rippy's Educational Forum Thursday, June 14, 2007
at The Grand Lake Neighborhood Center
530 Lake Park Avenue, (between Lakeshore Avenue and Grand Avenue) in Oakland
7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.
Sponsored by the Northern California 9/11 Truth Alliance
Bob Bowman in Marin
Friday, June 15th
Doors open at 6:00 pm
Olney Hall, College of Marin$5 - $15 Donation. Sir Francis Drake Blvd. Kentfield
Monday, June 18th, 2007, at 6PM
Denny’s restaurant
925 – 3rd Street, Sacramento
(Corner of 3rd and “J” Streets) In the Conference RoomThere is no charge for the use of Denny’s Conference Room. However, it’s understandable that Denny’s asks that those who use the room purchase something from their menu (and a tip for the food-servers is appreciated).
Some of the items we will discuss will be:
Planning Ken Jenkins’ return engagement here, where he will speak on the possibility that “exotic” weapons were used or not used to bring down the Twin Towers.
Organizing a speaking event here for the hero of 9/11, William Rodriguez, tentatively scheduled for September or October.
Reaching out on the eleventh of every month at 11th and “L” Streets here, reminding and educating the public about 9/11 Truth, and the need for a real investigation. See
9/11 film showing in Davis, CA, in the Blanchard Room of the Public Library, at 315 E. 14th Street, Davis. The film Truth and Lies of 9/11 will be shown this Thursday, June 21st, at 7PM. This is a free event. For further info, call (530)757-1633.
A follow-up letter signed by a number of us and sent to Congressman Mike Thompson on May 30, 2007, calling for his help in obtaining a real investigation for the crime called “9/11”.
The more important topics covered on the National Conference Call for 9/11 Grassroots Contacts posted on . This call took place on June 14th, with many from across the country participating. Latest developments in 9/11 activism were discussed, including strategy and future national 9/11 Truth conferences and events.
The Bush dictatorship Directive, released to a compliant media on May 9, 2007. See
Is Martial Law Around the Corner? By Matthew Rothschild, Editor of The Progressive; posted June 9, 2007. See
Giuliani orders arrest of credentialed journalist for asking a question about 9/11: Greg Palast, in a May, 2007 interview, unfairly attacked 9/11 researcher Professor Steven Jones. Professor Jones responds. See
9/11 hero William Rodriguez prevented from speaking at a hotel in the UK. See
New website, Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth is now operational: ...
Northern California 9-11 Truth Alliance Meeting Thursday, June 21, 2007
at The Grand Lake Neighborhood Center
530 Lake Park Avenue, (between Lakeshore Avenue and Grand Avenue) in Oakland
7:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m.
From Hwy. 580 East (coming from the Bay Bridge or Berkeley), take the Grand Ave./Lakeshore exit (the exit ramp merges into MacArthur which intersects with Grand at the light), make a left at the light onto Grand, make a right onto Lake Park Ave. (the Grand Lake Theater will be on the corner on your far right). Go about a block, past the BofA, which will be on your left, and the GLNC will also be on your left. Park on the street or turn right into free public parking under the freeway.From Hwy. 580 West (coming from Hayward), take the Lakeshore Ave. exit (get as far to the right when approaching the exit before, the Harrison/Oakland exit, then continue moving to the right). When you exit at Lakshore Ave., you will be on Lake Park. Go straight at the light (you'll see a Busy Body Home Fitness store in front of you to the right), crossing Lakeshore Ave. The GLNC will be a few storefronts down on your right. Park on the street or turn left into free public parking under the freeway across from GLNC. If you cross Grand Ave. (and the theater) you've gone too far.
Buses (check schedules):
The 57 Macarthur, to Kaiser hospital, 40th and the Emeryville shopping district.
The NL, via Grand to downtown Oakland and San Francisco
“9/11 Mysteries, Part 1: Demolitions” screening and discussion
Friday, June 22, 2007, 3:00 pm – 5:45 pm
San Francisco Public Library, Chinatown Branch
1135 Powell St. (at Washington)
Contact for more information, free DVDs, flyers.
United for Peace and Justice- 3rd National Assembly
June 22-24, 2007
Chicago, Illinois
Details available at We had no volunteers interested in being delegates - because of conflicts with other events- if you are an active member of Northern California 9/11 Truth Alliance and want to be a delegate- please let us know ASAP
9/11, Canada and the New World Order Friday, June 22nd to Sunday June 24th
The Maritime Labour Centre
1880 Triumph St.
Vancouver, B.C.Presentations and Topics for Discussion include:
Scientific and Historical Evidence that directly contradicts the Official Narrative of 9/11
The History of False Flag Terrorism by governments and intelligence agencies to justify military interventions, spending, and extraordinary domestic measures.
Canada's participation in the War On Terror and in Afghanistan, and that country's relationship to 9/11.
The use of Depleted Uranium Weapons and their effects on local populations, soldiers and the world, as well Canada's roll in producing such weapons.
The Weaponization of Space, Canada's participation in the Space Program and the Military Industrial Complex, as well as other advanced weaponry, and potential uses.
The S.P.P. (Security and Prosperity Partnership) between the USA, Canada and Mexico, which many contend is a blueprint for a North American Union (without citizen input nor public debate), as well as the fate of democracy, sovereignty, civil rights, Canadian culture, and our national identity.
Globalization and New World Order agenda, for Canada and the world.
The emerging culture of surveillance of ordinary citizens in Canada and worldwide.
Gatekeeping: How Information is suppressed.
The importance, methods and means of 9/11 Truth activism.
Speakers include:
Prof. Steven E. Jones, Prof. Kevin Barrett, Prof. Peter Dale Scott, Prof. Michael Keefer, Dr. William Deagle, Dr. Joe Hawkins, Webster Griffin Tarpley, William Thomas, Robin Hordon, Rowland Morgan, Barrie Zwicker, Hal Sisson, Ian Woods, Connie Fogal, Ken Fernandez, Gillian Norman, Larisa Schirba.
Film Screenings and Workshops:
Several important documentaries examining the events of 9/11 in detail will be screened, including a preview of a forthcoming documentary entitled Shadow Play by Australian director Gillian Norman.The Vancouver 9/11 Truth Society is dedicated to affecting a new, full, and impartial investigation into the events of September 11th. They state "the conference is in the interest of justice for the victims of 9/11 and their families, for world peace, and that for the future of humanity, the truth must be revealed, and justice done.
Any proceeds from this event will go towards future endeavors to raise public awareness about 9/11 questions and to help support continued independent 9/11 research.
June 27-July 1, 2007
Atlanta, Georgia
The US Social Forum is more than a conference, more than a networking bonanza, more than a reaction to war and repression.
The USSF will provide space to build relationships, learn from each other's experiences, share our analysis of the problems our communities face, and bring renewed insight and inspiration. It will help develop leadership and develop consciousness, vision, and strategy needed to realize another world.
The USSF sends a message to other people’s movements around the world that there is an active movement in the US opposing US Policies at home and abroad.
We must declare what we want our world to look like and begin planning the path to get there. A global movement is rising. The USSF is our opportunity to demonstrate to the world Another World is Possible!
“9/11 Mysteries, Part 1: Demolitions” screening and discussion Saturday, June 30, 2007, 2:00 pm – 5:00 pm
San Francisco Public Library, Bernal Branch, 500 Cortland Ave. (at Andover)
Northern California 9-11 Truth Alliance Meeting Thursday, July 5, 2007
7 p.m. to 10 p.m.
522 Valencia St., just up from the 16th St. Bart Station
San Francisco
“9/11 Mysteries, Part 1: Demolitions” screening and discussion Saturday, July 14, 2007, 2:00 pm – 5:00 pm
San Francisco Public Library, Park Branch, 1833Page St. (near Cole)
9/11 Truth Day of Action
In San francisco-
2 PM POWELL AND MARKETBring cameras, outreach materials etc
More Details at
Monthly Impeachment Rally/9-11 Truth Action 11 am - 1 pm Listening Project at Lytton Plaza
1:00 pm Rally
2:00 pm March on Eshoo's OfficeLytton Plaza is at the intersection of University and Emerson. Look for the big Deception Dollar banner. Photos and details of past rallies posted at
Educational Forum presented by Ed Rippy 7- 9 pm
at The Grand Lake Neighborhood Center
530 Lake Park Avenue, (between Lakeshore Avenue and Grand Avenue) in Oakland
Spnsored by the Northern California 9/11 Truth Alliance. Details at Ed Rippy's website
Northern California 9-11 Truth Alliance Meeting Thursday, July 19, 2007
at The Grand Lake Neighborhood Center
530 Lake Park Avenue, (between Lakeshore Avenue and Grand Avenue) in Oakland
7:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m.
From Hwy. 580 East (coming from the Bay Bridge or Berkeley), take the Grand Ave./Lakeshore exit (the exit ramp merges into MacArthur which intersects with Grand at the light), make a left at the light onto Grand, make a right onto Lake Park Ave. (the Grand Lake Theater will be on the corner on your far right). Go about a block, past the BofA, which will be on your left, and the GLNC will also be on your left. Park on the street or turn right into free public parking under the freeway.From Hwy. 580 West (coming from Hayward), take the Lakeshore Ave. exit (get as far to the right when approaching the exit before, the Harrison/Oakland exit, then continue moving to the right). When you exit at Lakshore Ave., you will be on Lake Park. Go straight at the light (you'll see a Busy Body Home Fitness store in front of you to the right), crossing Lakeshore Ave. The GLNC will be a few storefronts down on your right. Park on the street or turn left into free public parking under the freeway across from GLNC. If you cross Grand Ave. (and the theater) you've gone too far.
Buses (check schedules):
The 57 Macarthur, to Kaiser hospital, 40th and the Emeryville shopping district.
The NL, via Grand to downtown Oakland and San Francisco
“9/11 Mysteries, Part 1: Demolitions” screening and discussion Saturday, July 21, 2007, 3:00 pm – 5:45 pm
San Francisco Public Library, Latino/Hispanic Room A-B, Main Branch, 100 Larkin St. Contact for more information, free DVDs, flyers.
Northern California 9/11 Truth Alliance Strategy/PlanningRetreat
July 29, 2007
You must be an active member to attend. RSVP to for map/details.
Northern California 9/11 Truth Alliance Meeting Thursday, August 2, 2007
7 p.m. to 10 p.m.
522 Valencia St., just up from the 16th St. Bart Station
San Francisco
“9/11 Mysteries, Part 1: Demolitions” screening and discussion Friday, August 3, 2007, 3:00 pm – 5:45 pm
San Francisco Public Library, Chinatown Branch, 1135 Powell St. (at Washington)
No Nukes! No Wars! No Profiteers! -- 'In the Shadow of the Bomb', a memorial ceremony and nonviolent direct action at the Livermore Nuclear Weapons Lab will mark the 62nd anniversary of the U.S. atomic bombing of Hiroshima.
Monday, August 6, 2007
beginning promptly at 7:30 AM
Sponsors: Tri-Valley CAREs; Western States Legal Foundation; Livermore Conversion Project; American Friends Service Committee; First Congregational Church of Oakland; Ecumenical Peace Institute; Physicians for Social Responsibility-SF Bay Area; Berkeley Friends Church; Communist Party USA, N. Calif. District; Declaration of Peace San Mateo County; Fr. Bill O’Donnell Social Justice Committee; Friends of the People’s Weekly World; Global Action to Prevent War; Grandmothers for Peace International; Northern CA 9/11 Truth Alliance; Orange County Friends; Santa Cruz Weapons Inspection Team, Fresno Center for Nonviolence, Monterey Peace and Justice Center, Grandmothers for Peace, Hayward Chapter, Marin Peace and Justice Coalition, Social Justice Center of Marin, Bay Area United for Peace and Justice.
The commemoration will culminate with an air raid siren and a moment of silence and reflection at 8:15 AM, the exact time of day the first atomic bomb was dropped on Hiroshima. An “open mike” rally and nonviolent direct action at the Livermore Lab West Gate entrance will follow.
Participants will gather near the West Gate of the Livermore Nuclear Weapons Lab, on Vasco Road in Livermore, California. Driving directions: Take I-580, exit south at Vasco Road. The West Gate is approximately 0.3 mile south of the intersection with Patterson Pass Road.
Through poetry, music and spoken word, we will recall the history of that terrible day and the ongoing effects of nuclear weapons use, production and testing. We will commemorate the victims of nuclear weapons and war at the gate of the government laboratory that is designing the next U.S. nuclear weapon, the so-called “Reliable Replacement Warhead”.
For more Information please call:
Jedidjah de Vries, Tri-Valley CAREs: 925-443-7148; cell 805-698-3577
Jackie Cabasso, Western States Legal Foundation: 510-839-5877; cell: 510-306-0119
Northern California 9/11 Truth Alliance Meeting Thursday, August 2, 2007
7 p.m. to 10 p.m.
522 Valencia St., just up from the 16th St. Bart Station
San Francisco
Saturday, August 11, 2007- National Day of Truth Action
Bring signs, flyers, dvds, cameras, etcWe are meeting at Pier 39 at 11 AM
MASON ST CABLE CAR to Union Square at 12:30
POWELL AND MARKET 2 PM - ?SUNDAY AUGUST 12 We're meeting at Nancy Pelosi's house at 2:30 pm
9/11 Press for Truth screening
Sunday, August 12, 2007, 7 pm
Forest Books 3080 16TH St. (near Valencia) San FranciscoThe Story
This movie will also be shown at the grand Lake Theater on September 11th, 1:20 pm as part of our 9/11 Truth Film Festival.Out of the grieving thousands left behind on September 11th, a small group of activist families emerged to demand answers. In 9/11 Press For Truth, six of them (including three of the famous "Jersey Girls") tell for the first time the powerful story of how they took on the powers in Washington—and won!—compelling an investigation, only to subsequently watch the 9/11 Commission fail in answering most of their questions.
The families eventually found an ally in Paul Thompson. Dissatisfied with the incomplete picture of September 11th presented in most news reports, Thompson became a citizen journalist of sorts. He stitched together thousands of rare overlooked news clips, buried stories, and government press conferences into a definitive Complete 9/11 Timeline (published by Harper Collins as The Terror Timeline). Press For Truth is adapted in part from his acclaimed work, which revealed to the families a very different picture of the road that led to the attacks and the resulting War on Terror, one that still today raises important and pressing questions.
Press For Truth premiered theatrically in September 2006 in New York City and the San Francisco Bay area. With the help of Robert Greenwald's Brave New Theaters, it was rolled out for a limited release in over fifty cities across America as well as Canada, Great Britain, the Czech Republic, Australia, and Japan.
The movie was immediately hailed by critics and enthusiastically embraced by a groundswell of concerned people worldwide who felt that the 9/11 Commission and the western news media had failed to account for many important issues.
Film: "9/11 Press for Truth"--San Jose
Saturday, August 11 7:00 p.m.
San Jose Peace Center
48 S. 7th St., San JoseCongressman Dennis Kucinich has announced that he will begin holding new hearings into 9/11 beginning in September because "the 9/11Commission Final Report... never resolved certain conflicts." The film '9/11 Press for Truth' details those conflicts. The film features five members of the 9/11 Family Steering Committee, the small group of victims' relatives who forced the creation of the 9/11 Commission. They reveal in the movie that "70% of our questions" were not answered by the 9/11 Commission Final Report.
Sponsored by the Silicon Valley Impeachment Coalition. Room capacity is 40, so RSVP at
Northern California 9-11 Truth Alliance Meeting Thursday, August 16, 2007
at The Grand Lake Neighborhood Center
530 Lake Park Avenue, (between Lakeshore Avenue and Grand Avenue) in Oakland
7:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m.
From Hwy. 580 East (coming from the Bay Bridge or Berkeley), take the Grand Ave./Lakeshore exit (the exit ramp merges into MacArthur which intersects with Grand at the light), make a left at the light onto Grand, make a right onto Lake Park Ave. (the Grand Lake Theater will be on the corner on your far right). Go about a block, past the BofA, which will be on your left, and the GLNC will also be on your left. Park on the street or turn right into free public parking under the freeway.From Hwy. 580 West (coming from Hayward), take the Lakeshore Ave. exit (get as far to the right when approaching the exit before, the Harrison/Oakland exit, then continue moving to the right). When you exit at Lakshore Ave., you will be on Lake Park. Go straight at the light (you'll see a Busy Body Home Fitness store in front of you to the right), crossing Lakeshore Ave. The GLNC will be a few storefronts down on your right. Park on the street or turn left into free public parking under the freeway across from GLNC. If you cross Grand Ave. (and the theater) you've gone too far.
Buses (check schedules):
The 57 Macarthur, to Kaiser hospital, 40th and the Emeryville shopping district.
The NL, via Grand to downtown Oakland and San Francisco
The Northern California 9/11 Truth Alliance is a sponsor of this event and hopes to bring William Rodriguez to the Bay Area on November 1, 2007.
Impeachment Rally/March in Palo Alto
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
Lytton Plaza, Downtown Palo Alto
1 pm- Rally
2 pm- March
Congress is "on recess." We are attempting to get meetings to push them on Impeachment while they are "home." We need to make as much noise as we can. We have petitions to "Impeach Cheney First." If you can help circulate them- it would be great to deliver as many as possible and have a large crowd and press for this upcoming rally/march. All help to get out the word and bring folks to the rally and march would be appreciated. Carol 650-857-0927.
World Gatherings for Truth
August 25-26, 2007
The Story Field Conference August 26-31, 2007
Shambhala Mountain Center, Colorado(In the inivte there is a quote from David Korten: ![]()
a pioneering interdisciplinary gathering
of storytellers, artists and experts
called by the field of stories arising among us
in the midst of the storm"elements of civil society which are committed to liberating humanity from institutions of domination have a natural advantage in the domain of culture. To maintain control, the institutions of domination must justify themselves with falsified values of fabricated stories that contradict reality. By contrast, those of us devoted to the cause of justice, compassion, and sustainability need only encourage people to recognize, accept, and act on what they know in their hearts to be true.
I want to be sure that the Truth about 9/11 is part of the conversation, and I'll be attending the conference.)
Emergency Planning for Northern California 9-11 Truth Alliance Meeting Thursday, August 28, 2007
at The Grand Lake Neighborhood Center
530 Lake Park Avenue, (between Lakeshore Avenue and Grand Avenue) in Oakland
7:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m.
Especially to prepare for all our upcoming 9/11 Truth events
From Hwy. 580 East (coming from the Bay Bridge or Berkeley), take the Grand Ave./Lakeshore exit (the exit ramp merges into MacArthur which intersects with Grand at the light), make a left at the light onto Grand, make a right onto Lake Park Ave. (the Grand Lake Theater will be on the corner on your far right). Go about a block, past the BofA, which will be on your left, and the GLNC will also be on your left. Park on the street or turn right into free public parking under the freeway.From Hwy. 580 West (coming from Hayward), take the Lakeshore Ave. exit (get as far to the right when approaching the exit before, the Harrison/Oakland exit, then continue moving to the right). When you exit at Lakshore Ave., you will be on Lake Park. Go straight at the light (you'll see a Busy Body Home Fitness store in front of you to the right), crossing Lakeshore Ave. The GLNC will be a few storefronts down on your right. Park on the street or turn left into free public parking under the freeway across from GLNC. If you cross Grand Ave. (and the theater) you've gone too far.
Buses (check schedules):
The 57 Macarthur, to Kaiser hospital, 40th and the Emeryville shopping district.
The NL, via Grand to downtown Oakland and San Francisco
Summer of Love 40th Anniversary Free Concert in Golden Gate Park September 2, 2007
10 am to 6pm
Speedway Meadows
What better way to challenge the paradigm of war and terror than with love and truth and music? The Northern California 9/11 Truth Alliance will have our booth, banners, 9/11 Truth materials- and plenty of money to give away....
Northern California 9/11 Truth Alliance Meeting Thursday, September 6, 2007
7 p.m. to 10 p.m.
522 Valencia St., just up from the 16th St. Bart Station
San Francisco
9th Annual 911 Power to the Peaceful Festival
Annual Rally/March from the Panhandle through Golden Gate Park to the 911 Power to the Peaceful Festival
September 8, 2007Speedway Meadows
Golden Gate Park
Following the attacks of September 11th, the first "9/11 Truth Rally and March" took place in the Panhandle, marching up Haight Street and through Golden Gate Park to the 911 Power to the Peaceful Concert-
Our rally begins at 10:00 am @ the Panhandle (between Oak and Fell at Ashbury)
11:00 am we begin our march up Ashbury to Haight, through Golden Gate Park to Speedway Meadows and to the Concert which lasts until 5:00 pm.
To endorse, speak, volunteer- Contact Carol Brouillet @ 650-857-0927. We welcome all who are for 9/11 Truth, Impeachment, Peace, an End to War, Repeal of the Patriot Act. Bring banners, signs, costumes, musical instruments, your humor, energy, messages. The Northern California 9/11 Truth Alliance will have a booth at the Concert and pass out literature to the thousands who come to the concert and support peace.(Here's our 9-11 Truth Rally/March webpage with photos and reports from past years.)
9/11 Truth Film Festival Monday and Tuesday, September 10th and 11th, 2007
9/11: Blueprint for Truth- 130 Architects and Engineers Examine the Evidence
with Richard Gage, AIA, Architect
7 pm, September 11, 2007
9/11 Truth Film Festival at The Grand Lake Theater 1 pm- 10 pm, Monday and Tuesday, September 10th & 11th, 2007
3200 Grand Lake Avenue, OaklandHosted by Guns and Butter's Bonnie Faulkner.
The 9/11 Truth Festival & 9/11: Blueprint for Truth Presentation with Richard Gage, AIA, Architect are benefits for the Northern California 9/11 Truth Alliance. Donations $5-10 suggested. No one turned away for lack of funds. Free popcorn. Schedule:Films, interspersed with speakers on both days, culminating in a presentation at 7pm on September llth-
9/11: Blueprint for Truth
Architects and Engineers Examine the Evidence
with Richard Gage, AIA, Architect
from Architects and Engineers for 9/11 TruthRichard is the founder of
Monday, September 10, 2007-
Afternoon Program
Tuesday, September 11, 2007-1:00- Remembrance Janette MacKinlay (20 minutes)
Evening Program
1:20- Hijacking Catastrophe- 9/11 Fear and the Selling of the American Empire (1 hour 4 minutes)
2:25- Mickey Huff Discussing Hijacking Catastrophe and the Media (20 minutes)
2:45 NYC- Ground Zero 9/11/2006, We Were Also Killed- First responders Speak, "HASTA LA VICTORIA SIEMPRE!" with William Pepper" (58 minutes)
4:05- Zeitgeist ( 1 hour 56 minutes)6:10- Let's Get Empirical (1 hour-edited version)
7:10- Film Maker Ken Jenkins Discussing Let's Get Empirical (20 minutes)
7:30- The Reflecting Pool (1 hour 50 minutes)
9:20- Followed by Discussion with filmmakers/writer/director/actors Jarek Kupsc and Joseph CulpAfternoon Program
1:00- Remembrance Janette MacKinlay (20 minutes)
Evening Program
1:20- 9/11 Press for Truth (1 hour 24 minutes)
2:45 - Paul Rea Discussing Press for Truth (15 minutes)
3:00- 9/11 Mysteries (1 hour 31 minutes)
4:31- Jim Hoffman Discussing 9/11 Mysteries (19 minutes)
4:50 - The Reflecting Pool (1 hour 50 minutes)
Followed by Discussion with filmmakers/writer/director/actors Jarek Kupsc and Joseph Culp 15 minutes
7:00- 9/11: Blueprint for Truth 130 Architects & Engineers Examine the Evidence with Richard Gage, AIA, Architect
More details posted at
Days of Peace & Truth- September 10/11, 2007- San Francisco
Monday, September 10th- 11am- 1 pm- Golden Gate Bridge
Tuesday, September 11th- 2 pm Union Square
4 pm City Hall (SF Board of Supervisors Meeting- Contribute Public Comment)
Impeach the Terrorists. Demand the Truth. Restore the Republic.
Organized by Aaron Dames- Contact for more information and flyers.
Peter Dale Scott- Speaking about his new book- The Road to 9/11 Wealth, Empire, and the Future of America
Tuesday, September 11th, 2007, 7 pm
Black Oak Books
1491 Shattuck Avenue
Free to the PublicComedy Show in SF- Too Soon? 9/11 and Everything After 4 Comics- Joe Klocek, Tapan Trivedi, Ali Mafi, Boxcar Tuesday, September 11, 8 pm,
444 Battery St., San Francisco
415-397-7573<$14.admission- No Ca. 9-11 Truth Alliance has been invited to table (Print coupon below for a generous discount).
Six years after 9-11 and where are we as a nation?
Join four comics as they present material based on six years of living under the cloud of terrorism, Bush and the limits of free speech.
Joe Klocek has appeared on Comedy Central's Live at Gotham and has gained a reputation for thought provoking social commentary. Tapan Trivedi is originally from India. He is best known for his sold out shows around the Bay; Pundits with Punchlines; a show about being Indian in America.
Ali Mafiis from Iran, gay and just trying to fit into some culture that does not wish him ill. A breaker of stereotypes and fiercely funny,Ali challenges any audience to not laugh at his experiences.
Boxcar. With a name like this you know you are going to hear a lot of the 60's counter culture comics. From Seattle, WA and a recent transplant to San Francisco, Boxcar puts a lot of things into punchlines that most people are afraid to say out loud.
911 Truth Vigil Tuesday, September 11, 2007
Crosses of Lafayette
We will gather to recognize the 800,000 Iraqis who have lost their lives in this immoral war of revenge for a crime that is unresolved.
Google: Loose Change GoogleCorner of Deer Hill and Oak Hill Road. Across from Lafayette BART
DIRECTIONS: From Oakland/ Berkeley: Take the 24 to the Oak Hill Road exit. Turn left. Turn left again on Deer Hill. You will soon see crosses site on your right. From Concord/ Walnut Creek: Take 24 to Central Lafayette exit. Turn left on Deer Hill Road. You will soon see crosses on your right. BART parking lot is on your left.
Please no candles on the ground
Film Showing - Terrorstorm: A History of Government Sponsored Terrorism 7pm, Tues, Sept.11, 2007
Rio Theatre
1205 Soquel Avenue
Santa Cruz, CA
For more information:
(Click for Details on NY Days of Action- September 7th- 11th, 2007)(Here are more events in New York scheduled for September 8th & 9th and September 11th.)
The September 8th and 9th events will be webcasted!
(Click for Details for DC Days of Action- September 11th- 14th, 2007)
Northern California 9-11 Truth Alliance Meeting Thursday, September 20, 2007
at The Grand Lake Neighborhood Center
530 Lake Park Avenue, (between Lakeshore Avenue and Grand Avenue) in Oakland
7:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m.
From Hwy. 580 East (coming from the Bay Bridge or Berkeley), take the Grand Ave./Lakeshore exit (the exit ramp merges into MacArthur which intersects with Grand at the light), make a left at the light onto Grand, make a right onto Lake Park Ave. (the Grand Lake Theater will be on the corner on your far right). Go about a block, past the BofA, which will be on your left, and the GLNC will also be on your left. Park on the street or turn right into free public parking under the freeway.From Hwy. 580 West (coming from Hayward), take the Lakeshore Ave. exit (get as far to the right when approaching the exit before, the Harrison/Oakland exit, then continue moving to the right). When you exit at Lakshore Ave., you will be on Lake Park. Go straight at the light (you'll see a Busy Body Home Fitness store in front of you to the right), crossing Lakeshore Ave. The GLNC will be a few storefronts down on your right. Park on the street or turn left into free public parking under the freeway across from GLNC. If you cross Grand Ave. (and the theater) you've gone too far.
Buses (check schedules):
The 57 Macarthur, to Kaiser hospital, 40th and the Emeryville shopping district.
The NL, via Grand to downtown Oakland and San Francisco
9/11: Re-examining the 3 WTC High-rise "Collapses"with Richard Gage, AIA
Tuesday, Sep 25, 2007, 7 - 8:30 pmFaith Lutheran (Adjacent to the Castro Valley Library)
20080 Redwood Rd.
Castro Valley, CA
Castro Valley Democratic Club
Contact: John Bass @ 510-432-9493Northern California 9/11 Truth Alliance Meeting
Thursday, October 4, 2007
7 p.m. to 10 p.m.
522 Valencia St., just up from the 16th St. Bart Station
San Francisco
The Eleventh Annual Bromsgrove 2007 Conference
Friday, the 5th October to mid-day Sunday 7th October 2007
Barnes Close, Bromsgrove, UKThe Bromsgrove Group recognizes:
1. The supply of money into the economy is the big issue which governs all the issues. The present economic system is debt-based. This means that virtually all money is supplied to the economy as a debt to be repaid, with interest, to the banking system. Governments rely upon the majority of people going into debt to the banking system simply to create enough money to supply the economy. Governments, too, must borrow from the banking system to fund public expenditure. Taxpayers must then pay back the debt and interest repayments.
Association in the Bromsgrove Group is open to individuals and organisations which support this statement of belief.2. As a consequence of this debt-based economic system, we see the indebtedness of people, families, and countries growing daily. The present debt-based economic system perpetuates debt slavery, and this is ultimately destructive of society, the environment, and the planet.
3. The banking system creates money out of nothing. We are concerned at the claim that there is no money to fund vital public services, industries, and social and environmental projects, when this money at source is created out of nothing. Governments should be able to supply money, debt-free, without having to borrow from the banking system. "Debt-free" means that it does not have to be repaid.
4. The debt-based economic system must be challenged and alternatives constructed. The economy needs a supply of money debt-free. Therefore, we affirm :
1. Money must be based on the real wealth of society people, skills and materials not on debt. The supply of money must relate to these physical facts not to the requirements of the banking system.
2. Money is the means of exchange for the goods and services produced by this real wealth. It is not a commodity itself.
3. The purpose of an economic system is to provide goods and services as, when and where required in order to satisfy human needs.
4. Money must be our servant not our master.
5. Money, at source, is created out of nothing, so there is no need for it to be scarce.
6. Whatever is physically possible and socially desirable can be made financially possible.
7. The present economic system can, and will, be changed for the better. Consequently, we propose :
1. That the government via a democratically accountable authority undertakes the creation of a supply of money, debt-free, into the economy.
2. This authority should spend, not lend, a supply of money into circulation on the basis of proven need. This will reduce the overall burden of debt in society, break reliance upon the banking system for the supply of money, and open potential for limitless change.
Respect is paid to the different options for change represented by different members within this statement of belief.
The group meets once a year and regularly exchanges information, inspiration and support.
See for more details.
Beach Impeach IV Sunday, October 7, 2007, 11 am- 12:30 pm
Cesar Chavez Park
200 Marina Blvd
BerkeleySpecial guest- Cindy Sheehan. Please sign up at Two helicopters are committed to filming as of this moment- permit has been granted. Details at-
I'm not sure if we will be able to table- I haven't been to this park before, but I'll bring our usual banners and tabling stuff, just in case. No. Ca. 9/11 Truth Alliance- let's try for the H again!!!
ZEITGEIST - THE MOVIE Wednesday, October 10th, 8PM
The Hide Gallery - 131 B Front Street
27 Foot Outdoor Film Projection
(heading towards Boardwalk on Front, pass Laurel St., pass Spruce St., and Hide will be coming up on your right)Zeitgeist was created as a non-profit filmiac expression to inspire people to start looking at the world from a more critical perspective and to understand that very often things are not what the population at large think they are.
Reshape your mindscape and relationship to our consumer culture and corporate/religious superpowers.
This Event is Intended For Education and the Evolution of Consciousness.
Alcohol and Firearms Prohibited
(or you will be deleted)Official Movie Website
Note: This event is not being put on by Santa Cruz 9/11 Truth, but they fully support it!!!
Thursday, October 11, 2007 San Francisco 9/11 Visibility Action 11am - Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco 101 Market Street
1pm - Union Square
2:30 - Powell and Market
Join us for demonstration, visibility and outreach
bring dvds, flyers, signs, cameras, water
Street Action For Peace and 9/11 Truth
Thursday, Oct.11th, 2007 from 5:30-6:30pm
Downtown Santa Cruz Clock Tower
Corner of Water St. and Pacific Ave.We will be holding signs visible to pedestrians and vehicle traffic, calling for peace and 9/11 Truth. We have lots of goodies to give out, such as 9/11 information cards and dvds.
Unplug The War Machine!
Northern California 9-11 Truth Alliance Meeting Thursday, October 18, 2007
at The Grand Lake Neighborhood Center
530 Lake Park Avenue, (between Lakeshore Avenue and Grand Avenue) in Oakland
7:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m.
From Hwy. 580 East (coming from the Bay Bridge or Berkeley), take the Grand Ave./Lakeshore exit (the exit ramp merges into MacArthur which intersects with Grand at the light), make a left at the light onto Grand, make a right onto Lake Park Ave. (the Grand Lake Theater will be on the corner on your far right). Go about a block, past the BofA, which will be on your left, and the GLNC will also be on your left. Park on the street or turn right into free public parking under the freeway.From Hwy. 580 West (coming from Hayward), take the Lakeshore Ave. exit (get as far to the right when approaching the exit before, the Harrison/Oakland exit, then continue moving to the right). When you exit at Lakshore Ave., you will be on Lake Park. Go straight at the light (you'll see a Busy Body Home Fitness store in front of you to the right), crossing Lakeshore Ave. The GLNC will be a few storefronts down on your right. Park on the street or turn left into free public parking under the freeway across from GLNC. If you cross Grand Ave. (and the theater) you've gone too far.
Buses (check schedules):
The 57 Macarthur, to Kaiser hospital, 40th and the Emeryville shopping district.
The NL, via Grand to downtown Oakland and San Francisco
Peninsula / South Bay Peace Procession and Rally
Friday October 19, 2:30 p.m. to 6p.m. Gather in Burlingame or San Jose
BurlingameStarting Point: United Methodist Church, 1443 Howard Ave., SanJose Starting Point: Calvary United Methodist Church, 729 Morse St. (enter on Naglee) Drive/bike in the Peace Procession to Palo Alto HearRay McGovern and Karen Meredith of Gold StarFamilies Speak Out and Iraq War Veterans from Veterans for Peace at the rally in Palo Alto.
The Bioneers Conference
October 19-21, 2007
San Rafael, CaliforniaThe Conference is a dynamic, leading-edge forum, focused on practical and visionary solutions for restoring the Earth’s imperiled ecosystems and healing our human communities.
Details at
Film Screening- 911 MYSTERIES Saturday, October 20, 2007 at 1:30 p.m.
Fremont Main Library
2400 Stevenson Blvd at Paseo Padre
Fremont CA 94538Tri-City Independent Documentary Series and Alameda County Libraries present a free screening of 911 MYSTERIES, followed by discussion led by Dr. Paul Rea, author of STILL SEEKING THE TRUTH ABOUT 9/11 and the forthcoming FINGERPRINTS ALL OVER THE CRIME.
Information: 510-745-1400
Wheelchair accessible
Video showing- 9/11: Blueprint for Truth: The Architecture of Destruction / a presentation by Richard Gage, AIA
Wednesday, October 24, 2007, 7:00 PM
Mt. Diablo Peace & Justice Center,
55 Eckley Lane, Walnut Creek
Richard Gage, AIA is the founding member of He has been a practicing architect for 20 years and has worked on most types of building construction including numerous fire-proofed steel-framed buildings. He became interested in the 9/11 WTC high-rise “collapses” after hearing the startling conclusions of a reluctant 9/11 researcher, David Ray Griffin, on the radio in 2006, which launched his own unyielding quest for 9/11 Truth. Richard will present a slide show which provides evidence that the three World Trade Center buildings were felled by controlled demolition. The pieces of evidence include expert corroboration, foreknowledge of collapse, whistle blowers, government documentation and video documentation. When Richard gave this presentation at the Grand Lake Theater on September 11, 2007, he was given a standing ovation by the overflow crowd.
Peace is Possible!
Mt. Diablo Peace and Justice Center
www.mtdpc.orgMedia Accountability Conference
Friday, October 26th- Saturday, October 27th
Sonoma State UniversityOrganized by Project Censored
See- for more details.
National Mobilization to End the War in Iraq
Saturday, October 27, 2007
Civic Center, San Francisco, 11 am
March to Dolores Park
The Northern California 9/11 Truth Alliance will have a contingent in the march and table at the Civic Center and Dolores Park. Meet under the big Deception Dollar banner at the Civic Center. Please contact to commit to helping at either table or in the contingent. We also need folks to help put together and pass out signs.
Tuesday, October 30th 7:00 - 10:00 PM
Berkeley Unitarian Center, 1606 Bonita Ave (Corner of Cedar and Bonita)
Berkeley, CAFrank Morales, Sonoma State University's Project Censored Award Winning Journalist and Taking Aim's Ralph Schoenman and Mya Shone
Frank Morales will speak on Police State America and Pentagon Civil Disturbance Planning
Ralph Schoenman and Mya Shone will speak on 9/11 and the Architecture of the Fascist State
$10 donation
Last Man Out- William Rodriguez - 9/11 Hero World Tour November 1, 2007, 7 pm
Grand Lake Theater
3200 Grand Avenue
William Rodriguez
A True Hero on 9/11
and ever since then...With Special Guests- Peter Dale Scott, author of The Road to 9/11- Wealth, Empire, and the Future of America and Cindy Sheehan
Declared a hero for saving numerous lives at ground zero, William Rodriguez was a janitor on duty the morning of 9/11 who heard and felt explosions rock the basement sublevels of the North Tower before the jetliner struck the top floors. His testimony was omitted from the 9/11 Commission Report.
At great risk to his own life, William reentered the towers three times after the initial impacts and is believed to be the last person to exit the North Tower alive, surviving the building’s collapse by diving beneath a fire truck. After receiving medical attention at the WTC site for his injuries, he spent the rest of the day aiding in the rescue efforts as a volunteer, and at dawn the next day he was back to help rescue survivors.
In addition to being a spokesperson for the New York City first responders, William is also active in the movement for immigrant rights. He was a major force behind the campaign to encourage undocumented immigrant survivors and relatives of victims to come forward for help without fear of deportation. The group also raised funds for scholarships for children of immigrants killed or maimed in the attacks.
His firsthand account of his experiences that day challenges the official narrative, which claims that the towers' collapse had nothing to do with explosives. He has spoken throughout the world to share his story and to lobby for a genuine international inquiry into the events of 9/11--on behalf of those who died, the survivors, those whose health was compromised, and all who have suffered from bad policy decisions that were based on the official narrative of 9/11.
Meet a real hero. Hear his story. Followed by a reception for William and local heroes for 9/11 Truth,
Impeachment, Peace, and Justice. Now is the time for courage. Please join us!A Benefit for the Northern California 9/11 Truth Alliance •
Details posted at
World Peace Week or War on War Week From November 5th -- Guy Fawkes Day, the holiday that celebrates the grand-daddy of all fake war provocations -- the 400th anniversary was in 2005 -- through November 11th, Veterans Day: It commemorates the end of WWI on 11/11/1917, and the veterans and victims of this and all the other wars started by false pretexts. To end these wars, we have to awaken people to both the knowledge of how the war party incites war, and to sympathy for the fallen. These dates in November are a perfect time to remember both culprits and victims.
"The Guy Fawkes masks on the front of this card represent the character “V” from the comic book and movie V for Vendetta. V’s story is about one man’s struggle to inspire people to take back their freedom from a despotic government.
November 5th is Guy Fawkes Day. Even now, few understand the original Gunpowder Plot: Guy Fawkes was framed in a bogus “Catholic terrorist plot” to blow up the King and the Parliament. The real plot was royally successful: to invent a pretext for war with Catholic Spain. This fraud, which rallied popular opinion for a war with Spain, was the foundation of the British empire.
Was 9/11 another such frauda pretext to create a neocon empire? 100 million Americans think so.
In September of 2000, a group of neocons from the Project for the New American Century wrote of the need for a “new Pearl Harbor” in order to push for an aggressive expansion of the American Empire. One year later they got their wish when America was attacked on 9/11.
Was 9/11 a neocon scam? Please investigate this critical issue at and at
If you don’t have access to the Internet, read David Ray Griffin’s The New Pearl Harbor.
Our leaders have promised us “a war that will not end in our lifetimes.” If we are ever to live free we must expose how governments use terror to achieve their goals. We must become like V and take our country back from despots.
hosted on We The People Radio Network.
Past shows are archived.
Last Monday's, October 29th- Crushing Liberty and Dissent Show was with Aram James, Mya Shone, Ralph Schonemann.
On Monday, November 5th (Guy Fawkes Day) we will rebroadcast the Unmasking State Sponsored Terrorism Show with Barrie Zwicker, Kevin Barrett, John Leonard, Sherry Clark
speaking about World Peace Week (November 5th [Guy Fawkes Day] - 11th [Veterans Day]).
9/11 Visibility Action
Sun. Nov. 11, 2007
9/11 Truth Awareness RallyHit the streets! Lets end this war! 9/11, Iraq, Afghanistan, Iran, The War On Terror - ALL LIES!
Clock Tower - Santa Cruz - Signs and Handouts ProvidedDowntown Santa Cruz Clock Tower
corner of Water St / Mission St / North Pacific AveSan Francisco 9/11 Truth Visibility Actions
Sunday, November 11th, 11 AM at Powell and Market
Plans are to meet at Powell and Market and venture forth from there. The replica should be parked there most of the day. There should be some tabling, flyering at the Green Festival.(8th and Brannon).
Mountain View- 9/11 Visibility Actions
Farmers' Market
9 am to 11 amCaltrain/VTA trolley Station 600 West Evelyn btwn. Hope & View) near the entrance under the trees, for some positive, intelligent 9-11 Truth leafleting and outreach.
9/11: Blueprint for Truth – The Architecture of Destruction with Richard Gage, AIA Tue, Nov 13, 2007, 12:00 noon
American Institute of Architects East Bay Chapter
Location: 1405 Clay Street
Oakland, CA 94612Brown Bag Lunch Discussion Group
(2nd Tuesday of each month)Northern California 9-11 Truth Alliance Meeting Thursday, November 15, 2007
at The Grand Lake Neighborhood Center
530 Lake Park Avenue, (between Lakeshore Avenue and Grand Avenue) in Oakland
7:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m.
From Hwy. 580 East (coming from the Bay Bridge or Berkeley), take the Grand Ave./Lakeshore exit (the exit ramp merges into MacArthur which intersects with Grand at the light), make a left at the light onto Grand, make a right onto Lake Park Ave. (the Grand Lake Theater will be on the corner on your far right). Go about a block, past the BofA, which will be on your left, and the GLNC will also be on your left. Park on the street or turn right into free public parking under the freeway.From Hwy. 580 West (coming from Hayward), take the Lakeshore Ave. exit (get as far to the right when approaching the exit before, the Harrison/Oakland exit, then continue moving to the right). When you exit at Lakshore Ave., you will be on Lake Park. Go straight at the light (you'll see a Busy Body Home Fitness store in front of you to the right), crossing Lakeshore Ave. The GLNC will be a few storefronts down on your right. Park on the street or turn left into free public parking under the freeway across from GLNC. If you cross Grand Ave. (and the theater) you've gone too far.
Buses (check schedules):
The 57 Macarthur, to Kaiser hospital, 40th and the Emeryville shopping district.
The NL, via Grand to downtown Oakland and San Francisco
Film Screening-HACKING DEMOCRACY Saturday, November 17th at 1:30 p.m.
Fremont Main Library
2400 Stevenson Blvd at Paseo PadreThe Tri-City Independent Documentary Series and Alameda County Libraries present a free screening of the film HACKING DEMOCRACY followed by discussion by Dr. David Dill, a computer scientist and Professor at Stanford University, who founded the Verified Voting Foundation because of his concerns about the security issues around electronic voting.
This outstanding documentary exposes the dangers of electronic voting machines, which now count about 90% of America's votes. Its real subject, the health of American democracy, could hardly be more important or timely.
Filmed over 3 years, this expose tracks investigations done by citizen activists as they take on the voting industry, targeting the Diebold Corporation. The film uncovers incendiary evidence from the trash cans of Texas to the ballot boxes of Ohio, exposing secrecy, votes in the trash, hackable software and election officials rigging the presidential recount.
This documentary has impact. Since the film was completed, two Ohio election staff featured in HACKING DEMOCRACY were sentenced on March 13th, 2007 for rigging the 2004 presidential recount. The film also spurred California's Secretary of State to commission a special report on voting machines by scientists at UC Berkeley.
Emmy award nomination for Outstanding Investigative Journalism.
Admission free Wheelchair accessible 510-745-1400
Conference- Facing State Violence: Truth, Justice, & Healing
Sat, Nov 17, 8:30 am-5:30 pm
Pacific School of Religion, 1798 Scenic Avenue, Berkeley$40/students; $80/professionals with scholarships available.
American Friends Service Committee presents: Facing State Violence: Truth Justice and Healing For activists, practitioners, and students concerned about state violence and redressing its effects-educators, human rights advocates, journalists, legal advocates, therapists and trauma counselors. All welcome!
Presenters include:
Laurel Fletcher, Banafsheh Akhlaghi, Gerald Gray, Adam Hochschild, Milton Reynolds, Nancy Hollander, Beth van Schaack, Uwe Jacobs, Matt Eisenstadt, Yuri Kochiyama, and Alicia PartnoyWorkshops include:
Risks of Truth-telling
Professionals in Torture/Professional Torturers
Justice, the Legal System and State Violence
Human Rights Violations and the Media
Intergenerational Transfer of TraumaMORE INFO:
Website: Email Sandra Schwartz - Phone: 415-565-0201 x 24Film Screening- America: Freedom To Fascism
Sat. Nov. 17, 2007
Show time: 6:30 pm doors 7:00 pm show
Featuring Aaron Russo's AMERICA: FREEDOM TO FASCISM This outstanding film documents the journey of the late Hollywood Producer (THE ROSE, TRADING PLACES)to find any law requiring average Americans to pay "income" tax. In the process, Russo connects the dots between money creation by our private central bank, federal income tax, voter fraud, the coming national identity card, and plans to track us with RFID technology.
Tickets: $5 advance $8 door Children Free w/Adult ticket purchase (ask for Child's ticket).
Advance tickets for purchase at Streetlight Records 831-421-9200.
Movie website: /
Rio Theatre website:
Video- 9/11: Blueprint for Truth-The Architecture of Destruction
Friday, November 23rd, 7 P.M.
Veterans Memorial Bldg
846 Front Street
Santa CruzDonation requested but no one turned away for lack of funds.
Information: (831) 688-8692
Presented by Santa Cruz 9/11 Truth Network Labor donatedNorthern California 9/11 Truth Alliance Meeting
Thursday, December 6, 2007
7 p.m. to 10 p.m.
522 Valencia St., just up from the 16th St. Bart Station
San Francisco
Please come to this meeting- we will need to pass out promotional materials for the premiere of Loose Change (December 12th at the Grand Lake Theater) and the San Francisco Tea Party for 9/11 Truth (on December 16th), and possibly another event which we are working on, we need as much help as we can get.
9/11 Blueprint for Truth- The Architecture of Destruction with Richard Gage, AIA
Saturday, Dec. 8, 2007, 7 pm
Odd Fellows Hall
545 Pacific Ave. near Mendocino Ave.
Santa RosaSponsoring groups include the Sonoma Valley Peace and Justice Group, the Peace Center of Sonoma County, and Veterans for Peace, Sonoma County Chapter 71. More Info Contact- Ted Davis 707-996-6922,
San Francisco- December 11th Action
11:00 am Market and Powell
Noon- ?- Moscone Center during the lunch break of the American Geophysical Union conference.
Premiere- Loose Cut- Final Edition- with filmmakers Dylan Avery and Korey Rowe
Wednesday, December 12, 2007, 7:00pm
Grand Lake Theater
3200 Grand Avenue, OaklandPremiere- Loose Cut- Final Edition- with filmmakers Dylan Avery and Jason Bermas
Saturday, December 15, 2007, 7:00pm
Victoria Theatre
2961 16th Street (Across from the BART Station)
San Francisco, CA
San Francisco Tea Party for 9/11 Truth
Sunday, December 16, 2007
In Solidarity with the Boston Tea Party for 9/11 Truth, the Northern California 9/11 Truth Alliance and others will begin with a public rally, with a reading of the San Francisco Tea Party for 9/11 Truth Proclamation and, denunciation of the 9/11 Commission Report, (including the Patriot Acts, Military Commission Acts, PD51, and others). We will ceremoniously cast into the bay the documents of tyranny that have been cynically imposed on a terrorized public. The media will be invited.
We invite everyone to come, participate, and to join us in the organizing, outreach efforts. If you would like to join with us and build props, put up posters, distribute cards, help with publicity. Contact John- or 415.451.8102. Details and itinerary are posted at where photos, films, and a write-up of last year's event are located.
Some Simple instruction on becoming an american colonial patriot
Tri corner hat - easily procured from costume shops and online
White loose fitting shirt to wear under vest or cloak
Vest and or Cape
Pants, use corduroy pants, roll them up to the knee
Socks long socks from knee length
Black shoes (with buckle if possible)
Bring a fife, drum, historical flag, hand held bells,
Signs, create your own signs - use colonial typefaces if you can- Caslon is a good oneNorthern California 9-11 Truth Alliance Meeting Thursday, December 20, 2007
at The Grand Lake Neighborhood Center
530 Lake Park Avenue, (between Lakeshore Avenue and Grand Avenue) in Oakland
7:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m.
From Hwy. 580 East (coming from the Bay Bridge or Berkeley), take the Grand Ave./Lakeshore exit (the exit ramp merges into MacArthur which intersects with Grand at the light), make a left at the light onto Grand, make a right onto Lake Park Ave. (the Grand Lake Theater will be on the corner on your far right). Go about a block, past the BofA, which will be on your left, and the GLNC will also be on your left. Park on the street or turn right into free public parking under the freeway.From Hwy. 580 West (coming from Hayward), take the Lakeshore Ave. exit (get as far to the right when approaching the exit before, the Harrison/Oakland exit, then continue moving to the right). When you exit at Lakshore Ave., you will be on Lake Park. Go straight at the light (you'll see a Busy Body Home Fitness store in front of you to the right), crossing Lakeshore Ave. The GLNC will be a few storefronts down on your right. Park on the street or turn left into free public parking under the freeway across from GLNC. If you cross Grand Ave. (and the theater) you've gone too far.
Buses (check schedules):
The 57 Macarthur, to Kaiser hospital, 40th and the Emeryville shopping district.
The NL, via Grand to downtown Oakland and San Francisco
Northern California 9/11 Truth Alliance Meeting
Thursday, January 3, 2007
7 p.m. to 10 p.m.
522 Valencia St., just up from the 16th St. Bart Station
San Francisco
Making Peace & 9/11 Truth film series Wednesday, January 9, 2008
The films begin at 7 p.m.
Blanchard Room of the Stephens Branch Library
315 E. 14th Street
Davis, CADiscussion will follow. Admission is free.
Donations are appreciated.
For more information, call 757-1633
* * * Last Man Out
William Rodriguez, a hero of the 9/11 World Trade Center, tells his riveting story of that fateful day. He was the only person present with a master key to the locks in the buildings. By unlocking emergencyaccess doors in the stairwells he was able to facilitate the escape of hundreds of would be victims... 145 minutesSan Francisco Truth Action
January 11, 2008, 11 amMeet at Powell and Market Streets
Details at the Forum at
Sacramento 9/11 Truth Action
January 11th, 2008
4:30-6:00 PM (feel free to come earlier or stay later...)
11th & L Streets, Sacramento (sidewalk on north side of state capitol)Bring signs, handouts, and other information to share with the public.
This Friday, January 11th, 2008 marks the resumption of 9/11 Truth Action in Sacramento, in solidarity with cities of this nation and around the world who participate in Truth Actions on the Eleventh of every month. Our goals are twofold:
1) to peacefully demand an investigation that follows the evidence for the crime called “9/11”, and to protest the lack of a real investigation, and
2) to inform people of the many facts about this crime which have gone unreported in the media, and covered up by the 9/11 Commission.For other general info: sac911truth [at]
More at:
In a Zogby Poll released September 6, 2007:
51% of Americans Want Congress to Probe Bush/Cheney Regarding 9/11 Attacks 67% also fault 9/11 Commission for not investigating anomalous collapse of World Trade Center 7.
Clearly, a majority of Americans want a real investigation, and Truth about “9/11”.Silent Candlelight Procession to mark Six Years of Injustice at Guantanamo
Friday, January 11, 2008
4pm on the steps of San Francisco's Federal courthouse at 95 - 7th St (at Mission, near Civic Center BART).
Marching slowly and silently in chains down Market Street, stopping at crowded plazas and corners (e.g., BART stations) to re-create our tableau. We'll end in Justin Hermann Plaza and form our final tableau beside the ice skating rink there.
On January 11, 2008, Act Against Torture will mark the sixth anniversary of the first detainees' arrival at Guantanamo. We'll meet at 4pm on the steps of San Francisco's federal courthouse at 95 - 7th St (at Mission, near Civic Center BART). Dressed in orange jumpsuits we'll create a candlelit tableau of chained prisoners before marching slowly and silently in chains down Market Street, stopping at crowded plazas and corners (e.g., BART stations) to re-create our tableau. We'll end in Justin Hermann Plaza and form our final tableau beside the ice skating rink there. Please wear orange (we'll have a few orange jumpsuits, but not enough for everyone), or black if you don't have orange clothing. Bring a flashlight if possible to help light our tableau. We'll bring the candles.
More Details at:
1140 Cowper Street, Palo Alto, CA 94301$10 donation will be requested for food expenses. Volunteers will be needed
Please let us know if you plan to attend these working sessions by contacting Warner Bloomberg, CCWG Coordinator, at wsb3attyca [at] or (408) 295-9353.
Green Campaign 2008: A Presidential Debate that Matters
Sunday, January 13, 2008 • 2 PM
Herbst Theater, Veterans Memorial Bldg
401 Van Ness (opposite City Hall), San Francisco
(3 blocks from Civic Center BART station)COME SEE AND HEAR . . .
• Ralph Nader
• Cynthia McKinney
• Jared Ball
• Kent Mesplay
. . . TALKING ABOUT THE ISSUES OF THE DAY!The names of these Speakers will appear on the Green Party's February 5th California Primary Ballot.
Hosted and Moderated by Cindy Sheehan and Matt Gonzalez and other well-known Bay Area Greens
* $10-$25 Donation at the door (sliding scale) *
Sponsored by:
The Green Party of Alameda County
The San Francisco Green Party
The Sacramento County Green PartyEndorsed by:
The Green Party of San Mateo County
The GPUS Delegates Committee of the GPCASF Green Supervisor Ross Mirkarimi, and Aimee Allison, host of KPFA's Morning Show, have been asked to host the event along with Cindy and Matt
Richard Gage, "Blueprint for Truth: 9/11: The Architecture of Destruction
This event has been postponed to Tuesday January 22nd!!!!! (Originally scheduled for Tuesday, January 15, 2008)
9:15 - 11:45 am
St. Mary's College
Dante Hall, Rm 117
Moraga, CAMr. Gage will be a guest speaker at "9-11 and the American Empire", a class taught by Prof. John Dragstedt. All are welcome.
Making Peace & 9/11 Truth film series Tuesday, January 15, 2008
The films begin at 7 p.m.
Blanchard Room of the Stephens Branch Library
315 E. 14th Street
Davis, CADiscussion will follow. Admission is free.
Donations are appreciated.
For more information, call 757-1633
* * *
America: From Freedom to Fascism
Aaron Russo’s compelling and troubling account of how the wealth of our nation was silently passed from its citizens to a handful of powerful bankers in 1913. That's the year the Federal Reserve Act and the 16th Amendment were introduced, giving a privately held corporation the means to control our finances while ensuring its interest payments through the strong arms of the newly-formed Internal Revenue Service. Ever since then, Russo suggests, Americans have been gradually conditioned to accept fewer freedoms and a lower standard of living... all the while considering debt and servitude as distinctly American values... 110 minutesNorthern California 9-11 Truth Alliance Meeting Thursday, January 17, 2007
at The Grand Lake Neighborhood Center
530 Lake Park Avenue, (between Lakeshore Avenue and Grand Avenue) in Oakland
7:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m.
From Hwy. 580 East (coming from the Bay Bridge or Berkeley), take the Grand Ave./Lakeshore exit (the exit ramp merges into MacArthur which intersects with Grand at the light), make a left at the light onto Grand, make a right onto Lake Park Ave. (the Grand Lake Theater will be on the corner on your far right). Go about a block, past the BofA, which will be on your left, and the GLNC will also be on your left. Park on the street or turn right into free public parking under the freeway.From Hwy. 580 West (coming from Hayward), take the Lakeshore Ave. exit (get as far to the right when approaching the exit before, the Harrison/Oakland exit, then continue moving to the right). When you exit at Lakshore Ave., you will be on Lake Park. Go straight at the light (you'll see a Busy Body Home Fitness store in front of you to the right), crossing Lakeshore Ave. The GLNC will be a few storefronts down on your right. Park on the street or turn left into free public parking under the freeway across from GLNC. If you cross Grand Ave. (and the theater) you've gone too far.
Buses (check schedules):
The 57 Macarthur, to Kaiser hospital, 40th and the Emeryville shopping district.
The NL, via Grand to downtown Oakland and San Francisco
The Dave Cline MLK Jr Memorial Peace Summit
Jan 18th-20th
San Francisco, CA
Participants include: Cindy Sheehan, DeDe Miller, Tiffany Burns, Jamilla El-Shafei and David Rubinson
Cindy Sheehan is convening the DAVE CLINE MLK Jr. MEMORIAL PEACE SUMMIT in San Francisco on January 18 and 19th and 20th. Martin Luther King Jr.’s birthday weekend was chosen by Cindy because he exemplified a uniter, a peace maker and an advocate for non-violent constructive action.
Space is limited to 125 participants.
The goal of the summit is to bring together peace and justice leaders and delegates from all across the country so that we can begin to mend divisions and come together in solidarity to end the war and occupation in Iraq .
The agenda will include analyzing our strengths and weaknesses and our goals. We will be creating a unified strategy and an action plan which will include effective tactics that will put real pressure on our politicians.
We will work on a plan for a broad-based, grassroots, unified national mobilization in March to mark the 5th anniversary of the invasion of Iraq. The idea of bi-coastal demonstrations in San Francisco and Washington DC will be explored before the peace summit.
Martin Luther King Jr. March
Monday, Jan 21, 8:30am,
In that spirit, please join the Sacramento 9/11 Truth contingent at 9:15am at Sac City College, 3855 Freeport Blvd. Bring signs and handouts.
March starts at Oak Park Community Center
3425 Martin Luther King, Jr. BlvdMarch continues to Sacramento Convention Center for program & displays 10am-3pm.
One of the most famous quotes from Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. is:
Without justice, there can be no peace. He who passively accepts evil is as much involved in it as he who helps to perpetrate it.
Richard Gage, "Blueprint for Truth: 9/11: The Architecture of Destruction
Tuesday January 22nd!!!!!
9:15 - 11:45 am
St. Mary's College
Dante Hall, Rm 117
Moraga, CAMr. Gage will be a guest speaker at "9-11 and the American Empire", a class taught by Prof. John Dragstedt. All are welcome.
Santa Cruz Media Strategy Summit
January 25-27, 2008
Santa CruzA Collaborative Strategy Summit for Media Pros, Scholars, Activists and Whistleblowers Working for Truth, Transparency and an Informed Resurgent Democracy
Making Peace & 9/11 Truth film series Wednesday, February 6, 2008
The films begin at 7 p.m.
Blanchard Room of the Stephens Branch Library
315 E. 14th Street
Davis, CADiscussion will follow. Admission is free.
Donations are appreciated.
For more information, call 757-1633
* * *
Powerful myths control our lives. This film explores 3 realms of modern mythology... religion, 9/11, and our centralized monetary system. Highly praised, award winning... 2 hoursNorthern California 9/11 Truth Alliance Meeting
Thursday, February 7, 2007
7 p.m. to 10 p.m.
522 Valencia St., just up from the 16th St. Bart Station
San Francisco
Sander Hicks- author of The Big Wedding: 9/11, The Whistle-Blowers, & The Cover-Up
Feb. 10, Sunday 3 PM
Modern Times Bookstore
888 Valencia Street, San FranciscoImpeachment Meeting
Sunday afternoon, February 10th, 4 pm
at 406 41st St., OaklandLast meeting was attended by 3 local candidates for Congress. How can we build support for challengers to the incumbents who are protecting Bush and Cheney from well-deserved impeachment? Challengers who are not beholden to corporations, who understand the havoc Bush and Cheney have wreaked on our country and our planet, and are prepared to bring the criminals to justice and clean up their mess?
Come to our meeting. Let's put our heads together, for the sake of our grandchildren.
1) Introductions
2) Assessment of current situation re impeachment
3) IBC strategy for this year- so far, the only one suggested is to focus on local Congressional races, find and support candidates who are challenging "off-the-table" incumbents, while continuing to lobby those incmbents to work for impeachment.
4) Internal IBC issuesCarol Wolman
Chair, IBCDonations to IBC can be sent to 406 41st St., Oakland CA 94609 or can be made by paypal at our website-
Sander Hicks- author of The Big Wedding: 9/11, The Whistle-Blowers, & The Cover-Up Monday, February 11, 2008, 7:00 pm (Doors open at 6:30)
1924 Cedar Ave. (at Bonita), Berkeley 94709Vox Pop Revolution!
Independent Media Catalyst and Founder of Vox Pop Tours West Coast Feb. 5-17Sander Hicks to speak on:
• The FBI murder of Dr. David Graham,
• The Bush/Cheney 9/11 cover-up,
• Confronting Rudy Giuliani,
• and how Vox Pop, his Fair Trade coffee house, is helping save the world.Sander Hicks hits the West Coast to ask the question… Who Killed Dr. Graham?
A 9/11 truth-seeker has died from foul play, and this time, the FBI is involved. Sander Hicks’ research in Shreveport, LA, has sparked coverage in many independent media outlets. The Graham death is the cutting edge of the 9/11 research, proving protection (or control) of the 9/11 “hijackers” by Pentagon, CIA and FBI.
Overall, US Federal government corruption is rampant. The bipartisan consensus on war and torture is morally bankrupt. But Hicks is a part of The call of a new movement:
How can we rejuvenate American politics, religion, and community?It’s time for a new network around fair trade economics, healthy food, grassroots activism, democratic media, spiritual rebirth, and third party politics. It starts now. Hicks’s original contribution is the working business model for the Vox Pop coffeehouse. Vox Pop already has its first store profitable in Brooklyn, NY, with three years experience under its belt. It’s time to grow the movement for peace, truth and Vox Pop!
Making Peace & 9/11 Truth film series Thursday, February 14, 2008
The films begin at 7 p.m.
Blanchard Room of the Stephens Branch Library
315 E. 14th Street
Davis, CADiscussion will follow. Admission is free.
Donations are appreciated.
For more information, call 757-1633
* * *
The Secret Government
Bill Moyers documents U.S. support of terrorist regimes and the brutality of Americas foreign policy by a faction of our government that most of us know very little about and that is just the way our government wants it to be... 86 minutes.President's Day, February 18th Impeachment Rallies!
Join CodePink at a rally as we fire Cheney for high crimes and misdemeanors. It's time for us to "pink slip" him.Then come with us to Nancy Pelosi's house to tell her to Start Impeachment Hearings NOW! We'll go to her door to see if she'll meet with us. It's time for her to listen to her constituents and the American people and do her constitutional duty to hold impeachment hearings for Vice President Dick Cheney.
1-2:30 p.m. Rally at Powell & Market in SF
Celebrate Presidents' Day with invited guests, music, skits, and petition signing.3-4 p.m. Action at Nancy's Pelosi's House
2640 Broadway, 1/2 block from Broadway & DivisaderoPut IMPEACHMENT ON THE TABLE at Pelosi's house
We'll set the table for impeachment and personally give Nancy our Presidents' Day messages to start impeachment hearings NOWWEAR PINK SLIPS! Both Men and Women look great in pink!
Hand out "pink slips" with information on impeaching Cheney on one side and invitations to the party at Pelosi's house on the other. There will be lots of Cheney and Pelosi face masks to wear. Sing, chant, dance, speak out!
banners and posters calling for Cheney's impeachment
laptops for passersby to sign the Wexler impeachment petition and join with 9 Judiciary Committee members in favor of starting hearings Does your peace, impeachment or social justice group want to co-sponsor? Contact me so I can put you on the press releases and flyers.Can you help with writing press releases, contacting media, making signs and banners, playing music? Contact me!
Contact: Cynthia Papermaster, 510-333-6097
Northern California 9-11 Truth Alliance Meeting Thursday, February 21, 2008
at The Grand Lake Neighborhood Center
530 Lake Park Avenue, (between Lakeshore Avenue and Grand Avenue) in Oakland
7:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m.
From Hwy. 580 East (coming from the Bay Bridge or Berkeley), take the Grand Ave./Lakeshore exit (the exit ramp merges into MacArthur which intersects with Grand at the light), make a left at the light onto Grand, make a right onto Lake Park Ave. (the Grand Lake Theater will be on the corner on your far right). Go about a block, past the BofA, which will be on your left, and the GLNC will also be on your left. Park on the street or turn right into free public parking under the freeway.From Hwy. 580 West (coming from Hayward), take the Lakeshore Ave. exit (get as far to the right when approaching the exit before, the Harrison/Oakland exit, then continue moving to the right). When you exit at Lakshore Ave., you will be on Lake Park. Go straight at the light (you'll see a Busy Body Home Fitness store in front of you to the right), crossing Lakeshore Ave. The GLNC will be a few storefronts down on your right. Park on the street or turn left into free public parking under the freeway across from GLNC. If you cross Grand Ave. (and the theater) you've gone too far.
Buses (check schedules):
The 57 Macarthur, to Kaiser hospital, 40th and the Emeryville shopping district.
The NL, via Grand to downtown Oakland and San Francisco
Jeremy Begin- Book Signing
February 22, 7 pm
Book Zoo
6395 Telegraph Ave., Berkeley
Architects, Engineers & Scientists Examine the Evidence of 9/11
Saturday February 23, 2008
Seating Begins at 5:00PM
Immanuel Presbyterian Church
3300 Wilshire Blvd, Los AngelesPhysics Professor Dr. Steven Jones
Architect Richard Gage, AIA
Plus Special Guest Speaker
Green Party Presidential Candidate
Jewish Voices of Conscience for Truth, Justice and PeaceSPECIAL THANKS TO OUR MEDIA SPONSOR
KPFK 90.7FM Los Angeles/98.7FM Santa BarbaraNorthern California 9-11 Truth Alliance Meeting Thursday, March 6, 2008
7 p.m. to 10 p.m.
522 Valencia St., just up from the 16th St. Bart Station
San Francisco
Tri- City Screens"On the Line" March 8, 2008 (1:30 p.m.)
Fremont Main Library, 2400 Stevenson Blvd, Fremont
Discussion following the film led by Faye Butler and Louise Lynch. Both have been to the annual demonstration at Fort Benning, Georgia, where Lynch was arrested.
On The Line tells the story of the movement to close the School of the Americas, a U.S. Defense Department facility at Fort Benning, Georgia that trains Latin American soldiers. Referred to by some as "School of Assassins", many of its graduates have been criticized for human rights violations. For example, many of the officers cited in the murder of U.S. nuns, union leaders, journalists, and others in El Salvador were SOA graduates. The school was renamed in 2001 to The Western Hemisphere Institute for Security Cooperation. Up to 1,000 students attend the school - now open to civilians and non-Latin Americans - each year.
This film takes an inside look at the movement to close the school, which is one of the largest non-violent activist groups in the United States today - more than 20,000 people. (Next month- Loose Change - Final Cut)
The Tri-City Documentary Series shows films of political and social significance to receptive, involved audiences. To generate a sense of community and citizen involvement, each film is followed by an interactive discussion led by someone with expertise in a field related to the movie. Films so far have touched on topics such as global warming, the militarization of space, alternative modes of transportation, investigations into the Sept. 11, 2001 terrorist attacks, and the war in Iraq. Please join the conversation.
Admission is FREE
Library phone line- (510) 745-1400
Tuesday- March 11, 2008- International Day of Action for 9/11 Truth San Francisco- 11am - Powell and Market at the Cable Car Turn Around
Palo Alto- 11 am - 1 pm - Lytton Plaza (University & Emerson)
Peace and Justice Movie Night- American Blackout
Tuesday, March 11, 7:30 pm
Fellowship Hall, First Baptist Church
305 N. California Ave (near Bryant), Palo Alto
American Blackout-featuring Cynthia McKinney Few things in a democracy are more sacrosanct than the right to vote, and in his furious documentary “American Blackout,” Ian Inaba assembles compelling evidence to support his claim that African-Americans who are traditionally more likely to vote Democratic are being deliberately and systematically excluded from the political process.Your outrage is waiting...
Anger and Irregularities at the Voting Booth
Disenfranchising African-Americans
Interviewing Congressional leaders, journalists and regular voters, Mr. Inaba begins by addressing the Florida debacle of 2000, arguing that behind the exhaustive coverage of hanging chads and faulty voting machines lies an underreported and more complex story of black disenfranchisement. In a strong middle section, the movie examines the political troubles of Representative Cynthia McKinney, a vocal critic of the Bush administration, suggesting that her ouster in 2002 was engineered by Republican crossover voting. A particularly powerful segment shows how at least one of Ms. McKinney’s statements about the Sept. 11 attacks was edited by some commentators to appear infinitely less reasonable than the original.
By the time we reach the 2004 general election, the anger in “American Blackout” is palpable. As we listen to voters complain about roadblocks and false felony records, and watch the endless lines of black voters standing patiently in the rain in Ohio, it’s impossible to ignore the gravity of the film’s claims. Though occasionally inflammatory one interviewee talks about being “slingshotted into slavery” “American Blackout” isn’t a conspiracy rant. It’s a methodical compilation of questions and irregularities that deserves a wider audience. (Text from New York Times movie review by Jeannette Catsoulis.)
One of the few genuine voices for change, truth, peace, justice in the US is Cynthia McKinney, a Green Party candidate for President, and one of the most courageous voices in Congress, until she was ousted by the Corporate Media, the Democrats, with assistance from Diebold voting machines... she should still be in Congress, now. Her last act before leaving was to introduce articles of impeachment against Bush and Cheney...
Sundance Film Festival Special Jury Prize
$5 - $10 suggested donation | No one turned away for lack of $$
Wheelchair acessibleRichard Gage, AIA: 9/11: Blueprint for Truth – The Architecture of Destruction
Wednesday, March 12, 2008, 12:00 PM
AIA East Bay Chapter
1405 Clay St.
Oakland, CA
This is a monthly, second Tuesday event, Brown Bag Lunch - Everyone Welcome
Richard Gage, AIA with his presentation of - 9/11: Blueprint for Truth – The Architecture of Destruction
For more on Richard Gage, AIA and Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth visit p>Peace Rally and Concert
Saturday, March 15, 2008
(11 am Impeachment March to the Rally begins at Town and Country Village organized by Silicon Valley Impeachment Coalition)*
12:00 Noon ~ Rally
1:00 p.m. ~ Concert
King Plaza
Palo Alto City Hall
250 Hamilton Avenue, Palo Alto
Karen Meredith
Keynote Speaker
Gold Star Families Speak Out
Karen's son Ken was killed in Najaf, Iraq.Concert featuring:
Kenny Neal
American Blues Master
"An all American bluesman... he lays into the blues like nothing can stop him, or tame him." ~ Musician magazine*Our march will begin at 11:00am at the Town and Country Village shopping center at Embarcadero and El Camino. The rally is at noon at the Palo Alto city hall plaza (King Plaza) at 250 Hamilton Avenue. Park in the back of the shopping center on embarcadero. There is a vacant building in that part of the center and if we park there we won't be taking up any parking that is needed for shoppers. Merriam Kathaleen
Silicon Valley Impeachment Coalition
408-482-6032 (cell)Please come and help Northern California 9/11 Truth Alliance make sure that Truth is not forgotten- that 9/11 Truth is the key to Peace and Impeachment is the key to Justice.
Zeitgeist Day Film Screenings on March 15th and 16th- over 700 public events and 1000 private events worldwide
Schedulue of events posted at-, produced by Peter Joseph, was created as a nonprofit filmiac expression to inspire people to start looking at the world from a more critical perspective and to understand that very often things are not what the population at large think they are. It is one of the most viewed films of all time via the internet. Part 1 is a critical look at Religion, Part 2 is a critical look at 9/11, Part 3 is a critical look at the Monetary System.
Impeachment Rally
CODEPINK ALERTTuesday, March 18, 2008- "Restore Our Constitution Day"
3:30-5 pm at Lytton Plaza in Palo Alto
We want lots of CodePink women, men and friends to join a caravan for national CODEPINK "RESTORE OUR CONSTITUTION DAY" this Tuesday, 3/18, to convince Bay Area Congressmembers to join the "Nixon Flooding Plan" to remove Dick Cheney from office in 1-3 months. Do Cheney first! This plan calls for Reps to begin flooding the House with their own impeachment resolutions, with or without co-sponsors, with one or more impeachable charges, such as those listed below* against Cheney/Bush. Once this starts, we believe Cheney will resign rather than face hearings. Nixon resigned 3 months after his hearings started.
The caravan will start from the East Bay & San Francisco. Beginning at 9:30 a.m. we'll join local impeachment activists to meet with Anna Eshoo, Palo Alto, Mike Honda, Campbell and Zoe Lofgren, San Jose, followed by a RALLY to "Put Impeachment on the Table", 3:30-5 pm at Lytton Plaza in Palo Alto. We're also asking Congressmembers and their staffs to join the CODEPINK "HUNGRY FOR IMPEACHMENT FAST" led by our own CodePink sister Leslie Evangeline to convince John Conyers to begin the hearings.
Outside the offices we'll have banners, signs saying "Honk for Impeachment", pink slipped ladies, songs for peace and impeachment. We're inviting the Raging Grannies and anyone to make music and chant. This will be great fun. We might even restore our constitution! VISUALIZE IMPEACHMENT
Love you,
Cynthia Papermaster, 510-333-6097* Charges of abuses in which (unlike most Bush-Cheney abuses) Congress has not been complicit. These include
rewriting laws with signing statements and proceeding to violate numerous statutes
refusals to turn over information
misleading Congress
refusals to comply with subpoenas
ordering former staffers not to comply with subpoenas
refusals to enforce contempt citations
commuting the sentence of a former top staffer who obstructed an investigation that involved Cheney and Bush
exposure of an undercover agent as punishment for a whistleblower
running a secret energy task force in violation of open-government laws
profiting through no-bid contracts to a war profiteer
*election fraud
the criminally negligent response to Hurricane Katrina.Nonviolent Direct Actions Throughout San Francisco
5th Year Anniversary of the Iraq War
March 19, 2008
Group that shut the city down 5 years ago will again target multiple locations with nonviolent civil disobedience and other creative protests
Wednesday, March 19, 7:30 AM, continuing all day
Gather at Market and Sansome Streets. Protest actions will be held at various SF offices of government officials and war profiteering corporations
Tomorrow on the 5-year-anniversary of the U.S. attack on Iraq, San Francisco will join some 300 cities throughout the United States that plan to resist the tragic and costly war and occupation. Coordinated by the group Direct Action to Stop the War, Bay Area residents from all walks of life will participate in nonviolent direct actions. Planned actions include:
7:30 am peaceful civil disobedience begins: War machine tours of shame leaving Sansome and Market throughout the day accompanied by the Brass Liberation Orchestra.
Bikes Not Bombs: Bikers will be leaving Justin Herman Plaza at 7:30, 9:00 and 11:00am to support the day’s actions.
10:00am Guerrilla Street Theater with legendary performer Keith Hennessy
11:00am Words Against War, Market at Montgomery. City Lights Bookstore co-sponsors an anti-war read-out featuring Jack Hirschman, SF Poet Laureate; Guillermo Gómez-Peña, performance artist; Rebecca Solnit, author and activist; and MC James Kass of Youth Speaks.
12 noon Iraq War Moratorium action at Diane Feinstein’s office, 1 Post St.
Decentralized actions continue throughout the afternoon. Contact Blake McConnell or Michael Reagan for updates.
5 pm Civic Center March and Rally organized by A.N.S.W.E.R. (Northern California 9/11 Truth Alliance will have our table/banners/sound system so we can participate also, as a contingent in the march to follow that goes to s4th and Mission)
Other actions may included sit-ins and blockades of building entrances targeting the offices of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and war profiteering companies such as Bechtel, Chevron, the Carlyle Group and URS Corp.
The actions in San Francisco and throughout the United States will highlight the human cost of the war – which includes more than 1 million dead Iraqis* and 3,900 dead US soldiers – as well as the loss of nearly $2 trillion in funds that could have been spent on people’s basic human needs instead of on death and destruction in Iraq and Afghanistan.
For more information about the San Francisco action, see For a list of actions throughout the United States, including a massive nonviolent civil disobedience planned for Washington, DC, see
Northern California 9-11 Truth Alliance Meeting Thursday, March 20, 2008
at The Grand Lake Neighborhood Center
530 Lake Park Avenue, (between Lakeshore Avenue and Grand Avenue) in Oakland
7:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m.
From Hwy. 580 East (coming from the Bay Bridge or Berkeley), take the Grand Ave./Lakeshore exit (the exit ramp merges into MacArthur which intersects with Grand at the light), make a left at the light onto Grand, make a right onto Lake Park Ave. (the Grand Lake Theater will be on the corner on your far right). Go about a block, past the BofA, which will be on your left, and the GLNC will also be on your left. Park on the street or turn right into free public parking under the freeway.From Hwy. 580 West (coming from Hayward), take the Lakeshore Ave. exit (get as far to the right when approaching the exit before, the Harrison/Oakland exit, then continue moving to the right). When you exit at Lakshore Ave., you will be on Lake Park. Go straight at the light (you'll see a Busy Body Home Fitness store in front of you to the right), crossing Lakeshore Ave. The GLNC will be a few storefronts down on your right. Park on the street or turn left into free public parking under the freeway across from GLNC. If you cross Grand Ave. (and the theater) you've gone too far.
Buses (check schedules):
The 57 Macarthur, to Kaiser hospital, 40th and the Emeryville shopping district.
The NL, via Grand to downtown Oakland and San Francisco
ZEITGEIST film screening
Thursday, March 20, 2008 7 -10 PM
600 4th Street, West Sacramento
(big old union hall building)Northern California 9-11 Truth Alliance Meeting Thursday, April 3, 2008
7 p.m. to 10 p.m.
522 Valencia St., just up from the 16th St. Bart Station
San Francisco
9/11: Blueprint for Truth - The Architecture of Destruction with Richard Gage, AIA
Friday, April 11th
Film: 6 pm
213 Wheeeler Hall
Talk: 7 pm
UC Berkeley
The Film will be excerpts from Loose Change - Final Cut
Friday, April 11th , 9/11 Truth Action in Sacramento 4:30-6:00 PM (feel free to come earlier or stay later...)
Where: 11th & L Streets, Sacramento (sidewalk on north side of state capitol)9/11 Truth Action in Sacramento will continue, in solidarity with cities of this nation and around the world who participate in Truth Actions on the Eleventh of every month. Our goals are twofold:
1) to peacefully demand an investigation that follows the evidence for the crime called “9/11”, and to protest the lack of a real investigation, and
2) to inform people of the many facts about this crime which have gone unreported in the media, and covered up by the 9/11 Commission.Bring signs, handouts, and other information to share with the public.
For other general info:
RICHARD GAGE, AIA "How the Towers Fell"
Sunday, April 13, 2008 7:30PM
Varsity Theater
616 2nd Street
(between “E” and “F” Streets)
Davis, CARichard Gage, Member of The American Institute for Architects, is the founder of the groundbreaking website- Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth
He is featured on the acclaimed DVD entitled- 9/11 Blueprint for Truth- The Architecture of Destruction. Admission: $10 (Students: $5)
Info: (530)758-8903
FCC Public Hearing on the Future of the Internet
Thursday, April 17, 2008
12:00pm to 7:00pm
Dinkelspiel Auditorium, Stanford University
(471 Lagunita Drive, Palo Alto, CA)Make your voice heard:
Attend the Hearing
Comcast, AT&T and Verizon have given us a glimpse of a world without Internet freedom, and it's a chilling sight.
In recent months, these companies have been caught blocking, filtering and spying on your Internet activities. This month we have a chance to stop them from rolling back our online freedoms. In a rare move, all five FCC commissioners are coming to California to hear from you.
For the latest information,
The question before us is simple: Will we have a closed Internet controlled by a small handful of giant corporations, or an open Internet controlled by the people who use it?
The FCC hearing is one of our best chances to tell Washington policymakers that the Internet must remain open. Help us spread the word about this important event.
Tell Your Friends About the Stanford Hearing
At the FCC’s first hearing in Boston, Comcast was caught paying seat- fillers to pack the room and keep out the public (we have the proof). Now is the chance for us to fill the room with real people who care about innovation, competition, free speech and civil rights online. Will you attend this important event?
Download a Flier to Promote the Hearing, Get Connected With Others. Please attend the hearing to take a stand against companies that want to control the future of the Internet.
Northern California 9-11 Truth Alliance Meeting Thursday, April 17, 2008
at The Grand Lake Neighborhood Center
530 Lake Park Avenue, (between Lakeshore Avenue and Grand Avenue) in Oakland
7:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m.
From Hwy. 580 East (coming from the Bay Bridge or Berkeley), take the Grand Ave./Lakeshore exit (start getting over to the on your way past the Broadway-Webster exit - it's tricky - and move right again when approaching the next exit, Harrison/Oakland, but don't get in that exit lane). The exit ramp merges into MacArthur which intersects with Grand at the light. Make a left at the light onto Grand, make a right onto Lake Park Ave. (the Grand Lake Theater will be on the corner on your far right before you turn). Go about a block, past the BofA, which will be on your left, and the GLNC will also be on your left. Park on the street or turn right into free public parking under the freeway.From Hwy. 580 West (coming from Hayward), take the Lakeshore Ave. exit. When you exit at Lakshore Ave., you will be on Lake Park. Go straight at the light (you'll see a Busy Body Home Fitness store in front of you to the right), crossing Lakeshore Ave. The GLNC will be a few storefronts down on your right. Park on the street or turn left into free public parking under the freeway across from GLNC. If you cross Grand Ave. (and the theater) you've gone too far.
Buses (check schedules):
The 57 Macarthur, to Kaiser hospital, 40th and the Emeryville shopping district.
The NL, via Grand to downtown Oakland and San Francisco
Week of Truth
April 16-22, 2008
Let's make 9/11 Truth part of the National Dialogue.
This Week of Truth, to drive The Shell Game to the top 10, hopefully to #1, on the NY Times list, is a chance to create a nationwide laser beam, flexing the muscle of the entire movement on one focused action, which will be visible in mainstream corporate media, and can electrify/energize the activists out there who grow despondent.
Screening of the film LOOSE CHANGE: FINAL CUT Saturday, April 19th at 1:30 pm
2400 Stevenson Blvd at Paseo Padre
510-745-1401Tri-City Independent Documentary Series presents a free screening of the film LOOSE CHANGE: FINAL CUT. (2007) Directed by Dylan Avery and Corey Rowe.
Only three steel skyscrapers have ever collapsed - ostensibly as a result of fire - and all three came down in one day at the World Trade Center. In fact, one of them wasn't even hit by a plane. How could this be? How do we explain the near-perfect symmetry of their falls? Why did neither Dick Cheney nor Donald Rumsfeld order the Pentagon to be evacuated when it was known that a hijacked plane was racing toward it? If there is evidence that Osama bin Laden was behind the terrorist attacks, why did the Bush administration not provide it to the Taliban when they offered to turn him over? Why was bin Laden never even indicted, let alone killed or captured?
Staying close to established facts, Loose Change 911 attempts to answer these and other questions about the tragic events of that day. This is a carefully-researched, visually stunning film that evokes lively discussion.
Discussion to be led by Paul Rea- Researcher/writer, author of Still Seeking the Truth about 9/11. He has taught "The Politics of Age" and "Science, Technology, and Human Values" at St. Mary's College in Moraga, CA. Paul is now completing an updated, much-expanded book on the issues surrounding 9/11.
Sacramento 9/11 Truth Meeting Monday, April 21st, 2008
6:00 to 8:00PM
Denny’s restaurant, 925 3rd Street
(Corner of 3rd and “J” Streets) In the Conference RoomThere is no charge for the use of Denny’s Conference Room. However, it’s understandable that Denny’s asks that those who use the room purchase something from their menu (and a tip for the food-servers is appreciated).
April 26, 2008 at 10:am
Ocean Beach, San Francisco, CALocation and time change, now at Ocean Beach at 10:am!
Join fellow Impeachers spelling IMPEACH with our bodies.
Journalism That Matters: A Concept/Design Mashup for Journalists, Technologists, and Entrepeneuers
April 30th- May 3rd
Yahoo! Inc. Conference Center, Sunnyvale, California
Journalism’s ideals meet Silicon Valley’s tools in a three-day, conceptual mashup hosted by the Journalism That Matters Collaborative, the Media Giraffe Project, the Northern California Society of Professional Journalists (SPJ) and Yahoo! Inc. is three days to describe and invent tools for sustaining "journalism that matters." Strip away the legacy platforms, and what remains of journalism that is needed to support participatory democracy and community?
Spend a day describing those core values and essential elements. Then journalists and technologists together launch projects, form design circles and breakouts to conceive or deploy the best tools -- off the shelf and invented on-the-fly -- to put those values and elements into practice.
Northern California 9-11 Truth Alliance Meeting Thursday, May 1, 2008
7 p.m. to 10 p.m.
522 Valencia St., just up from the 16th St. Bart Station
San Francisco
May Day! May 1st, 2008 Time to rally, march, against the war, in solidarity with workers, immigrants, people, human rights, the ILWU who will be stopping work and the ports on this day. In San Francisco-
10:30 AM -- Join with hundreds of dockworkers as they march from their stop-work meeting to a rally. March will depart from Beach St. at Mason St. in San Francisco along the Embarcadero to Justin Herman Plaza.
Noon -- Dockworkers (ILWU) will rally at Justin Herman Plaza (Speakers include Cynthia McKinney, Danny Glover, Cindy Sheehan)
12:30-2:30 PM – March to Armed Forces Recruiting Center and Immigration and Customs Enforcement offices.
2:30 PM -- Join with thousands of immigrants in San Francisco at the immigrant rights rally and march. Dolores Park (18th St. at Dolores, San Francisco) The May 1st actions are in solidarity with ILWU dockworkers who are shutting down the West Coast ports and immigrant rights groups marching for amnesty on International Workers Day. Direct Action to Stop the War is also organizing support for this.Santa Cruz 9/11 Truth Presents: 9/11 Blueprint for Truth: The Architecture of Destruction Live presentation with SF Bay Area Architect, Richard Gage, AIA
Friday, May 2nd, 2008 at 7pm
Louden Nelson Community Center, Room 3
301 Center Street, Santa Cruz, CADid you know that:
* 118 first responders witnessed explosions and flashes?
* Molten iron was "flowing like lava: under the buildings for weeks?
* Thermite, an incendiary used to cut steel, was found in the WTC beams and in the WTC dust?
* 3 buildings were destroyed on 9/11, including World Trade Center BUILDING 7, a 47-story skyscraper that fell at nearly free fall speed into its own footprint?Richard Gage, AIA, is a 20-year architect who has performed extensive research into the collapses of all 3 World Trade Center buildings. What he presents in his live multi-media presentation is shocking and timely. Come see for yourself, ask questions and Demand Answers!
Learn more about Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth at:
$5 donation requested but no one turned away
This event presented by Santa Cruz 9/11 Truth:
9/11 Blueprint for Truth: The Architecture of Destruction
Live presentation with SF Bay Area Architect, Richard Gage, AIA
Saturday, May 10th, 12:00 Noon
at the San Jose State University
- Engineering Auditorium (Room 189)Contact: 408-230-2123
9/11 Truth Convergence Saturday May 10: Federal Building Demonstration and Mission Street March
Sunday May 11: Haight Street March and Golden Gate Park OutreachHelp Organize this- Get involved in the Discussion at
Saturday May 10 Some of the groups participating:2 PM Federal Building Demonstration
7th and Mission4 PM Market Street March
6 PM Mission Street Rally 16th and Mission
7-11 PM Activist Summit
location tbaSunday March 11
11 AM Haight Street March to Golden Gate Park
meet in Panhandle Park at Baker and Oak streets2 PM Golden Gate Park outreach
in the bandshell area off of Music Concourse Dr.5 PM Celebration Dinner
We Are Change LA
We Are Change Seattle
San Diego 9/11 Truth
SF Truth Action
Northern California 9/11 Truth Alliance
Santa Cruz 9/11 Truth
Sacramento 9/11 Truth
San Jose 9/11 Truth
Humboldt 9/11 Truth
Northern California 9-11 Truth Alliance Meeting Thursday, May 15, 2008
at The Grand Lake Neighborhood Center
530 Lake Park Avenue, (between Lakeshore Avenue and Grand Avenue) in Oakland
7:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m.
From Hwy. 580 East (coming from the Bay Bridge or Berkeley), take the Grand Ave./Lakeshore exit (start getting over to the on your way past the Broadway-Webster exit - it's tricky - and move right again when approaching the next exit, Harrison/Oakland, but don't get in that exit lane). The exit ramp merges into MacArthur which intersects with Grand at the light. Make a left at the light onto Grand, make a right onto Lake Park Ave. (the Grand Lake Theater will be on the corner on your far right before you turn). Go about a block, past the BofA, which will be on your left, and the GLNC will also be on your left. Park on the street or turn right into free public parking under the freeway.From Hwy. 580 West (coming from Hayward), take the Lakeshore Ave. exit. When you exit at Lakshore Ave., you will be on Lake Park. Go straight at the light (you'll see a Busy Body Home Fitness store in front of you to the right), crossing Lakeshore Ave. The GLNC will be a few storefronts down on your right. Park on the street or turn left into free public parking under the freeway across from GLNC. If you cross Grand Ave. (and the theater) you've gone too far.
Buses (check schedules):
The 57 Macarthur, to Kaiser hospital, 40th and the Emeryville shopping district.
The NL, via Grand to downtown Oakland and San Francisco
SACRAMENTO 9/11 TRUTH meeting Monday, May 19th, 2008, at 6PM
( 6:00 to 8:00PM )
Denny’s restaurant, 925 3rd Street, Sacramento
(Corner of 3rd and “J” Streets)In the Conference Room There is no charge for the use of Denny’s Conference Room. However, it’s understandable that Denny’s asks that those who use the room purchase something from their menu (and a tip for the food-servers is appreciated).
Hunger Strike for 9/11 Truth Solidarity Action Monday, May 26, 2008 at 1:00 PM
US Federal Building
450 Golden Gate Avenue
San FranciscoAn Invitation to- Anyone who cares
At 5pm on Monday May 26, Blair Gadsby will begin his hunger strike for 9/11 truth outside the offices of John McCain in Phoenix Arizona. We are taking action in solidarity with him along with activists in New York City, Chicago and Los Angeles.
Organized by cosmos
Sign-up at
Press Conference for California Impeachment Slate Candidates
Tues, May 27th - noon
In front of San Francisco Chronicle offices, 901 Mission @ corner of 5thSAN FRANCISCO: “One year ago in Detroit,” says congressional candidate Brad Newsham, “Detroit City Council member Monica Conyers performed an outrage-ous act of political courage. Even though her husband, John Conyers -- chair of the House Judiciary Committee and one of America’s most powerful politicians – is staunchly anti-impeachment, Ms. Conyers introduced a pro-impeachment resolution that the Detroit council unanimously approved. Now we’re asking her to step up again. We want her to run for her husband’s seat in Congress.”
In some twenty districts across California, challengers are taking on the state’s incumbents. In San Franciso, Cindy Sheehan and Shirley Golub are challenging Nancy Pelosi. Newsham, organizer of the Beach Impeach events (below), is challenging Barbara Lee in the East Bay. On Tuesday, several of them will gather in San Francisco to publicize their slate and their invitation to Monica Conyers.
In addition to an Impeachment Slate for California Candidates, there are growing numbers of candidates forming a national coalition of Impeachment Candidates- the New Broom Coalition with the same imperative- Impeachment.
- Candidates planning to attend, with incumbents they're challenging in parentheses: Shirley Golub (Nancy Pelosi, June Primary); Cindy Sheehan (Pelosi, November General Election); Brad Newsham (Barbara Lee, June); Cynthia Papermaster (Pete Stark, Nov.); Ed Newman (Lynne Woolsey); Ann Catherine Keirns (Zoe Lofgren); Carol Brouillet (Anna Eshoo, Nov.); Carol Wolman (Mike Honda, Nov.)
[I could really use some support and help, especially holding banners- "Impeach the Terrorists!" and our beautiful key sign with "9/11 Truth = Peace symbol, and Impeach = Justice symbol, and to pass out literature and Deception Dollars. I can carry 4 more people from Palo Alto. - Carol Brouillet, 650-857-0927]
"I", The Impeachment Trial of George W. Bush and Richard B. Cheney A play by Shirley Golub (Impeachment Candidate challenging Pelosi)
May 30 & 31 , 8 pm (Friday and Saturday nights!)
International Studies Academy theater
655 De Haro St., San Francisco)
Details and tickets available at Shirley Golub's website For a free ticket- type in the code- "alert."
(This is a great play, even if it doesn't tackle the most odious, treasonous crime of 9/11. I brought Deception Dollars to the event and people loved them- I ran out and people stood in line to get them!)
Tri-City Independent Documentary Series presents the film: USA vs. Al-Arian
Saturday, May 31st at 1:30 p.m.
Fremont Main Library
2400 Stevenson Blvd at Paseo Padre
Admission free
Winner of: Best Film, New Orleans Human Rights Film Festival 2007. Best Documentary, Norwegian Documentary Film Festival 2007. This revealing documentary presents a close portrait of an Arab-American family facing terrorism charges leveled by the U.S. government.
In February 2003, the FBI arrested university professor and political activist Sami Al-Arian in Tampa, Florida. Charged with supporting terrorism, he was placed in solitary confinement for 2 1/2 years before he received a trial.
The film follows Sami, his wife Nahla and their five children through the 6 month long trial and the difficult period after the verdict. It is a personal story of a family, who like many Muslims in the USA today, are fighting against increasing stigmatization and discrimination in a post 911-climate.
Discussion to follow led by a representative of American Muslim Alliance/California Civil Rights Alliance.
Northern California 9-11 Truth Alliance Meeting Thursday, June 5, 2008
7 p.m. to 10 p.m.
522 Valencia St., just up from the 16th St. Bart Station
San FranciscoNational Conference on Media Reform
Conspiracy Conference June 7th & 8th
Marriott Hotel, Santa Clara, CAThis year there will be a number of speakers on many issues (including 9/11). Our personal favorite is Steve Bhaerman, Swami Beyandananda, who will be keynoting the banquet. Jim Marrs will also be speaking on the The Rise of the Fourth Reich: The Secret Societies That Threaten to Take over America, his latest book. Northern California 9/11 Truth Alliance will be tabling at the event.
Details on the conference are posted at:
SACRAMENTO 9/11 TRUTH Meeting Monday, June 16th, 2008, at 6PM- 8PM.
Denny's restaurant, 925 3rd Street, Sacramento
(Corner of 3rd and J Streets)
In the Conference RoomThere is no charge for the use of Denny's Conference Room. However, it's understandable that Denny's asks that those who use the room purchase something from their menu (and a tip for the food-servers is appreciated).
TUESDAY, June 24th, 2008
7:00 p.m.
909 12th Street
SacramentoFilm to be shown:
Admission: Free. Donations to Sacramento Area Peace Action accepted.
A KILLER BARGAIN explores the real cost of “cheap†consumer goods, imported by Western companies, whose prices don’t reflect the actual human and environmental costs associated with their production in the developing world. The film studies the production of textiles in northern India, from growing cotton with banned pesticides, to toxic dyes, to final sales in European and American stores. 2006, 57 minutes.
Sacramento Area Peace Action
Info: 916-448-7157
Art exhibition entitled- The Art of Bern Rauch "When the Power of Love is Overcome by the Love of Power" June 5- June 29th,
(Thurs & Friday 4-7 pm, Sat & Sun 1-3 pm )
Saturday, June 28th - 9/11 Truth Films and Discussion with Bernie Rauch, Chuck Thurston and Carol Brouillet
3 pm- 6 pm & 7:30 pm- 10 pm
Willits Center for the Arts
71 East Commercial St., Willits, CA
Tel. 707- 459- 1726Our very own talented Bernard Rauch ( ) has had his works on display most of this month. On Friday, June 27th there will also be a party with three live bands, celebrating the opening of the Upstairs gallery which hosts some of Bernie's larger works. (If you want to join the carpooling contingent from SF- call Carol 650-857-0927)
Tri-City Film Screening of The Corporation Saturday, June 28th at 1:30 pm
Fremont Main Library
2400 Stevenson Blvd at Paseo Padre
Admission free.
WINNER OF 26 INTERNATIONAL AWARDS! 10 Audience Choice Awards including the 2004 Sundance Film Festival.
Thought provoking, sweepingly informative, and often funny, THE CORPORATION is one of the great documentaries ever made. It includes interviews with 40 corporate insiders and critics - including Noam Chomsky, Naomi Klein, Milton Friedman, Howard Zinn, Vandana Shiva and Michael Moore - plus true confessions, case studies and strategies for change.
Much more than a movie, The Corporation has transformed audiences and dazzled critics with its insightful and compelling analysis. Living up to its title, the film explores the true nature and spectacular rise of the dominant economic institution of our time. Taking a corporation's status as a legal "person" to the logical conclusion, the film puts the corporation on the psychiatrist's couch to ask "What kind of person is it?" Unfortunately for all of us, the diagnosis does not suggest a healthy effect on the body politic.
Discussion will be led by Sharat G. Lin, PhD of the San Jose Peace & Justice Center. He writes on global political economy, the Middle East, India, and labor migration.
Prof. David Ray Griffin to speak on 9/11 Contradictions: Fatal Internal Contradictions Prove the Official 9/11 Story Cannot Be True Sat. June 28, 7 p.m.
Center for Spiritual Living (former Church of Religious Science)
400 W. Franklin St. (corner of Franklin and Pacific Sts.)
Monterey, Calif.9/11 Contradictions An Open Letter to Congress and the Press books available for purchase and signing by the author.
Professor David Ray Griffin is professor emeritus at the Claremont School of Theology, where he taught for over thirty years. He has authored or edited over two dozen scholarly books. Prof. Griffin was initially very skeptical of claims of a major cover-up around 9/11. But in April of 2003, he began examining the evidence and became convinced of a major cover-up around 9/11. He then devoted himself to writing The New Pearl Harbor (2004).
Following the publication of the government's 9/11 Commission Report, he wrote The 9/11 Commission Report: Omissions and Distortions (2005). Two more important books followed in 2006, Christian Faith and the Truth Behind 9/11 and 9/11 and American Empire: Intellectuals Speak Out (co-edited with fellow Team member, Peter Dale Scott). In 2007 Prof. Griffin published his most remarkable book on 9/11, Debunking 9/11 Debunking, a detailed response to the well-funded official and semi-official attempts to debunk the 9/11 Truth movement.
His most recent book, 9/11 Contradictions: An Open Letter to Congress and the Press, published in March, 2008, focuses on serious internal contradictions within the official story. His books have been translated into several languages, and have convinced many key people of the need for a truly independent investigation into that fateful day. He is considered one of the best spokesperson of the 9/11 Truth movement.
Doors open at 6:30 p.m. for advance book signing.
Plenty of parking across the street.
Light refreshments providedSponsored by: Monterey 9/11 Truth, WILPF and the Pilgrim's Way Bookstore
Contacts: Barbara Honegger 831 233-1032 , Peggy Olsen 831 375-2016
David Ray Griffin Sunday, June 29th, 2008, 7:30 pm
First Congregational Church
900 High Street, Santa Cruz
David Ray Griffin preeminent scholar, author of many excellent books on 9/11, [including 9/11 Contradictions: An Open Letter to Congress and the Press] will be speaking in Santa Cruz. His talk will center on Debunking 9/11 Debunking An Answer to Popular Mechanics and the Other Defenders of the Official Conspiracy Theory.
Professor David Ray Griffin is professor emeritus at the Claremont School of Theology, where he taught for over thirty years. He has authored or edited over two dozen scholarly books. Prof. Griffin was initially very skeptical of claims of a major cover-up around 9/11. But in April of 2003, he began examining the evidence and became convinced of a major cover-up around 9/11. He then devoted himself to writing The New Pearl Harbor (2004).
Following the publication of the government's 9/11 Commission Report, he wrote The 9/11 Commission Report: Omissions and Distortions (2005). Two more important books followed in 2006, Christian Faith and the Truth Behind 9/11 and 9/11 and American Empire: Intellectuals Speak Out (co-edited with fellow Team member, Peter Dale Scott). In 2007 Prof. Griffin published his most remarkable book on 9/11, Debunking 9/11 Debunking, a detailed response to the well-funded official and semi-official attempts to debunk the 9/11 Truth movement.
His most recent book, 9/11 Contradictions: An Open Letter to Congress and the Press, published in March, 2008, focuses on serious internal contradictions within the official story. His books have been translated into several languages, and have convinced many key people of the need for a truly independent investigation into that fateful day. He is considered one of the best spokesperson of the 9/11 Truth movement.
Daniel Sheehan will also speak.
For more information contact
Northern California 9-11 Truth Alliance Meeting Thursday, July 3, 2008
7 p.m. to 10 p.m.
522 Valencia St., just up from the 16th St. Bart Station
San FranciscoWe have lots of new Patriots Question 9/11 cards- ideal to pass out on the 4th of July. We need to solidify plans for the summer and the upcoming anniversary.
July 4th 9/11 Truth Action- Pier 39 The Embarcadero & Pier 39
3 pm Pier 39 & 7 Pm at the Ferry Building
San Francisco"Please join us in our July 4th street action for 9/11 truth. We will be handing out fliers, DVD's, talking with people, and trying to educate the public. Bring handouts, signs, banners, bullhorns, and anything else you have to contribute. We will begin at 3pm at Pier 39, then at 7pm we will move over to the Act Against Torture rally at the Ferry Building. There will be hundreds of people there. This is going to be awesome."
Join the Meet-up and check for details-
Contra Costa 9/11 Truth- First Meeting
Where: Walnut Creek (call for address)
When: Saturday, July 5, at 5:00
What: A potluck
Who to Call: Judy- 510-548-9334A new 9/11 truth group is forming, this will be the first meeting!
San Jose - Truth Action- July 11th 4pm Street Action
2450 N 1st St
San Jose,Join the Meet-Up! Details posted at
9/11 Truth Public Outreach at the Brentwood Corn Festival Saturday, July 12, 2008
Meet up on the corner of Balfour & Brentwood Blvd. @1 p.m. - 5 p.m.
JAMBA JUICE, Parking lot.BBQ and swimming afterward. Street Action with the Bay Area 9/11 meet-up and doing public outreach. Bring 9/11 literature and a big smile. The new t-shirts will be available. The Brentwood Corn Festival is a big three day event.
For more information, contact Cat at John Wright at
(This is the first street action for the Brentwood area, which Cat has put a lot of effort into organizing, and they could really use our support if anyone can make it up that way. Sounds like a good time, too!)
International Working Class Film & Video Festival Showcases 2 9/11 Films
July 15 (Tuesday) 7:00 PM
Roxie Theatre 3117 16th St., San FranciscoAdmission- ($7.00)
9/11 Dust and Deceit at The World Trade Center (59 min) 2007
By Penny Little (She will be attending)
The impact of the environmental disaster after 911 will continue for years. The health of those who were exposed to the toxic dust and told that the “air is safe to breathe” and the continuing cover-up of the problems has not been adequately reported in the mainstream media. Those who were most affected are often the least able to get the help they need.The Toxic Clouds of 9/11: A Looming Health Disaster (66 min) 2006
By Allison Johnson
In this absorbing video we see the effect of the chemicals and toxins released into the environment by the collapse of the WTO towers. Despite the growing risk from these dangerous substances EPA director Christie Todd Whitman told the workers involved in the cleanup after the collapse that everything was safe to breath and later that it was safe for residents to return. The catastrophe and cover-up of 9/11 health costs is still going on for the workers, people who went to help and those who lived in the neighborhood.Trade unionist John Sferazo from Iron Workers Local 361 and IUOE Local 138 will attend and discuss his efforts to defend the first responders. Sferazo is President and Co-Founder of Unsung Heroes Helping Heroes
See also:
Laborfest hosts screening of "911 Dust and Deceit at the World Trade Center" Wednesday July 16, 2008
5:00 p.m. Food and Beverages
6:00 p.m. Film and Discussion
Plumbers Apprentice Training Center
780 Commercial St, San JoseInformation: Call 408-225-3030 ext. 19
Remember the firefighters, the police, health care servers, communication workers, the sanitation workers, the security guards, and janitors and others working in NYC after 9-11? These were the uniformed and un-uniformed "first responders" who worked along side the debris at the World Trade Center. Once the Environmental Protection Agency announced "the air and water are safe" many thousands returned and developed "World Trade Center cough." Exposure to the dirt and dust has resulted in respiratory failures for thousands of people. Months after being told things were OK people continue to suffer. Wednesday, we will reveal the story of ordinary workers living with the effects of chemical exposures and community efforts to protect their health benefits and future well being.
LaborFest hosts the filmmaker, Penny Little as well as John Sferazo of Iron Workers 361 New York. He co-founded "Unsung Heroes Helping Heroes." Together they will expose the dangers the dust, fire and volatile chemicals-be they mercury, PCB's, lead, dioxins, and asbestos that became a combined incinerator in Manhattan. Tonight we can support the people who risked their lives to save others and assure they get the proper treatment and health care.
Northern California 9-11 Truth Alliance Meeting Thursday, July 17, 2008
at The Grand Lake Neighborhood Center
530 Lake Park Avenue, (between Lakeshore Avenue and Grand Avenue) in Oakland
7:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m.
From Hwy. 580 East (coming from the Bay Bridge or Berkeley), take the Grand Ave./Lakeshore exit (start getting over to the on your way past the Broadway-Webster exit - it's tricky - and move right again when approaching the next exit, Harrison/Oakland, but don't get in that exit lane). The exit ramp merges into MacArthur which intersects with Grand at the light. Make a left at the light onto Grand, make a right onto Lake Park Ave. (the Grand Lake Theater will be on the corner on your far right before you turn). Go about a block, past the BofA, which will be on your left, and the GLNC will also be on your left. Park on the street or turn right into free public parking under the freeway.From Hwy. 580 West (coming from Hayward), take the Lakeshore Ave. exit. When you exit at Lakshore Ave., you will be on Lake Park. Go straight at the light (you'll see a Busy Body Home Fitness store in front of you to the right), crossing Lakeshore Ave. The GLNC will be a few storefronts down on your right. Park on the street or turn left into free public parking under the freeway across from GLNC. If you cross Grand Ave. (and the theater) you've gone too far.
Buses (check schedules):
The 57 Macarthur, to Kaiser hospital, 40th and the Emeryville shopping district.
The NL, via Grand to downtown Oakland and San FranciscoNorthern California 9/11 Truth Alliance Retreat/Celebration/Organizing for September
Sunday, July 27, 2008
Noon- 8pm
(Serious Discussion/Decision making 3pm - 6 pm)Last year we held a Retreat to plan our August/September events at my home (in Palo Alto). It was a fun/productive gathering and our subsequent events were a success. We are still trying to figure out what to do precisely for this August/September 11th at the Grand Lake Theater. If you would like to come to the retreat and help with the upcoming events & newsletter... I hope you can join us next Sunday, July 27th at my house. I plan on making food (but some people want me to spend more time facilitating and participating in the discussion- so if we turn it into a potluck, I might have more time to be part of the circle). This will also be a chance for me to celebrate with friends the good news that the biopsy results show the cysts in my pancreas are benign. Call, or email to RSVP and get directions to my house. 650-857-0927, Carol AND, If you want to help, but can't come next Sunday- please let us know what you can do, and any of your ideas/suggestions.
Main Goals-
Newsletter- getting it done/mailed
Annie Machan event?
911 Power to the Peaceful Rally? March? Tabling/Flyering/Speaking
September 11th at the Grand lake Theater9/11 Truth Civil Informationing & Visibility Action Saturday, August 2, 1 pm
Union Square Park
San Francisco
Please join us in our civil informationing and visibility street action for 9/11 truth. We will be handing out fliers, DVD's, talking with people, and trying to educate the public. Bring handouts, signs, banners, bullhorns, and anything else you have to contribute. We don't need to tell you the importance of doing this, so please join us.
More details- organizer contact info at-
Film Premiere- The Reflecting Pool August 4, 2008, 7 PM
Pacific Film Archive
2575 Bancroft Way
Berkeley, CA
(510) 642-1412The Reflecting Pool follows an investigation by a skeptical Russian-American journalist who teams up with the father of a 9/11 victim to fact check the official version of the tragedy as documented in the 9/11 Commission Report. As they examine evidence and interview key eyewitnesses, the official story begins to crumble. The Reflecting Pool is the first investigative drama to present this issue in the spirit of such films as All the President's Men and JFK.
The film illustrates that, as so often is the case, the truth does not set you free; it ties your stomach and conscience into knots. It will remind you of All the President's Men and JFK, films that also used drama to pursue political truths. Writer/Director Jarek Kupsc plays Alex Prokop, a successful journalist who receives a mysterious 9/11 videotape revealing new information on the attack. Joseph Culp appears as Paul Cooper, the man who sent the tape and a driven researcher whose daughter died on 9/11. Though skeptical of conspiracy theorists and fearful that it will jeopardize his career, Prokop agrees to take on the story.
We follow Prokop and Cooper as they investigate the destruction of evidence from Ground Zero, the collapse of the 47-story WTC Building Seven, and the airliner attack on the Pentagon. The results of their investigation suggest the official version as presented in the 9/11 Commission Report purposely ignored or omitted evidence and testimonies to protect people in political positions, including the present administration. Prokop, plagued by the ghosts of his Communist childhood and trying to uphold the independence of American journalism, struggles to come to grips with this awful truth.
The Reflecting Pool is an intense, sobering analysis of the most controversial tragedy of our time -- a thought-provoking study of a search for truth and the profound consequences of not looking for it any further than the nightly news.
Selected reviews
"The Reflecting Pool presents a story that I have not taken the time or courage to touch."
--Barbara Trent, Academy Award Winner, The Panama Deception"The film illustrates that, as so often is the case, the truth does not set you free; it ties your stomach and conscience into knots. It will remind you of All the President's Men and JFK, films that also used drama to pursue political truths."
--Joel Hirschhorn, Op-ed news"The script is top-notch, the characterizations moving. If the film has a flaw, it's in trying to document so much evidence in a narrative thriller. Yet by and large, it pulls it off to deliver a chilling and effective message -- maybe it can happen here."
--Jim Cirile, Screenwriters MagazineAbout The Reflecting Pool:
The Reflecting Pool premiered theatrically through American Cinematheque to a standing-room only audience on January 31, 2008, at the Aero Theatre in Santa Monica, CA. The film screened in limited runs in February and March in Los Angeles, San Luis Obispo, and continues with other selected screenings. The film is an official selection this summer at the Maine International Film Festival in July and the Moondance International Film Festival in August. The film was recently picked up by Rialto Theaters in New Zealand for this September.
About the filmmakers:
The Reflecting Pool was independently produced and financed by Baltazar Works with Jodie Baltazar and Joseph Culp serving as producers. The Reflecting Pool is director Jarek Kupsc's third feature film. He won multiple awards for his debut feature Recoil and won Best Picture for Slumberland in his native Poland. Kupsc gives his view: "Most of all we wanted to tell a human story about what happens to people when the truth is kept from them and show the struggle one must go through for their own sense of integrity." He continues, "September 11th, 2001, was a defining moment in modern history--an event that propelled America toward preemptive wars under false pretenses resulting in the deaths of over a million civilians in the Middle East, thousands of American troops, and a complete disregard for the Geneva Conventions not to mention the Bill of Rights." Culp says, The Reflecting Pool is a way of taking stock of what has happened to our country after 9/11 and to do the most American thing of all--ask questions and demand honest answers."
Northern California 9-11 Truth Alliance Meeting Thursday, August 7, 2008
7 p.m. to 10 p.m.
522 Valencia St., just up from the 16th St. Bart Station
San Francisco
San Francisco Truth Street Action
August 11, 11 am
Mission St & 16th St
San Francisco, CAMore details- organizer contact info at-
Sacramento Truth Action
Monday, August 11th, 2008
4:30 - 6PM
11th & L Streets, Sacramento
(public sidewalk on L Street, north side of the state capitol)Some signs, deception dollars, fliers, etc. will be available, and bring your own.
Truth Action Targets Pelosi August 14, 6 pm
The Cowell Theater at Fort Mason Center
99 Marina Blvd, San FranciscoAn event featuring Nancy Pelosi in San Francisco:
More details- organizer contact info at- Evening with Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi who will discuss her new book, Know Your Power: A Message to America's Daughters encouragement to women of all ages to never lose faith, to speak out and make their voices heard, to focus on what matters most and follow their dreams wherever they may lead.
**[Let's get her to comment on "speaking out...make their voices heard, focus on what matters most" and how this applies directly to 9/11 truth]**
Admission is free of charge and open to the public. Preferred seating to anyone with a Book Inc. receipt for Know Your Power. The Cowell Theater at Fort Mason Center in San Francisco - call 415-931-3633 or for up to date guidelines and details.
Sacramento 9/11 Truth Meeting
Monday, August 18th, 2008
6:00PM to 8:00PM
Denny's restaurant, 925 - 3rd Street, Sacramento
(Corner of 3rd and J Streets) In the Conference RoomThere is no charge for the use of Denny's Conference Room. However, it's understandable that Denny's asks that those who use the room purchase something from their menu (and a tip for the food-servers is appreciated).
Northern California 9-11 Truth Alliance Meeting Thursday, August 21, 2008
at The Grand Lake Neighborhood Center
530 Lake Park Avenue, (between Lakeshore Avenue and Grand Avenue) in Oakland
7:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m.
From Hwy. 580 East (coming from the Bay Bridge or Berkeley), take the Grand Ave./Lakeshore exit (start getting over to the on your way past the Broadway-Webster exit - it's tricky - and move right again when approaching the next exit, Harrison/Oakland, but don't get in that exit lane). The exit ramp merges into MacArthur which intersects with Grand at the light. Make a left at the light onto Grand, make a right onto Lake Park Ave. (the Grand Lake Theater will be on the corner on your far right before you turn). Go about a block, past the BofA, which will be on your left, and the GLNC will also be on your left. Park on the street or turn right into free public parking under the freeway.From Hwy. 580 West (coming from Hayward), take the Lakeshore Ave. exit. When you exit at Lakshore Ave., you will be on Lake Park. Go straight at the light (you'll see a Busy Body Home Fitness store in front of you to the right), crossing Lakeshore Ave. The GLNC will be a few storefronts down on your right. Park on the street or turn left into free public parking under the freeway across from GLNC. If you cross Grand Ave. (and the theater) you've gone too far.
Buses (check schedules):
The 57 Macarthur, to Kaiser hospital, 40th and the Emeryville shopping district.
The NL, via Grand to downtown Oakland and San Francisco9/11 Truth Civil Informationing & Visibility Action
August 23rd, noon
Ferry Building
San FranciscoPlease join us in our civil informationing and visibility street action for 9/11 truth. We will be handing out fliers, DVD's, talking with people, and trying to educate the public. Bring handouts, signs, banners, bullhorns, and anything else you have to contribute.
We'll be congregating on the traffic island between Justin Herman Plaza and the Ferry Building. If there isn't a lot of foot traffic there, we will head to Powell and Market.
Film Screening of- The Reflecting Pool Wednesday, August 27, 2008, 7:00 PM
Mt. Diablo Peace & Justice Center
55 Eckley Lane, Walnut CreekThe Reflecting Pool (1 hr, 46 min)
The Reflecting Pool is the first investigative drama to address 9/11 in the spirit of such films as All the President's Men and JFK. It follows an investigation by a skeptical Russian-American journalist who teams up with the father of a 9/11 victim to fact check the official version of the tragedy as documented in the 9/11 Commission Report. The results of their investigation suggest the official version as presented in the Report purposely ignored or omitted vital evidence and testimonies to protect people in political positions, including the present administration. Whether you see yourself as a truth seeker, patriotic American, independent thinker or voter, or just someone with bad memories of 9/11, you should make an effort to view The Reflecting Pool. It is not about 9/11. It is about the credibility of the official government story about 9/11. This film is an intense, sobering analysis of the most controversial tragedy of our time. Drawn from established sources and based on verifiable facts, The Reflecting Pool is a thought-provoking study of a search for truth and the profound consequences of not looking for it any further than the nightly news.
Free (donations accepted); wheelchair access; free popcorn
Experts on the topic will be on hand to facilitate discussion after the film. More info at 925-933-7850
9/11 Truth Civil Informationing & Visibility Action
August 30th, noonUnion Square
Union Square Park
San FranciscoPlease join us in our civil informationing and visibility street action for 9/11 truth. We will be handing out fliers, DVD's, talking with people, and trying to educate the public. Bring handouts, signs, banners, bullhorns, and anything else you have to contribute. We don't need to tell you the importance of doing this, so please join us.
(edit: I know last time we did Union Square we ended up at Powell and Market, but i think it's worth another shot. I think those cops last time were dead wrong about where we could be, but if we are discreet, it shouldn't be a problem. We can always go to Powell and Market if need be. Or we could just go across the street like they told us to and probably reach even more people on the densely packed sidewalks.)
Northern California 9-11 Truth Alliance Meeting Thursday, September 4, 2008
7 p.m. to 10 p.m.
522 Valencia St., just up from the 16th St. Bart Station
San Francisco10th Annual 911 Power to the Peaceful Festival
10th Annual 911 Power to the Peaceful Festival
Annual Rally/March from the Panhandle through Golden Gate Park to the 911 Power to the Peaceful Festival
Saturday, September 6, 2008Speedway Meadows
Golden Gate Park
Following the attacks of September 11th, the first "9/11 Truth Rally and March" took place in the Panhandle, marching up Haight Street and through Golden Gate Park to the 911 Power to the Peaceful Concert-
Our rally begins at 10:00 am @ the Panhandle (between Oak and Fell at Ashbury)
11:00 am we begin our march up Ashbury to Haight, through Golden Gate Park to Speedway Meadows and to the Festival which lasts until 5:00 pm.This year's speakers include- Richard Gage, AIA, Green Party Congressional candidates- Carol Wolman and Carol Brouillet... and singing will be Vic Sadot who peened those classic 9/11 truth hits- Cheney's in the Bunker and The Ballad of William Rodriguez...
We will also have with us the giant 12' replica of the flawed Commission Report
Richard Gage, AIA Receiving the 2007 Heroic Citizen for 9/11 Truth AwardTo endorse, speak, volunteer- Contact Carol Brouillet @ 650-857-0927. We welcome all who are for 9/11 Truth, Impeachment, Peace, an End to War, Repeal of the Patriot Act, Military Commissions Act. Bring banners, signs, costumes, musical instruments, your humor, energy, messages. The Northern California 9/11 Truth Alliance and Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth will have a booth at the Concert and pass out literature to the thousands who come to the concert and support peace.
(Here's this year's 9-11 Truth Rally/March webpage.)
Air Force Lt. Col. Robert "Bob" Bowman (ret.) speaking on "Taking Back the Republic"
Sept. 6, 7:00 to 8:30 p.m.
Monterey Senior Center, Dickman and Lighthouse
Monterey"Taking Back the Republic"
How to prevent war with Iran, how to get out of Iraq, and how to bring the Administration to accountability This is Bob's only Calif. Central Coast presentation on his 100-city nationwide tour.$10 requestd donation -- no one turned away for lack of funds
Light refreshments
Contact: Barbara Honegger (831) 233-1032Candidates Forum
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Baltic Room at West Valley College
14000 Fruitvale Ave, Saratoga, CAThis event is for the public. It may be taped by TV station KSAR for viewing at other times also.
8:00-9:00 – House of Rep District 14 – (4 candidates-1 seat open)
During each race’s time period, we ask each candidate to make a 3 minute introductory speech. League will provide a timer to assure that you will not go over the limit. (Candidates will draw numbers for order of speaking.) Audience participation: Cards will be provided for written questions. After the first race’s candidates have spoken, the League Moderator will read the audience’s questions to those candidates. Even if a question is asked of one candidate, the others will be asked if they want to answer that same question. Near the end of the race’s time period candidates will have 1 minute to make a last appeal to the voters present.(I am the Green Party candidate in District 14- one reason I am running is because I was thrown out of a candidate's forum and my question not asked in 2004, when all the candidates were content with the 9/11 Cover-up Commission. While I originally was running to raise that issue and pursue impeachment, at the moment I am running to give voice to the taboo issues such as 9/11 Truth, impeachment, the current "state of emergency" which is giving unprecedented power to the executive branch, obliterating our Constitution, our civil rights, and criminalizing dissent.)
Congresswoman Eshoo will be there. This is an opportunity to raise the hard questions to her. In 2006, I looked forward to posting the forum on the internet. There was no press at the event which was filmed, unfortunately the quality of the filming was so bad that it wasn't even worth showing on community access tv, because it was practically unintelligible. If anyone could do a decent job of recording or filming it, I would greatly appreciate it.
Richard Hayes Phillips will present findings from his new book “Witness to a Crime: A Citizens’ Audit of an American Election.” GRAND LAKE THEATER
The book comes with a CD containing 1200 photographs of actual forensic evidence: ballots, poll books, voter signature books, and other election records from Ohio
(DR. PHILLIPS WILL HAVE A TABLE ON THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 11th and has invited us - Northern California 9/11 Truth Alliance to table at his event. He also is in the East Coast and needs help getting word out about this event.)“Richard Hayes Phillips worked day and night for three years compiling irrefutable evidence of how the Republicans stole the 2004 presidential race in Ohio. This landmark investigation is a testament to what private citizens can accomplish when government officials fail to protect our right to vote and to count those votes as cast. Every American – Republican and Democrat – should read this book, and join the fight for democracy’s most fundamental right.”
-- Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.
“Witness to a Crime” is not sold in stores. It is available in person, or by mail order, or through PayPal. Contact: Richard Hayes Phillips, 4 Fisher Street, Canton, NY 13617
Thursday, September 11th, 2008
9/11 Truth Film Festival Thursday, September 11th, 2008
Noon- 11:00 pm
3200 Grand Avenue, Oakland
$10 Donation requested.Hosted by Bonnie Faulkner of Guns and Butter with guest speakers-
Dan Hamburg, Peter Dale Scott, Richard Gage, Ken Jenkins, Mickey Huff, and Carol Brouillet.
Short Overview (Tentative- Subject to tweaks) -
Afternoon Program
Noon - Welcome - by Bonnie Faulkner of KPFA's- Guns and Butter 5 minutes
Evening Program12:05 pm - Bay Area Premiere of 9/11 and Nationalist Faith - 63 minutes- Featuring David Ray Griffin
1:08 pm - "Deconstructing Deceit: 9/11, the Media, and Myth Information" Mickey Huff - 10 minutes
1:18 pm - Bay Area Premiere of Able Danger - 83 minutes- Film Noir (fiction) Main character based on 9/11 Truth Activist/Author Sander Hicks
2:43 pm - "Film, Art, Truth, Fiction- Gauging Audience Impact" Carol Brouillet - 10 minutes
2:53 pm - Highlights from 9/11 Press for Truth 15 minutes
3:08 pm - Bay Area Premiere of In Their Own Words - 1 hour 53 minutes
5:03 pm - "Families of the Victims Continue to Call for Truth" - with Paul Rea - 10 minutes
5:13 pm - Bay Area Premiere of 9/11 False Flag - 1 Hour 12 minutes- A great German documentary, mostly in German with subtitles
6:27 pm - Vic Sadot performing his songs including that classic- "Cheney's in the Bunker" 10 minutes
6:37 pm - Bonnie Faulkner of KPFA's- Guns and Butter 6 minutes
6:43 pm - Speaker- "2 Planes in: 3 Buildings Down - Architects & Engineers aren't buying it!" - Richard Gage 23 minutes
7:06 pm - Speakers- "9/11, Continuity of Government" - Dan Hamburg, Peter Dale Scott 46 minutes
7:52 pm - Bay Area Premiere of Zero- An Investigation into 9/11 - 1 hr 45 min- The Italian Documentary shown at the EU Parliament
9:37 pm - Speaker- "Seeing through Psychological Warfare- Where do we go from here, locally, nationally, internationally?" - Ken Jenkins 23 minutes
10:00 pm - Irresistible medley of inspiring shorts/9/11 Truth music videos (Details to be posted when solidified)
SACRAMENTO VIGIL FOR 9/11 TRUTH September 11th, 2008, 4:30 - 6:00PM
at 11th and "L" Streets
(public sidewalk just north of the state capitol)
Stand Up For 9/11 Truth!
Explosives Brought Down the Towers and Building 7, according to the testimony of eyewitnesses. See:
Stop the cover-up! Demand a real investigation!
Some signs, deception dollars, fliers, etc., will be available, and bring your own.Paul Zarembka- ON SEPTEMBER 11TH - 9/11: AN INSIDE JOB? Thursday, September 11, 2008
The Garden Room
Sierra 2 Center
2791 - 24th Street
Sacramento, CA
Paul Zarembka is a professor of economics at the State University of New York at Buffalo. He received his doctorate at the University of Wisconsin in 1967, and since 1977 he has been the general editor for Research in Political Economy.
In 2007, Prof. Zarembka edited a book entitled The Hidden History of 9-11, which "brings together rigorous scholarship on the events of 9-11-01, and assesses whether the truth has been told by the U.S. Government. The volume can be seen as a definitive explanation of 9-11 as a world-changing event." (see: )
For a video outline of this book, see: Hidden History of 9/11 - a collection of essays edited by Zarembka - will be available for purchase. This is a free, public event.
For info: (916)369-5510
SACRAMENTO 9/11 TRUTH meeting Monday, September 15th, 2008, at 6PM
Denny's restaurant
925 - 3rd Street, Sacramento
(Corner of 3rd and "J" Streets)
In the Conference RoomThere is no charge for the use of Denny's Conference Room. However, it's understandable that Denny's asks that those who use the room purchase something from their menu - and a tip for the food-servers is appreciated.
Constitution Day Wednesday, September 17th, 5:15pm- 6 pm
Civic Center Plaza, across the street from City HallCelebrate the 221st Birthday of the Constitution with those seeking to defend it!
First hundred people will get a free copy of the Constitution. Music, Mpeachment pie,... Join Cindy Sheehan, Peace Mom, and Shirley Golub, National Impeachment Network. Hear the modern patriots speak out.
Northern California 9-11 Truth Alliance Meeting Thursday, September 18, 2008
at The Grand Lake Neighborhood Center
530 Lake Park Avenue, (between Lakeshore Avenue and Grand Avenue) in Oakland
7:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m.
From Hwy. 580 East (coming from the Bay Bridge or Berkeley), take the Grand Ave./Lakeshore exit (start getting over to the on your way past the Broadway-Webster exit - it's tricky - and move right again when approaching the next exit, Harrison/Oakland, but don't get in that exit lane). The exit ramp merges into MacArthur which intersects with Grand at the light. Make a left at the light onto Grand, make a right onto Lake Park Ave. (the Grand Lake Theater will be on the corner on your far right before you turn). Go about a block, past the BofA, which will be on your left, and the GLNC will also be on your left. Park on the street or turn right into free public parking under the freeway.From Hwy. 580 West (coming from Hayward), take the Lakeshore Ave. exit. When you exit at Lakshore Ave., you will be on Lake Park. Go straight at the light (you'll see a Busy Body Home Fitness store in front of you to the right), crossing Lakeshore Ave. The GLNC will be a few storefronts down on your right. Park on the street or turn left into free public parking under the freeway across from GLNC. If you cross Grand Ave. (and the theater) you've gone too far.
Buses (check schedules):
The 57 Macarthur, to Kaiser hospital, 40th and the Emeryville shopping district.
The NL, via Grand to downtown Oakland and San FranciscoThe 9/11 Chronicles: Truth Rising
A Benefit For 9/11 First RespondersThursday, September 18, 2008 at 7pm
Veterans Memorial Building
846 Front Street, Santa Cruz, CA
In solidarity with the 9/11 First Responder benefit in New York City, we are having a 9/11 First Responder benefit in Santa Cruz, CA, on September 18th with a film screening of Truth Rising. This film:
* Follows the growing momentum of the 9/11 Truth Movement.
$5 requested donation - No one turned away
* Exposes the mistreatment of our 9/11 heroes.
* Shows the growing number of people questioning the official version of events that day.
* Features interviews with Willie Nelson, Rosie O'Donnell, Jesse Ventura, George Carlin, Martin Sheen.
* Features confrontations with many political figures including Bill Clinton, David Rockefeller, and Arnold Schwarzenegger.
For more info:
Or contact: santacruz911truth@yahoo.comProceeds from this event to benefit the Fealgood Foundation
ANNIE MACHON, Former MI5 agent Speaks College of Marin, Science Center Room 101
835 College Avenue Kentfield, CA 94904
From Highway 101, take the San Anselmo exit (northbound) or the Sir Francis Drake Blvd. exit (southbound) and follow Sir Francis Drake Blvd. to College Ave. (seventh stoplight).
* For the Physical Education complex, the Science Center, the Learning Resources Center (library) and the Student Services Center (Admissions & Records), turn left on College Ave.Monday, September 22, 2008, 7:30 pm.
ANNIE MACHON, Former MI5 agent, acclaimed author, internationally renowned whistleblower, and co-chair of the British 9/11 Truth Campaign
ANNIE MACHON was educated at Cambridge, and later spent six years as an intelligence officer for MI5, the British agency analogous to our FBI, working against political "subversives" and Irish and Middle Eastern terrorist targets. In 1997, she blew the whistle on the crimes and incompetence of the British spy agencies with her then-partner and colleague, David Shayler, and MI6 agent (MI6 is the British equivalent of the CIA)... After blowing the whistle, Annie and David went on the run, living in exile in France for three years to avoid arrest and imprisonment, not just of themselves but also friends, family, supporters and journalists... This and more is detailed in her book Spies, Lies and Whistleblowers: MI5, MI6 and the Shayler Affair. Since 2002, Annie has been an active peace and civil rights campaigner and is currently the co-chair of the British 9/11 Truth Campaign. She is also now involved in a new peace campaign called Make Wars History, which aims to hold our political leaders to account using the international laws of war, and on building an international think tank.
$10, $5 students, no one turned away for lack of funds
More on Annie -www.anniemachon.comAnnie Machon's lecture is sponsored by the Northern California Truth Alliance,, Voice of the Environment, Radical Wisdom Salon
ANNIE MACHON, Former MI5 agent Speaks Wednesday, September 24, 2008 7:00pm
Blanchard Room
Davis Public Library
315 E 14th Street
Davis, CAThis event is FREE to the public(donations appreciated)
To quote excerpts from the attached flier for this event:
ANNIE MACHON, Former MI5 agent, acclaimed author, internationally renowned whistleblower, and co-chair of the British 9/11 Truth Campaign
ANNIE MACHON was educated at Cambridge, and later spent six years as an intelligence officer for MI5, the British agency analogous to our FBI, working against political "subversives" and Irish and Middle Eastern terrorist targets. In 1997, she blew the whistle on the crimes and incompetence of the British spy agencies with her then-partner and colleague, David Shayler, and MI6 agent (MI6 is the British equivalent of the CIA)... After blowing the whistle, Annie and David went on the run, living in exile in France for three years to avoid arrest and imprisonment, not just of themselves but also friends, family, supporters and journalists... This and more is detailed in her book Spies, Lies and Whistleblowers: MI5, MI6 and the Shayler Affair. Since 2002, Annie has been an active peace and civil rights campaigner and is currently the co-chair of the British 9/11 Truth Campaign. She is also now involved in a new peace campaign called Make Wars History, which aims to hold our political leaders to account using the international laws of war, and on building an international think tank.
More on Annie
Annie Machon's lecture is sponsored by the Northern California Truth Alliance and Davis 9/11 Truth
AMI 2008 Monetary Reform Conference September 25- 28, 2008
ChicagoTwo Themes of the Conference: Usury and Warfare
"First, This conference will examine the problem of usury. What is it exactly? Is it a necessary part of 'free market economics,' or is it a destroyer of nations, or is it both? How does monetary reform remove this problem? The present false definition of usury as excessive interest, was foisted on economics by Jeremy Bentham, who also devised utilitarianism - dropping morality in favor of supposed results. But the real concept of usury is the anti-social misuse of the money mechanism for private gain. The conference aims to help revive this classical concept of usury and relate it to how our present privatized monetary system malfunctions, for example in creating the present banking crisis."
Speakers, and additional details posted at
Film: "9/11 Mysteries" Monday, September 29th
Blanchard Room of Davis Stevens Library
315 E 14th Street
DavisThe 9/11 Truth Film Series continues on Monday, September 29 with the screening of 9/11 Mysteries, a documentary about the intentional demolitions of three of the World Trade Center buildings.
The 90-minute film is a careful deconstruction of the official conspiracy story set alongside clean, clear science. Pure demolition evidence and analysis, laced with eye opening witness testimonials. This 9/11 picture is not one of politics or nationalism or loyalty, but one of strict and simple physics: How do you get a 10-second,110-story pancake collapse of a major structure?
This is the story of demolition blasting itself; how shaped charges are strategically placed to slice through steel beams, allowing total control of how, where and when a building falls. This information helps give a better understanding of how a building can be purposely set to collapse and shed insight into what happened on the fateful day of 9/11.
The film, hosted by Rodney Robinson, begins at 7 P.M. Admission is free, donations are appreciated. A discussion will follow the film.
Northern California 9-11 Truth Alliance Meeting Thursday, October 2, 2008
7 p.m. to 10 p.m.
522 Valencia St., just up from the 16th St. Bart Station
San Francisco9/11 TRUTH ACTION- Sacramento
Saturday, October 11, 2008
4:30 - 6:00PM
11th and "L" Streets, Sacramento
(public sidewalk just north of the state capitol)See:
On Saturday, October 11th, 9/11 Truth Action in Sacramento will hold a Vigil in solidarity with many other cities who participate in 9/11 Truth Actions on the eleventh of every month.
This Vigil, by calling attention to the many facts of "9/11" deliberately omitted from the U.S. media*, encourages others to also question the "official version" of what happened. The more people become informed, the greater the possibility of a real investigation, and the lesser the possibility of another similar "false flag" attack.
*such as the implosion of WTC Building 7. See
Some signs, deception dollars, fliers, etc., will be available, and bring your own.
Chaplain James Yee, former US Army muslim chaplain speaks October 16-20, 2008
Sunday, October 19, 3 pm
United Methodist Church
426 33rd Ave/Clement, San FranciscoSunday, October 19, 7 pm
Buena Vista United Methodist Church
2311 Buena Vista Ave., AlamedaMonday, October 20, 9:30 am
Chinatown Presbyterian Church
925 Stockton Street, San FranciscoMonday, October 20, 12:45 pm
UC Berkeley, Boalt Hall (Room 110), BerkeleyChaplain James Yee is a former US Army Chaplain and graduate of West Point who served as the Muslim Chaplain for the US prison in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. While ministering to prisoners there, he objected to the cruel and degrading abuses to which they were subjected. He was then arrested and imprisoned in a Naval brig for 76 days in Sept. 2003, falsely accused of spying and aiding terrorists. He was held in solitary confinement and subjected to the same sensory deprivation techniques that were being used against the prisoners. After months of investigation, all charges were dropped. Yee received an Honorable Discharge from the Army in 2005 and was awarded the Army Commendation medal for “exceptional meritorious service”. His gripping account of his Guantanamo experience and subsequent struggle for justice is entitled “For God and Country: Faith and Patriotism under Fire”.
Contact: Stephen McNeil 415/350/9305
Many groups/organizations, churches, against torture are sponsoring this tour.SACRAMENTO 9/11 TRUTH meeting
Monday, October 20th, 2008, at 6PM
Denny's restaurant, 925 - 3rd Street, Sacramento
(Corner of 3rd and "J" Streets)
In the Conference RoomThere is no charge for the use of Denny's Conference Room. However, it's understandable that Denny's asks that those who use the room purchase something from their menu (and a tip for the food-servers is appreciated).
For further information, call David Kimball at (916)372-8433, or e-mail Sacramento 9/11 Truth at or
Impeachment! Action at the SF Chronicle Thursday, Oct 23, 12-1 pm
In front of the San Francisco Chronicle Building
901 Mission St., San Francisco
( One block from Market Street and the Powell Street BART Station.) BRING: Your signs!!!! (I will bring Impeach the Terrorists! Pelosi on a Peach, Deception Dollar banners & the sound system with Impeachment/ and 9/11 songs...and Deception Dollars...)Every Thursday at noon since mid-September, a group of sign-carrying activists have been walking circles around the Chronicle Building, drawing attention to the Chronicle’s coddling of Nancy Pelosi, keeping Impeachment out of the public discourse, and its willful ignoring of the Cindy Sheehan campaign. On the 23rd, Cindy Sheehan (and perhaps other notables) will meet the media on the steps of the old Mint (just across the street). At 12:20, protesters will start walking circles around the Chronicle Building. Walkin will continue for approx 20 minutes, allowing office workers time to get back to work.
Organized by Brad Newsham, who did the Beach Impeach events...
Friday, October 24th, 7:00 pm
In the Blanchard Room of the Public Library
315 E. 14th Street, DavisMAKING PEACE FILM SERIES, hosted by Rodney Robinson.
Admission is free, donations are appreciated. A discussion will follow the film.ZERO: AN INVESTIGATION INTO 9/11
This Italian film has one central thesis - the official version of events surrounding the attacks on 9/11 can not be true. This film explores the latest scientific evidence and reveals dramatic new witness testimony. If the film's thesis is correct, the justification for declaring the war on terror is built on a series of outrageous lies.
Press Conference- Carol Brouillet for Congress TV Ad Launch Tuesday, October 28, 2008
10 am- 10:30 Am
Congresswoman Eshoo's Office
698 Emerson Street
Palo Alto, CAGreen Party candidate Carol Brouillet will speak, show the ad, pass out DVD copies to the press. (It is posted on YouTube at )
Text of the ad:
On 9/11, three skyscrapers were felled by two planes, World Trade Center 7, the Patriot Act, the financial crash, the bailout, all share characteristics of controlled demolitions, criminal fraud, and treason. We the people, need the courage to seek and speak the truth. We need to investigate the big lies. We need to arrest, impeach the terrorists. We need to defend our Constitution, our rights, our lives. I am Carol Brouillet, Green Party Candidate for Congress and I approve this message. Vote Green for truth, peace and justice.
The ad is scheduled to air over 200 times in California's 14th District. Eshoo voted for the bailout.
In the 90s, Brouillet was a critic of corporate globalization and a strong advocate for local currencies and monetary reform, in her paper Evolution of the Apocalypse- Empire’s Demise- Human Renaissance she notes that those most responsible for 9/11 and the global financial bubble have been promoted and rewarded rather than tried for their role in criminal frauds.
Eshoo’s resistance to impeachment, to a real investigation of 9/11, to securing civil liberties and voting rights prompted Brouillet to run in 2006 and 2008. In 2008, Brouillet was elected to the Santa Clara Green Party County Council.
On September 11th, 2001 the US went into “Continuity of Government.” Congress has been denied access to the classified Continuity of Government plans. We know that Cheney and Rumsfeld worked on the Continuity of Government plans for two decades prior to Bush’s election and that within the plans, Congress has been deemed “expendable.” On September 11th, 2008 Brouillet organized the 4th Annual 9/11 Film Festival which included American, German and Italian documentaries questioning the official story of 9/11 and speakers such as Peter Dale Scott and ex-congressman, Dan Hamburg addressing “Continuity of Government” and the current Constitutional crisis which is getting worse.
(Supporters welcome. Yard signs for Cynthia McKinney and Carol Brouillet will be available, and free DVDs of Behind Every Terrorist- There is a Bush for those who would like them.)
Election Night Party Tuesday, November 4, 2008
7:30 pm
BJ's Restaurant
10690 North De Anza Blvd, Cupertino
Green Party Congressional Candidates Carol Brouillet (If you missed it the 9/11 Truth TV Ad is posted at and Peter Myers will be having a joint election night party. We need an estimated head count, so if you'd like to come, please RSVP to
The cost will be $15 per person (all you can eat buffet), not including drinks.
Northern California 9-11 Truth Alliance Meeting Thursday, November 6, 2008
7 p.m. to 10 p.m.
522 Valencia St., just up from the 16th St. Bart Station
San FranciscoNovember 11, 2008 Sacramento 9/11 Truth Action Vigil
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
4:30 - 6:00pm
16th and "J" Streets, Sacramento
"on the corner"
Some signs, deception dollars, fliers, etc., will be available, and bring your own.
Please note that in November, the 9/11 Truth Action Vigil will be held in conjunction and at the same location as the Sacramento Area Peace Action Vigil; it will be held at the corner of 16th and "J" Streets, NOT at 11th and "L" Streets.
The Tri-City Independent Documentary Series - The 11th Hour Saturday, November 15, 1:30 pm
Fremont Main Library
2400 Stevenson Blvd at Paseo Padre
Wheelchair accessibleAdmission free.
Narrated by Leonardo DiCaprio, The 11th Hour (2007) describes the present moment, quite possibly the last one when change is possible to save the Earth's environment. This important film explores how humanity has arrived at this moment; how we live, how we impact the Earth's ecosystems, and what we can do to change course. Global warming, deforestation, mass extinctions and depletion of the marine habitats are all addressed. Mustering the full filmic resources of progressive Hollywood, The 11th Hour documents the environmental crises we face and the solutions we can begin to implement.
The cast could not be more stellar. Over 50 leading scientists, thinkers and leaders present the facts and discuss the most important issues that face us and our planet. Featuring reformer Mikhail Gorbachev, radio commentator Thom Hartmann, physicists Stephen Hawking & Vandana Shiva, Nobel Laureate activist Wangari Maathai and many other insightful thinkers, The 11th Hour gets to the roots of our environmental problems. One is reminded of Einstein's famous quote: "If mankind is to survive, it will require a whole new way of thinking."
However, the most powerful element of this historic film is not its graphic portrait of a planet in crisis, but its offering of hope and solutions. The film ends with a call for restorative action through doable reshaping human activity.
Please take a look at the trailer: will be led by Dr. Paul W. Rea, author and environmental activist with ongoing concerns about the natural world and our characteristic attitudes toward it.
Northern California 9-11 Truth Alliance Meeting Thursday, November 20, 2008
at The Grand Lake Neighborhood Center
530 Lake Park Avenue, (between Lakeshore Avenue and Grand Avenue) in Oakland
7:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m.
From Hwy. 580 East (coming from the Bay Bridge or Berkeley), take the Grand Ave./Lakeshore exit (start getting over to the on your way past the Broadway-Webster exit - it's tricky - and move right again when approaching the next exit, Harrison/Oakland, but don't get in that exit lane). The exit ramp merges into MacArthur which intersects with Grand at the light. Make a left at the light onto Grand, make a right onto Lake Park Ave. (the Grand Lake Theater will be on the corner on your far right before you turn). Go about a block, past the BofA, which will be on your left, and the GLNC will also be on your left. Park on the street or turn right into free public parking under the freeway.From Hwy. 580 West (coming from Hayward), take the Lakeshore Ave. exit. When you exit at Lakshore Ave., you will be on Lake Park. Go straight at the light (you'll see a Busy Body Home Fitness store in front of you to the right), crossing Lakeshore Ave. The GLNC will be a few storefronts down on your right. Park on the street or turn left into free public parking under the freeway across from GLNC. If you cross Grand Ave. (and the theater) you've gone too far.
Buses (check schedules):
The 57 Macarthur, to Kaiser hospital, 40th and the Emeryville shopping district.
The NL, via Grand to downtown Oakland and San Francisco
There will be a rally and march on the Fed in San FranciscoEnd the Fed Rally/March in San Francisco
Saturday, November 22
Meet up at the Ferry Building at 10:00 am or earlier and start the march at 10:30 am.
10:30 am March to Union Square. From there along Post St to Union Square and then take Geary to go back up Market St.
Noon Rally at the Federal Reserve Building, 101 Market St.Below is a map of the march route and the exact written directions. The route is approximately 2 miles and an estimated 39 minutes by walking. The march will be slow so we can expect the march to take 1 hr and 20 minutes (twice the normal pace). Those that don't want to march can just meet up at the Federal Reserve building, 101 Market St. at noon. (Parking on Davis St/Broadway: $6 all day on weekend)...
Speakers (12 noon)
So far - Carol Brouillet (Green Party) and Anthony Gregory (Libertarian) are confirmed to speak. Steve Dore will be singing.
Noon Rally at the Federal Reserve Building, 101 Market St.1. Head southeast on The Embarcadero 377 ft
2. Sharp right to stay on The Embarcadero 440 ft
3. Turn left at Market St 279 ft
4. Slight right to stay on Market St 0.5 mi
5. Turn right at Montgomery St 105 ft
6. Turn left at Post St 0.3 mi
7. Head east on Post St toward Stockton St 305 ft
8. Turn right at Stockton St 341 ft
9. Turn left at Geary St 0.2 mi
10. Slight left at Market St 0.5 mi
11. Turn right at Main St 318 ft
Peter Phillips and Project Censored 2009
Wednesday, December 3, 7:00 PM
Mt. Diablo Unitarian Universalist Church
55 Eckley Lane, Walnut Creek 94596Suggested donation: $15 General, $5 Students; No one turned away for lack of funds. Wheelchair accessible.
A free press and a well-informed populace are crucial to a viable democracy. Sonoma State University Sociology professor Peter Phillips, DVC Assistant Professor of History Mickey Huff and student assistants will talk about some of the 25 issues of social significance chosen for the Project Censored 2009 book that aren't getting the news coverage that they deserve. This year the Project is reporting on many issues including Iraqi Deaths Caused by the US Occupation, Billions of Dollars Lost in Iraq, Fraud and Human Trafficking, Dirty Wars in Latin America, and Worldwide Slavery.
Project Censored is a media research group associated with Sonoma State University that has been tracking the news published in independent journals and newsletters for 32 years. From these, Project Censored compiles an annual list of 25 news stories of social significance that have been overlooked, under-reported or self-censored by the country's major national news media.
Peter Phillips, the Director of Project Censored, is Professor of Sociology at Sonoma State University. He is known for his op-ed pieces in the alternative press and independent newspapers nationwide, such as Z Magazine and Social Policy.
Mickey S. Huff is Assistant Professor of History at Diablo Valley College, Adjunct Lecturer in Sociology at Sonoma State University, and Associate Director of Project Censored.
More information: Mt. Diablo Peace & Justice Center, 925-933-7850;
Northern California 9-11 Truth Alliance Meeting Thursday, December 4, 2008
7 p.m. to 10 p.m.
522 Valencia St., just up from the 16th St. Bart Station
7:30pm (doors open at 7:00)
Social Science and Humanities Building*, Room 1100
UC Davis campus, Davis, CADavid Ray Griffin, Emeritus professor of Philosophy of Religion and Theology at the Claremont School of Theology, has written over 30 books and 150 articles, including six books on 9/11. In The New Pearl Harbor and Debunking 9/11 Debunking, David Ray Griffin rebuts Popular Mechanics and other defenders of the official conspiracy theory. His talk will be eye-opening, informative, and action-inducing. You will not want to miss this rare opportunity to hear David Ray Griffin blow the official 9/11 story out of the park.
Admission is free, donations are appreciated. Sponsored by Davis 9/11 Truth Info: (530)757-1633
*For Visiting UC Davis campus map, see:
Directions from I80:
Exit at Richards Blvd., toward Davis
Slight right to stay on Richards Blvd.
Turn left at 1st Street
Turn right at "A" Street
Turn left at 3rd Street to enter campus
Social Sciences and Humanities Bldg. immediately on the leftSACRAMENTO 9/11 TRUTH ACTION VIGIL
Thursday, December 11, 2008
4:30 - 6:00 pm
11th and "L" Streets, Sacramento
(public sidewalk just north of the state capitol)
Some signs, deception dollars, fliers, etc., will be available, and bring your own.
On Thursday, December 11th, 9/11 Truth Action in Sacramento will hold a Vigil in solidarity with many other cities who participate in 9/11 Truth Actions on the eleventh of every month. Some signs, deception dollars, fliers, etc., will be available, and bring your own.
Northern California 9-11 Truth Alliance Meeting Thursday, November 20, 2008
at The Grand Lake Neighborhood Center
530 Lake Park Avenue, (between Lakeshore Avenue and Grand Avenue) in Oakland
7:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m.
From Hwy. 580 East (coming from the Bay Bridge or Berkeley), take the Grand Ave./Lakeshore exit (start getting over to the on your way past the Broadway-Webster exit - it's tricky - and move right again when approaching the next exit, Harrison/Oakland, but don't get in that exit lane). The exit ramp merges into MacArthur which intersects with Grand at the light. Make a left at the light onto Grand, make a right onto Lake Park Ave. (the Grand Lake Theater will be on the corner on your far right before you turn). Go about a block, past the BofA, which will be on your left, and the GLNC will also be on your left. Park on the street or turn right into free public parking under the freeway.From Hwy. 580 West (coming from Hayward), take the Lakeshore Ave. exit. When you exit at Lakshore Ave., you will be on Lake Park. Go straight at the light (you'll see a Busy Body Home Fitness store in front of you to the right), crossing Lakeshore Ave. The GLNC will be a few storefronts down on your right. Park on the street or turn left into free public parking under the freeway across from GLNC. If you cross Grand Ave. (and the theater) you've gone too far.
Buses (check schedules):
The 57 Macarthur, to Kaiser hospital, 40th and the Emeryville shopping district.
The NL, via Grand to downtown Oakland and San Francisco
There will be a rally and march on the Fed in San FranciscoEnd the Fed Rally/March in San Francisco
Saturday, November 22
Meet up at the Ferry Building at 10:00 am or earlier and start the march at 10:30 am.
10:30 am March to Union Square. From there along Post St to Union Square and then take Geary to go back up Market St.
Noon Rally at the Federal Reserve Building, 101 Market St.Below is a map of the march route and the exact written directions. The route is approximately 2 miles and an estimated 39 minutes by walking. The march will be slow so we can expect the march to take 1 hr and 20 minutes (twice the normal pace). Those that don't want to march can just meet up at the Federal Reserve building, 101 Market St. at noon. (Parking on Davis St/Broadway: $6 all day on weekend)...
Speakers (12 noon)
So far - Carol Brouillet (Green Party) [I wrote a long paper on the financial crisis- Evolution of the Apocalypse- Empire's Demise- Human Renaissance and we produced a 30 sec. TV ad a synopsis, noting that 9/11 and the bailout exhibit characteristics of controlled demolition, criminal fraud, and treason.] and Anthony Gregory (Libertarian) are confirmed to speak. Steve Dore will be singing.
Noon Rally at the Federal Reserve Building, 101 Market St.1. Head southeast on The Embarcadero 377 ft
2. Sharp right to stay on The Embarcadero 440 ft
3. Turn left at Market St 279 ft
4. Slight right to stay on Market St 0.5 mi
5. Turn right at Montgomery St 105 ft
6. Turn left at Post St 0.3 mi
7. Head east on Post St toward Stockton St 305 ft
8. Turn right at Stockton St 341 ft
9. Turn left at Geary St 0.2 mi
10. Slight left at Market St 0.5 mi
11. Turn right at Main St 318 ftPost Event: (2:00pm)
Gordon Bierch
2 Harrison St
San Francisco, CAThis is part of a national protest at:
endthefed.usIf you have any questions.. Jun is the primary organizer at- 415-748-1113
Peter Phillips and Project Censored 2009
Wednesday, December 3, 7:00 PM
Mt. Diablo Unitarian Universalist Church
55 Eckley Lane, Walnut Creek 94596Suggested donation: $15 General, $5 Students; No one turned away for lack of funds. Wheelchair accessible.
A free press and a well-informed populace are crucial to a viable democracy. Sonoma State University Sociology professor Peter Phillips, DVC Assistant Professor of History Mickey Huff and student assistants will talk about some of the 25 issues of social significance chosen for the Project Censored 2009 book that aren't getting the news coverage that they deserve. This year the Project is reporting on many issues including Iraqi Deaths Caused by the US Occupation, Billions of Dollars Lost in Iraq, Fraud and Human Trafficking, Dirty Wars in Latin America, and Worldwide Slavery.
Project Censored is a media research group associated with Sonoma State University that has been tracking the news published in independent journals and newsletters for 32 years. From these, Project Censored compiles an annual list of 25 news stories of social significance that have been overlooked, under-reported or self-censored by the country's major national news media.
Peter Phillips, the Director of Project Censored, is Professor of Sociology at Sonoma State University. He is known for his op-ed pieces in the alternative press and independent newspapers nationwide, such as Z Magazine and Social Policy.
Mickey S. Huff is Assistant Professor of History at Diablo Valley College, Adjunct Lecturer in Sociology at Sonoma State University, and Associate Director of Project Censored.
More information: Mt. Diablo Peace & Justice Center, 925-933-7850;
Northern California 9-11 Truth Alliance Meeting Thursday, December 4, 2008
7 p.m. to 10 p.m.
522 Valencia St., just up from the 16th St. Bart Station
San FranciscoFilm Premiere 9/11 - The Myth and the Reality Thursday, Dec. 4th at 7:00 pm
Dominican Sisters' Center
1520 Grand Ave., San Rafael
(Free parking: University Athletic parking lot across the street.)Were We Told the Truth about 9/11?
Theologian Dr. David Ray Griffin Says No!
Marin Film Premiere
Filmmaker Ken Jenkins will be present for Q & AThe film 9/11 - The Myth and the Reality features Dr. David Ray Griffin, Professor Emeritus at the Claremont School of Theology, a respected leader of the national movement calling for a new investigation into the events of 9/11.
Sponsored by: Marin Film Group for 9/11 Truth
7:30pm (doors open at 7:00)
Social Science and Humanities Building*, Room 1100
UC Davis campus, Davis, CADavid Ray Griffin, Emeritus professor of Philosophy of Religion and Theology at the Claremont School of Theology, has written over 30 books and 150 articles, including six books on 9/11. In The New Pearl Harbor and Debunking 9/11 Debunking, David Ray Griffin rebuts Popular Mechanics and other defenders of the official conspiracy theory. His talk will be eye-opening, informative, and action-inducing. You will not want to miss this rare opportunity to hear David Ray Griffin blow the official 9/11 story out of the park.
Admission is free, donations are appreciated. Sponsored by Davis 9/11 Truth Info: (530)757-1633
*For Visiting UC Davis campus map, see:
Directions from I80:
Exit at Richards Blvd., toward Davis
Slight right to stay on Richards Blvd.
Turn left at 1st Street
Turn right at "A" Street
Turn left at 3rd Street to enter campus
Social Sciences and Humanities Bldg. immediately on the leftSACRAMENTO 9/11 TRUTH ACTION VIGIL
Thursday, December 11, 2008
4:30 - 6:00 pm
11th and "L" Streets, Sacramento
(public sidewalk just north of the state capitol)
Some signs, deception dollars, fliers, etc., will be available, and bring your own.
On Thursday, December 11th, 9/11 Truth Action in Sacramento will hold a Vigil in solidarity with many other cities who participate in 9/11 Truth Actions on the eleventh of every month. Some signs, deception dollars, fliers, etc., will be available, and bring your own.
Monday, December 15th, 2008 6:00 to 8:00pm
Denny's restaurant, 925 - 3rd Street, Sacramento
(Corner of 3rd and "J" Streets)
In the Conference RoomThere is no charge for the use of Denny's Conference Room. However, it's understandable that Denny's asks that those who use the room purchase something from their menu (and a tip for the food-servers is appreciated).
For further information, call David Kimball at (916)372-8433, or e-mail Sacramento 9/11 Truth at or
Northern California 9-11 Truth Alliance Meeting Thursday, December 18, 2008
at The Grand Lake Neighborhood Center
530 Lake Park Avenue, (between Lakeshore Avenue and Grand Avenue) in Oakland
7:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m.
From Hwy. 580 East (coming from the Bay Bridge or Berkeley), take the Grand Ave./Lakeshore exit (start getting over to the on your way past the Broadway-Webster exit - it's tricky - and move right again when approaching the next exit, Harrison/Oakland, but don't get in that exit lane). The exit ramp merges into MacArthur which intersects with Grand at the light. Make a left at the light onto Grand, make a right onto Lake Park Ave. (the Grand Lake Theater will be on the corner on your far right before you turn). Go about a block, past the BofA, which will be on your left, and the GLNC will also be on your left. Park on the street or turn right into free public parking under the freeway.From Hwy. 580 West (coming from Hayward), take the Lakeshore Ave. exit. When you exit at Lakshore Ave., you will be on Lake Park. Go straight at the light (you'll see a Busy Body Home Fitness store in front of you to the right), crossing Lakeshore Ave. The GLNC will be a few storefronts down on your right. Park on the street or turn left into free public parking under the freeway across from GLNC. If you cross Grand Ave. (and the theater) you've gone too far.
Buses (check schedules):
The 57 Macarthur, to Kaiser hospital, 40th and the Emeryville shopping district.
The NL, via Grand to downtown Oakland and San Francisco
Northern California 9/11 Truth Alliance Retreat/Strategy Meeting January 3, 2009
Noon to 5 pm (First hour for food and socializing)
1028 Howard (The cross street is 6th St.) San FranciscoThe question: how best to carry out our mission with a new administration?
"Our mission is to seek and disseminate truths about the terrible crimes committed on September 11, 2001, exposing gaps and deceptions in the official story. Our goal is to inspire more eyewitness revelations, truthful media coverage, and a movement that will bring the responsible criminals to justice and eliminate governmental and corporate policies that enable criminal elements to commit such acts."
Peace Rally
Let Gaza Live! — San Francisco
Stop the U.S.-Israeli War Against the Palestinian PeopleSaturday, January 10, 11 a.m.
San Francisco Civic CenterAll people are encouraged to attend. The Northern California 9/11 Truth Alliance will set up our traditional table/banners at the Civic Center. If you want to help with the tabling, flyering, do come- I'll be setting up at 9:30 am, and the weather report is clear and sunny (but cold).
Call 415-821-6545 for more info from the main rally organizers- ANSWER to help today with outreach - downloadable flyers are posted on their website.Northern California 9-11 Truth Alliance Meeting Thursday, January 15, 2009
at The Grand Lake Neighborhood Center
530 Lake Park Avenue, (between Lakeshore Avenue and Grand Avenue) in Oakland
7:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m.
From Hwy. 580 East (coming from the Bay Bridge or Berkeley), take the Grand Ave./Lakeshore exit (start getting over to the on your way past the Broadway-Webster exit - it's tricky - and move right again when approaching the next exit, Harrison/Oakland, but don't get in that exit lane). The exit ramp merges into MacArthur which intersects with Grand at the light. Make a left at the light onto Grand, make a right onto Lake Park Ave. (the Grand Lake Theater will be on the corner on your far right before you turn). Go about a block, past the BofA, which will be on your left, and the GLNC will also be on your left. Park on the street or turn right into free public parking under the freeway.From Hwy. 580 West (coming from Hayward), take the Lakeshore Ave. exit. When you exit at Lakshore Ave., you will be on Lake Park. Go straight at the light (you'll see a Busy Body Home Fitness store in front of you to the right), crossing Lakeshore Ave. The GLNC will be a few storefronts down on your right. Park on the street or turn left into free public parking under the freeway across from GLNC. If you cross Grand Ave. (and the theater) you've gone too far.
Buses (check schedules):
The 57 Macarthur, to Kaiser hospital, 40th and the Emeryville shopping district.
The NL, via Grand to downtown Oakland and San Francisco
Project Censored- Peter Phillips and Mickey Huff
Friday, January 16, 7 pm
Berkeley Fellowship of Unitarian Universalists
1924 Cedar St. (at Bonita), Berkeley$10-20 requested donation (no one turned away); wheelchair accessible; information: (510) 527-7543
Come and hear Dr. Peter Phillips, longtime Director of Sonoma State University's Project Censored, and PC Assistant Director Mickey Huff detail the last year's most important and unreported news stories and social issues, and the unique process~ for-credit college course-work~ that produces this crucial investigative work as we celebrate and promote the most recent publication of "Censored: Media Democracy in Action." Books will be for sale. Haitian great Diego Jameau, "The Whistler," will offer music. Audience Q & A with Professors Phillips and Huff will follow the presentation.
Founded by Carl Jensen in 1976, Project Censored is a media research program working in cooperation with numerous independent media groups in the US. Project Censored’s principle objective is the training of SSU students in media research and First Amendment issues and the advocacy for, and protection of, free press rights in the United States. Project Censored has trained over 1,500 students in investigative research in the past three decades. Through a partnership of faculty, students, and the community, Project Censored conducts research on important national news stories that are underreported, ignored, misrepresented, or censored by the US corporate media. Each year, Project Censored publishes a ranking of the top 25 most censored nationally important news stories in the yearbook, Censored: Media Democracy in Action, which is released in September. Recent Censored books have been published in Spanish, Italian and Arabic. The Project works in cooperation with SSU academic classes Sociology of Media and Sociology of Censorship, where students earn credit for their research and participate in writing the annual yearbook. Additionally, Project Censored sponsors and supervises over 60 student interns a year who do in depth investigative research, sponsor campus events and speakers, and organize an annual national Media Accountability Conference. Students also participate in writing the Project Censored quarterly newsletter (circulation 9,000) and assist with maintaining the Project Censored website, which receives over a million views a month from all over the world. Between 700 and 1000 stories are submitted to Project Censored each year from journalists, scholars, librarians, and concerned citizens around the world. With the help of more than 200 Sonoma State University faculty, students, and community members, Project Censored reviews the story submissions for coverage, content, reliability of sources and national significance. The university community selects 25 stories to submit to the Project Censored panel of judges who then rank them in order of importance. Current or previous national judges include: Noam Chomsky, Susan Faludi, George Gerbner, Sut Jhally, Frances Moore Lappe, Michael Parenti, Herbert I. Schiller, Barbara Seaman, Erna Smith, Mike Wallace and Howard Zinn. All 25 stories are featured in the yearbook, Censored: The News That Didn’t Make the News. Project Censored is administered through the SSU Sociology Department with financial support from the SSU Instructionally Related Activity Fund, School of Social Science, Media Freedom Foundation Inc. and donations from thousands of supporters around the country.
Monday, January 19th, 2009 6:00 to 8:00pm
Denny's restaurant, 925 - 3rd Street, Sacramento
(Corner of 3rd and "J" Streets)
In the Conference RoomThere is no charge for the use of Denny's Conference Room. However, it's understandable that Denny's asks that those who use the room purchase something from their menu (and a tip for the food-servers is appreciated).
For further information, call David Kimball at (916)372-8433, or e-mail Sacramento 9/11 Truth at or
Inauguration Day - Celebrate The End of an Error! Ding Dong the Bush is Gone!
Live Bands and Insightfull Speakers + Bush Shoe Toss
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
1317 San Pablo Avenue, Berkeley
8 pm
$10 in advance
$13 at the doorLive Bands Include:
Eostar Kamala and Friends
Los Bros
Marimba PacificaSpeakers for the New Era Include:
Global Exchange
Cop Watch
Code Pink
World Can't Wait
Raw Spirit Festival
Northern California 9/11 Truth Alliance
(We will also be tabling and Carol Brouillet has been invited to speak).
Peace Action
For more Information contact:
Hadley@MusicToCelebrateLife.comActivist Opportunity- "Intelligence Challenges in a Changing World" Wednesday, 1/21/2009, 7:30 PM - 9:00 PM
Los Altos Youth Center
1 South San Antonio Rd.
Los AltosI received this from a friend in the Silicon Valley Impeachment Coalition who wrote:
"This upcoming talk may be a good opportunity to challenge the foundations of the U.S. empire. Prepare a couple of questions dealing with some of the worst abuses in the "war on terror" to send a clear message that we reject American foreign policies. It would be great if enough of us attend and support each other's positions that the audience appears overwhelmingly hostile to the empire."
Event website:
Speaker: Kevin Dixon, Lieutenant Colonel, National Security Fellow, Hoover Institution
Lieutenant Colonel Kevin Dixon is a national security affairs fellow for 2008-2009 at the Hoover Institution. Lieutenant Colonel Dixon represents the US Air Force.
Description: Lieutenant Colonel Dixon is an intelligence officer, with experience in tactical, theater and national intelligence operations. His most recent assignment was as Commander, 31st Intelligence Squadron, Fort Gordon, Georgia. He has supported operations in Korea, Bosnia, Iraq and Afghanistan through a variety of airborne and ground-based intelligence assignments. He has also supported information operations development and served as a missile systems engineer. Lieutenant Colonel Dixon's staff tours include Headquarters, Air Force Special Operations Command; Headquarters, United States Air Force; and the Office of the Secretary of Defense. He holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Missouri and a Master of Science degree in Telecommunications from the University of Colorado. He is a graduate of the National Security Agency’s Junior Officer Cryptologic Career Program, the Department of Defense Executive Leadership Development Program, and the Army Command and General Staff College. His research will focus on the policies, development and employment of both information operations and intelligence capabilities.
Event Details- What are the current and future US intelligence needs? Dramatic changes in the global environment have led to more complex and interconnected intelligence requirements. These changes include a disbursed and varied array of regional and non-state coverage needs as well as evolving technical resources. Overlaying and adding to the challenges for the intelligence community are a new presidential administration and organizational changes accompanied by intensified public oversight. Lieutenant Colonel Kevin Dixon is an intelligence officer, experienced in tactical, theater and national intelligence operations. He has served as commander of the 31st Intelligence Squadron at Fort Gordon, Georgia. He is serving this year as a National Security Fellow at the Hoover Institution at Stanford University, and is focusing on policies, development and employment of information and intelligence capabilities.
Refreshments: 7:00 PM, Program: 7:30 PM Free to All Please arrive early for registration
Engineer Luncheon with Richard Gage, AIA (
12:30pm – Friday January 30th
San Rafael Joe's
931 4th Street
– San Rafael, CAPlease join dozens of engineers and other concerned citizens… at "San Rafael Joes" restaurant for a dynamic multimedia live presentation by Richard Gage, AIA, Architect, of "9/11: Blueprint for Truth – The Architecture of Destruction". The cost is $28 which includes a 3-course lunch. You may pay at the door — however you must RSVP via phone to Paul Torikian (415) 488-9129 with your choice of fish, chicken, or beef.
Richard Gage and Dylan Avery on Peter B. Collins Radio Show
4pm, Friday, January 30, 2009
(KKGN 960 in San Francisco)
Film Premiere of Loose Change- Final Cut with filmmaker- Dylan Avery Friday, Jan. 30th at 7:00 pm.
Olney Hall, College of Marin
810 College Ave, Kentfield 94904FREE ADMISSION, Donations accepted.
Loose Change became the most watched video on Google video in May 2006. The filmmakers join with thousands of others in the 9/11 Truth movement who are calling for a new investigation into the events of 9/11.
Co-sponsored by College of Marin Cinema League and Marin Film Group for 9/11 Truth and Northern California 9/11 Truth Alliance.
Northern California 9-11 Truth Alliance Meeting Thursday, February 5, 2009
7 p.m. to 10 p.m.
522 Valencia St., just up from the 16th St. Bart Station
Wednesday, February 11, 2009 from 4:30 to 6pm
11th and "L" Streets, Sacramento, Ca
(public sidewalk just north of the State Capitol)Website:
Join us at this busy downtown location at "rush hour" - Bring your own signs, or use ours; help hand out fliers to the public.
Info Dave (916)372-8433
American Citizens' Summit February 11-15, 2009
Denver, ColoradoThe Transpartisan Alliance invites you to join us February 11-15, 2009, in Denver, CO. at the American Citizens' Summit to catalyze a nationwide, transpartisan partnership among citizens, organizations and businesses seeking to empower grassroots solutions to our nation's most pressing challenges.
(Invited Speakers include David Ray Griffin, Cynthia McKinney. Northern California 9/11 Truth Alliance will be having an exhibition booth, and sending Ken Jenkins, Richard Gage, AIA, and Carol Brouillet, as delegates. We will be joined by our sister organization-, including Fran Shure.)
"A house divided against itself cannot stand"
Create a safe place to confront judgments that divide us and search for values that unite us. Re-build bridges of trust, respect and communication and search for unlikely allies. Create an opportunity for all agendas -- left, right, center -- to be heard, respected and valued.
Truth and reconciliation A concise "declaration" of values, principles and priorities around which to build a transpartisan movement Catalyze a transpartisan movement of empowered citizens focused on co-creating innovative, win/win solutions to our most pressing challenges In the face of uncertainty, cooperation is our call to action!
(There are scholarships available for activists and I suggest applying ASAP if you are interested in going.)
The main website is:
SACRAMENTO 9/11 TRUTH MEETING Monday, February 16th, 2009 6:00 to 8:00pm
Denny's restaurant, 925 - 3rd Street, Sacramento
(Corner of 3rd and "J" Streets)
In the Conference RoomThere is no charge for the use of Denny's Conference Room. However, it's understandable that Denny's asks that those who use the room purchase something from their menu (and a tip for the food-servers is appreciated).
For further information, call David Kimball at (916)372-8433, or e-mail Sacramento 9/11 Truth at or
Working to Make "Change" Good Campaigns that Can Win for the True U.S. Majority with DON PAUL, EVE PELL & LORI GRACE
Wednesday, Feb. 18, 7:00 p.m.
Dominican University, Guzman Lecture Hall
San Rafael, CAMore about the speakers- LORI GRACE
ACTIVIST, ORGANIZER (VOTE-FRAUD, PERMACULTURE) will speak about successes against vote-fraud in the 2008 Presidential election and in promoting permaculture around the world.DON PAUL
will report from New Orleans and Venezuela and read from his new book The World Is Turning: " '9/11' ", the Movement for Justice, and Reclaiming America for the World.EVE PELL will recount victories in stopping new prison and in gaining access to secret U.S. Government documents and read from her new book- THE WORLD IS TURNING AUTHOR, We Used To Own the Bronx.
FREE More info at- 415-613-2593
Northern California 9-11 Truth Alliance Meeting Thursday, February 19, 2009
at The Grand Lake Neighborhood Center
530 Lake Park Avenue, (between Lakeshore Avenue and Grand Avenue) in Oakland
7:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m.
From Hwy. 580 East (coming from the Bay Bridge or Berkeley), take the Grand Ave./Lakeshore exit (start getting over to the on your way past the Broadway-Webster exit - it's tricky - and move right again when approaching the next exit, Harrison/Oakland, but don't get in that exit lane). The exit ramp merges into MacArthur which intersects with Grand at the light. Make a left at the light onto Grand, make a right onto Lake Park Ave. (the Grand Lake Theater will be on the corner on your far right before you turn). Go about a block, past the BofA, which will be on your left, and the GLNC will also be on your left. Park on the street or turn right into free public parking under the freeway.From Hwy. 580 West (coming from Hayward), take the Lakeshore Ave. exit. When you exit at Lakshore Ave., you will be on Lake Park. Go straight at the light (you'll see a Busy Body Home Fitness store in front of you to the right), crossing Lakeshore Ave. The GLNC will be a few storefronts down on your right. Park on the street or turn left into free public parking under the freeway across from GLNC. If you cross Grand Ave. (and the theater) you've gone too far.
Buses (check schedules):
The 57 Macarthur, to Kaiser hospital, 40th and the Emeryville shopping district.
The NL, via Grand to downtown Oakland and San Francisco
Friday, February 20, 2009 7pm
100 Hunt Hall, University of California, Davis
Admission: Free, donations appreciatedDon Paul's new book The World Is Turning has been released, and he will be on a Northern California book tour February 15 to 21, 2009. On DAY 5 of his tour - Friday evening, February 20 - he will be giving a two-part presentation and discussion at the University of California, Davis
Truths about 9/11 Remain the Key, and Working to Make "Change" Good in 2009
Sponsored by Davis 9/11 Truth, Davis Campus Greens, Sacramento 9/11 Truth, Sacramento Area Peace Action, and Gold Country Veterans for Peace - Chapter 122
For info: (530)757-1633 (916)372-8433
For the location of Hunt Hall on-campus, and nearby on-campus parking, go to map
(From Russell Blvd., enter the campus on Howard Way. Stay on Howard Way; Hunt Hall is just past the Tennis Center, on the right near the bus turn-around. Parking is available in the North Entry Parking Structure nearby.)
Summary of presentation: A review of evidence from the crimes of 9/11/01 that implicates many of the principals who have benefited from 2008-2009's trillions-dollar-bail-out of banks and other bettor/debtor Corporations, using selections from the 2005 DVD "9/11 Guilt" and Chief Prosecutor Don Paul's 2007 'Record of Findings, ... from the San Diego Citizen's Grand Jury on the Crimes of September 11, 2001 in New York City'; followed by review of successes by growers and consumers of organic food, opponents of pesticides, proponents of wind and solar power, and U.S. Presidents who have resisted and/or defeated privately owned central Banks such as the current Federal Reserve System; followed by discussion of alternatives and solutions that are already working for people in the U.S. and elsewhere in the world.
The book: The World Is Turning: "9/11", the Movement for Justice, and Reclaiming America for the World. ISBN 978-0-943096-08-7. 337 pages, 6 x 9" perfectbound. Illustrations by Mac McGill, Ted McManus and Rob Leslie. A collection that includes two prior books, three interviews, three reviews, and five lengthy pieces from 2007 and 2008, including 'Five Steps to Freedom and Solvency'.
Publisher: Irresistible / Revolutionary (I/R), Post Office Box 74-1365, New Orleans, LA 70114. Release-date: February 10, 2009.
Tour contact: Whitney Merchant,, 415-259-8026
Northern California 9-11 Truth Alliance Meeting Thursday, March 5, 2009
7 p.m. to 10 p.m.
522 Valencia St., just up from the 16th St. Bart Station, San Francisco
Marin Film Presentation of Loose Change Final Cut Friday, March 6th at 7:30 pm.
Sunrise Center, 645 Tamalpais Drive, Suite A, Corte MaderaLoose Change became a runaway hit online with its initial release in 2006. Loose Change Final Cut is the new third installment of this documentary that asks tough questions about the events of 9/11. The filmmakers hope their movie will be a catalyst for a new independent investigation, in which the family members and all of us finally receive answers to our questions.
Suggested donation $5, no one turned away.
The film will be followed by Q & A.Co-sponsored by Sunrise Center, Northern California 9/11 Truth Alliance, and Marin Film Group for 9/11 Truth.
Truth Action, Wednesday, March 11th, 2009
San Francisco- 11:00 AM , Hallidie Plaza, Powell and Market Streets, San Francisco
SACRAMENTO- from 4:30 to 6pm, 11th and "L" Streets, Sacramento, Ca
(public sidewalk just north of the State Capitol)Join us at this busy downtown location at "rush hour" - Bring your own signs, or use ours; help hand out fliers to the public.
See: for more details.
Screening of 9/11 Press for Truth Friday, March 13, 2009, 7 pm
Berkeley Fellowship of Unitarian Universalist Hall
1924 Cedar Street (at Bonita Avenue)
9/11 Press for Truth is one of the best introductory films to 9/11 Truth. Here's an overview-
Out of the grieving thousands left behind on September 11th, a small group of activist families emerged to demand answers. In 9/11 Press For Truth, six of them (including three of the famous "Jersey Girls") tell for the first time the powerful story of how they took on the powers in Washington—and won!—compelling an investigation, only to subsequently watch the 9/11 Commission fail in answering most of their questions.
The families eventually found an ally in Paul Thompson. Dissatisfied with the incomplete picture of September 11th presented in most news reports, Thompson became a citizen journalist of sorts. He stitched together thousands of rare overlooked news clips, buried stories, and government press conferences into a definitive Complete 9/11 Timeline (published by Harper Collins as The Terror Timeline). Press For Truth is adapted in part from his acclaimed work, which revealed to the families a very different picture of the road that led to the attacks and the resulting War on Terror, one that still today raises important and pressing questions.
Press For Truth premiered theatrically in September 2006 in New York City and the San Francisco Bay area. With the help of Robert Greenwald's Brave New Theaters, it was rolled out for a limited release in over fifty cities across America as well as Canada, Great Britain, the Czech Republic, Australia, and Japan.
The movie was immediately hailed by critics and enthusiastically embraced by a groundswell of concerned people worldwide who felt that the 9/11 Commission and the western news media had failed to account for many important issues. For these thousands, Press For Truth was the rational, skeptical, mainstream motion picture examination of the events of September 11th they had been eagerly awaiting.
On the fifth anniversary of the attacks, Press For Truth aired throughout the Middle East on the Al Jazeera television network. It was soon purchased by TV stations in Spain, Norway, Poland, and all of South America.
For more information on the event-
Tel. 510-841-4824 Website:
Monday, March 16th, 2009 6:00 to 8:00pmDenny's restaurant, 925 - 3rd Street, Sacramento
(Corner of 3rd and "J" Streets)
In the Conference Room
There is no charge for the use of Denny's Conference Room. However, it's understandable that Denny's asks that those who use the room purchase something from their menu (and a tip for the food-servers is appreciated).
For further information, call David Kimball at (916)372-8433, or e-mail Sacramento 9/11 Truth at or
Northern California 9-11 Truth Alliance Meeting Thursday, March 19, 2009
at The Grand Lake Neighborhood Center
530 Lake Park Avenue, (between Lakeshore Avenue and Grand Avenue) in Oakland
7:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m.
From Hwy. 580 East (coming from the Bay Bridge or Berkeley), take the Grand Ave./Lakeshore exit (start getting over to the on your way past the Broadway-Webster exit - it's tricky - and move right again when approaching the next exit, Harrison/Oakland, but don't get in that exit lane). The exit ramp merges into MacArthur which intersects with Grand at the light. Make a left at the light onto Grand, make a right onto Lake Park Ave. (the Grand Lake Theater will be on the corner on your far right before you turn). Go about a block, past the BofA, which will be on your left, and the GLNC will also be on your left. Park on the street or turn right into free public parking under the freeway.From Hwy. 580 West (coming from Hayward), take the Lakeshore Ave. exit. When you exit at Lakshore Ave., you will be on Lake Park. Go straight at the light (you'll see a Busy Body Home Fitness store in front of you to the right), crossing Lakeshore Ave. The GLNC will be a few storefronts down on your right. Park on the street or turn left into free public parking under the freeway across from GLNC. If you cross Grand Ave. (and the theater) you've gone too far.
Buses (check schedules):
The 57 Macarthur, to Kaiser hospital, 40th and the Emeryville shopping district.
The NL, via Grand to downtown Oakland and San Francisco
San Francisco - Anti-War Rally/March Saturday, March 21, 2009 11 am - 1 pm
(9/11 Truth Alliance gather at 10:15 am at Justin Herman Plaza)
11 am Rally at Justin Herman Plaza (near Ferry building at the foot of Market Street)
March to the Civic Center
Cosmos, founder of, will be bringing the giant 9/11 Truth for Peace banner which we first saw at last year's Truth Convergence- it needs at least 4 people to carry it!!!! David will be bringing picket signs. We need people to help pass them out and recruit them to join our contingent- we will have other signs and banners, as well, plus plenty of handouts- so could use every single person to help! Signs and banners can be dropped off at the 9/11 Truth - Deception Dollar booth at the Civic Center Plaza.
Occupation is a Crime!
March 21 will see demonstrations around the world and across the country. A major March on the Pentagon is planned in Washington DC, with demonstrations also taking place in Los Angeles and other cities under the banner: "Occupation is Crime—Iraq, Afghanistan, Palestine" and "Money for People's Needs—Not for War and Bank Bailouts."
Among the March 21 Coalition sponsors: The ANSWER Coalition—Act Now to Stop War & End Racism; Muslim American Society Freedom; National Council of Arab Americans; Free Palestine Alliance; National Assembly to End the Iraq and Afghanistan Wars and Occupations; FMLN; Veterans for Peace; Cindy Sheehan; Ramsey Clark; Academy Award-winning director Paul Haggis; World Can't Wait; U.S. Labor Against War; United for Peace and Justice - Bay Area; Iraq Veterans Against the War; International Socialist Organization; Col. Ann Wright (ret.); Michael Ratner, pres. Center for Constitutional Rights; Heidi Boghosian, exec. dir. National Lawyers Guild; Atty. Lynne Stewart; Code Pink; Progressive Democrats of America; American Indian Movement; Barrio Unido; Angola 3 Defense Committee; Gold Star Mother Elaine Johnson; David Swanson, After Downing Street; Alliance for Just and Lasting Peace in the Philippines; Vietnam Vet and author Ron Kovic; Party for Socialism and Liberation; SF Labor Council; Alameda Labor Council; Middle East Children's Alliance; San José Peace and Justice Center, and hundreds more.
The Northern California 9/11 Truth Alliance will have a contingent in the march and a table at the Civic Center. Please come to our meetings or volunteer with ANSWER to voice your opposition to state sponsored violence, terrorism, war, occupation, lies, deception... and your support of truth, peace, justice, life, humanity...
Activist Opportunity! Protest or Arrest Rudy Giuliani! Giuliani is Scheduled to Speak at "Get Motivated Seminar" in San Francisco and San Jose
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
HP Pavilion - San Jose · 8:00AM - 4:45PM
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Cow Palace - San Francisco · 9:00AM - 5:30PMWe don't know when he is precisely scheduled to speak at each venue, but there are currently plans to do a citizens' arrest in San Jose. It is possible to carry protest signs/leaflet on the outside or to do some disruption on the inside. We can get tickets cheap (like for $20- we can get as many as we ask for- if we have the numbers- so let me know if you can commit to coming and need a ticket to get inside- for SF or San Jose- I suggest that we "Blow the Whistle" on him to get across our message- that he is a criminal and should be in jail- not giving speeches....
There are monster ads for this event all over the place and the website with details at-
Loose Change Final Cut Remastered Film Screening w/Dylan Avery Thursday, March 26, 2009 12:00 PM
Diablo Valley College- Trophy Room
321 Golf Club Rd
Pleasant Hill CA 94523
Loose Change became the most watched video on Google Video in May 2006.This is the long awaited Loose Change Final Cut DVD, with a new soundtrack. The Final Cut is the last amazing step in the evolution of the Loose Change 9/11 film. It presents over 2 hours of new, undeniable evidence that will leave you speechless. This movie hopes to be the catalyst for a new independent investigation, in which the family members receive answers to their questions, and the TRUE PERPETRATORS of this horrendous crime are PROSECUTED and PUNISHED.
Hosted by Students for a Democratic Society Change Final Cut Remastered Film Screening w/Dylan Avery Thursday, March 26, 2009 7:00 PM
Sonoma State University
1801 E Cotati Ave
Rohnert Park, CA
Loose Change became the most watched video on Google Video in May 2006.This is the long awaited Loose Change Final Cut DVD, with a new soundtrack. The Final Cut is the last amazing step in the evolution of the Loose Change 9/11 film. It presents over 2 hours of new, undeniable evidence that will leave you speechless. This movie hopes to be the catalyst for a new independent investigation, in which the family members receive answers to their questions, and the TRUE PERPETRATORS of this horrendous crime are PROSECUTED and PUNISHED.
Sponsored by Project Censored, Media Freedom Foundation Film Premiere: 9/11 Blueprint for Truth with Richard Gage
Friday March 27, 2009, 7:00 pm
Cafeteria, College of Marin
835 College Ave., Kentfield, 94904Architect Richard Gage, AIA will be present for Q and A. 9/11: Blueprint for Truth is a groundbreaking multimedia presentation by San Francisco Bay Area architect, Richard Gage, AIA. It provides the overwhelming evidence of explosive controlled demolition of all 3 World Trade Center high-rise buildings on September 11, 2001
9/11: Blueprint for Truth/The Architecture of Destruction with Richard Gage, AIA, Founder of Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth Saturday, March 28, 7 pm
Berkeley Fellowship of Unitarian Universalist Hall
1924 Cedar Street (at Bonita Avenue)
Richard Gage, AIA is the founding member of He has been a practicing Architect for 20 years and has worked on most types of building construction including numerous fire-proofed steel-framed buildings. He most recently performed Construction Administration services for a new $120M High School campus including a $10M steel-framed Gymnasium, and he worked on the Design Development for a very large mixed use urban project with 1.2M sq.ft. of retail and 320K sq.ft. of mid-rise office space — altogether about 1,200 tons of steel framing.
Richard became interested in the 9/11 WTC high-rise “collapses” after hearing the startling conclusions of a reluctant 9/11 researcher, David Ray Griffin, on the radio in 2006, which launched his own unyielding quest for 9/11 Truth.
For more information-
Tel. 510-841-4824 Website:
Northern California 9-11 Truth Alliance Meeting Thursday, April 2, 2009
7 p.m. to 10 p.m.
522 Valencia St., just up from the 16th St. Bart Station
San FranciscoNew York City Coalition for Accountability Now Executive Director Ted Walter Thursday, April 9, 7:00 pm
Oakland Hills, CaliforniaNew York City Coalition for Accountability Now, NYC CAN, ( is working to place a referendum for a new, independent investigation on the NYC Ballot for the November 3, 2009 General Election.
Janette MacKinlay has been asked to serve on the NYC CAN Executive Council to help see their effort to obtain the necessary signatures is realized.
Ted Walter, the key coordinator of the Initiative's 2008 petitioning effort has been appointed NYC CAN's Executive Director. Ted is going to be visiting the San Francisco Bay Area the week of April 6-12. Janette is hosting an Open House beginning at 2 pm April 9th for California folks who are interested in meeting Ted Walter to learn more about the Initiative and ways in which we can help by getting our family and friends in New York to sign the petition.
She is also helping with the fundraising effort to pay well-trained, professional petitioners to gather the necessary signatures. Your help in this area is crucial.
Please let her know if you will be able to join us by calling her at 510-339-9358, or email at
Thank you for the ways in which you will support this.
from late afternoon thru early evening
Corner of 21st and "J" Streets, SacramentoSee: for details or For More Info Call: Dave (916)372-8433
Northern California 9-11 Truth Alliance Meeting Thursday, April 16, 2009
at The Grand Lake Neighborhood Center
530 Lake Park Avenue, (between Lakeshore Avenue and Grand Avenue) in Oakland
7:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m.
From Hwy. 580 East (coming from the Bay Bridge or Berkeley), take the Grand Ave./Lakeshore exit (start getting over to the on your way past the Broadway-Webster exit - it's tricky - and move right again when approaching the next exit, Harrison/Oakland, but don't get in that exit lane). The exit ramp merges into MacArthur which intersects with Grand at the light. Make a left at the light onto Grand, make a right onto Lake Park Ave. (the Grand Lake Theater will be on the corner on your far right before you turn). Go about a block, past the BofA, which will be on your left, and the GLNC will also be on your left. Park on the street or turn right into free public parking under the freeway.From Hwy. 580 West (coming from Hayward), take the Lakeshore Ave. exit. When you exit at Lakshore Ave., you will be on Lake Park. Go straight at the light (you'll see a Busy Body Home Fitness store in front of you to the right), crossing Lakeshore Ave. The GLNC will be a few storefronts down on your right. Park on the street or turn left into free public parking under the freeway across from GLNC. If you cross Grand Ave. (and the theater) you've gone too far.
Buses (check schedules):
The 57 Macarthur, to Kaiser hospital, 40th and the Emeryville shopping district.
The NL, via Grand to downtown Oakland and San Francisco
SACRAMENTO 9/11 TRUTH MEETING Monday, April 20th, 2009 6:00 to 8:00pm
Denny's restaurant, 925 - 3rd Street, Sacramento
(Corner of 3rd and "J" Streets)
In the Conference RoomThere is no charge for the use of Denny's Conference Room. However, it's understandable that Denny's asks that those who use the room purchase something from their menu (and a tip for the food-servers is appreciated).
For further information, call David Kimball at (916)372-8433, or e-mail Sacramento 9/11 Truth at or
9/11: Blueprint for Truth/The Architecture of Destruction with Richard Gage, AIA, Founder of Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth Wed, Apr 22, 2009, 12 pm
Diablo Valley College
321 Golf Club Road
Pleasant Hill
Richard Gage, AIA is the founding member of He has been a practicing Architect for 20 years and has worked on most types of building construction including numerous fire-proofed steel-framed buildings. He most recently performed Construction Administration services for a new $120M High School campus including a $10M steel-framed Gymnasium, and he worked on the Design Development for a very large mixed use urban project with 1.2M sq.ft. of retail and 320K sq.ft. of mid-rise office space — altogether about 1,200 tons of steel framing.
Richard became interested in the 9/11 WTC high-rise “collapses” after hearing the startling conclusions of a reluctant 9/11 researcher, David Ray Griffin, on the radio in 2006, which launched his own unyielding quest for 9/11 Truth.
9/11: Blueprint for Truth/The Architecture of Destruction with Richard Gage, AIA, Founder of Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth Friday, Apr 24, 2009, 7:00- 9:00 pm
Sonoma State University
Stevenson Building, Rm. 1002
1801 Cotati
Rohnert Park
Rohnert Park, CA
Richard Gage, AIA is the founding member of He has been a practicing Architect for 20 years and has worked on most types of building construction including numerous fire-proofed steel-framed buildings. He most recently performed Construction Administration services for a new $120M High School campus including a $10M steel-framed Gymnasium, and he worked on the Design Development for a very large mixed use urban project with 1.2M sq.ft. of retail and 320K sq.ft. of mid-rise office space — altogether about 1,200 tons of steel framing.
Richard became interested in the 9/11 WTC high-rise “collapses” after hearing the startling conclusions of a reluctant 9/11 researcher, David Ray Griffin, on the radio in 2006, which launched his own unyielding quest for 9/11 Truth.
AE911Truth Booth at AIA National Convention for Richard's detailed needs and instructions.)Thu, Apr 30, 2009 - May 2, 2009839ed061e094">
Sacramento 9/11 Truth Action Monday, May 11, 2009 from 4:30 to 6:00 PM
11th and "L" Streets, Sacramento, CA
(public sidewalk just north of State Capitol)Hold up a sign for 9/11 Truth and help hand out informative fliers to the public!
For further information, call David Kimball at (916)372-8433, or e-mail Sacramento 9/11 Truth at or truth.priority@gmail.comSan Francisco 9/11 Truth Action Monday, May 11, 2009, 11:00 am
Powell and Market
Hallidie Plaza
San Francisco
SACRAMENTO 9/11 TRUTH Meeting Monday, May 18th, 2009 6:00 to 8:00pm
Denny's restaurant, 925 - 3rd Street, Sacramento
(Corner of 3rd and "J" Streets)
In the Conference RoomThere is no charge for the use of Denny's Conference Room. However, it's understandable that Denny's asks that those who use the room purchase something from their menu (and a tip for the food-servers is appreciated).
For further information, call David Kimball at (916)372-8433, or e-mail Sacramento 9/11 Truth at or
Invisible History: Afghanistan's Untold Story with Elizabeth Gould & Paul Fitzgerald Tuesday May 19, 6:00 - 9:00 PM
Mt. Diablo Peace & Justice Center
55 Eckley Lane, Walnut Creek$20 suggested donation and a dish to share at the potluck. Benefits the Peace Center and the charity of our speakers' choice.
(RSVP PLEASE: Register and Login at, then go to Events and RSVP for you and your guests. You are welcome to come without a reservation but we will not be able to let you know if there are changes.)
Wheel chair accessible
Join us for a potluck dinner and presentation by the first American journalists in Afghanistan during the Soviet invasion. We will find out what they have learned, what are the possibilities and what we can do to influence the outcome.
Paul Fitzgerald and Elizabeth Gould are a husband and wife team of international journalists who, after 3 decades of closely working in and on Afghanistan, are considered among our top experts on this troubled land.
In 1981 they were the first TV journalists working in Afghanistan during the Soviet invasion producing stories for the CBS Evening News, for ABC Nightline and a documentary for PBS: Afghanistan Between Three Worlds.
During the 1990's they worked with Oliver Stone piecing together ancient manuscripts with newly declassified documents on the Afghan crisis that allowed them to find a profound likeness between Washington's official policy towards this area and the ancient Zoroastrian war of the light against the dark - whose origins began in the region now known as Afghanistan. It is a likeness that grows more visible as America's involvement deepens. They present this work in the form of a novel called The Voice (see
Their latest book, Invisible History: Afghanistan's Untold Story, lays bare why it was inevitable that the Soviet Union and the U.S. should end up in Afghanistan and what this means for America's future -
"The fog obscuring U.S. policies in Afghanistan is thicker than elsewhere in the region. [Fitzgerald and Gould] cut through it meticulously, exposing layers of cultural arrogance and myopia. They demonstrate with painful clarity how these traits helped push our would-be ally into the Soviet orbit, causing us to arm and promote the violent extremists we're fighting today. When confronted with al-Qaeda's nihilism on 9/11, our response was 'wildly exaggerated, dangerously reckless, and ... ineffective.'"
-Dallas Morning
(925) 933-7850Liz Gould & Paul Fitzgerald - authors of: Invisible History - Afghanistan's Untold Story Wednesday, May 20th, at 7:30 P.M
Fellowship Hall
First Baptist Church
305 N. California Avenue, Palo Alto
The war in Afghanistan is far from over — in fact, the turbulence is escalating. Seven years after 9/11, the Taliban continue to regroup, attack, and claim influence over much of the region.
Invisible History presents a fresh, comprehensive analysis of Afghanistan's political history that begins at the roots of tribal leadership and ultimately emphasizes our current political moment and the impact of ongoing U.S. military intervention. Fitzgerald and Gould tell the real story of how the U.S. came to be in Afghanistan and what we can expect next.
(Paul and Liz spoke at the SF Int'l Inquiry into 9/11. Their passion for decades has been trying to get out the real story of Afghanistan.)
PAUL FITZGERALD and ELIZABETH GOULD, a husband and wife team, began their experience in Afghanistan in 1981 for CBS News and produced a documentary, Afghanistan Between Three Worlds, for PBS. In 1983 they returned for ABC Nightline and contributed to the MacNeil/Lehrer News Hour. They have continued to research, write and lecture about Afghanistan history and U.S. foreign policy since.
Sponsored by the Peninsula Peace and Justice Center. See-
Book Website: www.invisiblehistory.comLiz Gould & Paul Fitzgerald - authors of: Invisible History - Afghanistan's Untold Story Thursday, May 21, 2009, at 7:00 P.M.
City Lights Bookstore
261 Columbus Avenue (at Broadway)
San FranciscoThe war in Afghanistan is far from over — in fact, the turbulence is escalating. Seven years after 9/11, the Taliban continue to regroup, attack, and claim influence over much of the region.
Invisible History presents a fresh, comprehensive analysis of Afghanistan's political history that begins at the roots of tribal leadership and ultimately emphasizes our current political moment and the impact of ongoing U.S. military intervention. Fitzgerald and Gould tell the real story of how the U.S. came to be in Afghanistan and what we can expect next.
PAUL FITZGERALD and ELIZABETH GOULD, a husband and wife team, began their experience in Afghanistan in 1981 for CBS News and produced a documentary, Afghanistan Between Three Worlds, for PBS. In 1983 they returned for ABC Nightline and contributed to the MacNeil/Lehrer News Hour. They have continued to research, write and lecture about Afghanistan history and U.S. foreign policy since.
(Paul and Liz spoke at the SF Int'l Inquiry into 9/11. Their passion for decades has been trying to get out the real story of Afghanistan.)
Published by City Lights See-
Book Website:
Northern California 9-11 Truth Alliance Meeting Thursday, May 21, 2009
at The Grand Lake Neighborhood Center
530 Lake Park Avenue, (between Lakeshore Avenue and Grand Avenue) in Oakland
7:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m.
From Hwy. 580 East (coming from the Bay Bridge or Berkeley), take the Grand Ave./Lakeshore exit (start getting over to the on your way past the Broadway-Webster exit - it's tricky - and move right again when approaching the next exit, Harrison/Oakland, but don't get in that exit lane). The exit ramp merges into MacArthur which intersects with Grand at the light. Make a left at the light onto Grand, make a right onto Lake Park Ave. (the Grand Lake Theater will be on the corner on your far right before you turn). Go about a block, past the BofA, which will be on your left, and the GLNC will also be on your left. Park on the street or turn right into free public parking under the freeway.From Hwy. 580 West (coming from Hayward), take the Lakeshore Ave. exit. When you exit at Lakshore Ave., you will be on Lake Park. Go straight at the light (you'll see a Busy Body Home Fitness store in front of you to the right), crossing Lakeshore Ave. The GLNC will be a few storefronts down on your right. Park on the street or turn left into free public parking under the freeway across from GLNC. If you cross Grand Ave. (and the theater) you've gone too far.
Buses (check schedules):
The 57 Macarthur, to Kaiser hospital, 40th and the Emeryville shopping district.
The NL, via Grand to downtown Oakland and San Francisco
Mark H. Gaffney, Richard Gage, AIA, Barbara Honegger
Saturday, May 30, 7:00 to 9:30 p.m.
Unitarian Universalist Church of the Monterey Peninsula
490 Aguajito Road (Junction of Hwy. 1, Hwy. 68 and Aguajito Road)
Requested donation $15
Mark H. Gaffney No one turned away for lack of funds
Author of The 9/11 Mystery Plane
What Really Happened over Washington on 9/11?
The Command-and-Control “Doomsday” Plane No One Would AcknowledgeRichard Gage, AIA, Architect
Founder of Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth (
What Really Happened in New York on 9/11?
9/11: Blueprint for Truth
Re-examining the Destruction of the Three World Trade Center High Rises: Controlled Explosive Demolitions?Barbara Honegger, M.S.
Author of The 9/11 Pentagon Attack Papers
Charter member of Political Leaders for 9/11 Truth
What Really Happened at the Pentagon on 9/11?
Inside-the-Building Explosions
Speakers’ books and tapes available at the event
Sponsors: Monterey 9/11 Truth, Women’s International League of Peace and Freedom, MontereyRichard Gage, AIA presenting- 9/11: Blueprint for Truth — The Architecture of Destruction Sunday, MAY 31st, 7:00-9:30 PM
Veterans Memorial Building
846 Front Street
Santa CruzRichard Gage, AIA is the founding member of He has been a practicing Architect for 20 years and has worked on most types of building construction including numerous fire-proofed steel-framed buildings. He most recently performed Construction Administration services for a new $120M High School campus including a $10M steel-framed Gymnasium, and he worked on the Design Development for a very large mixed use urban project with 1.2M sq.ft. of retail and 320K sq.ft. of mid-rise office space — altogether about 1,200 tons of steel framing.
He has been giving dynamic presentations- Re-examining the Destruction of the Three World Trade Center High Rises: Controlled Explosive Demolitions? in the US, Europe, and Canada.
- SAT JUNE 6th, 2009!The event will take place in the beautiful Green Ballroom and spacious Balcony of the San Francisco War Memorial & Performing Arts Center.
We will begin the day with yoga and music! Join MICHAEL FRANTI and special guest J BOWMAN for an afternoon of yoga and music to benefit this year's FESTIVAL!
Guest teachers SIANNA SHERMAN and DIANA VITANTONIO will lead you through a journey of joyful exploration and inspiration while guided by the live acoustic music of Michael Franti. You are guaranteed to stretch, play, sing and dance in one of the most beautiful venues San Francisco has to offer! Take one class or stay for both! Bring your own yoga mat, towel and water - but reserve your mat spot ASAP!
Come back in the afternoon and vibe with us through the evening as we host a special program of music, eclectic riddims and yummy finger foods, organic Lagunitas beer and a variety of organic wines. Live music will feature an intimate acoustic performance by Michael Franti & Friends and the groovy sounds of DJ's and other special guests.
We will also have a silent auction with many exciting items and experiences to share!
YOGA 11:00 - 2:00pm
located in SF War Memorial & Performing Arts Center - 2nd Floor
401 Van Ness Avenue, Room 110
San Francisco, CA 94102Details posted at-
(The Northern California 9/11 Truth Alliance has been part an annual 9/11 Truth March from the Panhandle to the PTTP Festival since 2002 [before we became an organization.] We also have had a booth or a table every year, as well. We support Power to the Peaceful's work and their support of our efforts.
Conspiracy Con 2009 June 6-7, 2009
Santa Clara, CaliforniaMany featured Speakers on a variety of topics. Including- Richard Gage, AIA,s the founder of Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth – ( He has been a practicing Architect for 20 years and has worked on most types of building construction, including numerous fire-proofed, steel-framed buildings. He has recently performed Construction Administration services for a new $120M High School campus in the SF Bay Area, including a $10M steel-framed Gymnasium. He managed the construction documents phase of a large mixed use urban project in Nevada with 1.2M square feet of retail and 320K square feet of mid-rise office space — altogether about 1,200 tons of steel framing.
Richard became interested in the 9/11 WTC high-rise “collapses” after hearing the startling conclusions of a reluctant 9/11 researcher, David Ray Griffin, on the radio in 2006, which launched his own unyielding quest. Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth is the result of that quest and is a non-partisan association of architects, engineers and affiliates who are dedicated to exposing the falsehoods and to revealing the truths about the “collapses” of the World Trade Center high-rises on 9/11/01.
His presentation (3:15 pm Sunday):
9/11 - BLUEPRINT FOR TRUTH: The Architecture of Destruction - Where do we go from here?
Richard Gage will examine closely the forensic evidence found at the crime scene of the destruction of the three World Trade Center high-rise towers on 9/11! Already, over 600 Architects and Engineers have found that this evidence points to a series of deceptive explosive controlled demolitions. Learn about the mysterious WTC Building 7, which collapsed at free-fall acceleration in just 6.5 seconds and imploded into a neat pile like a house of cards on the afternoon of 9/11. Did you know that the official Government report blames just 8 to 10 scattered fires as the cause of the symmetrical collapse (of 400 structural steel connections per second) due to a “new phenomena” called thermal expansion?
Learn also about the massive evidence at the Twin Towers for extremely explosive events, which produced near free-fall acceleration, lateral ejection, completely missing “pancaked” floors, pulverized concrete, red chips, iron spheres and molten metal from the incendiary “thermite” in the ubiquitous concrete powder and basements. Richard will also share the latest from whistle blowers, and much more. Focus with us on the dire implications of 9/11 being an “inside job” and also on “What do we do now?”
For cost and registration details visit:
A Presentation by Janette MacKinlay "A HEALING JOURNEY THROUGH ART"-
The Emotions of 9/11 As Seen By an Eyewitness SurvivorWednesday, June 10, 2009 at 7 PM
909 - 12th Street, Sacramento
In the Conference Room
Janette MacKinlay "A HEALING JOURNEY THROUGH ART"- "My love of art and culture drew me to New York City in the fall of 1997... The morning of September 11, 2001, found us in our 4th floor loft at 110 Liberty St. watching history unfold before our eyes...
The Emotions of 9/11 As Seen By an Eyewitness Survivor"I returned to... the Bay Area in mid-October 2001. As the shock slowly wore off, I worked on a series of multi-media floral interpretations... As time goes on I continue to reflect on and process the events of 9/11 through a collection of art I call 'The Need To Remember.' I hope you find solace in its folds."
- Janette MacKinlay
Free. Donations to NYCCAN accepted.
For more info: David (916)372-8433
Sponsored by Sacramento Area Peace Action and Sacramento 9/11 Truth
Some of Janette's art pieces will be exhibited, and her book Fortunate - A Personal Diary of 9/11 will be available. This event is a fundraiser for NYCCAN - The New York City Coaltion For Accountability Now. NYCCAN is currently gathering signatures in New York City to place a referendum on the ballot in the November, 2009 General Election to mandate the formation of a new investigation into 9/11, one with subpoena power. Donations are needed to pay for more signature-gatherers. Janette's appeal for NYCCAN: NYCCAN's website:
Prior to Janette's presentation, Jenn Rogar will perform some of the songs from her debut album Place Called Humanity. Jenn sings "... powerfully passionate songs about peace, justice, and social change that are described as healing." - from
Jenn's songs will add a new dimension to this event. She's "a singer-songwriter / activist in the tradition of Joan Baez, U.Utah Phillips, Pete Seeger and Holly Near. Jenn purposefully writes songs to be a part of the renewed and growing Movement of those seeking to enhance and protect the fundamental rights of all living things." - From her website
This event is free, all donations to NYCCANm (New York City Coalition for Accountability Now). An autographed copy of Janette's important full-color book Fortunate - A Personal Diary of 9/11 will be given for a donation of $20.
Truth Action- San Francisco Thursday, June 11, 2009, 11 am
Powell and Market
Hallidie PlazaOrganizing details at-
Truth Action - San Jose Thursday, June 11, 2009, 4:30 pm
South Market StreetOpening Thursday of San Jose's Music in the Park series! This week, June 11: Sierra Leone's Refugee Allstars (world / reggae) Music runs from 5:30 to 9:15 so we'll have some time ahead to welcome the crowd to 9/11 truth! Organizing Details posted at-
Sacramento 9/11 Truth Action Thursday, June 11, 2009 from 4:30 to 6:00 PM
11th and "L" Streets, Sacramento, CA
(public sidewalk just north of State Capitol)Details at-
First California Concert by Vic Sadot Sunday, June 14, 2009, beginning at 2 pm
Henry Miller Memorial Library
Big SurVic Sadot and others will be performing, as part of the Second Sunday at Miller's Concert Series
Vic Sadot, now a Berkeley, CA based singer-songwriter,a singer-songwriter in the folk “roots & struggle” tradition of songwriters like Woody Guthrie, Pete Seeger, Phil Ochs, Tom Paxton, and Bob Dylan. His best known songs are Broadside Balladeer (a tribute to Phil Ochs), The Frog Jog, Ballad of Pat Tillman, The Fog Watch, Our Only Chesapeake, White Clay Creek, Are You A Citizen, Mad Cowboy Disease, Bourbon Street, Beer Muscles, Ballad of William Rodriguez, and especially lately, Cheney’s in the Bunker. Some of these songs have videos at YouTube made by Dean A. Banks or by Sadot himself. Vic's most famous fan is Cynthia McKinney, the 2008 Green Party Presidential candidate and 6 term Democratic Party Congresswoman from the state of Georgia. McKinney says, "Vic Sadot's music produces in me a wide range of reactions from awe to action to tears. Cheney's in the Bunker produces awe because every line of that song is power-packed with information that most people don't know because it was omitted from the 9/11 Commission's report... Not only have I found in Vic a new friend who understands my passion for what is right, I've found someone who knows how to artistically communicate the critical issues."
His website is Check out the new music videos of his songs.
Monday, June 15th, 2009 6:00 to 8:00 PM
Denny's restaurant, 925 - 3rd Street, Sacramento
(Corner of 3rd and "J" Streets)
In the Conference RoomThere is no charge for the use of Denny's Conference Room. However, it's understandable that Denny's asks that those who use the room purchase something from their menu (and a tip for the food-servers is appreciated).
For further information, call David Kimball at (916)372-8433, or e-mail Sacramento 9/11 Truth at or
"Condemnation without investigation is the height of ignorance." - Albert Einstein
At the meeting, we can discuss what's going on nationally, the Janette MacKinlay presentation, the progress of NYCCAN, tabling locally, and numerous additional topics related to "9/11." Some new DVD's and newspapers will be available at the meeting as well.
Northern California 9-11 Truth Alliance Meeting Thursday, June 18, 2009
at The Grand Lake Neighborhood Center
530 Lake Park Avenue, (between Lakeshore Avenue and Grand Avenue) in Oakland
7:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m.
From Hwy. 580 East (coming from the Bay Bridge or Berkeley), take the Grand Ave./Lakeshore exit (start getting over to the on your way past the Broadway-Webster exit - it's tricky - and move right again when approaching the next exit, Harrison/Oakland, but don't get in that exit lane). The exit ramp merges into MacArthur which intersects with Grand at the light. Make a left at the light onto Grand, make a right onto Lake Park Ave. (the Grand Lake Theater will be on the corner on your far right before you turn). Go about a block, past the BofA, which will be on your left, and the GLNC will also be on your left. Park on the street or turn right into free public parking under the freeway.From Hwy. 580 West (coming from Hayward), take the Lakeshore Ave. exit. When you exit at Lakshore Ave., you will be on Lake Park. Go straight at the light (you'll see a Busy Body Home Fitness store in front of you to the right), crossing Lakeshore Ave. The GLNC will be a few storefronts down on your right. Park on the street or turn left into free public parking under the freeway across from GLNC. If you cross Grand Ave. (and the theater) you've gone too far.
Buses (check schedules):
The 57 Macarthur, to Kaiser hospital, 40th and the Emeryville shopping district.
The NL, via Grand to downtown Oakland and San Francisco
San Francisco Truth Action Saturday, July 11, 2009
11 am
Powell and Market
Hallidie Plaza
www.truthaction.orgSACRAMENTO 9/11 TRUTH ACTION SATURDAY, July 11, 2009 (The 11th falls on a Saturday in July, so the July Sacramento 9/11 Truth Action will be held during the 2nd Saturday Art Walk in Midtown.) Time- approximately 6:00PM to 10:00PM
21st and "J" Streets, Sacramento, CaHelp raise consciousness, hand out informative fliers and newspapers, and hold up a sign for 9/11 Truth. Info: Dave (916)372-8433
5th Annual 9/11 Film Festival Organizing Committee Meeting
Sunday, 5:00 pm, July 12th 2009
Five Happiness (a good Chinese Restaurant)
4142 Geary Blvd, San Francisco (at 6th Avenue on the north side of Geary, next to Kentucky Fried Chicken)To join the committee- email We are still discussing the parameters which we hope to present to the larger group to vote on at next Thursday's meeting. We need to decide whether we will do a one day or two day event, which films... David Ray Griffin has already agreed to speak on September 10th. There are lots of decisions to make, and things to do, and what we can do will depend on whether we have enough people to do everything and pitch in. I posted a "Call for Entries" at, but I never publicized it because the group didn't ask me to or make any decisions on moving forward, and I lost heart (For multiple reasons, but primarily the suicide of someone I knew), until last week when David agreed to come and speak. If you would like to suggest ones that we don't know about or review films for the Festival, here are the titles of some that we are considering or that have been suggested-
Fabled Enemies, Our Own Private Bin Laden, Core of Corruption, The New American Century, 7/7 Ripple Effect, the latest 90 minute incarnation of Loose Change narrated by Daniel Sunjata, Anthrax War - Dead Silence, Kill the Messenger, The Elephant in the Room, Fool Me Twice, Ludicrous Diversion
Northern California 9/11 Truth Alliance Meeting Thursday July 16, 2009, 7-10 pm
1606 Bonita (near Cedar and Bonita) upstairs in the Fireside Room (not wheelchair accessible)
BerkeleyWe had to move out of our old location, hopefully this will work for the regulars and draw some new people. We will be planning, strategizing working on our upcoming Bay Area 9/11 Anniversary events, in support of the major effort currently taking place in New York- the New York City Coalition for Accountability Now- Ballot Initiative. We need a lot of help and volunteers.
The room is part of the Berkeley Fellowship of Unitarian Universalist complex that has held many outstanding social justice forums at Cedar and Bonita, located past the courtyard behind the main hall, up the stairs.
There are many buses (the 15 runs on MLKJr.) and on Shattuck. Get off near Cedar (Bonita runs parallel to Shattuck and MLKJr.) It is between the North Berkeley and Downtown Berkeley BART Stations- about a 12 to 15 minute flat easy walk from those stations.
Tri-City Documentary Series presents 9/11: Blueprint for Truth Saturday, July 18th at 1:30 pm
Fremont Main Library
2400 Stevenson Blvd at Paseo Padre, Fremont
Admission Free
Part of a series of documentary films organized by www.TriCityPerspectives.orgSan Francisco Bay Area architect, Richard Gage, AIA, founder of makes powerful use of video footage to provide the myth-shattering, scientific forensic evidence of the explosive controlled demolition of all three WTC high-rise buildings on September 11, 2001.
"Exposes the "official" story.... highly recommended to all who seek facts and careful analysis of what really happened that day." Dr. Steven E. Jones, Physicist.
Discussion following the film will be led by Kamal Obeid, Structural Engineer, member of Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth.
SACRAMENTO 9/11 TRUTH meeting Monday, July 20, 2009, at 6pm.
Denny's restaurant, 925 - 3rd Street, Sacramento
(Corner of 3rd and "J" Streets)In the Conference Room The monthly meetings of Sacramento 9/11 Truth are open to the public.
There is no charge for the use of Denny's Conference Room. However, it's understandable that Denny's asks that those who use the room purchase something from their menu (and a tip for the food-servers is appreciated).
For further information, call David Kimball at (916)372-8433, or e-mail Sacramento 9/11 Truth at or
The Money Fix: Film Screening and Discussion Thursday, July 23rd, 7-9:30pm
La Pena Cultural Center
3105 Shattuck Ave, BerkeleyThe Money Fix, takes a deep, hard look at money, and how it could be reinvented. An exciting evening of stimulating film and discussion about the problems with the current centralized monetary system and new currency solutions proposed in the Bay Area and beyond. Sponsored by the Open Money Foundation, Bay Area Community Exchange, and Sovereign Carbon Community Bank.
Money is at the intersection of nearly every aspect of modern life. Most of us take the monetary system for granted, but it has a profound and largely misunderstood influence on our lives. THE MONEY FIX is a feature-length documentary exploring our society’s relationship with the almighty dollar. THE MONEY FIX examines economic patterning in both the human and the natural worlds, and through this lens we learn how we can empower ourselves by redesigning the lifeblood of the economy at the community level. The film documents three types of alternative money systems, all of which help solve economic problems for the communities in which they operate. This film will utterly transform the way you perceive money and economics.
Northern California 9/11 Truth Alliance Meeting Thursday, August 6, 2009 7:30 -10 pm
The Ecology Center
2530 San Pablo Avenue (@ Blake Street)
Berkeley, CA 94702This will be our first meeting at this location, which is not easy to get to via BART. Our San Francisco meetings have been canceled and moved to Berkeley by popular demand. The main purpose of this meeting is planning for our September events- including the 5th Annual 9/11 Film Festival on September 9th & 10th and the 8th Annual 9/11 Truth Mrach/Rally to the Power to the Peaceful Festival on Saturday, September 12th. Our upcoming Bay Area 9/11 Anniversary events, in support of the major effort currently taking place in New York- the New York City Coalition for Accountability Now- Ballot Initiative (and Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth, and NC 9/11 Truth Alliance. We need a lot of help and volunteers.
San Francisco Truth Action Powell and Market
Tuesday, August 11, 2009, 11 am
Hallidie Plaza
San FranciscoSacramento Truth Action Tuesday, August 11, 2009, 4:30PM to 6:00PM
16th and "J" Streets, SacramentoThe 11th falls on a Tuesday in August, so the August Sacramento 9/11 Truth Action will be held during the Sacramento Area Peace Action Weekly Vigil in Midtown. (See:
Help raise consciousness, hand out informative fliers and newspapers, and hold up a sign for 9/11 Truth.San Francisco Truth Action Tuesday, August 11, 2009, 11 am
Powell and Market
Hallidie PlazaThis is the regular monthly action-
SACRAMENTO 9/11 TRUTH MEETING Monday, August 17th, 2009 6:00 to 8:00 PM
Denny's restaurant, 925 - 3rd Street, Sacramento
(Corner of 3rd and "J" Streets)
In the Conference RoomThere is no charge for the use of Denny's Conference Room. However, it's understandable that Denny's asks that those who use the room purchase something from their menu (and a tip for the food-servers is appreciated).
For further information, call David Kimball at (916)372-8433, or e-mail Sacramento 9/11 Truth at or
Northern California 9/11 Truth Alliance Meeting Thursday, August 20, 2009 7-10 pm
1606 Bonita (near Cedar and Bonita) upstairs in the Fireside Room (not wheelchair accessible)
BerkeleyWe had to move out of our old location, at our last meeting 33 people came. We will be planning, strategizing working on our upcoming Bay Area 9/11 Anniversary events, in support of the major effort currently taking place in New York- the New York City Coalition for Accountability Now- Ballot Initiative. We need a lot of help and volunteers.
The room is part of the Berkeley Fellowship of Unitarian Universalist complex that has held many outstanding social justice forums at Cedar and Bonita, located past the courtyard behind the main hall, up the stairs.
There are many buses (the 15 runs on MLKJr.) and on Shattuck. Get off near Cedar (Bonita runs parallel to Shattuck and MLKJr.) It is between the North Berkeley and Downtown Berkeley BART Stations- about a 12 to 15 minute flat easy walk from those stations.
Northern California 9/11 Truth Alliance Meeting Thursday, September 3, 2009, 7:00 pm - 10:00 pm
1606 Bonita (near Cedar and Bonita) upstairs in the Fireside Room (not wheelchair accessible)
BerkeleyWe had to move out of our old location. We will be planning, strategizing working on our upcoming Bay Area 9/11 Anniversary events. We need a lot of help and volunteers.
The room is part of the Berkeley Fellowship of Unitarian Universalist complex that has held many outstanding social justice forums at Cedar and Bonita, located past the courtyard behind the main hall, up the stairs.
There are many buses (the 15 runs on MLKJr.) and on Shattuck. Get off near Cedar (Bonita runs parallel to Shattuck and MLKJr.) It is between the North Berkeley and Downtown Berkeley BART Stations- about a 12 to 15 minute flat easy walk from those stations.
9/11: Blueprint for Truth – The Architecture of Destruction with Richard Gage, AIA Tue, Sep 8, 2009
Commonwealth Club
595 Market St., #2, San FranciscoRichard Gage, AIA, is the founding member of He has been a practicing architect for over 20 years and has worked on most types of building construction including numerous fire-proofed steel-framed buildings and construction administration services for a new $120 million high school campus including a $10 million steel-framed gymnasium. Most recently he worked on construction documents of a very large $400 M urban project with 1.2 million square feet of retail and 320,000 square feet of mid-rise office space — altogether about 1,200 tons of steel framing. He has been honing his presentation in venues across the US, Canada and Europe.
5th Annual 9/11 Film Festival Wednesday, September 9, 2009, 6:15 pm- 11 pm
Grand Lake Theater
3200 Grand Ave., Oakland(This will be an exciting evening! We will be premiering Loose Change 9/11: An American Coup with film maker Dylan Avery, MC'ed by Bonnie Faulkner, producer of KPFA's Guns and Butter radio show, with many special guests, and a bonus film. This will be a benefit for Northern California 9/11 Truth Alliance, Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth, and NYC Coalition for Accountability Now.
Wednesday Evening, 9.9.09
6:00- - Music begins with Vic Sadot and Jeremy Goodfeather
6:15- - Welcome Bonnie Faulkner
6:20- 7:00- - Film: Metal of Honor by Rachel Maguire (27 minute excerpt) Introduction and follow-up by Mike Daly.
7:00- 7:01- - Richard Gage intro to Trailer to Blueprint for 9/11 Truth by Ken Jenkins for Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth
7:01- 7:11- - Trailer to Blueprint for 9/11 Truth (10 minutes) by Ken Jenkins for Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth
7:11- 7:20- - Richard Gage AE911Truth: Challenges & Updates (10 minutes)
7:20- 7:30- - David Ray Griffin on Osama bin Laden- Dead or Alive? (10 minutes)
7:30- 7:42- - Bonnie Faulkner, NYCCAN update with Janette MacKinlay
7:42- 7:45- - Dylan Avery introduces his new film
7:45- 9:20- - Loose Change 9/11: An American Coup by Dylan Avery (95 minutes)
9:20- 9:50- - Q & A with Dylan Avery or Korey Rowe (30 minutes)
9:50- 10:49- - Film: 7/7: Ripple Effect by Muad Dib ("British Loose Change"- DVD maker in jail for sending it to jury/judge/victim’s families) (57 minutes)
10:49- 10:59- - Speaker- Carol Brouillet (10 minutes)
The 2009 5th Annual 9/11 Film Festival will be held Wednesday and Thursday, September 9th & 10th, 2009 Tickets are $10 for each day are now available. They may be purchased at locations in the Bay Area:
at the Grand Lake Theater
3200 Grand Avenue, OaklandIn Oakland:
Details on Films, Speakers, Supporting Organizations posted at-
Grand Lake Theater, 3200 Grand Avenue, Oakland, Tel. (510) 452-3556Pendragon Books, 5560 College Avenue, Oakland, Tel.(510) 652-6259
In Berkeley:
Pegasus Books, 1855 Solano Avenue, Berkeley, Tel. (510) 525-6888Pegasus Books Downtown, 2349 Shattuck Avenue, Berkeley, Tel. (510) 649-1320
In San Francisco:
City Lights Bookstore, 261 Columbus Avenue at Broadway, San Francisco, Tel. (415) 362-8193Modern Times Bookstore, 888 Valencia Street, San Francisco, Tel. (415) 282-9246
Endgame: Blueprint For Global Enslavement Film Showing in Santa Cruz Wednesday, 9/9/09, at 7 pm
Quaker Friends Meeting House
225 Rooney St.
Near the Morrissey Blvd Exit off Hwy 1 in Santa CruzSanta Cruz Freedom Forum will be showing segments of 'ENDGAME', a movie by Alex Jones that traces the history of the so-called 'elites' rise to power. This is essental viewing for those who want to understand this century and the challenges ahead. To fortify you with the eternal and timely principles of correct government, Lesson 1 of 'A Study Course on American Government and the US Constitution' and 'The Link' will also be shown.
If you would like a flier to post for this event please email for a pdf (adobe acrobat) document.
5th Annual 9/11 Film Festival Thursday, September 10, 2009, noon- 10 pm
Grand Lake Theater
3200 Grand Ave., Oakland(This will be an exciting day and evening with many films and speakers! We will be premiering Anthrax War - Dead Silence with film maker/author Eric Nadler and The New American Century plus other films, speakers, comedy (including the great Swami Beyondananda and music. MC'ed by Bonnie Faulkner, producer of KPFA's Guns and Butter radio show, our evening keynote speaker will be David Ray Griffin speaking about his latest book on the NIST Report on WTC 7. This will be a benefit for Northern California 9/11 Truth Alliance, Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth, and NYC Coalition for Accountability Now.)
Thursday, 9.10.09 Noon-
Welcome Intro- Noon-
12:10- 1:54- - Film: Fabled Enemies by Jason Bermas (102 minutes)
Thursday Evening, 9.10.09-1:54- 2:04- - Speaker- Ken Jenkins (10 minutes)
2:05- 2:59- - Film- Kill the Messenger by French filmmakers- Mathieu Verboud and Jean R. Viallett (52 minutes)
2:59- 3:09- - Speaker- Mickey Huff (10 minutes)
3:09- 4:45- - Film- The New American Century by Italian filmmaker- Massimo Mazzucco (94 minutes)
4:45- 4:55- - Speaker Dr. Paul Rea (10 minutes)
4:55- 5:06- - Short Film - Star Wars and False Flag Terrorism (See- (10:13 minutes)
5:06- 5:30- - Swami Beyondananda (24 minutes)
5:30- 5:45- - Live Music by Vic Sadot and Jeremy Goodfeather
5:45 - 5:50- - Evening welcome with Bonnie Faulkner, intro to the film Anthrax War - Dead Silence by Eric Nadler
5:50 – 7:18- - Film: Anthrax War by Bob Coen and Eric Nadler (86 minutes)
7:18- 7:40- - Speaker- Eric Nadler
7:40 - 8:00- - Speaker- Peter Phillips
8:00- 9:00- - Speaker- David Ray Griffin - on NIST’s WTC7 Report
9:00- 9:30- - Q & A with David Ray Griffin
9:30- 9:40- - Actions- What we can do (action groups- how to get involved)
9:40- 10:00- - Inspiring 9/11 Truth music videos
The 2009 5th Annual 9/11 Film Festival will be held Wednesday and Thursday, September 9th & 10th, 2009 Tickets are $10 for each day are now available. They may be purchased at locations in the Bay Area:
at the Grand Lake Theater
3200 Grand Avenue, OaklandIn Oakland:
Details on Films, Speakers, Supporting Organizations posted at-
Grand Lake Theater, 3200 Grand Avenue, Oakland, Tel. (510) 452-3556Pendragon Books, 5560 College Avenue, Oakland, Tel.(510) 652-6259
In Berkeley:
Pegasus Books, 1855 Solano Avenue, Berkeley, Tel. (510) 525-6888Pegasus Books Downtown, 2349 Shattuck Avenue, Berkeley, Tel. (510) 649-1320
In San Francisco:
City Lights Bookstore, 261 Columbus Avenue at Broadway, San Francisco, Tel. (415) 362-8193Modern Times Bookstore, 888 Valencia Street, San Francisco, Tel. (415) 282-9246
9/11 Anniversary Freeway Blogging Friday, September 11, 2009, 7:00 a.m.
I-80 Overpass South of University in Berkeley
Addison St., BerkeleyTo reach as many people as possible on the anniversary of 9/11, we will be holding a massive blogging campaign spanning over (at least) 3 consecutive overpasses on the I-80. More details to be announced. See- for details.
All Day Muir Woods National Monument Parking Lot Day of Truth! Friday,September 11 2009, 8 am - 5 pm
at the entrance to Muir WoodsCheck out the Muir Woods website for advice on how to get there, and the challenge of parking there. (Google "Muir Woods National Monument" for directions.)
It's not really easy to find on a Google Map and this is the best description of the action loaction by the organizer: "Muir Woods main front parking lot at the south end of the northernmost parking lot near the visitor center, where nearly everyone on foot must pass.
Information tables under NPS permit in a 20 x 40 foot area just north of the restrooms.
San Francisco 9/11 Truth Action Friday, September 11, 2009, 11 am
Powell and Market Streets
Halliday Plaza, San FranciscoSACRAMENTO 9/11 TRUTH ACTION FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 11, 2009, 4:30PM to 6:00PM
11th and "L" Streets, Sacramento, CA
(public sidewalk just north of the State Capitol)See:
Help raise consciousness, hand out fliers and The Rock Creek Free Press, and hold up a sign for 9/11 Truth.
Info: Dave (916)372-8433
Film Screening: Core of Corruption - In the Shadows "With Ken Jenkins - Hosted by Lori Grace" Friday, September 11 at 7:00 pm - 10 pm Sunrise Center
645 Tamalpais Dr # A
Corte Madera
Tel. 415.924.7824Were We Told the Truth About 9/11?
Watch the Trailer (YouTube)
Core of Corruption: In the Shadows is a documentary film series which details a comprehensive investigation into clandestine intelligence operations and conspiracies. The project is surfacing exclusive whistle blowers, insiders and critical evidence for the very first time.
Over 2,000 hours of credible network news clips have been surfaced for this ground breaking event, most of which have never been seen since they aired and have never been available on the internet. Some of the video news segments for this project, when requested from the networks, were denied access to and corporate representatives would say that the information sought does not exist or has been misplaced.
Someone doesn’t want the public to see these stories, that when put together, establish a conspiracy of the magnitude that could change the way one views the world. Countless millions of people are being manipulated and lied to by a network of individuals within government that work on behalf of private interests. The individuals were involved in the terrorist attacks of September 11th. Many of those same figures are are connected to historical events that have shaped our understanding of government crime. For instance, the Iran Contra affair involved many figures that showed up in the 9/11 attacks.
For more information about the film, visit
This evening is co-sponsored by Sunrise Center, Northern California 9/11 Truth Alliance and Marin Film Group for 9/11 Truth
For more information about this evening visit
11th Annual Power to the Peaceful Festival
8th Annual 9/11 Truth Rally/March from the Panhandle through Golden Gate Park to the 11th Annual Power to the Peaceful Festival
Saturday, September 12, 2009Speedway Meadows
Golden Gate Park
Following the attacks of September 11th, the first "9/11 Truth Rally and March" took place in the Panhandle, marching up Haight Street and through Golden Gate Park to the 911 Power to the Peaceful Concert-
Our rally begins at 10:00 am @ the Panhandle (between Oak and Fell at Ashbury)
11:00 am we begin our march up Ashbury to Haight, through Golden Gate Park to Speedway Meadows and to the Festival which lasts until 5:00 pm.To endorse, speak, volunteer- Contact Carol Brouillet @ 650-857-0927. Our special focus this year will be to support the New York City Ballot Initiative (NYC Coalition for Accountability Now) for a New Investigation of 9/11. We welcome all who are for 9/11 Truth, Peace, an End to War, Repeal of the Patriot Act, Military Commissions Act. Bring banners, signs, costumes, musical instruments, your humor, energy, messages. The Northern California 9/11 Truth Alliance will have a booth at the Concert and pass out literature to the thousands who come to the concert and support peace.
This year's 8th Annual 9/11 Truth Rally/March Website
(Here's the report on last year's 7th Annual 9-11 Truth Rally/March.)
Northern California 9/11 Truth Alliance Meeting Thursday, September 17, 2009, 7:00 pm - 10:00 pm
1606 Bonita (near Cedar and Bonita) upstairs in the Fireside Room (not wheelchair accessible)
BerkeleyWe had to move out of our old location.
The room is part of the Berkeley Fellowship of Unitarian Universalist complex that has held many outstanding social justice forums at Cedar and Bonita, located past the courtyard behind the main hall, up the stairs.
There are many buses (the 15 runs on MLKJr.) and on Shattuck. Get off near Cedar (Bonita runs parallel to Shattuck and MLKJr.) It is between the North Berkeley and Downtown Berkeley BART Stations- about a 12 to 15 minute flat easy walk from those stations.
Petaluma Progressive Festival Sunday, September 20th, 2009, noon to 5 pm
Walnut Park, Petaluma
Speakers, music, booths, the SF Mime Troupe will perform. Northern California 9/11 Truth Alliance will have a booth. Schedule, directions, details at-
SACRAMENTO 9/11 TRUTH MEETING Monday, September 21st, 2009 6:00 to 8:00 PM
Denny's restaurant, 925 - 3rd Street, Sacramento
(Corner of 3rd and "J" Streets)
In the Conference RoomThere is no charge for the use of Denny's Conference Room. However, it's understandable that Denny's asks that those who use the room purchase something from their menu (and a tip for the food-servers is appreciated).
For further information, call David Kimball at (916)372-8433, or e-mail Sacramento 9/11 Truth at or
Northern California 9/11 Truth Alliance Meeting Thursday, October 1, 2009, 7:00 pm - 10:00 pm
1606 Bonita (near Cedar and Bonita) upstairs in the Fireside Room (not wheelchair accessible)
BerkeleyWe had to move out of our old location.
The room is part of the Berkeley Fellowship of Unitarian Universalist complex that has held many outstanding social justice forums at Cedar and Bonita, located past the courtyard behind the main hall, up the stairs.
There are many buses (the 15 runs on MLKJr.) and on Shattuck. Get off near Cedar (Bonita runs parallel to Shattuck and MLKJr.) It is between the North Berkeley and Downtown Berkeley BART Stations- about a 12 to 15 minute flat easy walk from those stations.
2009 9th Annual Teachers 4 Social Justice Conference
"Teaching for Social Justice: Foundations for Change"Saturday, October 10th, 2009 - 9am-5pm
Mission High School
THIS CONFERENCE IS FREE and open to the public!
Please register online at their website, which includes more details.Northern California 9/11 Truth Alliance has tabled at these conferences before and will table again this year.
San Francisco Truth Actions Sunday, October 11, 2009, 11am
Powell and Market
Hallidie Plaza, San FranciscoSee- for details.
Anti-Blue Death & 9/11 Inside Job Protest
Sunday, October 11, 2009, 2:00 PM - 4:00 PM
California at Hyde Street, San Francisco
(by Cala Supermarket, near St. Francis Hospital) Any bus on Van Ness or Polk Street to California, walk or take California St Cable Car to Hyde, 4 blocks east of Van Ness.More details posted at-
UNION SQUARE: PROTEST OBAMA! Awarding this pro-war, pro-torture president with the newly-created, George Orwell "War is Peace" Prize.
4 PM- Union Square at Powell near Geary. 4:30 PM - Powell Street, between Geary & Post, in front of the St. Francis Hotel
4:30 - 6:30 P.M. -- RALLYGather at Union Square across from the St Francis Hotel
355 Powell St.
(Three blocks form Powell St. BART/MUNI )World Can't Wait and many other anti-war & anti-torture activists as we protest Obama's rebranding of the Bush/Cheney program of endless war, preventive detention, and legalized torture.
Additionally, many other groups (such as those organized around single-payer healthcare) will no doubt make their presence felt.
World Can't Wait will wheel out the 10-ft Obaminator, wearing his newly-minted "War is Peace" Prize medallion flanked by the super-pickets declaring: "U.S. Out Of Iraq & Afghanistan," accompanied by a cursory list of Obama's "accomplishments" that include:Escalation in Afghanistan
President Obama will be speaking at a major fundraiser inside the St. Francis Hotel, Union Square. Join the Committee in Solidarity with the People of El Salvador (CISPES), Bay Area Latin America Solidarity Coalition, Single Payer Now, the ANSWER Coalition and many other organizations. Among the themes of the demonstration are:
Continuation in Iraq
Bombing in Pakistan
Suppressing the Torture Photos and
Refusing Prosecution of War Criminals
Healthcare Not Warfare! Money for People's Needs, Not the Pentagon!
ACTUAL OBAMA DINNER INVITATION: (In case you want to do something from the inside)
End the Occupations of Afghanistan, Iraq, Palestine and Haiti!
U.S. Out of Latin America - Restore President Zelaya in Honduras!
Overturn NAFTA and CAFTA!
Please join us for a very exciting evening with President Barack ObamaPresident Obama will be visiting San Francisco for the first time since his historic election,
this very special event is in support of Organizing for America and the Democratic National Committee.THURSDAY, OCTOBER 15, 2009
5:00 PM
Westin St. Francis Hotel, San Francisco
Please forward to anyone you know who would appreciate this opportunity, space is limited.
$1000 VIP Ticket (seated)
$500 General Ticket (standing)
Please click to rsvp. California 9/11 Truth Alliance Meeting Thursday, October 15, 2009, 7:00 pm - 10:00 pm
1606 Bonita (near Cedar and Bonita) upstairs in the Fireside Room (not wheelchair accessible)
BerkeleyWe had to move out of our old location.
The room is part of the Berkeley Fellowship of Unitarian Universalist complex that has held many outstanding social justice forums at Cedar and Bonita, located past the courtyard behind the main hall, up the stairs.
There are many buses (the 15 runs on MLKJr.) and on Shattuck. Get off near Cedar (Bonita runs parallel to Shattuck and MLKJr.) It is between the North Berkeley and Downtown Berkeley BART Stations- about a 12 to 15 minute flat easy walk from those stations.
San Francisco Anti-War Rally
Saturday October 17, 2009
11 AM - Assemble at UN Plaza, SF (Market Street, between 7th and 8th Streets)
12 Noon - March begins:
1 PM - 2 PM - Rally at UN Plaza(The Forgotten 9/11) Film Screening: The Judge and the General Saturday October 17, 1:30pm
Fremont Main Library
2400 Stevenson Blvd., Fremont510-745-1400
The Tri-City Documentary Series continues with The Judge and the General:
Our usual discussion following the film will be led by Andres Cediel, co-producer of the film. A graduate of UC Berkeley Graduate School of Journalism, Cediel is a filmmaker and journalist, currently producing documentaries for Frontline/World.As everyone with much knowledge of Latin American history knows, the September 11th, 1973 military coup in Chile sent reverberations throughout the hemisphere. Abetted by the CIA, the IMF, and Nixon administration, Gen. Augusto Pinochet seized power, killing elected socialist President Salvador Allende in the royal palace. Sixteen horrific years later, sensing the waning of their brutal military rule, Gen. Pinochet and his cronies negotiated a transition to civilian government intended to guarantee them a heavy hand in succeeding governments — and immunity from prosecution.
The Judge and the General is a profile of inspirational courage, the unusual story of the man who challenged that immunity and literally unearthed evidence of the "disappeared." Juan Guzman, a modest, conservative judge who had long been a Pinochet supporter, was also an idealist with a commitment to justice, however delayed. His fortitude in finding out the truth about the Pinochet regime — including his own blindness to that truth — has unleashed a whirlwind of repressed emotions in Chile and written a new chapter in human rights law.
This event is a collaboration with P.O.V., the PBS award-winning nonfiction film series.
Admission free
Wheelchair accessibleMore Details at:
SACRAMENTO 9/11 TRUTH MEETING Monday, October 19, 2009, 6:00 to 8:00 PM
Denny's restaurant, 925 - 3rd Street, Sacramento
(Corner of 3rd and "J" Streets)
In the Conference RoomThe monthly meetings of Sacramento 9/11 Truth are open to the public. There is no charge for the use of Denny's Conference Room. However, it's understandable that Denny's asks that those who use the room purchase something from their menu (and a tip for the food-servers is appreciated).
For further information, call David Kimball at (916)372-8433, or e-mail Sacramento 9/11 Truth at or A HREF="">
RICHARD GAGE, AIA- 9/11: Blueprint for Truth, The Architecture of Destruction--- This Event Has Been Postponed!!!! Thursday, October 22, 2009
Catered dinner at 6:30 PM, presentation at 7 PM
Aerospace Museum of California
3200 Freedom Park Dr. [formerly “E” St., this location is 1 & 1/2 blocks west of Watt Ave., on the old airbase]
McClellan, CA 95652Map:
This event is open to the public. Tickets, paid at the door: Students $15, AIAA Members $20, Non-AIAA members $25
RSVP’s are highly recommended: Michael.Remington@gmail.comRICHARD GAGE, AIA- 9/11: Blueprint for Truth, The Architecture of Destruction
Re-examining the Destruction of the 3 World Trade Center High-RisesThere will be door prizes.
For more information: 916-643-3192Hosted by the Sacramento Chapter of the American Institute of Astronautics and Aeronautics
“This will be... the first time the evidence of controlled demolition at the World Trade Center will be presented to an audience of aerospace professionals.”
- ae911truth.orgThe Economics of Peace- Transforming Money - Rebuilding Community - Redefining Wealth October 18-23, 2009
Sonoma, California
In the midst of economic collapse, we are compelled to seek wiser systems of commerce and more equitable economic relationships. While it is imperative that we understand the history of our economic structures and what went wrong, it is equally important that we experience the outstanding examples of collaborative business practices that are changing the economic landscape today. Examples include cooperative businesses, complementary currencies, green business, green jobs, slow money, slow food, living wage initiatives, social finance, credit unions, BALLE (Business Alliance for Local Living Economies), and more.
The challenge before us is to align the efforts and energies of the millions of individuals, businesses, and organizations that are working to transform our failing economy. "The Economics of Peace" Conference will provide a space for such independent networks and organizaions to form deeper levels of collaboration and to begin describing the next economic paradigm. In essence, it will be a place for the imaginal cells of a movement to begin transforming economic relationships to better serve people and planet. What would economic relationships look like if fear and scarcity were replaced with collaboration and generosity? If poverty were eradicated? If everyone had meaningful employment? Co-sponsors: YES! Magazine, E.F. Schumacher Society, Berrett-Koehler Publishers, Mother Jones Magazine, Sonoma Community Center, Sonoma County GoLocal Cooperative, and others.
Details posted at
West Fest October 25, 2009, 9 am to 6 pm
Speedway Meadows, Golden Gate Park, San FranciscoCelebrating the 40th Anniversary of Woodstock. Program, details at-
Northern California 9/11 Truth Alliance will have a booth at the Festival.Screening of Rethink Afghanistan Tuesday, October 27, 7:00 PM
Mt. Diablo Peace & Justice Center
55 Eckley Lane, Walnut CreekRethink Afghanistan- Highly Recommended!
Civilians continue to be killed by American and coalition forces as the war in Afghanistan stretches into its eighth year with no end in sight. The civilian casualties have gone from the realm of tragedy and have now become frequent enough to turn the population against the United States in a war President Obama and congressional Democrats have escalated over the last several months.
Rethink Afghanistan is a ground-breaking, full-length documentary focusing on the key issues surrounding the war in Afghanistan. The film, produced by Robert Greenwald of Brave New Films, looks at what military escalation will achieve in Afghanistan, how the war could further destabilize a nuclear-armed Pakistan, and the staggering costs of the war, which could easily exceed $1 trillion.
See- for more details.
Free (donations accepted); free popcorn; wheelchair accessible
909 - 12th Street
Sacramento, CA 95814Featured Film- Anthrax War
Anthrax War takes viewers into the bio-defense labs of the United States and the U.S. military's testing grounds in the deserts of the American southwest. The filmmakers travel to a top-secret military installation of the former Soviet Union where anthrax "escaped" thirty years ago, where civilians are still living with the consequences, and where biological weapons work may be continuing. They move on to the savannas of southern Africa, where they meet "Doctor Death" and his associates of the notorious Project Coast who experimented with anthrax and other designer germs during the Apartheid Era, and where the anthrax used in the 2001 attacks may have originated.
More Details at-
Admission is free, donations appreciated.
Info: Sacramento Area Peace Action E-mail:
Telephone: (916)448-7157Northern California 9/11 Truth Alliance Meeting Thursday, November 5, 2009, 7:00 pm - 10:00 pm
1606 Bonita (near Cedar and Bonita) upstairs in the Fireside Room (not wheelchair accessible)
BerkeleyWe had to move out of our old location.
The room is part of the Berkeley Fellowship of Unitarian Universalist complex that has held many outstanding social justice forums at Cedar and Bonita, located past the courtyard behind the main hall, up the stairs.
There are many buses (the 15 runs on MLKJr.) and on Shattuck. Get off near Cedar (Bonita runs parallel to Shattuck and MLKJr.) It is between the North Berkeley and Downtown Berkeley BART Stations- about a 12 to 15 minute flat easy walk from those stations.
Author Andy Worthington premieres his new film, "Outside the Law: Stories from Guantanamo"
Tuesday, November 10, 2009 7 pm
North Berkeley Senior Center
1901 Hearst Avenue (at Martin Luther King Jr. Way)
Berkeley, CASponsored by World Can't Wait
Suggested donation $109/11 Truth Actions - San Francisco November 11, 2009 11 am - Hallidie Plaza, (Powell and Market)
In solidarity with international actions-
Solutions Conference Saturday, November 14, 2009
9:00 am- 9:00 pm
City Council Chamber (2nd Floor)
50 Santa Rosa Ave., Santa Rosa
(Free Parking at 1st & D St.)bring your own lunch.
Donations- $20.20. More details/flyers contact- or telephone- 707-396-8215.Here is a list of the speakers/topics/itinerary-
9am -WELCOME -Honorary Co-Chairs Bill Pisenti, (Godfather of Sonoma County is 92); & Maxine Andersoll - -Government overregulation & abuse
9:11 -Jeff Koors -Foreclosure: Ways to deal with issues & save your home
9:30 -Ted Gunderson -My top 15 investigations of murd~rs & other cover-up cases.
10:00 -Dr. Mark Millar -The natural cure for mental & neurological illnesses
10:15 -John Dennis -"End the Fed" (Federal Reserve) before It ends America (He's running against U.S. Rep. Nancy Pelosi in 2010.)
10:45 -Break
10:55 -John Jenkel -Without due process, my horse farm sold to my crooked neighbor by a crooked judge for less than 10% of value
11 :11 -John DeCamp & Peter Tscherneff -Bohemian Grove's worst crimes against children exposed by child victims
12:15 -Lunch (Bring your lunch with you) Bob Hope -He entertains us from the grave, as Mel Laney. He says, "I'm the only man in the world who looks like Bob Hopei" He has won several awards impersonating Hope.
12:30 -Orlean Koehle -How to stop the unconstitutional economic & political merger of America, Canada & Mexico.
1:00 -Ted Gunderson -Let's expose the so-called USA PATRIOT ACT subverting 5 ofthe 10 Bill of Rights & other...
1:45 -Carol l Brouillet -Controlled Demolitions of: The World Trade Center's buildings & the economy
2:15 -Mike Marino -Post 9/11 realities
2:30 -Peter Phillips, Ph.D. -Project Censored: Why we need it more now than ever before.
2:55 -Dr. Edward Spencer -Who is depopulating America's middle class & why?
3:15 -Break
3:33 -Ted Gunderson -ConspiraCies & divine intervention.
4:15 -Doug Millar -Violent crimes against children , Satanism, & mind control
4:30 -Jerry Denham -How to stop police. district attorneys' & judges' abuse & violations of our constitutional rights!
5:00 -Peter Tacherneff & Ted Gundoraon - MInd control survivors revelations.,br> 5:30 -Dinner -Dr. Mel Laney -Entertains with his many pearls of wisdom.
6:00 -Miguel Garcia -Sovereignty
6:15 -Roy Lamoreux -Do you know how to legally nullify a trial. while on the jury?
6:30 -Jeff Koors -Let's create common law grand juries, nationwide
6:45 -Capt. Phil Graf - The Second Amendment- the Preservation of the Right to Keep & Bear Arms
7:06 -Gary Hunt -How to petition Congress with a 'redress of grievances,'
8:45 -AdjournNorthern California 9/11 Truth Alliance Meeting Thursday, November 19, 2009, 7:00 pm - 10:00 pm
1606 Bonita (near Cedar and Bonita) upstairs in the Fireside Room (not wheelchair accessible)
BerkeleyWe had to move out of our old location.
The room is part of the Berkeley Fellowship of Unitarian Universalist complex that has held many outstanding social justice forums at Cedar and Bonita, located past the courtyard behind the main hall, up the stairs.
There are many buses (the 15 runs on MLKJr.) and on Shattuck. Get off near Cedar (Bonita runs parallel to Shattuck and MLKJr.) It is between the North Berkeley and Downtown Berkeley BART Stations- about a 12 to 15 minute flat easy walk from those stations.
The Hard Evidence Tour Down Under 2009 November 14- Nov 21 @ Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Wellington - Australia & New Zealand!
Richard Gage, AIA, Steven Jones, Structural Engineer Paul Mason, Chemist Dr. Frank Legge and Dr. David Leifer...Plus our own Cosmos and Ken Jenkins. Details posted at-
End the Fed Rally in San Francisco Sunday, November 22, 2009, 9 am - 6 pm
Two major actions-
Jun Dan is organizing a benner hanging at the pedestrian/bicycle overpass (aka the Freedom Overpass) over the I-80 freeway off the University exit in Berkeley, Calfornia that leads to the Berkeley Marina from 9am to 6pm
10:00 AM Rally at: Ferry Building, then onto:
11:00 AM Rally at the Federal Reserve Building
101 Market St, San Francisco
Then, we move to Hallidie Plaza, at Powell and Market, so some of us can do some outreach to the people taking cable cars and on vacationLocal Details posted at-
World March for Peace December 2, 2009
San FranciscoThe international World March Team arrives in the United States on Monday, November 30 — 35 countries, 4 continents and 60 days after setting out from New Zealand. Now it's our turn to express ourselves and take a stand: for the abolition of nuclear weapons, for an end to war as a means of resolving conflict, and for a new global consciousness based on nonviolence & the rejection of all forms of violence.
San Francisco/Bay Area:
12 PM: March to downtown San Rafael
1 PM: “Cable Car” tour including stops/visits to: Golden Gate Bridge; UN Plaza; News Media outlets; Gandhi Statue; MLK memorial at Yerba Buena Gardens
3:15pm Gathering at The UN Plaza/Market Street.
3:45pm March to City Hall
4:00pm Imagine Singalong on the steps of City Hall
4:15pm Reception with City Supervisors
6:30 PM: Reception and Celebration at the Unitarian Church, (at Franklin & Geary) San FranciscoSacramento/Davis:
12pm-1:30pm: Celebrating the arrival of the World March team in California with a Lunch-hour March around Capitol Bldg in Sacramento; speakers, poetry slam and street theater with students from Woodland High and other local schoolsMore Details at:
SF flyer:
This is also an action for the SF Truth Action Group- See: Protest Against the Escalation of War in Afghanistan Wednesday, December 2, @ 5 pm
San Francisco at Powell and Market StreetsDay After" protests against President Obama's planned Dec. 1 speech announcing a massive escalation of the war against the people of Afghanistan have been called by virtually every antiwar group in the U.S.
The National Assembly to End the Iraq and Afghanistan Wars and Occupations will be joining with all those who oppose the U.S. war in Afghanistan.
Join us to demand "Stop the War in Afghanistan! Bring the Troops Home Now! Trillions for Jobs, Education, Pensions, Housing and Health Care -- Not For Wars, Occupations and Corporate Bailouts!"
THe Northern California 9/11 Truth Alliance has endorsed the protest and will be there with banners and signs.
Northern California 9/11 Truth Alliance Meeting Thursday, December 3, 2009, 7:00 pm - 10:00 pm
1606 Bonita (near Cedar and Bonita) upstairs in the Fireside Room (not wheelchair accessible)
BerkeleyWe had to move out of our old location.
The room is part of the Berkeley Fellowship of Unitarian Universalist complex that has held many outstanding social justice forums at Cedar and Bonita, located past the courtyard behind the main hall, up the stairs.
There are many buses (the 15 runs on MLKJr.) and on Shattuck. Get off near Cedar (Bonita runs parallel to Shattuck and MLKJr.) It is between the North Berkeley and Downtown Berkeley BART Stations- about a 12 to 15 minute flat easy walk from those stations.
Film Screening: 9/11 An American Coup (from the producers of Loose Change Friday, December 4, 2009, 7:30 pm
Olney Hall
College of Marin
835 College Ave., Kentfield9/11 An American Coup premiered at the 9/11 Film Festival last September in Oakland. The film asks the tough questions about 9/11 and at the core of our democracy. Local filmmaker, Ken Jenkins will be present for Q & A.
Parking: $3 in COM lot
Free Admission - Donations accepted
Co-sponsored by College of Marin Cinema League, No Ca 9/11 Truth Alliance, and Marin Film Group for 9/11 Truth
Project Censored Book Release Celebration Odd Fellows Hall, 545 Pacific Avenue, Santa Rosa
Saturday, December 5th, 2009 - 6:00 pmJoin Project Censored in celebrating the release of Censored 2010, Peter Phillips’s final yearbook, co- edited by Mickey Huff. Meet Ben Frymer, the new director of Project Censored and Carl Jensen, our founder. Good food, beer, wine and Great conversation.
Admission includes food and one drink ticketReception 6:00 PM - Music and Speakers 7:30-9:30
Michael Parenti, Bruce Brugmann (SF Bay Guardian) Dennis Bernstein, Miguel Molina, Nora Barrows-Friedman (Flashpoints Radio)
Admission includes food and one drink ticket
$35.00 per person includes autographed Censored 2010 yearbook
$20.00 general, $10.00 students and low-income
A benefit for Project Censored sponsored by Media Freedom Foundation: 707-664-2588
More Details and tickets available at
$35.00 per person includes autographed Censored 2010 yearbook
$20.00 general, $10.00 students and low-income
A benefit for Project Censored sponsored by Media Freedom Foundation: 707-664-2588
More Details and tickets available at
4:30 PM to 6:00 PM
11th and "L" Streets, Sacramento, CA
(public sidewalk just north of the State Capitol)
Help raise consciousness, hand out informative fliers and newspapers, and hold up a sign for 9/11 Truth.
Info: Dave (916)372-8433
For Details see: or visit:
Tri-City Documentary Series presents: In Debt We Trust Saturday December 12th, 1:30 pm.
Fremont Main Library
2400 Stevenson Blvd
510-745-1400Filmmaker and former journalist Danny Schechter investigates Americans’ ongoing love affair with credit cards and the staggering level of personal debt it’s created, paying special attention to the relationship between Congress and the credit card industry. In a modern society that’s increasingly “financialized,” consumer debt is so common that extending credit has become highly lucrative. Discussion will be led by Carol Brouillet, co-founder of the International Media Project,
Details at
Northern California 9/11 Truth Alliance Meeting Thursday, December 17, 2009, 7:00 pm - 10:00 pm
1606 Bonita (near Cedar and Bonita) upstairs in the Fireside Room (not wheelchair accessible)
BerkeleyWe had to move out of our old location.
The room is part of the Berkeley Fellowship of Unitarian Universalist complex that has held many outstanding social justice forums at Cedar and Bonita, located past the courtyard behind the main hall, up the stairs.
There are many buses (the 15 runs on MLKJr.) and on Shattuck. Get off near Cedar (Bonita runs parallel to Shattuck and MLKJr.) It is between the North Berkeley and Downtown Berkeley BART Stations- about a 12 to 15 minute flat easy walk from those stations.
SACRAMENTO 9/11 TRUTH MEETING Monday, December 21, 2009
6:00 PM to 8:00 PM
Denny's restaurant
925 - 3rd Street, Sacramento
(Corner of 3rd and "J" Streets)
In the Conference RoomThere is no charge for the use of Denny's Conference Room. However, it's understandable that Denny's asks that those who use the room purchase something from their menu (and a tip for the food-servers is appreciated).
For further information, call David Kimball at (916)372-8433, or e-mail Sacramento 9/11 Truth
Back to Questioning the War on Terrorism