Annual 9/11 Truth Rally/March September 8, 2007
March for 9/11 Truth, Impeachment, PeaceRally at 10 a.m. at the Panhandle
(between Oak and Fell @ Ashbury
Parade at 11 a.m. up Ashbury down Haight St., through Golden Gate Park to the
9th Annual Power to the Peaceful Festival
Report on 2006 March/Rally/Film Festival
Report on 9-11 Truth for Peace and Justice
Rally/March September 10th, 2005We rallied at 10 a.m. at the Panhandle
(between Oak and Fell) @ Ashbury
We paraded up Ashbury down Haight St., through Golden Gate Park to the
7th Annual Power to the Peaceful ConcertThis was the fourth annual 9-11 Truth Rally and March down Haight Street,
and through Golden Gate Park to Speedway Meadow for
the 7th Annual 9-11 Power to the Peaceful Concert
featuring Michael Franti and Spearhead
(which drew 50,000 people in 2004,
this year I think there were less people- maybe 40,000, but then we were farther from the center so it was hard to judge. ).Between forty and fifty people gathered at the Panhandle. We had several speakers, including Pat Gray, who was one of the few candidates last year to speak out on 9-11 and gathered a respectable number of votes opposing one of the worst war mongers in the state- Tom Lantos. 9-11 truth activist Frank Runninghorse and I spoke, as well as Dave Kimball, from Sacramento, who has been doing some great organizing out there. There were some great songs by Joel, who produces one of our local 9-11 television shows. We passed out lots of handbills and literature to pass out along the way. We had two large banners and lots of signs. One person brought a very fancy sound system, attached to his bicycle (next year- we'll have to supply him with our best 9-11 songs). We took over the streets during our march up Ashbury to Haight Street. (The police monitored us at some point, and tried to get our attention, but we more or less ignored them and they didn't seriously bother us or impede our march. Passerbys applauded us, honked for us and gave us the thumbs up sign. We were a lively, loud, vocal group and did lots of chants, the best new one that we came up with was:
9-11 was an inside job We had fun. There were some new faces, and lots of old time 9-11 activists, certainly there was a sense of community and cooperation. When we reached the Concert, we stopped to get the big Deception Dollar banner for the march to the stage, we wound our way through the crowd. We passed out thousands and thousands of handbills, newsletters to people over the course of the day.
Orchestrated by the Cheney mob9-11 was a special op
Only justice gonna make them stop!
Report on
9-11 Truth for Peace and Justice
Films, Discussions, Dialogue, Reflection
at the Veteran's War Memorial Building, 401 Van Ness Ave., San Francisco, September 11th, 2005
Report on the 9-11 Film Festival
The Benefit for the Northern California 9-11 Truth Alliance and Project Censored
at the Grand Lake Theater, 3200 Grand Avenue, Oakland
Our Co-Sponsors and Endorsers
Veterans for Peace (Chapter 69) - American Legion Post 315 - Guns and Butter
Ken Jenkins - Riva Enteen (member- KPFA Local Station Board)
Marin Peace and Justice Coalition
CommunityCurrency.orgNorthern California 9-11 Truth Alliance - 911 -
911 Visibilty Project - Radio 960 AM - The Quake! - The Green Party of Alameda County - - Central Committee for Conscientious Objectors -
- John Bass (Director of the Northern California Interreligious Conference)-