9-11 = Inside Job!
9-11 Contingent at San Francisco Anti-War Rally
September 24th
Report by Carol Brouillet
There was a large number of 9/11 Truth activists at Saturday’s march and rally, however, they were mainly scattered throughout the throngs of thousands. After our 9/11 Truth for Peace and Justice Rally and March on September 10th, I had hopes that there would actually be a 9/11 contingent- we had the banners, the signs, the sound system, the chants, the numbers, and just needed a bit more organization. Unfortunately- “Meet at 18th and Dolores at noon” seemed to be the brainchild of at least 30 different contingents, and I didn’t know where or when to connect with the larger group. I received lots of emails asking- “Where do we meet/when?” from others and I could only respond that our trusty rally organizers- Frank and Ed would send out an email before the rally, apparently they did, but not to me- so I was unable to post it on my website or inform others. I also was sick for the week prior to the rally and my computer was down for awhile, so I was not in a good position to organize “myself.” Rain looked like a possibility, and I didn’t know if I would be well enough to go.
Fortunately, Saturday dawned bright, and beautiful and I was able to get to San Francisco’s Jefferson Park before 10 am, and beginning setting up the Northern California 9-11 Truth Alliance tables, awning, and our many, many banners. Chuck and Becky arrived to help and Becky volunteered to keep an eye on the booth and let Chuck and I join the rally/march at Dolores Park. We were lucky to find the last spot in a legal parking lot, before heading to the BART. We met a couple other “soccer moms” in the parking lot, trying to get their bearings, heading for Dolores Park. We (the 3 moms) all were missing our kids soccer games that day, and I admitted that I’d missed every game, so far, this season. They joined us and helped carry signs, and our beautiful homemade banner “9/11 = Inside Job.” I had the sound system, bags of Deception Dollars and flyers, and Chuck carried our beautiful “Election Deception Dollar sign.
At the BART Station, the train was packed, people kindly made room for everyone to squeeze in, almost everyone was going to the rally. We saw Gypsy with her three kids and stroller, trying to find an elevator. We saw quite a few 9/11 signs, and so many people. It was delightful to see the creativity and energy of the crowds, although it was a challenge to find our big “Northern California 9/11 Truth Alliance” banner and more than two or three other 9/11 activists at a time, everyone seemed to be scattered in the masses of protestors.
We proceeded to lose our merry little band of five people, when three people set off on the “Trip of No Return” to the porta-potties. At 18th and Dolores we stood searching for our group, after about ten thousand or so tightly packed protesters marched by, we inched our way to the center of the intersection with our banner and began chanting:
“9-11 was an Inside Job, We passed out Deception Dollars, and eventually decided to join the throngs headed for Jefferson Park. We did get some help from Curt, who took over the banner, so I could just deal with the sound system and mike, which requires a couple of hands when marching. If I had only had three or four hands, I could have held the banner and passed out Deception Dollars, too- but I’m just not designed that way. Fortunately, I found many willing volunteers to help me give away money, which most people seemed delighted to receive.
Orchestrated by the Cheney Mob.9/11 was a Special Op,
Only Justice Gonna Make Them Stop.”
Gypsy managed to lose her kids and the stroller, but she filmed the rally. She wasn’t the only one to lose family. Jan and Dave Hartsough had a happy reunion at our table at Jefferson Park, having gotten separated themselves at Dolores Park.
Usually, I’m always stuck at our table, so I was very delighted to finally have the chance to march and see how many there were of us, to hear the music, the chants, see the signs, the kids, the first-time marchers, the young people, the seasoned activists, old friends. It took us hours to reach Jefferson Park, where the big banner was propped up against our booth, and at least ten 9-11 activists were handling the literature tables, signing people up on our mailing lists, accepting donations for books, magazines, buttons, bumper stickers and videos.
We must be one of the most popular booths at the anti-war rallies. People appreciate what we are doing so much, and they are hungry for the materials; we received over a thousand dollars in donations. People often give us money, without taking anything, just to show their support for our work.
Unfortunately, the press ignored us and our message, as usual, and there were scant few images of any of our signs and banners on the Indymedia Website. Although, lots of folks took pictures of us and recorded our chants; I haven’t seen them posted anywhere. We still need to “BE THE MEDIA.” My next project is a 60 minute documentary of the 9/11 Truth Movement, our message and hopes. We have found film, art, music to be effective in going around the media gatekeepers. We have developed a network of community access television stations willing to show our 9/11 materials. We will continue to make noise, make our voices heard, and eventually “Impeach the Terrorists,” responsible for 9/11, and subsequent crimes against our country, the world, humanity.
Report on September 10th Truth for Peace and Justice Rally and March ![]()
Report on 9-11 Film Festival
A Benefit for the Northern California 9-11 Truth Alliance and Project Censored
at the Grand Lake Theater, 3200 Grand Avenue, Oakland
Donate to the Northern California 9-11 Truth Alliance Return to Questioning the War Against Terrorism