Latest Action- Heroes Rally, Sing, March for 9/11 Truth and Impeachment, June 13, 2007
(Click on photo to see the music video made with images from this rally)
June 13, 2007- Wonder Woman, Chuck Millar, and Superman
(Report from the June 13th rally in Palo Alto)Admittedly, we had so much fun at our May, monthly Impeachment Rally, that we decide to do it again- with the same theme, except instead of giving out Heroic Citizens for Impeachment awards, we passed out Heroic Citizens for 9/11 Truth awards. The images that appeared in the local papers with the impeachment theme and captions like “One with the Force” hinted that we were up against the Evil Empire and the public loved the costumes. We never had an easier time passing out fliers, than dressed as Wonder Woman, Spiderman and Yoda.
This time, I encouraged our award winners to come an hour earlier, to have lunch, socialize, and be at the rally when it began. Unfortunately, half of them arrived late, three precisely at one o’clock when the rally was due to begin. Fortunately, we found a great new song “Impeach Cheney First” by Bill Oliver. Lytton Plaza was well decorated with the giant Commission Report replica, the twin towers being blown up and labeled “Constitution” and “Bill of Rights,” my usual assortment of Impeachment banners and banners for the weekly Listening Project.
Jane Bark and signs
BrainPhreak, Mike, Yoda (Tian Harter)
[Tian Harter took lots of great photos and posted them with commentary on his website.
Unfortunately, he missed all the group shots, because we wanted his incredibly photogenic mug in them.]It was awfully hot, and I was glad that we also set up an awning and rows of chairs in the shade. We played impeachment songs before the rally and a blues musician also wanted to jam and played some antiwar songs for everyone. We had a decent sized crowd for Lytton Plaza at 1:00 pm on a Wednesday and some press, lots of photographers.
Dennis BernsteinDennis Bernstein, one of the best known investigative journalists in the Bay Area and host of KPFA’s Flashpoints was our Master of Ceremonies. He also contributed a chapter to Impeach the President- The Case Against Bush and Cheney and spoke on the need for impeachment. He reminded us of some of the outrageous things the Bush administration has done in our name, such as the large number of Guantanamo prisoners who were rounded up in exchange for rewards or bounties and have never been formally charged with a crime.
Maggie and Robert BowmanWe were particularly honored and fortunate that we were able to give the first 2007 Heroic Citizen for 9/11 Truth award to Dr. Robert Bowman, on his 2007 Patriot Tour, one of the most prestigious speakers to call 9/11 “Treason” back in 2003. Bowman actually spoke with Kean and Hamilton who admitted that they had been lied to by the military and that the report was basically the work of the White House flak- Philip Zelikow. Bowman immediately gave the award to his wife Maggie who has been by his side for decades.
Richard Gage, AIANext we gave an award to Richard Gage, AIA, founder of Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth who worked diligently to create a presentation about the destruction of the buildings and give it to architects throughout the Bay Area. Richard also spoke at several Universities and in Canada presenting the strongest evidence for controlled demolition, a hypothesis which the official investigators (FEMA, NIST, entities under control of the White House refused to consider). Richard went over the key features of controlled demolition and also spoke of how he has grown personally since he first heard David Ray Griffin on the radio, and became activated. He mentioned some of the heroes who weren’t able to join us that day- David Ray Griffin, Steven Jones, Kevin Ryan…
Victoria AshleyOur next award was actually to someone who wasn’t there- Jim Hoffman, who created an excellent website- 911research.com and gave some of the earliest talks challenging the official “collapse” theory about the buildings, with a special focus on Building Number 7, which the press and the 9/11 Report have not been able to explain and have tried to ignore. Jim was off hiking in the Sierra Nevada mountains, but accepting the award on his behalf was Victoria Ashley, who has worked very closely with Jim over the years and well deserving of our thanks and appreciation for her work and collaborations with others to pull together last years- Lifting the Fog Academic Conference at UC Berkeley.
We interrupted the 9/11 Truth awards to give a special award to Dennis Bernstein (who had to leave early). For all his work to break important stories (including 9/11), we gave him a 2007 Heroic Citizen for Truth award and tried to capture a photo of our award winners and super-heroes before Dennis and Richard had to leave.
Janette MacKinlayOur next award was given to Janette MacKinlay, a 9/11 survivor, who became convinced by the 9/11 Commissioners that they were involved in a cover-up. Janette has been a liason between the East and West Coast 9/11 Truth groups, and has helped with the national conferences and been speaking publicly, as well as organizing events. Here is the text of her acceptance speech:
“I’m glad to be here today with my fellow activists in the beautiful California sun to show appreciation and gratitude to each other for the selfless acts that is required to give wings to the 9/11 truth movement, and to give wings to the ever growing impeachment movement.
“Our government would like us to believe those who lost their lives on 9/11 were heroes. I don’t see them as heroes; I see them as poor innocent people who were murdered in cold blood.
“Our government would like us to believe those who have died fighting in their bogus War on Terror are heroes. I see them also as poor innocent people deceived by the lies that characterize this administration.
“As an eyewitness as survivor of the day, I have had to endure great pain in my quest for the truth and for accountability. I have encountered extraordinary people along the way; these people are the people in the 9/11 Truth movement. These are the people I see as heroes. In the face of adversity they continue to fight the fight, to do what is right for our beloved American. I’m proud to be counted among them.
“Courage can be contagious! We need to continue to lead the way and ask our fellow Americans to look into their hearts and souls and have the courage to stand up and fight back.
“I find comfort in knowing heroes still exist. Thank you for the honor of being among you.”
Aaron DamesOur next award winner was Aaron Dames, a student at San Francisco State University, majoring in International Relations, who has organized multiple 9/11 Truth film showings at his school, as well as at libraries in San Francisco. He also organizes weekly meetings and has been to DC to demonstrate at the White House and Capitol Building for 9/11 Truth and intends to do so again in July. His tireless energy and his efforts are amazing and, hopefully, will be an inspiration to others. Here is what he said:
“Thank you very much for this honor, which I humbly accept, recognizing that I stand in the presence of many whom have contributed much more to the cause of Peace and Freedom, as well as exposing the truth behind the September 11th attacks, than I.
“I am proud to be a small part of what is evolving into the greatest and most important modern resistance movement in recent history. A movement not only demanding that those in the highest reaches of government be held accountable for their criminal and treasonous actions – delivering a clear message that we the people will assume the responsibility of those representatives whom have discarded sworn oaths and betrayed our trust: that no one, no matter how rich, old, or white, stands above just laws – but also a part of a movement seeking more than mere impeachment and reinvestigation, but revolutionary change – that which transforms the present system of governance and economics so that never again shall ours, or any other humans beings’ right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness be hijacked by thieving and conniving shysters cloaked in the robes of elected officials.
“We swim in dire straits when our government has become more dangerous than the enemy that they claim to protect us from. In an ever divisive world, wrought with severe poverty, unprecedented population growth, catastrophic rates of environmental destruction, and suicidal stockpiles of nuclear weapons – leaders, both here and abroad, continually pursue policies that ensure further societal division, carnage, and warfare – increasing military expenditures to over two billion dollars a day – yet, assuring people everywhere that such steps are necessary for our safety and survival. Meanwhile, millions of innocent are dying of starvation and insanitation, impoverished civilian masses are slaughtered by weapons produced in the wealthiest countries, and the natural world teeters on brink of collapse.
“Yet despite efforts to blind us, some (most all here), see through the vicious lies of many in government and their corporate allies. We see through the fog of propaganda and resist imposed ignorance, desensitization, and dehumanization. In doing so, we have identified as additional enemies to peace and freedom corporations and economic institutions rooted in our national soil, as well as elements operating within our own government.
“I realize that there may be many here today whom have yet to fully consider the proposals and positions put forth by your friends in the swelling 9/11 Truth movement. Yet, for those whom have yet to seriously explore the possibility of the US governments’ involvement in the September 11th attacks, if there is one initial objective you walk away with today, it should be to investigative that possibility and contemplate it’s implications.
“I beseech you to please seek answers as to why World Trade Center 7, which was never hit by a plane, fell at free fall speed into its own footprint and produced a pool of molten metal. Why the plane that supposedly only crashed into a Pennsylvania field, created a trail of debris over eight miles long? Why have you been denied clear footage of the Pentagon strike? And check to see if the Osama Bin Laden confessing to the attacks looks like other pictures of Osama Bin Laden to you.
“If it is proven that our government not only allowed, but performed the attacks of 9/11, therein exists the grounds and cause for possible Revolution. Through exposing 9/11 and the unchanged conditions which allowed it to occur, we have a chance to transform the way in which government is perceived and operates, and to once and for all abolish the treacherous realities which lay waste to our world and humanity. Indeed, we have an opportunity to transform the way in which humans perceive each other, a prerequisite for achieving universal and everlasting peace and freedom.
“The advantage of unveiling to the world the dementia of our leaders provides us with a rare window of opportunity to demand and create total system change. And it is absolutely vital that this opportunity be seized, not only because the present course is so dangerous – as humanity and the planet are losing time in our descent toward chaos – but if and when another opportunity surfaces, it may be too late to capitalize upon. Thus, there is no middle ground – such is the importance of exposing 9/11.
“Our movements begin with impeachment and exposing the lies of September 11th, but they must not end there. There is nothing preventing us from shifting the balance of power and changing the world. There is nothing that says we cannot create a more just global society – one without war, violence, environmental destruction, racism, ignorance, poverty, economic disparities, empires, or even money. We have little to lose and everything to gain. All that is necessary is the vision and will. Thank you.”
CosmosThe final award was given to Cosmos. I had forgotten to ask Cosmos for a bio, but I have known him for his work for years, since the first 911 Power to the Peaceful Concert, (when we had a 9/11 Truth march in 2002) and he was shooting video. He had a 9/11 Truth community access television show in San Francisco. At our regular Northern California 9/11 Truth Alliance meeting, he first proposed the National Day of Action Campaign on the 11th of every month. In some ways, the group groaned at the idea of “more work,” but we supported the idea, and Cosmos made it a reality and a success. He also has been hosting the "Truth Revolution” radio show on We The People Radio Network and I just can’t believe the work and effort he has put into the 9/11 Truth movement and how much he has inspired others to participate, network, strengthening and multiplying the countless heroic efforts of individuals and groups throughout the US and across the planet.
Cosmos said he was going to have to change the name from “National” to ”International” because people outside the U.S. have been holding solidarity Truth actions in Australia, Britain, Germany and France. He was very happy to receive the award, the first he had received since winning a bubble blowing contest when he was nine years old.
After a photo op with the award winners (minus Richard and Dennis). We gathered banners, posters, leaflets, sang the new words to our Impeachment song and began our walk down University Avenue. Some people did join us and joined in the singing. Bernie has a strong voice and added his own lyrics.
Marching and singing along University Avenue in Downtown Palo AltoWe did have to stop for water and the petitions when we passed Lytton Plaza on our way to Congresswoman Eshoo’s office.
Inside Eshoo's Congressional office
It is extraordinary how the press can ignore the cries for impeachment, but it is heartening to know that the chairs of the Progressive Caucus, and the US out of Iraq Caucus, California’s Lynne Woolsey, Barbara Lee and Maxine Waters have signed on to Kucinich’s bill. We need to keep building pressure and raising awareness, courage, truth, art, creativity, music, a sense of humor are our best tools. After the rally, we relaxed and thought of all the new music videos we could produce combining the new songs with the photos and footage we have been amassing from our rallies. As long as the media lies, withholds vital information, people will have to develop their own ways of communicating with one another to challenge a system which serves few and endangers the vast majority of us.
Victoria Ashley and Wonder Woman with the petitions in support of Kucinich's House Resolution 333 in front of Eshoo's office.I didn’t realize when I began “playing” Wonder Woman that her tool was the “Lasso of Truth.” I think the only thing more powerful than truth is love. One of my favorite quotes is from Jimi Hendrix:
“When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace.
(This Report has not been posted elsewhere- as I am still hoping to get more photos from the rally and it could use some editing... Please send images, if you have any to me cbrouillet@igc.org.)
Vote in the National Impeachment Poll
Great Impeach Song/Video by Tom Chelston
Well hello, George!
Yeah the framers of our Constitution,
fresh on the heels of Revolution
They must have seen the writing on the wall
They secured for us an open door
in Article 2 in Section 4
to commence a presidential overhaul.
Now we've run this play a few times before
with presidents and judges and governors.
And now we see that our country's in distress
With thousands dying and BushCo lying
Illegal torture and illegal spying
This is so much bigger than the stain on an intern's dressI-M-P-E-A-C-H-- Seven little letters gonna set us straight
I-M-P-E-A-C-H--How much more are we gonna take?
I-M-P-E-A-C-H--Time to clean the White House out!
Here we go! Ah, say good-bye!
So make yourself a resolution;
protect and defend our Constitution.
It's the patriotic and democratic way.
Let's impeach old George and all his cronies;
load up all his jesters and one-trick ponies
Put 'em all in a FEMA trailer in Gulf Coast USA.I said I-M-P-E-A-C-H-- seven little letters gonna get us straight
I-M-P-E-A-C-H--How much more are we gonna take?
I-M-P-E-A-C-H--Time to clean the White House out!
I said I-M-P-E-A-C-H-- seven little letters gonna get us straight
I-M-P-E-A-C-H--How much more are we gonna take?
I-M-P-E-A-C-H--Time to clean the White House out!
I said it's time to clean the White House out!
It's time to clean the White House out!
Here we go! Time to clean the White House out.
Another Great Impeachment Song/Video by Tom Chelston
BrickNeil Young's "Let's Impeach the President video from his new album- Living With War
Let's impeach the President for lying
and misleading our country into war
abusing all the power that we gave him
and shipping all our money out the door
Who's the man who hired all the criminals?
The White House shells who hide behind closed doors?
They bend the facts to fit with their new story
of why he had to send our men to war.Let's impeach the President for spying
on citizens inside their own homes
Breaking every law in the country
and tapping our computers and telephones
What if al Qaeda blew up the levees?
Would New Orleans have been safer that way?
Sheltered by our brother man's protection
Or is someone just not home that day?Let's impeach the President for hijacking -
our religion, and using it to get elected.
Dividing our country into colors
and still leaving black people neglected.
Thank God he's cracking down on steroids
Since he sold his own baseball team
There's lots of people looking at big trouble
But of course our President is clean.Happy Springtime- Bush is Over by JTM and Op-Critical with the Harmonic Angels Impeachment Song by Veterans for Peace singer/songwriter- Peter Tracy
The 21st century's defining event is the crime of 9/11, used by the
Here are the lyrics:
Let's impeach George. W. Bush
It's long, long overdue
While we're at it, let's make sure
To impeach Dick Cheney, too.
A pair of world class criminals like you never seen before
Start impeachment right away and stop another warSome people say impeachment will tear us apart
Hey, we're already divided
Let's make a brand new start
Time to send him packing along with his criminal crew
The way he screwed this country-
What else can we do?(refrain) Let's impeach George. W. Bush
It's long, long overdue
While we're at it, let's make sure
To impeach Dick Cheney, too.
A pair of world class criminals like you never seen before
Start impeachment right away and stop another warIf a President can defy the law
Then the law don't mean a thing
This is still the USA and
We don't want a king
Finding ways around the law don't make it ok.
Let's get rid of these bastards and do it right away.Well, they tried to impeach slick Willie
Because he got a little on the side
Well he might have forgot where to put his cigar
But at least nobody died
How does that compare with lying us into war
If that's not enough for impeachment, then what is impeachment for?Impeach Cheney First by Bill Oliver
Music Video was made with this song combined with images from our June 13th Impeachment Rally.(lyrics)
The call is out across the land,
The impeachment of Bush.
For crimes and lies you'd like to see him
kicked out on his tush.
Friends, you've got good reason,
I support you absolutely.
But this impeachment season, don't forget your civic duty.
Impeach Cheney first.It can still get worse.
After Bush is in cuffs, it's liable to get rough,
impeach Cheney first.
Impeach Cheney first.Knock him off his perch.
He's the orchestrator, the real Darth Vader,
He's the one with a curse.
Get the wizard behind the curtain,
Ridin' shotgun for Halliburton,
Bust the Bushes, but
Impeach Cheney first.Impeach Cheney first.
Give him what he deserves,
It'll be more fun if Bush sees it come, and no pardon, sir!
Impeach Cheney fast.Don't let him get away.
Halliburton's waitin', celebratin', there's a world to pay.
He'd run for President, if he had the notion,
But for him, that would be a demotion.
Give him justice.
Impeach Cheney first.Put Cheney in jail, where the terrorists go,
For just one day in Abu Ghraib or Guantanamo.
Where there's corporate cronies, for the war he designed,
For crimes against nature, he should do hard time.
Here's to courage, and convictions, it worked for Agnew, it worked for Nixon.
Jail for Bushes, but
Impeach Cheney first.Drums of War Here is a great photo (by John Montgomery) of our first spell "Impeach" event of this year.
Performed by Jackson Browne, March 17, 2007 at the anti-war rally in Los Angeles
The lyrics have been updated and include "impeachment."Everyman
Performed by Jackson Browne with pointer to impeach at the endLives in the Balance
Performed by Jackson Browne (more anti-war than pro-impeachment)Click on this photo to see an excellent musical video- song "Run to the Rock" on the January 6th "Impeach Beach event," impeachment, the war...
Here is a music video of the second "Impeach on the Beach" by Michael Laan of our April 28, 2007 "Beach Impeach":
Here's the music video which inspired the theme for the May/June rallies:
Heroes of America - an anti-war anthem August Bullock, the singer, also has a website at- augustbullock.com.
(Click image to go to video-link)Impeachment Documentaries/New- Moyer's Impeachment Show
High Crimes and Atrocities New Mexico Resolution to Impeach Bush and Cheney in Senate Rules Committee 48 minutes, Feb. 23, 2007
Snowshoe Films- Impeachment videos
One hour special program on the constitutional aspects of IMPEACHMENT
Impeach Dick Cheney
3 minutes 5 seconds- Short look at the first 3 articles of impeachment against Cheney introduced by Kucinich.New- PBS- Bill Moyer's Journal: Tough Talk on Impeachment
July 13, 2007 with John Nichols and Bruce Fein, 24 minutesHow to create an Angry American
6:26 minutes look at the government lies selling the Iraq War. Urges Impeachment at the end. Produced by www.puppetgov.comThe two Storms
3 minute elegy for the American people.When Will We Have Had Enough?
5 minute look at the outrageous affronts on our rights/the Constitution by www.puppetgov.comThe Militarization of Our Police 6:39- A sobering look at the militarization of the police forces- which has happened under Democrats and Republicans- but this is something we need to reverse not accelerate... by www.puppetgov.com
Who owns you?
3 minute look at who owns politicians, the media, public mind by www.puppetgov.com
Letters to Congresswoman Eshoo
Here is a letter I gave to Eshoo's staff on July 23rd (along with many petitions asking to Impeach Cheney First):
July 23, 2007
Congresswoman Eshoo,
Today, I am delivering to you additional signatures, gathered locally on our “Impeach Cheney First” petition.
The imperative for Impeachment of Cheney (and Bush) continues to grow. The recent July 17, 2007 Executive Order entitled "Blocking Property of Certain Persons Who Threaten Stabilization Efforts in Iraq" provides the President with the authority to confiscate the assets of "certain persons" who oppose the US led war in Iraq and “criminalize dissent.”
A large number of Americans believe that it is the Executive branch of government that threatens our Constitution, Bill of Rights, and has acted illegally to occupy other nations.
A very chilling “Top Secret document” was leaked which says:
“because of “growing popular unrest in the United States, caused by the prolonged war in Iraq .coupled with obvious Congressional inaction,” the U.S. military has drawn up plans for combating domestic U.S. civil insurrections. This is not a theoretical study but a very specific one. Units to be used domestically are listed in detail as are detention centers, etc.
I don’t think we want or need civil war or major counter-insurgency efforts launched in the United States against the Peace Movement.“As a result of this, plans are now in train to segregate, retrain and reequip certain anti-insurgent U.S. military units now serving in Iraq and to prepare them for quick transfer back to the United States for use "as needed" The Pentagon command believes that such civil insurrections are not only a possibility but a very real probability in the event that the President and his advisors maintain their present course vis a vis the Iraqi war.
“It is interesting to note that "foreign intelligence representatives, now active in the United States” (read Mossad) are to be subject to “arrest, confinement and eventual deportation to their country of origin."
“The report and several attached ones, run to almost 900 pages and cannot be put up in their current form. However, I will list some of the more important data here:
“Classification: Top Secret-Noforn as of 1 June 2007 Distribution Restriction: Distribution authorized to the DOD and DOD contractors only to maintain operations security. This determination was made on 1 June 2007. Other requests for this document must be referred to (redacted)
“Destruction Notice: Destroy by any method that will prevent disclosure of contents or reconstruction of the document. ….
“This publication uses the term insurgent to describe those taking part in any activity designed to undermine or to overthrow the established authorities……
“Counterinsurgency is those military, paramilitary, political, economic, psychological, and civic actions taken by a government to defeat insurgency (JP 1-02). It is an offensive approach involving all elements of national power; it can take place across the range of operations and spectrum of conflict … “
Congressman DeFazio, D-Ore, as a member of the U.S. House on the Homeland Security Committee, is permitted to examine classified material. He asked the White House to see documents outlining the plan to conduct the government of the United States after a significant terrorist attack. On Wednesday, DeFazio was denied access to the documents.
The administration’s behavior is highly questionable, extremely secretive, and points to their efforts to hide the truth, avoid accountability, put themselves above the law of the land.
Only impeachment, genuine investigations, some accountability are going to slow, or halt, the imperial grab for power, and threats to world peace currently underway.
I implore you to remember your oath of office and to serve the Constitution, and people of the United States. Show your courage and stand up for truth, support Kucinich’s articles of impeachment, urge Conyers to move forward with impeachment, halt another “false flag attack” upon the US, and stop the impending war on Iran.
Carol Brouillet
Here is the letter I gave to Eshoo's staff on March 11th:
Dear Congresswoman Eshoo,
Since the Democrats are now in the majority in the House of Representatives, it is hard for “We the people” to endure Congress’s lack of scrutiny—and even encouragement—of Administration policies that have led us into immoral, illegal wars, gutted our Constitution and Bill of Rights, created the monstrous “Homeland Security/Police State Apparatus” that threatens the civil rights of peace activists and dissenters more than it threatens “high-level Al Qaeda operatives”—who have been assisted, employed, and protected by the FBI, the CIA and the military, blatantly, under your watchful eyes. There has been no move by the Congress to rescind the offensive Patriot Act and the Military Commissions Act, nor has there been an outcry against the institutionalization of torture, the new legislation that allows the Executive Branch to easily declare “martial law,” and the abolition of posse comitatus or habeas corpus. Bush and Cheney continue to lie, to attempt to link 9/11 to Iraq, to bully and threaten other nations, and to terrorize the American people and Congress.
Bush and Cheney’s flagrant high crimes and contempt for truth, justice, the Constitution, International Law, and human life have outraged the entire planet, uniting people everywhere against the United States government. The best hope for the country and the world is for Congress to commence impeachment proceedings and to immediately begin to roll back the Administration’s aggressive, imperialistic policies.
While I appreciate the token gesture that you made to oppose the escalation of the Iraq conflict, that is hardly a substitute for denouncing an illegal war and cutting funding for continued aggressions and occupations against other nations. I ask you to think deeply about the situation and side with the American people and the world and do what you can to impeach the criminals who have hijacked our nation and reverse their policy decisions. In Palo Alto and throughout the country, and in Washington DC, and even in South America, people are rallying to voice their opposition to the United States government, to reject its terrible policies, its unending, immoral, illegal wars, that threaten all of us.
We want courageous representation in Washington, not a rubber stamp Congress that will continue to fund oppression and take us back to the Dark Ages when rulers could declare who was a “heretic/terrorist” and have them tortured and condemned to death.
There are ample reasons to impeach Bush and Cheney. These are just some of the most obvious that the Santa Clara County Green Party have agreed upon:
1. WARRANTLESS SEARCHES: ordering the National Security Agency to conduct secret warrantless searches and seizures of the private personal communications of American citizens, without oversight by the legislative or judicial branches of the government, in violation of the 4th Amendment of the Constitution and the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act of the Congress (FISA 1978);
2. TORTURE: authorizing and permitting torture against human beings, in violation of the Geneva Conventions (1864-1949) and the United Nations Convention against Torture and other Cruel, Inhuman, or Degrading Treatment or Punishment (1985);
3. INDEFINITE DETENTION: depriving American citizens of their constitutionally guaranteed rights regarding unjust imprisonment and speedy and public trial, in violation of their rights to guaranteed liberty and due process of law in the 5th and 6th Amendments;
4. WAR OF AGGRESSION: launching an illegal, unjust and undeclared war against the sovereign state of Iraq, in violation of Article I, Section 8 of the Constitution and Chapters 1, 6, and 7 of the Charter of the United Nations (1945);
5. USE OF ILLEGAL WEAPONS: authorizing the use of illegal chemical and radioactive weapons in military campaigns, notably white phosphorous and depleted uranium in Iraq, in violation of the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR 1948);
6. DELIBERATE DECEPTIONS: repeatedly, consciously, and with forethought, lying to the American people and the U.S. Congress by providing false and deceptive rationales for an unjustified and illegal war in Iraq, obstructing justice by destroying evidence, and covering up the truth about the 9-11 attacks;
7. ATTACKING CIVILIANS: authorizing, ordering, and condoning direct military attacks on civilians and civilian homes and communities, thereby causing widespread death, maiming and destruction in Iraq, in violation of Article 3 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights; and
8. VIOLATIONS OF INTERNATIONAL TREATIES: violating and unilaterally abrogating lawful signatory treaties, such as the Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty (1972) between the United States and Russia, the Treaty of Rome (1950) establishing the International Criminal Court and the Geneva Conventions providing for humane treatment of combatants and civilians, in violation of Article VI of the Constitution acknowledging these treaties to be "the Supreme Law of the Land."
We plan to hold monthly “Impeachment Rallies” in Palo Alto, until Congress finds the courage to move forward with impeachment. I am also committed to my weekly vigils to expose the truth about 9/11 and expose the bogus “War on Terrorism” for what it truly is- a “War of Terrorism” against the American people and the world.
Carol Brouillet
Here is also the full (unedited) text of my letter to Congresswoman Anna Eshoo (in response to her letter regarding our March 14th rally) spoken at the April 11, 2007 Rally:
Congresswoman Anna Eshoo,
In response to your letter concerning our demand for impeachment of Bush and Cheney. There is a tremendous difference between the charges leveled against Bill Clinton and those that are being directed towards Bush and Cheney. We are concerned with war crimes, treasonable offenses, the attacks upon the Constitution, the Bill of Rights, habeas corpus. We are concerned with the Military Commissions Act, the construction of a police state, the institutionalization of torture. Today, our rally is entitled “411 on 911” and we are rallying and marching for 9/11 Truth, and Impeachment.
I know you think the 9/11 Report was bipartisan and thorough, but you have also betrayed your own ignorance of what was in it, and what was omitted from the Report.
I can understand that, you are a busy woman and have a lot of issues to deal with. I have tried to supply you with films, books, educational materials, to no avail. You must know however, that others share my concerns and according to a New York Times/CBS poll only 16% continue to believe the official story. Fifty-three percent believe that the Bush Administration are hiding something and 28% believe that they are lying about “what they knew prior to September 11th.” There is a growing 9/11 Truth movement in the US and in other countries, since 9/11 has been used to justify the “war on terrorism” and the imperial conquest of other nations, as well as the crackdown on those who question or challenge government or corporate policy here or abroad. Fear has been used to silence dissent, and we refuse to be silent, especially in the face of blatant lies, malicious policies which threaten Americans and the world.
I agree with you that the election in November was a resounding rejection of the President’s policies and the policies of his party. I do not agree with you that impeachment would be a distraction, but would indeed be a means to stop the militaristic agenda and to reverse it. Other issues seem pale in comparison to the drain of our countries resources into a costly, criminal, illegal, immoral, devastating, endless war based upon lies, and treasonous behavior at the highest levels of government.
We are being joined in our demands for impeachment by 26 national groups, launching a national shopping boycott from Tax Day to Earth Day and working towards a national day of impeachment on April 28th. We are being joined in our demands for 9/11 Truth by a national campaign of 9/11 Truth Visibility actions on the 11th of every month (which has already spread to Australia and could go international as well). We do want a real investigation of 9/11, not a cover-up commission that fails to raise or address key areas of concern.
Congress’s support of the flawed findings of the Commission Report, gives me little faith in your oversight ability. I suggest that you listen to your constituents a bit more regarding the gross lies that we have found about matters of great concern to us.
In December, in cities throughout the US, we held Tea Parties for 9/11 Truth to demand-
A genuine independent investigation of the attacks on 9/11/2001 on these grounds-
Whereas the catastrophic events of September 11, 2001 have been used to justify attacks upon our Constitution, the Bill of Rights, and habeas corpus, and whereas subsequent wars launched upon the world have, together, threatened all of humanity--physically, legally, morally, and psychologically; and
Whereas the 9/11 Commission ignored the fact that the Government lied and falsified scientific data about the quality of the air and water in the wake of 9/11, thereby compounding the disaster, endangering the health of unprotected first responders and citizens, sacrificing them in the interests of re-opening Wall Street, and later fighting the victims in court to deny them health benefits; and
Whereas the 9/11 Commission was directed by Dr. Philip Zelikow, author of Bush’s “pre-emptive war doctrine,” whose tenure as a member of the Bush National Security transition team caused him to appear as a witness before the Commission and represented so outrageous a conflict of interest that the 9/11 Family Steering Committee demanded his resignation, to no avail; and whereas Dr. Zelikow's expertise is the creation and maintenance of, in his words, “public myths,” which he defined as “beliefs… thought to be true (although not necessarily known to be true with certainty),” and in what he called “‘searing’ or ‘molding’ events [that] take on ‘transcendent’ importance and retain their power” across generations; and
Whereas the 9/11 Commission failed to investigate members of the Administration who also were members of the Project for a New American Century and wrote "Creating Tomorrow's Dominant Force," which stated the need for the Department of Defense to "move more aggressively to experiment with new technologies and operational concepts,” and that "further, the process of transformation, even if it brings revolutionary change, is likely to be a long one, absent some catastrophic and catalyzing event like a new Pearl Harbor;” and
Whereas the 9/11 Commission failed to investigate numerous Air Force war games conducted on September 11, 2001 that severely crippled our highly competent aircraft interception capability; and
Whereas the 9/11 Commission failed to investigate or even mention the demolition of the 47-story World Trade Center Building 7, which was not struck by a plane, but went down at near freefall speed at 5:20 pm on 9/11; and
Whereas the 9/11 Commission failed to mention that fire had never caused steel-frame high-rise buildings to collapse, and that the pulverization of the towers shared the distinctive features of controlled demolitions, and mischaracterized the towers' core structure as “a hollow steel shaft,” ignoring the 47 massive steel support columns as large as 22 inches by 54 inches; and
Whereas the 9/11 Commission failed to investigate and explain how the Pentagon, within the most-guarded airspace on the planet, including its own missile defense system, was penetrated on 9/11/2001; and
Whereas, the 9/11 Commission decided that who financed 9/11 was “of little practical significance,” ignoring evidence that top ISI General Mahmoud Ahmad had $100,000 wired to alleged lead pilot Mohammed Atta, and evidence that top Al Qaeda operative Ali Mohammed, who was involved with the ’93 WTC bombings, the African Embassy attacks and 9/11, was employed and protected by the FBI, CIA and the US military; and
Whereas the 9/11 Commission failed so utterly in its stated mission “to prepare a full and complete account of the circumstances surrounding the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks,” that Dr. David Ray Griffin, author of The 9/11 Commission Report: Omissions and Distortions, deemed the Commission’s effort a 571-page lie, after chronicling 115 of its “errors;”
We, people of the United States of America, reject the findings contained in the Report of the Kean-Hamilton Commission to Investigate Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States, and DEMAND the release of documents, evidence, withheld by the government, and an IMMEDIATE, genuinely Independent 9/11 investigation with subpoena powers, independent 9/11 researchers, and oversight by 9/11 families and concerned citizens.
I am including here signatures gathered in support of the Impeachment of Bush and Cheney. We believe they must be stopped and held accountable for their actions and crimes, if we are to redeem our country in the eyes of the world, and reverse the disastrous course that they have embarked upon dragging the country and the world with them, in the wake of September 11th.
Carol Brouillet
Eshoo's Response to Our Letters and Actions
I also received a letter from Congresswoman Anna Eshoo (I wonder if she saw the cover photo of our Impeachment rally in the Palo Alto Daily). She wrote:
March 16, 2007
On March 23, 2007 Eshoo made a statement supporting H.R. 1591. Move-On had urged its members to support the bill and then thank legislators when the bill passed. I was furious at Move-On, as well as Eshoo and Congress for the lousy bill, which gives tons of money to the military, doesn't prohibit Bush from launching a new war on Iran, and seems like a PR stunt to sell a distant deadline for ending the war, which can be easily changed. It is simply Orwellian and perpetuates the bogus "War on Terrorism" which is the biggest scam this country has ever pulled on its own citizens.Dear Ms Brouillet,
Thank you for your letter about impeaching President Bush and Vice President Cheney. I have received numerous letters from you over the years and my office records demonstrate that I have responded to each and every one. We have discussed this issue at length before.
I've lived through an impeachment process and witnessed firsthand how it tears the country apart. The election in November was a resounding rejection of the Presidents's policies and the policies of his party. I think it's time to bring the country together and move forward. In my view, impeachment will heavily distract from the important work of reversing the disastrous course this Administration has set and will virtually bring to a halt progress on important issues including healthcare and global warming.
As you know, the Bush Administration enjoyed virtually unfettered and unchecked power over the federal government under Republican Majorities in both the House and the Senate over the last six years. This has changed. In the first two and-a-half-months of the 110th Congress, Democrats have held more than 100 oversight hearings covering the war in Iraq, the response to Hurricane Katrina, the firing of United States Attorneys, and the treatment of our veterans at Walter Reed. The House has voted its disapproval of the President's plan to send 20,000 more troops to Iraq. In the coming weeks, the House of Representatives will be voting on legislation to set conditions and timelines for ending the war in Iraq. Congress will conduct rigorous oversight and investigations that will serve the interests of the American people.
Anna G. Eshoo
Member of Congress
Bay Area Impeachment Events
- Impeachment! Action at the SF Chronicle
Thursday, Oct 23, 12-1 pm
In front of the San Francisco Chronicle Building
901 Mission St., San Francisco
( One block from Market Street and the Powell Street BART Station.) BRING: Your signs!!!! (I will bring Impeach the Terrorists! Pelosi on a Peach, Deception Dollar banners & the sound system with Impeachment/ and 9/11 songs...and Deception Dollars...)Every Thursday at noon since mid-September, a group of sign-carrying activists have been walking circles around the Chronicle Building, drawing attention to the Chronicle’s coddling of Nancy Pelosi, keeping Impeachment out of the public discourse, and its willful ignoring of the Cindy Sheehan campaign. On the 23rd, Cindy Sheehan (and perhaps other notables) will meet the media on the steps of the old Mint (just across the street). At 12:20, protesters will start walking circles around the Chronicle Building. Walkin will continue for approx 20 minutes, allowing office workers time to get back to work.
Organized by Brad Newsham, who did the Beach Impeach events...http://beachimpeach.org/chron/cindy
- Constitution Day
Wednesday, September 17th, 5:15pm- 6 pm
Civic Center Plaza, across the street from City HallCelebrate the 221st Birthday of the Constitution with those seeking to defend it!
First hundred people will get a free copy of the Constitution. Music, Mpeachment pie,... Join Cindy Sheehan, Peace Mom, and Shirley Golub, National Impeachment Network. Hear the modern patriots speak out.
- Silicon Valley Impeachment Coalition Rally at Zoe Lofgren's office
Every Friday 3 pm - 5pm
635 North 1st Street, Suite B
San JoseDetails/Updates at svimpeach.org
Check out Tian Harter's photos of a recent demo.
If you can't make it in person, phone Ms. Lofgren to tell her you want impeachment hearings. (408) 271-8700 She is a member of the House Judiciary Committee, so all Americans are her constituents.
- National Call-In Day
Congressman Robert Wexler is organizing his colleagues to ask House Judiciary Committee Chairman John Conyers to begin Cheney impeachment hearings. Please help by calling the Capitol Hill Switchboard: (202) 224-3121. They can tell you who your Congress Member is if you don't know, and they can connect you to their office. Ask your representative to urge Chairman Conyers to begin impeachment hearings against Dick Cheney. This is especially important if your representative is a member of the Judiciary Committee. Once you've made your phone call, please urge everyone you know to do the same. If you have further time to help advance impeachment, please call and Email the media.While you're at it,. join 320,000 patriots and sign Rep. Wexler's petition on impeachment hearings.
- World Can't Wait is calling for Orange Fridays
Details of San Francisco and other cities actions are posted on the
World Can't Wait website- but anyone can wear orange anywhere, in solidarity (I made a couple of orange shirts with "Impeach Cheney First" emblazoned upon them.)Contact the World Can't Wait office to get “Declare it Now!” supplies (bold “drive out the Bush regime” orange bandanas, ribbons, flyers) for your workplace, neighborhood, religious community, school, family and friends. ORANGE FRIDAY ACTIONS
Both Sides of the Bay
You can organize new Orange Friday activities of your own, and here are some regular events that are already underway which everyone is invited to join as well:
** Every Friday morning: freeway bannering, both sides of the Bay, 7:00 to 9:00 AM. If you can help with this in person, great. We also need more banner-making help (especially if you are artistic, can help get more supplies, or like to create huge pieces).
** Every Friday 4:00 to 7:00 PM (commute hours): outreach stations at BART stops and other locations, where we’ll enlist people of all ages and many communities to Declare it Now and go orange.
* Work parties happen every week although the schedule varies. Banner and art making, join a phonebank, contribute your office skills, come to an organizers’ training. Most gatherings are at the WCW office 2940 -16th Street, Redstone Building Room 200-6, one block east of 16th Street BART at 16th and Capp. (Call before you come, our office hours can vary, 415-864-5153.)
Do call or write if you want to help, even if you can’t come to these particular actions or in person to our office. There are many ways you can take up World Can't Wait! and Declare It Now!
Finally -- we would love to hear from more of you out there reading these emails. What do YOU think is happening as the Bush regime rolls its agenda out into the next 17 months, and what do YOU think we should do about this? How can YOU be more actively a part of spreading the World Can’t Wait and working to Drive Out the Bush Regime? Write to sf@worldcantwait.org -- we want to hear from you, and we will answer you too.
MaryAnn, Rafael and Stephanie SF Bay Area WCW Chapter (415) 864-5153
- San Jose Impeachment Center Opening Saturday, Noon- 5
(First opening August 4th- should be open every Saturday now.) IMPEACHMENT CENTER
48 S. 7th St. (San Jose Peace Center)
San Jose
Impeachment Radio Shows- Programs
Carol Brouillet hosted a two hour weekly radio show from April 2007 through September 2008, many of the shows were impeachment shows.
hosted on We The People Radio Network.
Past 2008 shows and 2007 shows are archived.
Dennis Kucinich's Impeachment Petition
Wexler Wants Hearings (This started in December and over 183,000 people have signed to pressure the Committee to begin hearings.)
Congress should begin impeachment hearings against Vice President Dick Cheney
Impeach Bush
Petition Supporting Impeachment of Bush and Cheney
Ten Reasons to Impeach George Bush and Dick Cheney Petition to Urge Congress to Begin an Impeachment InquiryBush, Cheney Impeachment - California Petition
A PETITION for The Impeachment of George W. Bush
Do It Yourself Impeachment
Do It Yourself Impeachment
Additional Websites
We are now officially a chapter of impeachforpeace.org. They have some great resources on their website.
They also have News Pages for each state where there is impeachment activity going on. I think the movement will continue to grow, especially if we keep organizing!
Here is a banner for the TruthAction.org website
The Silicon Valley Impeachment Coalition has created its own website:
Here is a link to the National Boycott Campaign:
National Impeachment Network
Santa Clara Green Party
Silicon Valley Impeachment Coalition
Veteran's for Peace
Women's International League for Peace and Freedom
Northern California 9/11 Truth Alliance
Bodies Count
Peninsula Peace and Justice Center
The National Coalition to Impeach Bush & Cheney
Pledge to Impeach
Needed Actions
A friend of mine just created a new website to make it easier to put pressure on the Committee and Congress to move forward with Impeachment Hearings:
phoneblockade.org It is hard to do everything, but if more people did something, we would get these guys impeached.There is forward movement in the House Judiciary Committee (J. Comm.) on impeaching Cheney. Nine Democratic members of the Commitee* (out of 23) are now in favor of holding hearings-- up from 3 last week!
Please, take the 3 easy actions below this week-- today if possible-- to get the hearings started.
Action #1 The J. Comm. "Subcommittee on the Constitution, Civil Rights, and Civil Liberties" headed by Jerrold Nadler is sitting on H. Res. 799, the Kucinich articles of impeachment. Rep. Nadler refuses to start the hearings. Click http://asknadler2impeach.org to tell him to start hearings immediately.
Action #2 Call J. Comm. Chair John Conyers, 202-225-5126 or 800-828-0498 and tell him to begin impeachment hearings immediately. See sample script below.
Action #3 Of 8 Democrats on the Subcommittee, 2 favor impeachment hearings: Ellison and Cohen. We need to get busy right now and target the other 6, listed below. Make 6 phone calls. Write 6 letters or postcards. Visit their offices. Tell them to start impeachment hearings for Dick Cheney immediately. See sample phone script below.
Whatever action you and your friends take could be the "tipping point" to pink slip Cheney. We can DO THIS! We CAN impeach Cheney!
House Judiciary Committee, Subcommittee on the Constitution, Civil Rights, and Civil Liberties
Chair, Honorable John Conyers, Jr. (D) Michigan
2426 Rayburn Building Washington DC 20525 202-225-5126
2615 W. Jefferson Trenton MI 48183 734-675-4084
669 Federal Bldg. 231 W. Lafayette Detroit, MI 48226 313-961-5670Hon. Jerrold Nadler, (D) New York, 8th
2334 Rayburn Building, Washington, DC 20515 202-225-5635 or 800-828-0498
201 Varick Street, Suite 669, New York, NY 10014 212-367-7350
445 Neptune Ave., Brooklyn, NY 11224 718-373-3198Hon. Artur Davis, (D) Alabama
208 Cannon Building, Washington, DC 20515 202-225-2665 Fax: 202-226-9567
2 20th Street, North Suite 1130, Birmingham, AL 35203 205-254-1960 Fax: 205-254-1974Hon. Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D) Florida, 20th
118 Cannon Building Washington, DC 20515 202-225-7931 Fax: 202-226-2052
10100 Pines Blvd. Pembroke Pines, FL 33026 954-437-3936 Fax: 954-437-4776
19200 West Country Club Dr, 3rd Fl Aventura, FL 33180 305-936-5724 Fax: 305-932-9664Hon. Robert C. Scott, (D) Virginia, 3rd
www.house.gov/scott 1201 Longworth Building, Washington DC 20515 202-225-8351 Fax: 202-225-8354
2600 Washington Ave., #1010, Newport News, VA 23607 757-380-1000 Fax: 757-928-6694
Jackson Center, 501 N 2nd St,#401, Richmond, VA 23219 804-644-4845 Fax:804-648-6026Hon. Melvin L. Watt, (D) North Carolina, 12th
2236 Rayburn Building, Washington, DC 20525-3313 202-225-1510 Fax: 202-225-1512
1230 W. Morehead St., #306, Charlotte, NC 28208-5214 704-344-9950 Fax:704-344-9971
301 S. Greene St., #210, Greensboro, NC 27401-2615 336-275-9950 Fax:336-379-9951Sample script for phone calls:
Hello. Please give me the person who passes requests to Representative X. Hello, my name is Jane Doe. Please tell Rep. X, as a member of the Judiciary Committee, to open impeachment hearings immediately for Vice President Cheney. It is his/her solemn duty as a member of the House Judiciary Committee to hold executive branch officials accountable for possible high crimes and misdemeanors, regardless of party loyalties or political consequences. I want a response to this request. My address is:
The nine Judiciary Committee members in favor of impeachment hearings: Robert Wexler, Fl; Luis Gutierrez, Ill; Anthony Weiner, NY; Tammy Baldwin, Wisc.; Sheila Jackson Lee, Texas; Steve Cohen, Tenn.; Keith Ellison, Minn.; Maxine Waters, CA; and Hank Johnson, Ga. If your Rep is on this list, please thank them!
The 24 co-sponsors of House Resolution 799 (Kucinich), the articles of impeachment for Vice President Dick Cheney:
Rep Baldwin, Tammy [WI-2] - 8/1/2007
Rep Brady, Robert A. [PA-1] - 7/24/2007
Rep Clarke, Yvette D. [NY-11] - 6/6/2007
Rep Clay, Wm. Lacy [MO-1] - 5/1/2007
Rep Cohen, Steve [TN-9] - 8/4/2007
Rep Davis, Danny K. [IL-7] - 11/5/2007
Rep Ellison, Keith [MN-5] - 6/28/2007
Rep Farr, Sam [CA-17] - 7/12/2007
Rep Filner, Bob [CA-51] - 7/12/2007
Rep Grijalva, Raul M. [AZ-7] - 12/5/2007
Rep Jackson-Lee, Sheila [TX-18] - 8/4/2007
Rep Johnson, Henry C. "Hank," Jr. [GA-4] - 6/28/2007
Rep Kilpatrick, Carolyn C. [MI-13] - 9/7/2007
Rep Lee, Barbara [CA-9] - 6/7/2007
Rep McDermott, Jim [WA-7] - 7/10/2007
Rep Moore, Gwen [WI-4] - 12/19/2007
Rep Moran, James P. [VA-8] - 7/10/2007
Rep Payne, Donald M. [NJ-10] - 8/1/2007
Rep Schakowsky, Janice D. [IL-9] - 5/1/2007
Rep Towns, Edolphus [NY-10] - 9/27/2007
Rep Waters, Maxine [CA-35] - 6/12/2007
Rep Watson, Diane E. [CA-33] - 10/16/2007
Rep Woolsey, Lynn C. [CA-6] - 6/7/2007
Rep Wynn, Albert Russell [MD-4] - 5/10/2007
Impeach the President- The Case Against Bush and Cheney Edited by Dennis Loo & Peter Phillips
The U.S. Versus George Bush et al, by Elizabeth de la Vega
The Case for Impeachment : The Legal Argument for Removing President George W. Bush from Office by Dave Lindorff, Barbara Olshansky
The Impeachment of George W. Bush: A Practical Guide for Concerned Citizens By Elizabeth Holtzman, Cynthia L. Cooper
ARTICLES OF IMPEACHMENT AGAINST GEORGE W. BUSH by the Center for Constitutional Rights
The 2007 Bush-Cheney Impeachments impeachment by Craig R. Leslie
George W. Bush Versus the U.S. Constitution: The Downing Street Memos and Deception, Manipulation, Torture, Retribution, Coverups in the Iraq War and Illegal Spying Compiled by the House Judiciary Committee Democratic Staff, Introduction by Ambassador Joseph C. Wilson, Edited by Anita Miller
Impeach Bush A GRAPHIC NOVEL by Bob Scott and Mike Leffel
Warrior King: The Case for Impeaching George Bush by John C. Bonifaz (Author), Jr., John Conyers (Foreword),
DESTROYING WORLD ORDER: U.S. Imperialism in the Middle East Before and After September 11 by Francis A. Boyle
Humor- Our Best Tools are Love and Laughter
Press Release - June 10, 2007
Media Contact:
Northern California 9/11 Truth Alliance
Carol Brouillet- 650-857-0927, cbrouillet@igc.org
Heroes for 9/11 Truth, for Peace, for Impeachment Wednesday, June 13, 2007, at 1 pm at Lytton Plaza in downtown Palo Alto, heroes will rally to support Representative Dennis Kucinich’s articles of impeachment against Vice President Cheney, H.R. 333. The master of ceremonies, award-winning investigative journalist and host of KPFA’s Flashpoints, Dennis Bernstein--together with Superman, Wonder Woman, Spider-Man and Yoda--will pass out awards honoring “Heroic Citizens for 9/11 Truth” to Dr. Robert Bowman, Richard Gage, Janette MacKinlay, Cosmos, Jim Hoffman, and Aaron Dames. Superman (musician- August Bullock) will sing “Heroes of America,” which inspired the theme of this and last month’s impeachment rallies. After the award presentations, heroic citizens will march at 2 pm through downtown Palo Alto to Congresswoman Anna Eshoo’s office at 698 Emerson Street.
9/11 has been used to sell wars, pass the PATRIOT Act, construct the Homeland Security apparatus, to institutionalize torture and to weaken the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. Heroic citizens have exposed lies and omissions in the Commission Report, demanded the release of suppressed evidence and called for a genuine investigation. From a one-woman “Listening Project” in downtown Palo Alto (Wednesdays 11 am -- 1 pm), the 9/11 Truth movement has grown and raised awareness through numerous websites and conferences to the point where the majority of Americans now doubt the government’s 9/11 narrative. The demands of the 9/11 Truth movement in 2003 to “stop the 9/11 cover-up, repeal the PATRIOT Act, and demand pre-emptive impeachment of Bush,” prior to the war, were dismissed by Rep. Eshoo and other members of Congress, who continued to fund the war and have failed to respond to a growing public outcry for the impeachment of Bush, Cheney, and Gonzales.
Dr. Bob Bowman, Lt. Col., USAF, ret. flew 101 combat missions in Vietnam and directed "Star Wars" weapons programs under presidents Ford and Carter. After retiring from the Air Force in 1978 Dr. Bowman, whose Ph.D. is in Aeronautics from Caltech, managed advanced space programs in industry. He resigned in 1982 when he felt that his job inhibited his ability to challenge US programs of offensive space weapons. Dr. Bowman has spoken out about the need for new investigations of 9/11, and charged Bush and his cronies with treason in 2003. Appearing locally in his "Patriot Tour," Bowman calls for a government that (1) Follows the Constitution, (2) Honors the Truth, and (3) Serves the People. He is on a speaking tour in Sacramento, Oakland, San Francisco, Campbell, Monterey, Santa Cruz and Kentfield from June 8th to 14th.
Richard Gage, AIA, the founding member of Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth has, in 20 years practicing architecture, worked on numerous fire-proofed steel-framed buildings. Most recently he has performed construction administration for a new $120M High School campus including a $10M steel-framed gymnasium, and is currently engaged in design development for a 1.5 million square foot retail/office project utilizing about 1,200 tons of steel framing. Gage's interest in 9/11 began when Dr. David Ray Griffin spoke on KPFA radio about the catastrophic disintegration of the World Trade Center towers and Building 7. Gage was so shocked he pulled his car to the side of the road to listen. He investigated the facts for himself, and has since shared his findings in public presentations to over 75 architects in the Bay Area, and to universities, including San Diego, Sonoma, Chico, and Winnipeg in Canada. He has received encouragement from members of local chapters of the American Institute of Architects (AIA). Over 100 architecture and engineering professionals have joined Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth to call for new investigations of the destruction of the World Trade Center.
Janette MacKinlay is a 9/11 survivor, author and artist. From her apartment across the street she witnessed the destruction of WTC 1. Her book "Fortunate: A Personal Diary of 9/11" recounts her struggle to come to terms through her ikebana art with her memories of that day.
Cosmos, host of Truth Revolution on We The People Radio Network, founded the National Days of Truth Action Campaign, at www.truthaction.org. In just a few months, Cosmos's vision for Truth events on the 11th of every month has spread from San Francisco to 35 cities in 6 countries.
Jim Hoffman, created the 9/11 Research website website. In 2003, he gave the first in a series of talks, The Twin Towers' Demolition, exposing the fraudulence of the official collapse investigations and providing evidence of demolition. A software developer by profession, he performed pioneering work in mathematical visualization and has co-authored articles in Science and Macromolecules for work in polymer science.
Aaron Dames, a junior at San Francisco State University studying International Relations. Since investigating 9/11, he has worked to educate the public, primarily through weekly meetings and campus and library film screenings. Earlier this year he demonstrated in front of the White House and Capitol building and will return to DC in July. He works at a hostel in San Francisco.
Beach Impeach IV
Sunday, October 5th, 2007, at least 700 people gathered to spell out IMPEACH 4 PEACE in Berkeley. Special guests included Cindy Sheehan, and Cynthia McKinney:
(Click for more photos)An article with photos of 9/11 Truth activists was also posted on 911blogger.com BEACH IMPEACH IV - A great Success
We passed out the new Dollars and the cards for the November 1st William Rodriguez event at the Grand Lake Theater which will also honor Impeachment activists, and hopefully bring the Truth, Peace and Justice Movements together.
Beach Impeach III
Saturday, September 15th, 2007, while over 100,000 people converged on Washington DC for Truth, Peace, Impeachment, in the Bay Area, about a thousand people gathered in Crissy Field to spell out:
(Click on photo to see the video and more photos)
IMPEACH - REASON: - TREASON!Others gathered in the People's Park in Berkeley for a more traditional anti-war rally with speakers and music.
I brought the banners, Conception, and Deception Dollars and a 9/11 Truth contingent formed a chunk of the H and the O. The photos, videos look great, but sadly the media ignored our action, and really basically ignored the mass mobilization in DC, as well. NPR did a totally lame story on it, narrowing the debate between the sold out "Move-On" fake opposition, and the Committee to Reduce the Escalation in Iraq (or some such ridiculously titled official Democratic Party mild opposition to the size of the war- which failed utterly to address the basic immorality and criminal nature of the war or how Congress had a duty and obligation to cut funding for it). All the more reason for us to become the media- their omissions and distortions of key issues is one of the prime reasons humanity is in its present state of crisis.
San Jose Residents Spell Impeach!
San Jose Area Residents Spell IMPEACH! with their BodiesArticle by Sharat G. Lin
Silicon Valley Impeachment Coalition organizes impeach "spell-in" where people laid down in San Jose City Hall Plaza to spell IMPEACH with their bodies on Saturday, June 9, 2007.
At first it was demonstrations against the U.S. wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. Then it was vigils against the on-going military occupations of those countries and the mounting death toll of both U.S. troops and Iraqi civilians. Then the protests became nearly daily affairs as it became more evident that the U.S. government was violating international laws protecting prisoners of war, subjecting them to torture, and humiliating them at Abu Ghuraib and Guantanamo. The signs of protest became long banners of popular outrage at the Bush administration.
Finally, under sunny skies at San Jose City Hall, South Bay residents decided it was time to spell out a still larger message to Congress: IMPEACH! Citizens laid their bodies down on City Hall Plaza Saturday, June 9 to spell I-M-P-E-A-C-H-! It was the largest sign yet of Silicon Valley's growing frustration with the Bush administration's subversion of the U.S. Constitution and violations of human rights. It was also a display of voters' growing impatience with Congress' failure to act to set a timetable to end the war in Iraq and failure to begin impeachment proceedings.
Organized by the Silicon Valley Impeachment Coalition, the Impeach "Spell-In" included participants from South Bay Mobilization for Peace and Justice, the San Jose Peace Center, the Green Party of Silicon Valley, Code Pink, and many other organizations.
2007 Heroic Citizens for Impeachment
Caption: Supergroup
2007 Heroic Citizens for Impeachment Award Recipients
Surrounded by Super-Heroes
Cynthia Papermaster (Code Pink), Brad Newsham (Beach Impeach), Carol Wolman's son- Jacob Clapsaddle,
producer of High Crimes (both impeachbush-cheney.com- he accepted on behalf of his mom),
Don Spark (World Can't Wait), May 9, 2007 Rally
2007 Heroic Citizens for Impeachment Award Recipients
Surrounded by Super-Heroes
Cynthia Papermaster (Code Pink), Brad Newsham (Beach Impeach), Carol Wolman's son- Jacob Clapsaddle,
producer of High Crimes (both impeachbush-cheney.com- he accepted on behalf of his mom),
Don Spark (World Can't Wait), May 9, 2007 Rally
Anti-war demonstrators in superhero garb sang and marched on University Avenue Wednesday, ending up at Congresswoman Anna Eshoo's office calling for the impeachment of President George W. Bush. Carol Brouillet dressed as Wonder Woman and singer-songwriter August Bullock played guitar in a Superman costume. (Palo Alto Weekly photo [page 3] May 11, 2007)
I posted this article on Indymedia.org:
2007 Heroic Citizens for Impeachment Awards;
Heroes Rally, Sing, and March for ImpeachmentThe Superheroes were the first to arrive at Lytton Plaza in downtown Palo Alto yesterday, incognito, setting up banners and tables, and doing the “work” to prepare for the 1:00 p.m. rally. Annie and one Veteran for Peace, George Johnson, opened the rally with their new “Impeachment” song, followed by the Raging Grannies. August Bullock, dressed as Superman, sang the “Heroes of America” song that inspired the theme for this fourth monthly impeachment rally.
Carol Brouillet, co-founder of the Northern California 9/11 Truth Alliance, dressed as Wonder Woman, presented engraved awards, along with hundred-dollar checks, to four outstanding activists working for Impeachment:
Brad Newsham and YodaBrad Newsham, who organized the Beach Impeach event in January and the National Impeachment Day on April 28--which drew 1500 people to spell out “Impeach Now!” and “Peace Now!”--was the first to receive an award, after which he spoke about the trials and tribulations of his many months of effort--the vision, the hopes, the setbacks, and the spreading ripple of impact that has strengthened the Impeachment movement. A devoted dad, he had to leave early to pick up his daughter from school.
Cynthia Papermaster, of Code Pink, the tireless organizer of impeachment rallies at Pelosi’s mansion and office, who has tried to put impeachment “on the table,” received the second award.
Carol Wolman, a psychologist and write-in candidate for Congress on an Impeachment platform in 2006, as well as a moving force behind www.impeachbush-cheney.com who has helped organize many rallies and events, received the third award in absentia. Carol was represented by her talented husband and son, Bob and Jacob Clapsaddle, who filmed the event. (Jacob recently produced the impeachment documentary “High Crimes and Atrocities,” as well.) Jacob read the following statement from Carol:
“I think of myself as a grass root, saying what we all know has to be said--this administration is a bunch of criminals that need to be impeached and ejected from office. I'm just one of many who feel this way and are working toward this end.
Don Spark, a devoted activist and moving force within the SF Bay World Can’t Wait chapter, who has worked in coalition with many other groups to put on rallies and events to change the direction of the country and educate the public, received the next award and made this statement:In these trying times, we are all called on to be heroes, to extend our citizenship beyond the voting booth. We are blessed with a Constitution which gives sovereignty, ultimate rule, to "We the People." As citizens, we need to uphold and defend the Constitution against the greatest enemies--they happen to be domestic enemies-- we have ever known. Our Constitution makes us free; our liberties are being chipped away; it's up to us to preserve them.
To quote some other American heroes:
Benjamin Franklin:
They who would give up an essential liberty for temporary security, deserve neither liberty or security.John Adams:
There is danger from all men. The only maxim of a free government ought to be to trust no man living with power to endanger the public liberty.Edward R. Murrow:
We cannot defend freedom abroad by deserting it at home.Florynce Kennedy:
Freedom is like taking a bath -- you have to keep doing it every day!Robert Frost:
Freedom lies in being bold.Wendell Phillips:
Eternal vigilance is the price of liberty.Patrick Henry:
Is life so dear or peace so sweet as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God! I know not what course others may take, but as for me, give me liberty, or give me death!...”“In his letter of support to the World Can’t Wait last year, Nobel Prize winner Harold Pinter said,
'The Bush Administration is the most dangerous force that has ever existed. It is more dangerous than Nazi Germany because of the range and depth of its activities and intentions worldwide.'
We must bring this to a halt. We are the ones standing up to this. We are the heroes. We say no. We are fighting back. We are spending all our money, time and spirit...and that is good for us...and you know it...and we have to figure out how to communicate that better to everyone in America...to popularize this heroism and resistance. Being a hero is so groovy and fantastic, I feel guilty for the amount of joy and confidence it's given me to be committed to fighting to drive out the Bush regime!
My story and accomplishments are important only because the American people have failed to stand up against the most dangerous force on the planet, the Bush Regime. Therefore, it is completely the responsibility of those of us who see it - and know what needs to happen - to break the spell and transform millions more Americans into heroes. We need to project heroes, heroism and our bold accomplishments. Because, if we fail to adequately grow the resistance of people like Carol Brouillet and all of you - if we fail to convince others to do the same, America will experience horrors beyond what most of us have ever imagined. It began on the gulf coast. The largest mercenary army on earth, Blackwater, was on the New Orleans security plan. They made New Orleans like the Baghdad of today. And Blackwater is making police and security business deals with state governments all over this country...including building very large facilities in California.
There are very few of us heroes...and America is continuing on the fascist trajectory laid out by the Bush regime. The longer this goes on, the more entrenched and irrevocable the Bush program becomes ... the Bush program of fascism, war crimes and crimes against humanity. This cannot be allowed to continue through the end of Bush's term or it will be made permanent legally and in this society and culture. We are all here today to act now, because the future is in the balance. War, torture, Katrina, theocracy, and lies upon lies upon lies....
Several weeks after 9/11, I heard on the local Pacifica radio affiliate KPFA's Wendell Harper reporting on challenges being made by Michael Ruppert to the government’s official narrative of what happened on 9/11. I went to Ruppert’s website and learned of what remains today the main arguments against the government’s official narrative of what happened on 9/11. Everyone in congress is lying or ignorant. 9/11 was an inside job.
But before I understood that, it was clear to me that the most dangerous force on earth had been unleashed on 9/11. At the time I did not believe anything could be done about it, but I felt that life would be meaningless unless I tried anyway. In the winter of 2001, I joined you heroes. In the summer of 2005, the “World Can’t Wait - Drive Out the Bush Regime!” was formed. I quit my job and began giving it everything I had based on the founding document and basis of unity of The World Can’t Wait. It's one page long, written before Katrina….
The actions of Congress and the federal government led by the Bush regime in New Orleans and all over the Gulf Coast in the aftermath of Katrina look like mass murder and ethnic cleansing. That is a crime against humanity! Investigate. Indict. Prosecute and convict.
And now, The Call to Drive Out the Bush Regime..."
By the time Don finished his speech, people were ready to march. There were lots of banners and signs, and fliers to pass out. Many passers-by didn’t know anything about the Impeachment movement, or that Dennis Kucinich has introduced articles of impeachment against Dick Cheney. They didn’t know that only co-opted people within the Peace Movement would support bills that supposedly provide a timetable for withdrawal while actually giving money for war, instead of supporting impeachment and a genuine change of direction.
The dedicated activists who marched did so to educate the public, and to get “Impeachment” into the press and the national dialogue. Superman sang his song again, as he and Wonder Woman distributed the banners, signs, and flyers. The group began marching slowly down University Avenue, singing, chanting, and explaining their purpose as they marched along. Superman invented a new song, “It’s time to impeach the President,” including the following lively refrains from the group: “and Dick Cheney too!” “and Condoleezza Rice!” “and Gonzalez!” “and Donald Rumsfeld!” “and Karl Rove!” People loved the procession and interacted with the many costumed characters, including Yoda, Spiderman, and a hooded prisoner from Abu Ghraib. Sometimes people joined the march and even sang a verse or two of our song with us. The Palo Alto Weekly and the Palo Alto Daily News sent photographers, and numerous other photographers couldn’t resist photographing the show as well.
Eventually, well past 3:00 p.m., those brave enough to risk a parking ticket finally reached Anna Eshoo’s office to sing our message, loudly and clearly several times, before visiting the staff, signing in, and conveying to Congresswoman Eshoo our request that she support Kucinich’s Impeachment bill, HR 333.
Risking parking tickets, these heroes stayed til the very end to pressure Eshoo at her office.Here is the poster art and the flier that Brian made for the rally:
The Text on the Fliers was:
For lying about Iraq, for attacks on civilians, for crooked-crony war contracts.......
impeach for PEACEFor aggressive wars, chemical weapons, for warrantless wiretaps and searches.........................
impeach to restore the RULE OF LAWFor torture and for faulty Katrina response............
impeach for JUSTICEFor indefinite detentions and media suppression......
impeach for FREEDOMFor ignoring pre-9/11 warnings and for "The Pet Goat"...
impeach for WORLD RESPECTFor obstructing and gelding official 9/11 investigations so they ignored essential issues, failed to address 70% of the widows' questions, and failed to assign blame.......
impeach for TRUTH and ACCOUNTABILITYFor creating a climate of fear and assuming dictatorial executive powers.......
impeach for THE FUTUREContact your Congressional Representative:
Anna Eshoo
205 Cannon Building Washington,
D.C. 20515Palo Alto Office:
(650) 323-2984 or (408) 245-2339 or (831) 335-2020
D.C. Office:
(202) 225-8104
Ask her: Which is more important? A pathological sense of national unity or defending the Constitution from a cynical and lawless regime?
Write Letters to the Editor:
letters@paweekly.com (must include your name)
letters@dailynewsgroup.com (name, address, phone, 250-word limit)
letters@sfchronicle.com (200-word limit)
Here's the music video which inspired the theme for the May/June rallies:
Heroes of America - an anti-war anthem August Bullock, the singer, also has a website at- augustbullock.com.
(Click image to go to video-link)The Silicon Valley Impeachment Coalition, The Santa Clara County Green Party and the Northern California 9/11 Truth Alliance co-sponsored the May 9th Rally/March.
Here are a few more photos taken by Mike and Tom Baldwin:
Raging Grannies, August Bullock(Superman), Spiderman, Cynthia Papermaster, Brad Newsham, Jacob Clapsaddle, Don Spark, Yoda
Brad Newsham, Carol Brouillet, Tian Harter, August Bullock
Carol Brouillet and Ruth Chippendale at the table
Carol Brouillet and Mike Baldwin
Gathering Heroes411 on 911 Impeachment Rally
April 12, 2007 Coverage in the Palo Alto Daily News of
411 on 911 Rally and March for 9/11 Truth and Impeachment
(Click on photo for article posted at Indymedia.org)"411 on 911" was an irresistable theme for the April impeachment rally, which fell on (4/11/2007), our monthly 9/11 Visibility Action Day. Speakers included Gabriel Day- Organizer of the "9/11 Revealing the Past- Reclaiming the Future Conference," David Kubiak- International Campaign Advisor for 911truth.org, Janette MacKinlay- 9/11 survivor, Riva Enteen- National Lawyers Guild, Ken Jenkins- Northern California 9/11 Truth Alliance.
More photos and a write-up by Tian Harter can be found here: ![]()
411 on 911 - Rally/March for 9/11 Truth and Impeachment concludes at Congresswoman Eshoo's office in Palo Alto
Here is the photo and text of the postcards we made to publicize and pass out for the 411 on 911 rally/march:
The text on the back reads:
9/11 Truth
Bush Administration to launch illegal wars and assaults on the
Constitution, the Bill of Rights, and habeas corpus. The
institutionalization of torture, and the Military Commissions Act's
authorization of the use of martial law and military force against US
citizens, were supported by Congress and unchallenged by the media.
They have both failed to investigate and report the basic facts about
9/11. 115 serious omissions and distortions in the 9/11 Report are listed
by Dr. David Ray Griffin in his essay, “The 571 Page Lie.” The lies,
the cover-up, and the conspiracy theory Bush and Cheney used to
connect 9/11 to invasion of Iraq are high crimes meriting impeachment.To defend the U.S. Constitution against all enemies foreign and
communitycurrency.org, www.911truth.org, www.911review.com
National Shopping Boycott – April 15-22nd
Impeach for Peace and Justice
domestic, to hold accountable those who through fraud and
malfeasance have sought endless war, demonstrated endemic
corruption and heartless disregard for the weakest among us, for
justice, we will begin a one-week shopping boycott, along with other
civil disobediences, uniting citizens who agree we must do something
NOW. Simultaneously withdrawing from the retail economy, millions
of us can send a wake-up call to the corporations that back our national
leaders. During this week, shop only at local independent stores.
We can show the corporate powers and our elected representatives
that we are determined, that the time for truth and justice has come, that
“We're not buying it any more” and a full accounting is expected from
Washington and Wall Street both.The National Day of Action for Impeachment (April 28th)
Dennis Loo came up with an idea called "Show It Off!" which suggests that everyone wanting impeachment be particularly visible in the week leading up to the national impeachment day, by wearing impeachment garb and plastering the message wherever they may be. Dennis Loo is an editor (with Peter Philips) to the book-
We also made another card specifically for the Impeachment actions:
We printed them on a bright orange paper with this text on the back:
Show It Off…
If even 5% of the 58% who want to see Bush and Cheney gone were to wear impeachment T-
shirts, armbands, buttons, stickers, ties, scarves, etc., we would literally be in the millions all over
this country - on the beach, in the valley, on the plains, in the mountains, on the farms, in school,
at work, in the stores, on the sidewalks, in the parks, on the buses, subways and trains.
And then it wouldn't matter if the mass media covered our demonstration because we would
be seen by tens of millions of other people. We would have made history - you would have
made history - participants in the largest political demonstration in U.S. history!
National Shopping Boycott – April 15-22nd
Impeach for Peace and JusticeTo defend the U.S. Constitution against all enemies foreign and
domestic, to hold accountable those who through fraud and
malfeasance have sought endless war, demonstrated endemic
corruption and heartless disregard for the weakest among us, for
justice, we will begin a one-week shopping boycott, along with other
civil disobediences, uniting citizens who agree we must do something
NOW. Simultaneously withdrawing from the retail economy, millions
of us can send a wake-up call to the corporations that back our national
leaders. During this week, shop only at local independent stores.
We can show the corporate powers and our elected representatives
that we are determined, that the time for truth and justice has come, that
“We're not buying it any more” and a full accounting is expected from
Washington and Wall Street both.The National Day of Action for Impeachment (April 28th)
Janette MacKinlay and Carol Brouillet at 411 on 911 Rally/March for 9/11 Truth and ImpeachmentAnd here is most of the text from Janette MacKinlay's speech at the 4/11/2007 rally:
"I’m glad to be here today to be supportive of the efforts of the Northern California 9/11 Truth movement to call for accountability for the crimes of September 11th by calling for the impeachment of Bush and Cheney, who among other things, and at the very least failed so miserably to protect the American people from the attacks of September 11th.
"The journey for explanations and accountability for the horrific events that occurred that morning began for me that very morning as I watched in horror and disbelief, as the towers burned, out the window of my apartment which was located directly across the street from the World Trade Center complex.
"The American people were under attack! By Who? Why? As history unfolded in front of my eyes, I kept asking myself, Who? Why?
"Any sense of security I had about my life disappeared at the moment Tower Two collapsed, bursting in our windows and covering us with dust, while creating total darkness. The terror of being in that cloud of darkness, wondering if each breath would be my last, haunts me to this very day.
"While it haunts me, it also drives me. I was being attacked! The American people were being attacked. The desire to fight back overwhelmed me! I wanted to fight for America. I wanted to fight back against those who had attacked me.
"These feelings of patriotism , revenge and terror bring me here today. The questions of Who? Why? And now, What to do about it remain, and motivate me in my quest, as painful and disturbing it has proven to be.
"The interior of my home looked like a bomb had exploded. The interior of my mind and being also felt the effects of that explosion. To this day, I suffer.
"After five weeks of staying in a hotel I returned to my home in Oakland, where I immediately joined the Commonwealth Club, hoping through going to lectures and by reading books I could find the answers to my questions, Who? Why? What to Do About it?
" The pursuit of answers only opened my eyes to more unanswered questions, and the shock and realization that our administration was not being truthful in their accounts. I reached this conclusion in the summer of 2004, upon the release of the official, long awaited, 9/11 Commission Report. Two of the commissioners spoke at a Commonwealth Club sponsored event the Fairmont Hotel in San Francisco.
"Their answers were all the same: classified information, national security concerns, and white house mandates. All the unanswered questions were classified! Why all the secrets? The commissioners themselves convinced me of a cover-up!
"As fate would have it, it was at that same event; I met Carol Brouillet of the Northern California Truth Alliance, who was part of a tabling effort. She gave me a copy of Dr. David Ray Griffins book, A New Pearl Harbor, which opened the door to exploring additional explanations of Who? Why, and What to Do About it.
"Carol later called me on the phone and invited me to attend the groups bi-monthly meetings. Since that time in the summer of 2004, I have been supportive of the group’s efforts, and have taken on the task and responsibilities of organizing and participating in 9/11 Truth events.
"It’s the least I can do! As an American, I need to stand up and put a stop to the ongoing violence that the events of September 11th unleashed. My heart and sympathy goes out to those effected by those events, and to the violence and death that has been it’s aftermath.
"The events of September 11th have proven to be the tip of the iceberg to what was to follow. Witnessing the lies, deceits and corruption of the Bush/Cheney administration has been equally as painful as my first hand experiences of the day.
"As Americans we have continued to be attacked! First on 9/11, then the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, as well as the war on our rights, and the economic stranglehold we now feel as we see the high gasoline prices, high medical costs, and high heating bills. We as Americans are truly under attack.
"We need to stop the corrupt Bush Regime.
"Now the question is – have we had enough? Enough is enough! It is now time to put impeachment back on the table. It is a matter of saving America.
"Let us be heard – we want impeachment.
"We also need to exercise the power of the purse strings. I’ve learned this whole thing is ultimately about money and greed. So we need to hit them where it hurts! In their pockets!
"I hope you will join me in supporting the upcoming National Shopping Boycott from April 15 – Tax Day to Earthday April 22nd. It is time for Americans to take a one-week break, and stop all corporate shopping, delay major purchases, stay out of shopping malls, and avoid national chain stores. People of conscience send a message to corporate America and Congress to end the war in Iraq and move forward immediately on the impeachment of Bush and Cheney!
"Endorse this action at: www.wearenotbuyingit.org
"Thank you so much for your attention and support.
I posted our press advisory as an article at Indymedia.org Brian and I painted about 160 posters for the 411 on 911 rally. We saved a whole $200. Brian was inspired to add the color ourselves by a poster in San Francisco that had been hand painted. "I could do better than that." he thought. We hope that our efforts will inspire more creativity and better technique in others.
March 14, 2007 Impeachment Rally
Our March 14th rally made the cover of the local paper:
March 14, 2007, Palo Alto
(Cover photo by Victor Maccharoli
Palo Alto Daily News published March 15, 2007)
Valentine's Day Impeachment Rally
(Click on photo to see Tian Harter's photographs from the rally and day's events.)
Our first Monthly Impeachment Rally/March- Valentine's Day- February 14, 2007, Palo Alto