A Change of Heart
Review of the novel- Solomon's Proof: A Psycho-Spiritual Journey to World Consciousness"
2007 by Rashan Barcusé, Rabbonai Press, Boulder, Colorado, 709 pages
Rashan Barcusé, author of Solomon's ProofReviewed March 30, 2010, by Carol Brouillet
I was looking for an image of a nebula that has the same characteristics of the electromagnetic field that is generated by the human heart when I stumbled across the website solomonsproof.com. In addition to various drawings and detailed explanations there was an excellent, striking image of the Cat’s Eye Nebula, precisely what I was looking for.
A cursory glance at the website convinced me that whoever created it shared the gist of my understanding of the Universe. I eventually added a link from my webpage to the website and notified the author, who responded by sending me a copy of his book, Solomon's Proof. The sheer size of the book was daunting, especially since I was already overwhelmed with books and DVDs to review. As an organizer and activist with a weekly radio show to host, I didn’t have time to even open the book for over a week until one evening when I was bumped from my computer and had a few minutes to spare. I picked the book up intending to spend ten minutes or so reading the first few pages, but I soon became so entranced that I forgot about my computer work. The story completely captivated me. Although I skipped most of the footnotes and the numerous appendices, I was heartened to know that the author had carefully backed up the many assertions that challenge conventional wisdom.
Cat's Eye NebulaThe story begins with a man in a bookstore looking for a book to improve his relationship with his girlfriend, when a stranger strikes up a conversation and points out key books containing profound truths about male and female energy, love and divine marriage, East and West, and Carl Jung. The two men decide to get a bite to eat after they purchase their books, and thus begins a friendship that eventually spans decades. They are both drawn to two women, an artist and an actress, and the conversations evolve around the unfolding relationships between these four people. The main plot and key questions revolve around the stranger who appeared in the bookstore, Michael Solomon, who is also a teacher of yoga, and perhaps much more. Michael Solomon has come up with “Solomon’s Proof,” a unified field theory of everything, which he believes demonstrates the inevitability of a world teacher, following in the footsteps of Christ and Buddha, to help lead humanity into a new era of conscious evolution. Is Michael Solomon that teacher? Is he only one of many enlightened beings on the planet? Or is he just crazy? That question is part of the dilemma that the characters grapple with.
There are stories within stories, plots within plots, political commentaries, and plenty of interesting arguments throughout the book. Solomon is not just a spiritual guru, but also a political activist pushing for direct democracy through his draft of a Home Rule Charter for his local town. He condemns the corporate media and is involved in starting one of the most radical public television stations in the country. (The actual television station that the author helped start was probably the first and only station to air the documentary 9/11 Press for Truth, as well as “9/11: Blueprint for Truth- The Architecture of Destruction” with Richard Gage, AIA.) Before I finished reading the book, I asked the author, Rashan Barcusé, if I could interview him on my radio show, sensing that he has practical ideas for creating alternatives to the declining empire that we live in.
In the course of the novel, the main characters describe their dreams to each other and engage in various forms of creativity. They are inspired to create paintings, write a play, star in theatrical productions, critique theatrical plays, produce radio commentaries, and engage in inner work. They also play their roles upon the world stage, and decide what role they should play. Solomon casts himself as the teacher, and Rashan Barcusé plays the scribe or chronicler of Solomon’s life and insights. Armed with a tape recorder, he records Solomon explaining his proof:
“I’ve shown you the first step: the congruency between Heisenberg’s Uncertainty Principle and the Taoist, Judaic, and Platonist insistence that the deity, or totality of existence and being, cannot be accurately rendered in symbols…
One of my favorite paintings is of a Chinese philosopher whose feet are firmly planted on the Earth, his head and gaze joyfully embraced by the clouds, perfectly balanced in the world of matter, spirit, and emotion. Solomon’s Proof shares that balanced, contemplative, grounded, and yet unbounded quality, weaving science, poetry, passion, literature, and the mundane and sublime into a story of an exploration of the human psyche. Solomon challenges a multitude of common beliefs and shared myths that have dominated and shaped our world. As George Orwell wrote, “In a time of universal deceit, to tell the truth is a revolutionary act.” Solomon suggests that Christ was a revolutionary and that his words and message have been significantly distorted for political purposes. He challenges written history, revered personages, and national myths. After a thirty-year friendship, when Solomon challenges the official myth of 9/11, Rashan blows up at him and asks him to leave. Ten months pass before Rashan has a change of heart, leaves his lucrative accounting career to devote himself to writing plays, and invites Michael back into his life.“These congruencies mean that whether you are a scientist or a saint, there’s a limitation on what you can know and communicate about the ultimate Reality -leading us to the undeniable conclusion that science and spirituality converge at the same boundary. In other words, what lies beyond this boundary -as Taoism, Judaism, Platonism, and Physics tell us -is not something you can quantify in an equation or a name. This frontier of indefiniteness itself is the ultimate Reality, what spiritualists call G-d. and what I, for the purposes of my proof and in the name of science, call the Anomaly- that which is different, that which operates by principles that are outside the bounds of our pedestrian perceptions -what is available to us through what religion calls faith, what humanists call creativity or magic or genius, and what science has branded as ‘uncertainty.’”…
“Anomalies are woven throughout the universe because they are at the core of the fundamental building blocks of creation -what we generally call Light. It is through the creation of a symbol to represent the Anomaly that we discover the path from which we are able to move from the toroidal model of quanta in step two of the proof, to step three in which we derive the implications of this model on human evolution. Once you understand the necessity for the Anomaly in the model you can understand why the culmination of the Unified Field Theory is ultimately not an equation, but a ratio -a is to b as c is to d as e is to f as g is to h, etc. -an analogous proof of the congruency between different emanations of the same force. In fact, I believe Heisenberg himself foresaw what I have proven when he said, ‘Perhaps it is not too rash to hope that new spiritual forces will again bring us nearer to the unity of a scientific concept of the universe…’”
Reading this remarkable novel inevitably raises the following questions: Who is Rashan? Who is Michael Solomon? How much truth can be revealed on stage, in literature, in art, and in the political arena? The challenges and paradoxes of our times are explored in this brave book that bares one man’s soul to the world. Will he be ignored, censored, and ridiculed for his revolutionary ideas? Or will his ideas resonate with and inspire others?
I don’t want to give away the plot by saying more about the characters and what they do. Suffice it to say that I found the book very hard to put down. It is filled with insights and intriguing ideas, as well as being in alignment with my own personal experience and research in a number of important areas. In our quest for a national epiphany, or a change of heart, to move us off the course of global conquest and to redirect our resources and energies toward healing ourselves and the planet and consciously evolving in alignment with universal truths, Solomon’s Proof is clearly a helpful tool to nudge us in the right direction.
I look forward to interviewing the author, Rashan Barcusé, on Thursday, April 15, from 2-3 pm Pacific Time on my weekly show, Community Currency, on the Progressive Radio Network.
Rashan Barcusé is the pen name for a writer, novelist, and playwright from the Rocky Mountains near Boulder, Colorado. He has produced, written, and directed over 200 television programs and 650 radio segments, as well as written dozens of magazine articles. His career also includes instructor-led, web-based, and mobile training programs. His theatre reviews have appeared in Variety, the Denver Post, and other venues for the past 14 years.