Northern California 9-11 Truth Alliance
Launches Art ContestPurpose- To encourage artists to think deeply and creatively about the defining event of this century, to shine truth on the biggest lies of our time, which have been used to launch immoral, illegal, unjustifiable wars, and to help light the path towards peace and justice. Entries to be displayed at
Grand Prize $500 (one winner in the entire art contest)
Youth Category- under 18 years old as of July 1st 2005;
1st prize $200 (one winner in each category)
2nd prize $100 (one winner in each category)
Adult Category- 18 years old or over as of July 1st 2005
Winners art to be published in Global Outlook Magazine, HopeDance Magazine, Left Curve Journal,
and may be used for posters, banners, t-shirts, buttons, bumper stickers, postcards, flyers by the
Northern California 9-11 Truth Alliance and Peace Resource Project for educational and promotional purposes.Contest ends July 1st 2005 Winners announced July 11th 2005
Art, film, truth, music, courage has birthed the 9-11 Truth Movement, we hope this art contest will encourage people to become more engaged in shaping our collective future, recognizing their own power, and helping us to merge the 9-11 Truth Movement with the Peace and Justice Movements, for the benefit of all people and all life. Submissions, volunteers, co-sponsors, are most welcome and appreciated.
The judges include- Blaine Machan, the Deception Dollar artist, Gabriel Day of Peace Resource Project, Carol Brouillet, Publisher of the Deception Dollar, Mark Garret of the Achenbach Foundation for Graphic Arts, Niko, webmaster of
Here are some of the many prizes that will be awarded.
The Great Conspiracy- The 9-11 News Special You Never Saw, produced by Barrie Zwicker
Aftermath- Unanswered Questions from 9-11, produced by the Guerrilla News Network
Truth and Politics- Unanswered Questions About 9-11 featuring David Ray Griffin-, Produced by Ken Jenkins
Hijacking Catastrophe: 9/11, Fear and the Selling of American Empire, produced by the Media Education FoundationVideos-
The Truth and Lies of 9-11, featuring Michael Ruppert, produced by From the Wilderness
Spiraling into It- Carol Brouillet, by Fiske ProductionsCDs-
7 CD Set of San Francisco International Inquiry into 9-11, produced by T.U.C. Radio
Behind Every Terrorist- There is a Bush, Comedy/Benefit for the SF Int'l Inquiry, produced by T.U.C. Radio
2 CD set of Toronto International Citizens' Inquiry into 9-11 featuring Richard Sanders, Rocco Galati, Robert Bowman, produced by Guns and Butter
2 CD set of interviews with Webster G. Tarpley, produced by Guns and Butter
This is Not a Test, produced by Clarity,
Michael Ruppert's August 2004 speech to the Commonwealth Club, produced by T.U.C. Radio
"Building A Better Map- Lecture Series #1," Michael Ruppert lectures produced by From the WildernessBooks-
Synthetic Terror-Made in the USA, by Webster G. Tarpley, published by Progressive Press
The 9-11 Report- Omissions and Distortions, By David Ray Griffin, Interlink Publishing
The New Pearl Harbour, by David Ray Griffin, Interlink Publishing
True Lies, by Guerrilla News Network
America's War on Terrorism"- In the Aftermath of 9/11, by Michel Chossudovsky, published by the Center for Research on Globalization
Crossing the Rubicon- The Decline of the American Empire at the End of the Age of Oil, by Michael C. Ruppert, published by New Society Publishers
The War on Freedom, How and Why America was Attacked, September 11, 2001, by Nafeez Ahmed
The War on Truth- 9/11, Disinformation and the Anatomy of Terrorism, by Nafeez Mosaddeq Ahmed, Interlink Publishing
Fortunate- A Personal Diary of 9-11, by Janette Mackinlay
Still Seeking Answers, Edited by Paul Rea
Waking Up from Our Nightmare- the 9-11 Crimes of New York City, by Don Paul and Jim Hoffman
Doing Democracy, by Bill Moyer, published by New Society Publishers
America's Secret Establishment, by Antony Sutton, published by Trine Day
Fleshing Out Skull and Bones, Edited by Kris Millegan, publisher of Trine Day
Ambushed, Secrets of the Bush family,the Stolen Presidency, 9-11 and 2004, by Toby Rogers
Addicted to War- Why the U.S. Can't Kick Militarism, by Joel Andreas
Censored 2005- The Top 25 Censored Stories, by Project Censored
Butterfly, by Norie HuddleBarrie Zwicker's 9-11 Resource Guide
Activist Kit
Our Sponsors
Project Censored - Peace Resource Project
Media Education Foundation - Left Curve - Guns and Butter
Interlink Publishing - Ken Jenkins - Trine Day
New Society Publishers - - HopeDance Magazine - -
Northern California 9-11 Truth Alliance - 911 -
Addicted to - Skeptics Inquiry for Truth - 911 Visibilty Project - Global Outlook Magazine -
Janette MacKinlay - David Ray Griffin - T.U.C. Radio
Art may be submitted electronically or physically brought to the Northern California 9-11 Truth Alliance meetings, or ongoing events, or mailed to us. Our events/info # is 866-268-2320.
Contest details posted at – For more information, telephone Carol Brouillet 650-857-0927. If you don't have a computer, please request an entry form from the Northern California 9-11 Truth Alliance; our address is- PO Box 60511, Palo Alto, CA 94306
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