First Congressional Campaign Speech
October 3, 2006
Carol Brouillet
I am Carol Brouillet; I have been a Green Party member since it became an option. I am also a mother of three teenage boys, and an organizer. It is out of love for my family and the world that I work to redirect the nation’s resources from a war economy--from killing and controlling--towards a peace economy, that heals and nurtures human relationships, and our precious biosphere. War is the biggest, most lucrative business on the planet, but it enriches the few, and threatens all of us.
On September 11th, what frightened me more than the horrific images from New York was the way the media and government began beating the drums for war.
In January 2002, I organized a march on our Senators and my Congresswoman to demand a congressional investigation of 9-11. Bush and Cheney asked Daschle to limit the investigations.
Members of Congress, since 9-11, have failed to adhere to their oaths of office to “support and defend the Constitution” against all enemies, foreign and domestic.” Congress has also failed to defend the American people from the executive branch of government when it is abusing its power, lying, launching immoral, illegal wars of aggression, institutionalizing torture, nullifying habeas corpus, taking us back to the days of the Inquisition and even further, before the Magna Carta.
In January 2003, I organized a march on Eshoo’s office, demanding “Pre-Emptive Impeachment of Bush, Cheney and Ashcroft, an End to the 9-11 Cover-up, and Repeal of the Patriot Act.
The White House stonewalled on creating a 9/11 Commission, and only consented to it when they could exercise control over its parameters, directing it through Philip Zelikow, a member of the Bush National Security transition team, and the author of the Pre-Emptive War Doctrine. The official report was used to sell “Homeland Security” and an expansion of the “National Security State.” The most fraudulent conspiracy theory about 9-11 is the one that Cheney and Bush used to sell the war on Iraq to the American people by trying to link Saddam Hussein to 9-11.
We must ask the hard questions. Why were those most responsible for the failures of the military and the intelligence agencies on September 11th rewarded with promotions and increased budgets?
The Project for a New American Century, include many in high positions in the current administration, called for the U.S. to take advantage of its unrivaled superpower status, and to extend its power, through a “Revolution in Military Affairs”- the domination of space, cyberspace, military technologies, and information systems. Their “Rebuilding America’s Defenses” report says: “The process of transformation is likely to be a long one, absent some catastrophic and catalyzing event, like a New Pearl Harbor.”
We must ask who had the ability to carry out 9-11, to destroy the evidence, to cover it up, and who benefited? Rice described 9-11 as an “opportunity" to fundamentally change American doctrine, and the shape of the world.
The failure of Congress and the press to get out the key facts about 9-11, inspired me to publish over 6,500,000 Deception Dollars, promoting websites which challenge the official story.
The 9-11 Commission ignored Secretary of Transportation Norman Mineta’s testimony of his experience in the Presidential Emergency Operations Center on the morning of September 11th before the Pentagon was hit. He told the Commission: “There was a young man who came in and said to the vice president, 'The plane is 50 miles out…30 miles out…10 miles out,' the young man also said to the vice president, 'Do the orders still stand? Cheney… said, 'Of course the orders still stand. Have you heard anything to the contrary?'”
Cheney and Bush must be asked to testify “What were the orders that they issued that morning?” and “Who was overseeing the multiple war games that were being conducted?”
We need a real investigation of 9-11. We need to impeach those who have committed the highest crimes against our country. We need to recognize that the “War on Terror” is the biggest fraud ever and is a “War of Terror” against the American people and the world.
“Real security” doesn’t depend upon weapons, spies, deceptions. Security cannot come from terrorizing entire nations in order to maintain the wealth and power of a few over the many. Real security comes from healthy relationships, a healthy environment, the cooperation of all those who value and respect life and one another.
I am for Truth, Impeachment, Peace, Justice, Ecological Wisdom and the Repeal of the PATRIOT Act. I believe the highest duty of a citizen is to hold its government accountable. I believe a government should rein in corporate power which threatens our health, our environment, and our major means of communication.
We must have voter verified paper ballots. We need to ban corporate money from campaigns. We need citizen oversight at every level of our electoral processes, or we will be stuck with illegitimate, criminal governments serving corporations, at the expense of people and planet. Our future is in our hands. My hope is that people will recognize that we do have great power, and voices, and we must exercise them, now, for our children, for our country, for the world.
Please vote for me for your Congressional Representative in California's District 14
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