Announcing a new weekly one hour radio show
on the Progressive Radio Network
Beginning February 18, 2010, 5- 6 pm EST, 2-3 pm PST
Hosted by Carol Brouillet. Theme music composed and performed by Rebecca Cross
-The upcoming shows are posted on the new improved website here. Our Show-
Lively, flowing conversation, connecting people, ideas, important information, nurturing human renaissance, seeking to transform disintegrating empire into healthy, problem-solving, creative, evolutionary, peaceful communities. Aware of the magnitude of the problems we face, the show's emphasis will be on discovering solutions. To hear the live broadcast visit-
About the host-
Carol Brouillet is a longtime activist who organized three conferences on Strategies to Transform the Global Economy and (the first) marches on her Senators and Congresswoman in January 2002 to Demand a Congressional Investigation of 9-11. She publishes the Deception Dollars, Perception Dollars and Co-Founded the 9-11 Truth Alliance, and the Northern California 9-11 Truth Alliance . She organized premieres of films, educational events, marches, rallies for 9-11 Truth, the San Francisco International Inquiry into 9-11, and produced the film Behind Every Terrorist- There is a Bush. She is also a mother of three and held a weekly Listening Project in downtown Palo Alto from October 2001 to October 2007, now she holds it once a month on the 11th, in solidarity with other 9/11 Truth activists worldwide. She ran for Congress in 2006 and 2008 on the Green Party ticket on a 9-11 Truth, Peace, Impeachment platform. From April 2007 through September 2008 she hosted a radio show on We The People Radio Network entitled- Questioning War- Organizing Resistance.Theme music composed and performed by Rebecca Cross. If you would would like to volunteer, support, criticize, make suggestions about this program- you can email Carol Brouillet at cbrouillet(at) (Please put Community Currency in the subject heading) or if you want to mail a film or book for review, you can send it to Carol Brouillet, PO Box 60511, Palo Alto, CA 94306. All Radio Show archives are posted on the Progressive Radio Network. They are also available as podcasts here.
November 4, 2010 - Healing the Wounds of War - Beginning with the Veterans with Gold Star mother, Nadia McCaffrey.
Nadia McCaffrey took a courageous stand when informed of the death of her son, Patrick McCaffrey who was killed by Iraqi soldiers in an ambush near Balad, Iraq on June 22, 2004. She was the first Gold Star mother in the recent war to allow the media to welcome Patrick's return to the US. She has travelled internationally to speak of her son's life, his legacy, his 2 children, Janessa and Patrick Jr. She is the founder of Angelstaff, a group of trained volunteers who bring a caring presence to terminally ill and their families. She also created the Patrick McCaffrey Foundation, and the vision of a Veterans' Village, to help heal veterans returning from war. She has also worked with people trying to connect returning veterans to farms, and the land, for the benefit of all.
Nadia McCaffrey was born in Paris and grew-up in the province of Auvergne,(Lafayette country.) France, she studied the Arts, and nursing. She married an American, Robert McCaffrey; she immigrated to California, United States in the 60‘s. Her son, Sgt Patrick R. McCaffrey Sr., was born at Stanford Hospital in Palo Alto CA, May 26 1970. Patrick believed in his country, and patriotically enlisted in the wake of September 11th. He was a compassionate man who tried to protect his fellow soldiers and Iraqi children.
Nadia McCaffrey has become an international voice for peace, justice and responsibility in government.
On her website, Nadia has this quote:
"Veterans are the light at the tip of the candle, illuminating the way for the whole nation. If veterans can achieve awareness, transformation, understanding, and peace, they can share with the rest of society the realities of war. And they can teach us how to make peace with ourselves and each other, so we never have to use violence to resolve conflicts again"
Nadia is working on a major project for veterans in Minnesota on 224 acres of land. She also helped start the growing coaliton between organic farmers and veteran. See Farmer-Veteran Coalition headed by Michael O’Gorman. For veteran's counseling, Nadia also recommends The Welcome Home Project. This show archived here.
Thich Nhat Hanh
October 28, 2010
Nadia McCaffrey2012: The Awakening with author, Bill Douglas.
Truth activist, FBI Whistleblower, and TIME Magazine Woman of the Year, Coleen Rowley; and spiritual author Deepak Chopra have given high praise to Bill's new edu-tainment novel...
Wouldn't it be nice if there was a calm, peaceful, political and spiritual awakening in 2012, and human energy and attention was diverted from war and making money, to healing our selves and our planet? Bill Douglas has led a very unusual life. He never had any great ambitions to be a writer, but he did have a "spiritual awakening" years ago when he lost his mother, his father and his youngest son within a one year time period, and he began to write. Years later a publishing company contacted him and asked him to write a book on Tai Chi & Qigong meditation, which became a #1 best seller in that field, and was published in several languages. That book was instrumental in creating World Healing Day.
“Visionary ... The unique value of the type of combined science fiction-social commentary in 2012: The Awakening lies in its ability to educate about some of the current dark and harsh truths of the way so many people are currently being victimized and manipulated.”
Coleen Rowley “What a gift it is to see fictional entertainment tackling the large issues of humanity!”
Deepak Chopra
Bill Douglas and his wife, Angela, miraculously showed up at my home when I needed them the most, back in 2004. Both of us were struggling to get out the facts about 9/11, while the official 9/11 Commission was holding hearings, and orchestrating a major cover-up. We have worked together and stayed in touch over the years and Bill sent me a copy of his novel. I wrote a review about it here. Bill knows how hard it is to get out critical information through the front door of the corporate media, and we have both discovered that art, literature, film can be powerful vehicles to engage people's attention and educate them at the same time. I was pulled into Bill's novel by the characters, the drama, and the questions that I have been trying to deal with over the technologies that can be used to heal or to harm, those devices constructed by men and the processes harnessed and unleashed within our own hearts and minds. Bill's novel explores possibilities that I had never imagined, and in this interview we discuss the evolution of his novel, the boundaries between truth and fiction, the real and the imagination, and the possibilities of the novel being turned into a film, someday. This show is archived here.
2012- The Awakening and Bill DouglasOctober 21, 2010
March to Amend the Constitution with Laird Monahan. The Monahan Brothers were so angry and outraged over the Supreme Court's January 21st decision to grant corporations "free speech" rights and spend limitless amount of money, secretly and blatantly on any election, anywhere in the country, that they decided to begin a "March to Amend the Constitution" to abolish corporate "personhood." Their efforts are endorsed by a number of organizations who have been working on this issue, notably- whose motto is "End Corporate Rule. Legalize Democracy" and endorsed by Reclaim Democracy, Democracy Unlimited of Humbolt County, and Alliance for Democracy.
They began their walk on May 16, 2010 in San Francisco and blogged their progress at, inviting people to join them along the way, especially as they conclude their trek in Washington DC, on October 20th, 2010.
Laird Monahan is 70 years young, married and has own grown daughter. He was in the U.S. Navy from 1964- 1968, is a retired merchant seaman, and a Vietnam veteran.
Robin Monahan is 67 years old, married, with three grown children and an eleven year old son. He was in the US Navy from 1964- 1968, is a retired Registered Nurse, and a Vietnam veteran.
Before they began their march across the USA, their most daring political actions were putting signs up in their yards and voting. Along this journey, they were impressed by the friendliness, generosity, kindness, goodness of the people they met; they feel that this isn't the end of their journey, or even the end of the beginning of their journey. They are planning to continue their campaign, first in their home state of Minnesota, to get every town or city to pass resolutions in favor of an Amendment to Abolish Corporate Personhood. Laird suggests that this is something anyone/everyone can do, by approaching the groups that they belong to, and then their town council.This show is archived here.
Robin Monahan and Laird MonahanOctober 14, 2010
California 9/11 Truth Commission Initiative with former Senator Mike Gravel (U.S.Senator from Alaska 1969-1981), best known for his courageous effort to read the Pentagon Papers into the public record.) and Jose Rodriguez.
Senator Mike Gravel's passion has been Direct Democracy, which allows people to make laws, rather than allowing "elected representatives" the exclusive ability to make the laws. He has also taken brave stances and spoken out against secrecy in government. He supported and worked on the NYCCAN 2009 ballot initiative in New York City that would have established a local commission to conduct an impartial, evidence-driven investigation into the events of September 11, 2001. 80,000 New Yorkers signed the petition, far exceeding the requirement for the proposed City Charter amendment to be presented to the voters on the November ballot. However, the City of New York refused to place it on the ballot citing legal insufficiencies in the petition, and the State Supreme Court ruled in the City’s favor.
Senator Gravel also moderated the DC Press Conference and mock debate that Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth organized on September 9, 2010 and spoke on a panel and outlined his vision for the California 9/11 Truth Initiative in NYC at the How The World Changed After 9/11 on September 11, 2010. Senator Gravel arrived in California on October 7, 2010 to meet with local 9/11 Truth activists, take signatures to Sacramento, and spearhead the effort to navigate through the State Ballot Initiative process. He is in California for a couple of weeks to check on the level of support for the idea, and to begin to overcome the legal hurdles. At his first meeting with the Northern California 9/11 Truth Alliance on October 7, 2010 attendance was doubled, and a lot of interest and support for the effort was expressed.
Senator Gravel is relocating to California and has embarked on another project- the I LIKE MIKE TV Show, which is part comedy and part ‘Reality’ TV, in which a virally elected President- Mike Gravel is cleaning up Washington and putting military, financial execs and lobbyists in their place. A dozen or so short pilot episodes are posted online.
He founded Direct Democracy, The Democracy Foundation, Philadelphia II, all non-profit organizations to forward his effort to pass the Democracy Act. (His preamble to the published Pentagon Papers is remarkably apt for the current political situation.)
Traveling with Senator Gravel is activist Jose Rodriguez who will also was on the show. Jose joined the airforce early in life, but getting drafted for the Vietnam War changed his pro-military views and he became an anti-nuclear activist. He was part of the Great Peace March of 1986, organized rallies, marches, produced art, buttons, clothing for activists, and hosted the popular "Politically Correct Cooking show" on cable access television. He is featured, dressed as "Death," in a couple of videos on youtube drawing attention to the cost of war and the occupation of Palestine,
Here is the text of a message sent out to activists in California about the California 9/11 Truth Commission Initiative
As concerned citizens, we are joining together to raise funds to file an initiative in California to enact a "9/11 Truth Commission law." Once passed, this new commission untainted by politics and with subpoena powers to investigate 9/11 and its aftermath, the Afghan and Iraqi wars and the global War on Terror generally. Once the initiative process is under way in California, identical initiative measures will be filed in other initiative-enabled states such as Arizona, Colorado, Florida, Maine, Massachusetts, Ohio Oregon, Vermont, Washington, and others. These numerous filings will make the need for a new investigation of 9/11 a political issue in the presidential and congressional elections of November 2012.
Millions of people are aware of the problems with what we've been told happened on 9/11. To take just one thing, the freefall collapse of World Trade Center Building 7 looked exactly like a controlled demolition with explosives, and 1300 architects and engineers are calling for a new investigation, with subpoena power. I'm with a group that wants to implement this new investigation through a voter initiative. Could I count on your support?
The collapse of World Trade Center Building 7 on the afternoon of 9/11, an event that baffled engineers, now appears to be the most obvious of many smoking guns. Architects and engineers, scientists, military officers, and actors and artists have organized themselves, along with the Building What? Campaign, to seek the truth. Neither the Obama administration nor the US Congress has responded to repeated requests for a new investigation of 9/11. Mainstream media avoids the issue, taking its cue from government officialdom. Those contributing to ad hoc investigations, bringing forth new facts, are characterized as conspiracy nuts.
In order to evade the conspiracy characterization, our rhetoric will only focus on the need for a new investigation, devoid of the politics associated with earlier efforts. This strategy will be reinforced by the selection of distinguish persons to serve as commission members who will be identified in initiative filing documents ; some commissioners may be foreigners. Commission candidates will be recruited from the global 9/11 Truth Movement. The commissioners will appoint the all-important director of the commission.
In summary, a 9/11 Initiative campaign will:
Focus attention of the Global 9/11 Truth Movement on an actionable goal
Necessitate the raising of substantial funds to finance the initiative campaign
Have a website to facilitate citizen participation, fundraising, and financial transparency
Seek out and vet distinguished, qualified persons, to serve on the commission
File identical initiative measures in several states to make the 9/11 Initiative a national issue
Circumvent the government and the media by going directly to the people
Result in a commission with subpoena powers and the necessary public funding
Create an official body untainted by political interests able to pursue the facts surrounding 9/11 regardless of where they lead
We need your help.Senator Gravel and Jose responded to some of the questions raised about the problems with the NYCCAN ballot initiative and the hurdles that initiatives face, as well as the potential opportunity that the initiative process offers to citizens. This show is archived here
Mike Gravel
October 7, 2010
Monetary Reform with monetary experts Dick Distlehorst and Robert Poteat, both are senior advisors to the American Monetary Institute which just held its 6th Annual AMI Monetary Reform Conference in Chicago.
Dick Distlehorst, is in his 90th year, his wife passed away six years ago. He was with the First Marine Division on Guadalcanal in the South Pacific during World War II. He first learned about our problematic, to say the least, monetary system in 1958 and has studied it and fought against it since that time. He has held meetings locally for over 10 years, and he spoke to the conference via video and gave a very powerful, inspiring speech and made suggestions to all of us on how to pressure Congress and educate our friends about money.
Robert Poteat has been studying and working on monetary reform since 1981. His education was electrical engineering. He worked in radio and television broadcasting, manufacturing, and elevator construction. Since his retirement, he has been active with Veterans for Peace as past president and media producer for VfP Chapter 109 in Olympia, WA. This show is archived here.
Representative Dennis Kucinich also spoke via video and said that he would be introducing a Monetary Reform bill in Congress in November. My report, entitled Money of, by, for the Corporations OR Money of, by, for the People? and my presentation- Strategy for the Monetary Reform Movement, Stephen Zarlenga's opening remarks, and videos of the presentations of Professor Michael Hudson, Professor Yamaguchi, and Professor Steve Keen are posted online, along with a report by Keen at his website.
Dick Distlehorst and Robert PoteatSeptember 30, 2010
Psychological Aspects of 9/11 with Ken Jenkins co-founder of and Northern California 9/11 Truth Alliance. Guest host- John Wright, a member of the Northern California 9/11 Truth Alliance.
Ken Jenkins has a degree in electrical engineering from Carnegie-Mellon University, and has done extensive postgraduate study in psychology. A pioneer in the 9/11 movement, Ken started presenting his PowerPoint and video productions on 9/11 Truth in early 2002, and has since spoken at five national 9/11 conferences. His first video, "Perspective on 9/11" was originally made for those early presentations. He has since produced ten DVDs with leading 9/11 Truth author David Ray Griffin, including "9/11 - The Myth and the Reality". has documented speakers from many 9/11 conferences and events. The resulting DVDs are distributed partly through local cable access channels nationwide. By revealing the "false flag" nature of the 9/11 attacks, it is Ken's intention to not only help end the current bogus "war on terror" but to also open the way to ending war as a political option on this planet.
Guest host John W. Wright is an activist and researcher and studied international relations and economics at San Francisco State University. The show's theme was inspired by were Ken's article- The Truth is Not Enough: How to Overcome Emotional Barriers to 9/11 Truth. Here's a link to Political Ponerology by Andrew Lobaczewski which was discussed on the show. This show is archived here.
Ken Jenkins and John Wright
September 23, 2010 - "WTC 7 - Censored" with Richard Gage, AIA, founder of Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth, with Guest Host Mickey Huff
Richard Gage, AIA, is the founder of Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth. Gage has helped lead the charge to scientifically challenge the official narrative of 9/11 and offer hard evidence that the World Trade Center Buildings were demolished through the use of explosives through controlled demolition. He has lectured across the U.S. and in Australia, New Zealand, Japan, and Europe. His work has galvanized over a 1000 Architects and Engineers to petition for a new investigation. He was joined by David Ray Griffin, Professor Steven Jones, and others at a luncheon, conference for Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth on February 19th in San Francisco to announce their latest discoveries and efforts which was completely censored by the mainstream press. More recently, he held a press conference in Washington DC and was instrumental in getting a third light beam shone in NY to draw attention to WTC 7, but still has received almost no press coverage, beyond the wide attacks launched in general against the 9/11 truth movement. The campaign to overcome the censorship surrounding WTC 7 has sparked the Building What? campaign which has raised over $80,000 to show TV ads drawing attention to the controlled demolition of WTC 7.
Guest Host - Mickey Huff, is an Associate Professor of History at Diablo Valley College, former Adjunct Lecturer in Sociology at Sonoma State University, and the previous Co-Director of the alternative public opinion research agency Retropoll, in Berkeley. Mickey now serves as the Director of Project Censored, and is a fellow board member of Media Freedom Foundation, working with Professor Phillips. Mickey teaches courses in U.S. Media History, Sociology of Media and Censorship, Propaganda and Media Studies, Critical Thinking concerning 9/11 and American Empire, and Popular Culture. He designed and taught classes on “History of U.S. Media” at Berkeley City College, Critical Reasoning in History, “America, 9/11, and the War on Terror: Media Myth Making and the Propaganda of Historical Construction,” and “American Popular Culture and Mass Media in Historical Perspectives” at Diablo Valley College. This show is archived here.
Censored 2011, Mickey Huff and Richard Gage, AIASeptember 16, 2010
"Monetary Reform" with Stephen Zarlenga, founder of The American Monetary Institute, author of The Lost Science of Money - The Mythology of Money - the Story of Power. Stephen Zarlenga has over three decades of practical experience in the world of finance and spent over twelve years doing the historical research to write his book. The final chapter is the solution he offers based upon his knowledge and understanding of money, and the failures of past attempts at monetary reform. His idea has been written into legislative language which should someday come before Congress. He believes that daunting though the struggle may appear, we must not give up because our future depends on changing our deeply flawed monetary system.
They have organized excellent conferences, where experts, and researchers have pooled their knowledge and expanded awareness on the need for reform. He condemns most economists for obscuring the basic facts about money, how it is created, its structural flaws, which transfer wealth from the many to the few. He believes that governments not banks should create money, that the Federal Reserve should be nationalized, that private banks should not be allowed to create money out of thin air, siphoning wealth from others, and that governments have the right to create money and should spend it into existence on infrastructure projects that benefit people.
A report from the conference is posted here. Professor Steven Keen, Professor Michael Hudson, Professor Yamaguchi's presentations are posted on Steve Keen's website along with his report on the conference.This show is archived here.
I spoke on Strategy for the Monetary Reform Movement
(Analyzing it though the MAP Model of Social Movements, as I did for the Truth Movement in Chicago in 2006)(I interviewed Stephen Zarlenga, also on April 8th, 2010 which was archived here.)
Stephen Zarlenga, author of The Lost Science of Money - The Mythology of Money - the Story of PowerSeptember 9, 2010
Project Censored with Mickey Huff and Peter Phillips (Speaking live from the 6th Annual 9/11 Truth Film Festival)
Project Censored's mission is to teach students and the public about the role of a free press in a free society – and to tell the News That Didn’t Make the News and Why. Project Censored began over 30 years ago, in 1976, as an epiphany within the mind of Carl Jensen, now Professor Emeritus, Communications Studies, Sonoma State University, California (SSU). Carl realized that vital information was being continuously and systematically filtered by a news media industry owned by fewer and fewer corporations. The idea was to have a group of respected scholars find and select 25 under-reported, misrepresented, or frankly censored news stories over the preceding year that were of maximal importance to the public. This effort gradually evolved into formal courses of study at SSU. This month Censored 2011, edited by Mickey Huff and Peter Phillips, chronicling the 25 most censored stories of 2009/2010 will be released.When Dr. Carl Jensen retired in 1996, the project was passed to Dr. Peter Phillips, award winning Professor of Sociology at SSU where he teaches on Media Censorship, Power, Class Statification, and Social Welfare. Peter has authored, or co-authored several books including Impeach the President; The case Against Bush and Cheney, and Project Censored Guide to Independent Media and Activism, along with the Project Censored yearbooks dating from 1997. Peter Phillips, Phd. is now director emeritus of Project Censored, and president of the Media Freedom Foundation. He is known for his op-ed pieces in the alternative press and independent newspapers nationwide, and the winner of the 2009 Dallas Smythe Award, presented by the Union for Democratic Communication.
After completing thirteen Censored books, Peter has passed the mantle to Mickey Huff, Associate Professor of History at Diablo Valley College, former Adjunct Lecturer in Sociology at Sonoma State University, and the previous Co-Director of the alternative public opinion research agency Retropoll, in Berkeley. Mickey now serves as the Director of Project Censored, and is a fellow board member of Media Freedom Foundation, working with Professor Phillips. Mickey teaches courses in U.S. Media History, Sociology of Media and Censorship, Propaganda and Media Studies, Critical Thinking concerning 9/11 and American Empire, and Popular Culture. He designed and taught classes on “History of U.S. Media” at Berkeley City College, Critical Reasoning in History, “America, 9/11, and the War on Terror: Media Myth Making and the Propaganda of Historical Construction,” and “American Popular Culture and Mass Media in Historical Perspectives” at Diablo Valley College.
The new Censored 2011 introduces a Truth Emergency section which showcases the work of scholars and independent journalists including Dr. Lance de Haven Smith, Dr. David Ray Griffin, Nora Barrows-Friedman, Dr. Robert Abele, and Dr. Andrew Roth addressing State Crimes Against Democracy (SCADs), WTC Building 7 (The third building destroyed on 9/11, which was not hit by an airplane and sustained less damage than other buildings that did not fall. The most plausible explanation, controlled demolition, has been attacked or ignored by government scientists in what seems to be violation of the scientific method itself. Nearly half the US population still has no knowledge of this building and the 9/11 Commission did not even mention it in its report- a testimony to the ongoing censorship of this topic), the plight of Palestinian peoples, the failures of corporate media to report on Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMDs), and just war theory, how corporate media and the military industrial complex merge to generate pro military propaganda.
They both spoke at the 6th Annual 9/11 Truth Film Festival Thursday, September 9, 2010 at the Grand Lake Theater in Oakland (Video of their speeches posted here).
In this show, we had some difficulties in reaching Mickey Huff and Peter, so the first twenty minutes is an update on the latest 9/11 Truth News, including the announcements at press conferences in Los Angeles, New York City and Washington DC, announcing the formation of Scientists for 9/11 Truth, Actors and Artists for 9/11 Truth, and Military Officers for 9/11 Truth. Former Senator and presidential candidate, Mike Gravel moderated the press conference in DC with Richard Gage, AIA, founder of Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth. Mickey, Peter and I also discussed the censorship of Project Censored for their principled stand on investigating 9/11. This show archived here.
September 2, 2010 ![]()
Censored 2011, co-edited by Mickey Huff and Peter PhillipsOvercoming Psychological Barriers to 9/11 Truth with Chuck Millar (Originally scheduled to be a show on SCADs with Laurie Manwell, but due to extreme weather that show has been rescheduled.) Chuck Millar received his Ph.D. in Counseling Psychology from the California Institute of Integral Studies and has been in private practice as a Marriage and Family Therapist since 1987. He has been a 9/11 Truth activist since 2003, attending numerous demonstrations, and engaging in conversations with a wide range of people with varying beliefs, knowledge and ideas about the 9/11 events. Chuck is also a free-lance technical editor and has edited many press releases and promotional documents for the Northern California 9/11 Truth Alliance (and has helped mediate conflicts which have arisen within the group). He spoke on Overcoming Individual Denial to 9/11 Truth on a June 9th, 2008 radio show.
We discussed some of the history of the 9/11 Truth Movement and the latest developments and events. Next week Northern California 9/11 Truth Alliance will be putting on the 6th Annual 9/11 Truth Film Festival in San Francisco, Oakland and San Leandro, and the 9th Annual Truth Rally/March to the 12th Annual Power to the Peaceful Festival. In Washington, DC and New York City there will also be conferences and actions (See for details. Laurie Manwell will be speaking with Buddhist scholar Graeme MacQueen September 4th in Bloomington, Indiana on the topic of Peace through Truth: 9/11 and State Crimes Against Democracy. We also discussed the newly launched Building What? campaign to draw the public's attention to the existence and destruction of WTC 7 which was not hit by a plane and pulverized in the manner of a controlled demolition late in the afternoon of September 11th, and not even mentioned in the official Commission Report. The scientific impossibility of the destruction of Building 7 has deeply touched and transformed the lives of many people, especially architects, engineers, scientists, physicists.
Chuck noted that simply arousing people's curiosity and offering them new information that they never encountered before was very effective. Building 7 can be a good entry into 9/11 truth for many people. Simply showing them a clip of building 7 going down, over and over again, is often convincing to people who are visually oriented. This is especially effective when shown in parallel with other controlled demolitions and with buildings that have burned for 18 hours and not collapsed.
Chuck pointed out that it is never helpful to tell someone that they are in denial about what really happened on 9/11. Instead of thinking in terms of breaking through someone's denial, it is more helpful to realize that we are simply trying to persuade them of what we believe to be true, just as they are trying to persuade us of their understanding of what happened.
It may be difficult for people to consider an alternative to the official story, because the official story was implanted at a time of great fear and shock on 9/11 and the days immediately following, and the fear and shock were reinforced by the media using repeated showings of the two towers going down. When people are afraid and in shock, they turn toward authority figures and are very willing to accept whatever they are told, especially if it involves an external enemy who is demonized. This is exactly what Bush did, so it is difficult for many people to even consider an alternative version of what happened and who was responsible.
There are some people who will never accept 9/11 truth, so we might as well not even devote our energy to trying to convince them. For those who may accept it, we need to discuss with them any doubts they might have about the official story, reinforce those doubts, and then gradually introduce new information. When you have introduced too much information you will encounter resistance, which means that you need to back off instead of dumping more information on them. Many people need to see the same information 8 or 9 times before they are ready to accept it. Chuck also mentioned his belief that 9/11 truth is a very important tool for breaking free of the cultural trance so that they can see how we as a people have been manipulated into wars throughout history. As each person sees through the cultural myth that the official story represents, we move closer to a tipping point where a higher consciousness becomes available to everyone. This show archived here
Chuck MillarSeptember 2, 2010 (Originally scheduled for the 2nd, unfortunately due to very bad weather and miscommunications, this show didn't happen as scheduled. However, here is a link to a very recent interview that Laurie did in Indiana,that was recently posted online.)
State Crimes Against Democracy with Laurie Manwell.
State Crimes Against Democracy (SCADs) are actions undertaken in direct violation of sworn oaths of office to circumvent, exploit, or otherwise undermine or subvert laws and institutions to advance personal or political gain and/or to silence or otherwise suppress public foreknowledge and awareness. Laurie Manwell helped coin the term SCAD when she published an article in the American Behavioral Scientist entitled In Denial of Democracy: Social Psychological Implications for Public Discourse on State Crimes Against Democracy Post-9/11. The abstract says:
Protecting democracy requires that the general public be educated on how people can be manipulated by government and media into forfeiting their civil liberties and duties. This article reviews research on cognitive constructs that can prevent people from processing information that challenges preexisting assumptions about government, dissent, and public discourse in democratic societies. Terror management theory and system justification theory are used to explain how preexisting beliefs can interfere with people’s examination of evidence for state crimes against democracy (SCADs), specifically in relation to the events of September 11, 2001, and the war on terror in Afghanistan and Iraq. Reform strategies are proposed to motivate citizens toward increased social responsibility in a post-9/11 culture of propagandized fear, imperialism, and war.
Laurie Manwell has a BSc in Biology and Psychology, an MSc in Biology (cellular/molecular/developmental), and is currently a PhD candidate in Behavioral Neuroscience and Toxicology at the University of Guelph. She has published research on the effects of drugs on learning, memory, and behavior (Pharmacology, Biochemistry and Behavior), information processing (Psychonomic Bulletin and Review), self-esteem, emotion, and motivation (Journal of Personality and Social Psychology), political psychology and democracy (American Behavioral Scientist), and cellular and molecular biology (Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology).
With the support of NSERC's Michael Smith Foreign Study Award, she studied factors that modulate neural stem cell production during transient illness and limb regeneration at the University of Florida.
She has also authored Faulty Towers of Belief: Part I.Demolishing the Iconic Psychological Barriers to 9/11 Truth and Faulty Towers of Belief: Part II. Rebuilding the Road to Freedom of Reason at the Journal of 9/11 Studies. She will be speaking with Buddhist scholar Graeme MacQueen September 4th in Bloomington, Indiana on the topic of Peace through Truth: 9/11 and State Crimes Against Democracy.
Please sign the State Crimes Against Democracy Testament and Proclamation and share it with your colleagues, friends and family.
Laurie ManwellAugust 26, 2010
Hypothesis with Brett Smith.
Brett Smith was born and raised in Provo, Utah. He is 27 years old. He graduated from Provo High School in 2001 and recently earned his Associate in Science (Behavioral Science) degree from Utah Valley University. He currently works at a Cinemark movie theater in Orem, Utah as an assistant manager. In 2006, He did a short 15 minute documentary for a class at the university. Since Steven Jones was a hot topic in Utah at the time, he chose to make him the subject of the film. In recent years, he felt that the story of Steven Jones went much further than just his original paper, and the potential for a great story could be told. The resulting film became Hypothesis.
Hypothesis is one of the main featured films at the 6th Annual 9/11 Film Festival to be held in the Bay Area at three different venues- The Grand Lake Theater in Oakland, The VIZ Theater in San Francisco, and the Bal Theater in San Leandro, from September 9th- September 12th, 2010.
The film begins with a look at Professor Steven Jones who received much local media attention when he began to challenge the official story of the destruction of the World Trade Center. Professor Jones was forced by BYU to quit teaching classes and eventually retired from the University. Vilified by the corporate media, he has also become a hero of the 9/11 truth movement, and has been included in numerous documentary films. The Film Festival will also be screening the The Hard Evidence Tour, Sydney, Australia, Steven Jones one of Professor Jones best presentations, given in November 2009.
Hypothesis is a more personal look at Professor Jones and includes his colleagues, his son, his wife. It also includes C. Martin Hinckley who apparently tried threatening and bribing Professor Jones to steer him away from his search for the truth about the destruction of the World Trade Center. In this show, Brett reveals that he actually interviewed Hinckley before he began his documentary on Jones, while working on a short documentary on "Big Brother." Hinckley brought up Jones on his own accord, only later did Brett decide to change the focus of his documentary to Professor Jones.
Brett saw the media attacks upon Professor Jones and felt that Jones deserved a chance to speak for himself and be heard. Jones had chosen a very heroic path, an unpopular, difficult road, opening himself up to ridicule and attacks, but also a noble path, in alignment with his values, his commitment to truth and the welfare of humanity. The film has a very genuine, honest feel to it and includes some humorous moments, as well as the excellent documentation of the scientific efforts of Professor Jones. (My review posted here)
Our discussion included the power of ideas, films, psychology, personal transformation, propaganda, and the media. Brett is still in the process of editing his film, and has yet to create a website for it. He is planning on continuing at Graduate School this Fall. I mentioned another new film which should be of interest to anyone seeking truth these days PSYWAR which details the history of America, power relationships, the evolving sophistication of the media in the attempt to control the public mind. This show archived - here.
Having met and known Professor Jones over the years, knowing the back story of an expensive hit piece upon the 9/11 Truth Movement under the umbrella of National Geographic that targeted him, Richard Gage, and David Ray Griffin, it is a refreshing delight to see a well made, honest film about a wonderful man who deserves respect, and appreciation for his courage, his intellectual integrity, his morality, and his humanity. The film is a treat - I just wish everyone could see it! - Carol Brouillet
(Professor Jones was also one of the first guests on this radio show in February 2010- that show is archived here).![]()
Hypothesis and Brett SmithAugust 19, 2010
Take Back Gandhi's 9/11 - Satyagraha - Truth Force with Arnie Passman.
Satyagraha - Truth Force was born when people gathered together, in their struggle against empire and racism in South Africa. On September 11, 1906, at a public meeting attended by 3000 people where Gandhi spoke, Sheth haji Habib, an old Muslim resident of South Africa, was inspired to consciously speak out and state his decision to act in defiance of an unjust law, that targeted the Indian population of South Africa. Habib declared his willingness to suffer the consequences in a spiritually-endowed fight for justice in the name of God. The theory of satyagraha sees means and ends as inseparable. The means used to obtain an end are wrapped up in and attached to that end. Therefore, it is contradictory to try to use unjust means to obtain justice or to try to use violence to obtain peace. Satyagraha is a synthesis of the Sanskrit words satya (meaning "truth") and Agraha ("pursuit of"). Gandhi believed that life itself is a the pursuit of truth. For Gandhi, satyagraha became strength in practicing non-violent methods, or in his words "the Force which is born of Truth and Love or non-violence."
On September 11, 2006, there were efforts to rekindle the strength of Gandhi's vision for peace. The award winning film, Gandhi was rereleased and shown in 64 venues, and a short film Satyagraha - 100 Years of Nonviolence debuted, followed a year later by a Choose Peace campaign.
This year, renewing the effort to nurturing satyagraha in the face of unwaning US militancy, we have seen courageous acts of non-violent resistance such as the Free Gaza Movement's Flotilla to break the blockade against Gaza, simply speaking out taboo facts despite opposition from the corporate press and the US government, could be considered "satyagraha" on a whole range of issues. On September 11, 2010 in San Francisco, the poet/activist/writer Arnie Passman wants to Take Back 9/11 as a worldwide celebration of Peace and Love recognizing Gandhi's adherence to satyagraha. Satyagraha will also be the theme of the 9th Annual 9/11 Truth Rally/March to the 12th Annual Power to the Peaceful Festival in San Francisco.
Arnie Passman has been a peace activist for 45 years. For the past four years, he has been organizing poetry readings at the San Francisco Gandhi statue on the mahatma's birthday (october 2). He has also organized celebrating the peace symbol anniversary (February 21) in Berkeley for the last three years. He is the author of The Deejays (Macmillan, 1971, a history of the disc jockey) and two plays, If we told ya, we sold ya, about the 1st black disc jockey, Jack L. Cooper (chicago, 1929-59) and Soul Control/Control of Soul, a dialogue between an old black dj, Overjive, aka O.J., and a retired cia agent, Herbert Walker Luce Cannon. He created Arnie Passman's House of Cards in 1979 to present engaging satirists, which has included a 6 month series, conversations in comedia, interviews with s.f. mime troupe elders, and events at the Berkeley Arts Festival, such as Improv Day & the Berkeley Satirithon. He knows how to make people smile and laugh.
Additional events/websites mentioned on the show- Stop Driving, The 911 boycott (4 day driving boycott 9/11 - 9/14); Bike for Peace 2010 (The ride will demonstrate the bicycle as a transformational tool to solve the problems of Climate Change, Oil Wars, the Health Crisis, and the Economic Crunch) ; We are Change will also be holding an event; Satyagraha - 100 Years of Nonviolence will be featured at the 6th Annual Northern California Film Festival. The spirit of satyagraha continues to grow. This show archived here
September 11, 2010, 6-7:30 p.m. Gather at the Gandhi statue with Arnie Passman
behind the San Francisco Ferry Building on the Embarcadero, at the foot of Market St., San FranciscoAugust 12, 2010
Electromagnetic Weapons and Human Rights with Lew Brown, co-author of a study of the History of US Intelligence Community Human Rights Violations and Continuing Research in Electromagnetic Weapons conducted under the umbrella of Project Censored and the Media Freedom Foundation with Peter Phillips and Bridgette Thrornton.
Their research explores the capability of the US military to use electromagnetic (EMF) devices to harass, intimidate, and kill individuals and the continuing possibilities of violations of human rights by the testing and deployment of these weapons. It documents long-term human rights and freedom of thought violations by US military/intelligence organizations and evidence of on-going government research in EMF weapons technologies and the potentialities of continuing human rights abuses.
The CIA has worked to find means for influencing human cognition, emotion and behavior. Through the use of the psychological understanding of the human being as a social animal and the ability to manipulate a subject’s environment through isolation, drugs and hypnosis, US funded scientists have long searched for better means of controlling human behavior. This research has included the use of wireless directed electromagnetic energy under the heading of “Information Warfare” and “Non Lethal Weapons.” New technological capabilities have been developed in black budget projects over the last few decades— including the ability to influence human emotion, disrupt thought, and present excruciating pain through the manipulation of magnetic fields. The US military and intelligence agencies have at their disposal frightful new weapons, weapons that have likely already been covertly used and/or tested on humans, both here and abroad, and which could be directed against the public in the event of mass protests or civil disturbance.
Lew Brown holds degrees with honors in communications and psychology. He has been an activist involved in the quest for a more perfect union since 1988 having worked for and founded a wide variety of grassroots organizations working on symptomatic issues. Lew has also been a top rated radio host in Northern California with a 3 year stint at KXFX in Santa Rosa bringing a fresh, comedic spin to current events. Lew has also spent over a decade working to improve the quality of life for people with disabilities. Lew's passion for research and thirst for truth have led him down many winding paths in his career as a researcher. Well trained in the techniques of intelligence gathering Lew has mastered a variety of techniques, using publicly available records, to piece together a picture of the truth about virtually any topic. In addition to uncovering the unwritten history of technical development regarding "mind control" weapons, Lew has also worked on projects (published and private) that examine the circumstances of 9/11, the schisms within the upper levels of the corporate elite, and other more esoteric subjects. Lew also works as an actor on stage and television. Lew lives in Northern California and does not own a tin-foil hat. He can be reached at psyguy1(at) show is archived here.
Lew BrownAugust 5, 2010
Declaration of Accountability with Charlotte Dennett and Kristina Borjesson. In the aftermath of the Understanding Deep Politics Conference, held in Santa Cruz in May 2010, activists gathered together in a retreat to build upon the insights and information presented at the conference, and to explore more deeply the conference's theme- Who are we? What are the problems? What are the the solutions? What can we do together that we cannot do alone? Drawing upon the group's wisdom, they were inspired to write a declaration, and a call to action to cast light upon deep forces, despotically trying to control humanity, and to inspire, awaken and empower a broad coalition to work together to regain control over our lives and our future.
Kristina Borjesson, an investigative reporter and independent producer for more than twenty years, Kristina has worked at a variety of top media agencies including CBS network, where she won an Emmy and a Murrow Award for her investigative reporting on "CBS Reports: Legacy of Shame" with Dan Rather and Randall Pinkston. She she has worked for CBS, CNN, and PBS covering a rich variety of topics including the TWA flight 800 disaster, Haiti, Fidel Castro, and crocodiles. Kristina compiled and edited the landmark book Into the Buzzsaw: Leading Journalists Expose the Myth of a Free Press — a collaborative effort of 20 award-winning journalists. Each of these brave journalists suffered from concerted corporate and/or government efforts to kill their highly revealing stories and their careers. She also wrote Feet to the Fire: The Media After 9/11, Top Journalists Speak Out, in 2005, a damning look at the current state of journalism.
Charlotte Dennett, author of The People v. Bush: One Lawyer's Campaign to Bring the President to Justice and the Nationwide Grassroots Movement She's Encountered Along the Way, and co-authored with her husband Gerald Colby - Thy Will be Done: The Conquest of the Amazon: Nelson Rockefeller and Evangelism in the Age of Oil. She has been practicing law since 1997, with an emphasis on personal injury litigation and suing the government under the Freedom of Information Act. She's also been a reporter in the Middle East. She was inspired by a conference convened at the Massachusetts School of Law in September 2008 which drew together lawyers and activists to shift their focus "From Impeachment to Prosecution" which evolved into The Robert Jackson Steering Committee, and works to bring about the criminal prosecution of top government officials in the United States whom there is probable cause to believe have committed war crimes. The committee was named in honor of the sentiments of universal accountability to the rule of law articulated by former U.S. Supreme Court Justice Robert Jackson at Nuremberg. She also ran for Attorney General of Vermont in 2008 with the support of Vincent Bugliosi, the legendary criminal prosecutor and bestselling author of The Prosecution of George W. Bush for Murder. Her website is; her book website is This show is archived here.
Kristina Borjesson and Charlotte DennettJuly 29, 2010
Art, Passion, Politics, Praxis with Deborah Barndt - Community Arts Practice Co-ordinator, Professor of Environmental Studies at York University. Deborah was a student of the 60s in the U.S. civil rights, anti-war, and women's movements; studied in comparative sociology in the U.S., France, and Peru; plunged into 25 years of social justice activism in popular education programs in Nicaragua, the U.S., and Canada; taught at universities in the U.S., Quebec, and Ontario; has a passion for the arts and her work as a photographer.
In her work she is drawn to the issues of knowledge, power and identity within a diverse, diasporic population, and what new ways knowledge and culture can be created. She has consistently used photographs as research tools to stimulate collective analysis, to make visible marginalized groups and processes, and to communicate to a broader public. She completed a BA in comprehensive social studies at Otterbein College in Ohio which included a year abroad at the Université de Strasbourg in France. She worked on an MA in social psychology (on the time consciousness of Guatemalan peasants) and later a PhD in comparative sociology at Michigan State University. After completing participatory research for her doctorate on the ground-breaking theory and practice of the Brazilian educator, Paulo Freire, in Peru in the mid-70s, she chose to work in the field of popular education rather than just study it. Nonetheless, over the next 20 years as a community-based educator, she kept one toe in the academic world, teaching psychology at a U.S. community college, community development at Concordia, adult education at OISE, and photography and society at the University of Toronto.
She began a cross-border research project that explores the dynamic and contested development of community arts in Toronto, and an exchange with people engaged in popular communications and popular education in Central America. She sees the arts, and in particular, community arts and activist art, as perfect sites for examining the creative tensions of process/product, aesthetics/ethics, cultural reclamation/cultural reinvention, and the spiritual/political.
Deborah has authored and edited many books. She edited Women Working The Nafta Food Chain: Women, Food and Globalization in 1999, Wildfire - Art as Activism (with grad students who were artists/activists) in 2006, and authored Tangled Routes: Women, Work and Globalization on the Tomato Trail in 2008. She is currently editing VIVA! Community Arts and Popular Education in the Americas which will be published by SUNY Press in 2011.
Deborah will also be speaking at the inspiring 2010 Bioneers Conference in October on a panel entitled Teaching Art as a Subversive Activity: Cultural Democracy Meets Eco-Art. This show is archived here.
Deborah Barndt and Wild Fire - Art as Activism and Tangled Routes: Women, Work and Globalization on the Tomato TrailJuly 22, 2010
Countdown to Zero - Time To Retire Nuclear Weapons with Marylia Kelley, Executive Director of Tri-Valley CAREs which was founded in 1983 in Livermore, California by concerned neighbors living around the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, one of two locations where all US nuclear weapons are designed. They monitors nuclear weapons and environmental clean-up activities throughout the US nuclear weapons complex, with a special focus on Livermore Lab and the surrounding communities. Their overarching mission is to promote peace, justice and a healthy environment. Their goals include-
Convert Livermore Lab from nuclear weapons development and testing to socially beneficial, environmentally sound research.
Marylia Kelley has 27 years of experience doing research, writing and facilitating public participation in decisions regarding the Department of Energy weapons complex, Livermore Lab, nuclear weapons, waste and cleanup. She advises EPA and state agencies on the Superfund cleanup of toxic and radioactive pollution at Livermore Lab. She has provided input to the National Academy of Sciences on the proliferation risks of the U.S. nuclear weapons "stockpile stewardship" program and on the spread of contaminants at the Lab's main site and Site 300 high explosives testing range. She has written for numerous publications, including the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists. She edits the newsletter, Citizen's Watch. She has received numerous awards for her work, and, in 2002, she was inducted into the Alameda County Women’s Hall of Fame. She has a background in journalism and humanities, and graduated summa cum laude from John F. Kennedy University. She has been a great inspiration for citizen activists.
End all nuclear weapons development and testing in the United States.
Abolish nuclear weapons worldwide, and achieve an equitable, successful non-proliferation regime.
Promote forthright communication and democratic decision-making in public policy on nuclear weapons and related environmental issues, locally, nationally and globally.
Clean up the radioactive and toxic pollution emanating from the Livermore Lab and reduce the Lab's environmental and health hazards.A new stunning documentary, Countdown to Zero about the escalating global nuclear arms crisis, produced by Academy Award winner Lawrence Bender, written and directed by Lucy Walker, premieres Friday, July 23rd, in cities across the country. The film traces the history of the atomic bomb from its origins to the present state of global affairs: nine nations possessing nuclear weapons capabilities with others racing to join them, with the world held in a delicate balance that could be shattered by an act of terrorism, failed diplomacy, or a simple accident. [Warning There is a damning review of this film Disarmament for Some - Co-opting the Anti-Nuclear Movement By Darwin Bond-Graham.]
After 65 years of nuclear terrorism, threatening to annihilate selected nations and possibly all of humanity- "It's Time to Retire Nuclear Weapons". Tri-Valley CAREs and other colleague groups invite people of peace to participate in a commemoration at the gates of the Livermore nuclear weapons laboratory.
At 8 AM on Friday, August 6th, we will gather at the northwest corner of Livermore lab, located at the intersection of Vasco Road and Patterson Pass Road, in Livermore. (Take I-580 to the Vasco Road exit and go south.)
The program will feature Taiko drummers, and speakers. Around 9 AM, following the rally, we will march a short distance to the Livermore Lab's West Gate, where those who choose will nonviolently risk arrest.
We will observe a moment of silence at 8:15 AM. It was then, the morning of August 6, 1945, that the Enola Gay dropped a uranium bomb over the city of Hiroshima and vaporized thousands in a flash. Thousands more died agonizing deaths in the days and months that followed. Still more have died and are dying each year of the lingering effects of radiation exposure.
Join the gathering at Livermore Lab in remembrance and to pledge "never again." And, at the site where "new and modified" U.S. nuclear bombs are presently being developed, our physical presence and our voices will also proclaim our determination to achieve a nulcear weapons free world in our lifetimes. Join us to take a stand to eliminate these weapons- at Livermore lab and around the globe.
Marylia in this show shares her story of how she became involved with the local and global struggle against nuclear weapons, as well as her experiences at the recent UN Non-Proliferation Treaty Review Conference in New York, which drew activists from all over the world. She shares her insights into the difference between Bush and Obama's official nuclear posture, and the differences between the government's rhetoric and reality. She also gives some insight into the history of non-violent civil disobedience at the gates of Livermore. This show is archived here.
Countdown to Zero, premiering July 23rd and Marylia Kelley, Executive Director of Tri-Valley CAREsJuly 15, 2010
Sharing with Neal Gorenflo, publisher of a nonprofit online magazine that tells the story of sharing. They cover people, places, and projects bringing a shareable world to life. In a shareable world, solutions like clothing swaps, childcare coops, potlucks, carsharing, community gardens, and cohousing can make life more fun, green, and affordable. When we share, not only is a better life possible, but so is a better world. They tell the success stories of Zipcar, Wikipedia, Kiva, open source software, Freecycle, and Creative Commons, and show what’s possible when we share. They show that we don't act merely for our own good, but go out of our way to contribute to the common good. They show that we can solve the social and environmental crises we face, and thrive as never before. They show that a new world is emerging where the more you share the more respect you get, and where life works because everyone is motivated to help each other.
Neal Gorenflo is a former market researcher, stock analyst, and Fortune 500 strategist. A revelation in 2004 inspired Neal to leave the corporate world to help people share through Internet startups, public events, and a circle of friends committed to the common good. Through this circle, Neal met those who would co-found with him. Neal also serves on the board of nonprofits Independent Arts & Media and ForestEthics, and is a Strategy Fellow at FAS.research and a member of Stanford's Persuasive Technology Lab. He lives in Mountain View, California with his wife Andrea, a pediatrician, and young son Jacob.
The show opens with Neal explaining the experience/epiphany/crisis which transformed his life. He also quantifies the growing shift that is happening to move humanity towards sharing, referencing an excellent article he wrote entitled Ten Ways Our World is Becoming More Shareable. This show archived here
Neal Gorenflo, Publisher of SHAREABLE.netJuly 8, 2010
Magic, Myth, Sustainability with Willi Paul, creator of Planet Shifter Magazine, an online magazine that focuses on teaching sustainability practices through the use of art, mythology, music and writing.
Willi Paul is an early online community pioneer and collaboration designer, including work in community analysis, goal setting processes, and digital-face-to-face decision making.
An appreciation of Joseph Campbell lead him to interview rock musicians and publish on the role of alchemic dynamics in mythology in popular music. He wrote the reservoir: rock music and mythology over a decade ago and continues to seek and creative the narratives and myths that help humanity through its own rites of passage to an Age of Sustainability, where nature and man can live in harmony. His article and new myth, co-authored with David Metcalfe: The Leatherneck Clan and the Black Sea Men: Building a Mythology Generator for the Sustainability Age explores the current crisis in the Gulf and how it beckons new heroes, new solutions, new narratives at a critical moment when an eco-disaster of almost unimaginable proportions threatens the Gulf, our country, the oceans, the entire biosphere.
Willi Paul is a Green Business Certified Consultant and strategic vision planner, writer and program designer for environmental planning, and has been involved with civil engineering and non-profits for over 25 years. His heroic passion, wide ranging technological and creative skills, fuel his work. He has done over 210 interviews spanning the gambit of art and sustainability including Ed Begley, Jr. on grey water systems; author Eric Roston on Carbon; Steve Kilbey (The Church) on rock music and mythology; and author Dennis William Hauck from the Alchemy Guild, and has a wealth of experiences, stories, and wisdom to draw from at
He wrote Who Has the Keys to the Mythological Reservoir? in preparation for this radio show. We discuss the power of music and lyrics including the music of Rebecca Cross who wrote and performed the theme song for the Community Currency radio show. We discuss the meaning of sustainability, sacrifice, story, myth, Cameron's film Avatar, the meta-narrative of the battle of Seattle where "teamsters and sea turtles" trumped the World Trade organization and the Story of the Battle turned into the Battle of the Story in the unfolding power-struggle of which we are all conscious or unconscious participants. This show is archived here.
Willi Paul, planetshifter.comJuly 1, 2010
Plunder with Danny Schechter author of the book- Plunder- The Crime of Our Time and the documentary Plunder. The film and book looks at the largest financial heist in history. Danny Schechter, director of In Debt We Trust, the film that warned of the collapse. Schecter has probed deeply into the complex web of fraud and crime that he shows played a major, if largely unreported, role in bringing the economy down. He is calling for "jail-outs" not "bail-outs." His four-year investigation focuses on three interconnected cesspools of corruption: what the FBI calls an “epidemic of mortgage fraud,” predatory and deceptive securitization by Wall Street, and insurance, involving credit default swaps and irresponsible leveraging and market manipulations. Enabling this crime wave were regulators who didn’t regulate, ratings agencies and accounting firms that did not do their jobs, and a media that largely looked the other way.
Danny Schechter, hosts The News Dissector on Progressive Radio Network.He also founded MediaChannel and Globalvision Schechter has probed deeply into the complex web of fraud and crime that he shows played a major, if largely unreported, role in bringing the economy down. He is calling for "jail-outs" not "bail-outs." His four-year investigation focuses on three interconnected cesspools of corruption: what the FBI calls an “epidemic of mortgage fraud,” predatory and deceptive securitization by Wall Street, and insurance, involving credit default swaps and irresponsible leveraging and market manipulations. Enabling this crime wave were regulators who didn’t regulate, ratings agencies and accounting firms that did not do their jobs, and a media that largely looked the other way. In this conversation we look at the larger global situation, the power of multinational corporations over government officials throughout the world, as well as the media and at organizing people to stand up to the forces that are threatening them and all of us. This show is archived here.
Danny Schechter is also the author of several books, including "Embedded: Weapons of Mass Deception" (Prometheus) which was the inspiration for the documentary: WMD- Weapons of Mass Deception.
Danny has a B.A. in Labor History, Cornell University, 1964; MA in Political Sociology London School of Economics, l968, Harvard University Nieman Fellowship in Journalism, 1978; Honorary Ph.D. Fitchberg College, l991
Plunder - The Film and Danny SchechterJune 10, 2010
Splitting the Sky Versus George W. Bush with Professor Anthony J. Hall, author of The American Empire and the Fourth World- The Bowl With One Spoon, professor of Globalization Studies at the University of Lethbridge. Splitting the Sky, also known as Dacajeweiah and John Boncore, a Mohawk, a principal leader of the Attica rebellion, a leader within the American Indian Movement with the League of Indigenous Sovereign Nations, in particular at Gustafen Lake BC, author of The Autobiography of Dacajeweiah, Splitting the Sky, From Attica Lake to Gustafsen Lake is also a 9/11 Truth researcher, advocate and speaker. On March 8, 2010, Splitting the Sky stood trial for his action last year when he attempted a citizen's arrest of former President George W. Bush, who was scheduled to give a talk in Calgary, Canada. Lawyers Against the War stated prior to the visit that Bush should be either barred or detained for condoning the use of torture at overseas jails. The lawyers stated that Bush should be arrested and tried for war crimes and crimes against humanity. Splitting the Sky was brutally arrested for his action. Splitting the Sky 's trial ended on the second day, when Cynthia McKinney arrived to testify on his behalf.
On June 7, 2010, Splitting the Sky was sentenced in Calgary. Former U.S. Attornet General Ramsey Clark had flown to Calgary to speak on behalf of Splitting the Sky. On April 3, at a meeting of over 150 lawyers, legal scholars and human rights campaigners, Ramsey Clark, founder of Indict Bush Now, was chosen to be the chairperson of an international campaign to investigate war crimes committed by officials from the Bush administration.
Representatives at the meeting held in Beirut, Lebanon, came from all over the world. The campaign will investigate the lies, deceit and manipulation leading up to the Iraq war; the conduct of the war itself against an essentially defenseless country; and the horrors of the continued occupation.
Professor Hall describes what happened during the sentencing and the growing resistance to the people and institutions that protect criminals and prosecute or persecute the people who are defending the land, their lives, the future. This show archived here.
For more details, see Splitting the Sky's website , Anthony Hall's article-Citizen's Arrest of George W. Bush for War Crimes- The Trial of "Splitting the Sky", Joshua Blakeney's article- George W. Bush gets his day in court! STS vs. Bush trial goes forward, and the videos of the event with Cynthia and Splitting the Sky- . I also wrote a couple of articles- The Trial of Splitting the Sky Versus George W. Bush and the Calgary Principles and Day Two- The Trial of Splitting the Sky Versus George W. Bush. The earlier radio show on this topic is archived - here.
Splitting the Sky and Professor Anthony J. HallJune 3, 2010
Free Gaza Movement Show. With Dr. Bill Dienst and Darlene Wallach, members of the Free Gaza Movement, a human rights group that in August 2008 sent the first international boats to land in the port of Gaza in 41 years. They sought to break the siege of Gaza, to raise international awareness about the prison-like closure of the Gaza Strip, and pressure the international community to review its sanctions policy, and end its support for continued Israeli occupation. Their non-violent/direct action has raised awareness and inspired solidarity towards the plight of the Palestinian people. The Israeli attack upon the flotilla carrying humanitarian aid to Gaza began in international waters during the night of May 31, 2010. At least 9 people were killed and fifty were injured. Israel took most of their equipment, cameras, cell phones, the boats...and threw 600 people into detention centers in Israel, and have tried to deport most of them, but still holds several people as prisoners. On June 2, 2010, the UN Security Council called for impartial, credible investigation of the Israeli attack upon the boats and requested the immediate release of the ships as well as the civilians. One more boat, the MV Rachel Corrie is still en route to Gaza with Nobel Peace Laureate, Mairead Maguire on board, as well as Denis Halliday who was UN Assistant Secretary-General from 1994-98, and awarded the UK Gandhi Peace Prize.
Darlene Wallach is a software engineer from San Jose. She and her sister, Donna, have been tireless activists for years working on a number of causes, especially those for peace and justice in the Middle East. In 2002 Darlene was one of eight International Solidarity Movement activists arrested by Israeli Forces and began fasting to protest her illegal arrest. Her sister, Donna, also joined the others on the first ship that sailed in August 2008.
Dr. Bill Dienst is a Family and Emergency Room physician in Omak, in rural Washington State. He has traveled to the Middle East many times, but he considers that he was raised as a product of the arms race. His father was an Air Force Colonel.
In Medical School he became active with peace groups. In 1985 after taking an intensive summer course in Arabic, he spent over 5 months in Egypt, the West Bank and Gaza volunteering with various Palestinian healthcare organizations.
He has enjoyed a wealth of cross cultural experiences in medicine with Crow and Northern Cheyenne Native American patients during his 3 years in Montana with the Indian Health Service, and with Colville tribal members and Hispanic patients in Okanogan County. He enrolled in immersion Spanish language courses in Honduras, El Salvador and Mexico totaling 6 weeks, where he lived with local families who did not speak English. He took three trips to Veracruz, Mexico with the Family Medicine Exchange Program, and has visited Cuba, as well as as Gaza.
In 2005 he was part of a delegation sponsored by Washington Physicians for Social Responsibility to Israel/Palestine. They met with prominent Palestinian groups and mostly Israeli Peace activists, and wrote all about it. In 2006 he volunteered with Palestine Medical Relief Society for one month in the North West Bank and in Gaza. His most recent visit to the Middle-East was in 2009. He stays in touch with his colleagues throughout the world who are part of the Free Gaza Movement. Archived here.
To keep up to date and to get involved please visit these websites-
www.counterpunch.orgProtests against the Israeli attacks have been happening all week and are scheduled to continue this weekend in cities across the US and around the world.
Bill Dienst and Darlene WallachMay 27, 2010
Pharmawhores with Len Horowitz and Sherri Kane. PHARMAWHORES: The SHOWTIME Sting of Penn & Teller, is a damning expose of the petrochemical-pharmaceutical industrialists; Wall Street’s white-collar criminals, the bioterrorists in Hollywood and the news media, tracing their story from NYC and Vegas to the Orient, London, and Paris.
The story is told by Dr. Len Horowitz who received his doctorate from Tufts University School of Dental Medicine in 1977. He taught medical and dental histology, graduated with honors, and was awarded a research fellowship in behavioral science at the University of Rochester. He later earned a Master of Public Health degree from Harvard University focused on behavioral science and media persuasion technologies, and a Master of Arts degree in health education/counseling psychology from Beacon College, before joining the research faculty at Harvard School of Dental Medicine to study psychosocial factors in oral health and disease prevention. His published works include dozens of peer-reviewed scientific articles and three American best-sellers: Emerging Viruses: AIDS & Ebola—Nature, Accident or Intentional? (1998), Healing Celebrations: Miraculous Recoveries Through Ancient Scripture, Natural Medicine and Modern Science (2000). In June, 2001, he released Death in the Air: Globalism, Terrorism and Toxic Warfare. His second documentary film is entitled - In Lies We Trust: The CIA, Hollywood, and Bioterrorism.
Sherri Kane, a native of Philadelphia, is an investigative journalist and a Fox News defector currently collaborating with Dr. Len Horowitz, as they tour and speak out, premiering Pharmawhores in California. They will be showing the film and speaking at Conspiracy Con June 5th & 6th in Santa Clara and on June 12th at the Bal Theater in San Leandro. This show is archived here.
Dr. Len Horowitz and Sherri Kane
May 20, 2010
Understanding Deep Politics with Charlotte Dennett and Professor Anthony J. Hall
Charlotte Dennett, author of The People v. Bush: One Lawyer's Campaign to Bring the President to Justice and the Nationwide Grassroots Movement She's Encountered Along the Way, and co-authored with her husband Gerald Colby - Thy Will be Done: The Conquest of the Amazon: Nelson Rockefeller and Evangelism in the Age of Oil. She has been practicing law since 1997, with an emphasis on personal injury litigation and suing the government under the Freedom of Information Act. She's also been a reporter in the Middle East. She was inspired by a conference convened at the Massachusetts School of Law in September 2008 which drew together lawyers and activists to shift their focus "From Impeachment to Prosecution" which evolved into The Robert Jackson Steering Committee, and works to bring about the criminal prosecution of top government officials in the United States whom there is probable cause to believe have committed war crimes. The committee was named in honor of the sentiments of universal accountability to the rule of law articulated by former U.S. Supreme Court Justice Robert Jackson at Nuremberg. She also ran for Attorney General of Vermont in 2008 with the support of Vincent Bugliosi, the legendary criminal prosecutor and bestselling author of The Prosecution of George W. Bush for Murder. Her website is
Professor Anthony J. Hall, author of The American Empire and the Fourth World- The Bowl With One Spoon, professor of Globalization Studies at the University of Lethbridge. Professor Hall also wrote an article entitled- Citizen's Arrest of George W. Bush for War Crimes- The Trial of "Splitting the Sky" and has been working to introduce the ideas of the need for the Calgary Principles, to amend the Nuremberg Principles to include the new levels of crimes being perpetrated now with impunity at the supranational and national levels.
The full title of the conference is "Understanding Deep Politics- Revealing the Driving Forces Behind World Events and Creating Alternative Solutions." The goal was to discover the deeper roots of our current crisis, challenging the mainstream perceptions of political reality, to reveal the hidden forces behind many widely accepted historical and current events. The speakers drew upon many decades of research that are pointing us towards an Orwellian police stateindeed, to a much darker future than most citizens can even imagine. The presenters, including David Ray Griffin, Cynthia McKinney, Peter Dale Scott, Barrie Zwicker, Jim Marrs and Ellen Brown, delved into the roots of our current crises and the dynamics driving despotic governance, financial plunder, imperialism, loss of civil liberties, and assaults on public health. The conference website includes links to videos of al the presentations - The radio show is archived here. p>
Charlotte Dennett and Professor Anthony J. HallMay 13, 2010
Understanding Deep Politics with Dr. Dahlia Wasfi one of the featured speakers at the Understanding Deep Politics Conference held May 14-16, in Santa Cruz, California. Dr. Dahlia Wasfi is an internationally known speaker and activist. Born in the United States to an American Jewish mother and an Iraqi Muslim father, she lived in Iraq as a child, returning to the U.S. at age 5. After graduating from Swarthmore College with a B.A. in Biology in 1993, she earned her medical degree from the University of Pennsylvania in 1997. Dr. Wasfi has made two trips to Iraq to visit her extended family since the 2003 "Shock and Awe" invasion, including a three month stay in Basrah in the spring of 2006. She has brought her eyewitness account of life under occupation to over 200 audiences in twenty-two United States, Capitol Hill in D.C., Ontario and British Columbia, Madrid, Spain in 2007, and the 3rd International Iraq Conference in Berlin, Germany, in March 2008. Based on her experiences, Dr. Wasfi is speaking out in support of immediate, unconditional withdrawal of American forces from Iraq and the need to end the occupation “from the Nile to the Euphrates.” Her website is This show is archived - here.
The full title of the conference is "Understanding Deep Politics- Revealing the Driving Forces Behind World Events and Creating Alternative Solutions." The goal was to discover the deeper roots of our current crisis, challenging the mainstream perceptions of political reality, to reveal the hidden forces behind many widely accepted historical and current events. The speakers drew upon many decades of research that are pointing us towards an Orwellian police stateindeed, to a much darker future than most citizens can even imagine. The presenters, including David Ray Griffin, Cynthia McKinney, Peter Dale Scott, Barrie Zwicker, Jim Marrs and Ellen Brown, delved into the roots of our current crises and the dynamics driving despotic governance, financial plunder, imperialism, loss of civil liberties, and assaults on public health. The conference website includes links to videos of al the presentations -
Dr. Dahlia WasfiMay 6, 2010
The Accountability Movement with Charlotte Dennett author of The People v. Bush: One Lawyer's Campaign to Bring the President to Justice and the Nationwide Grassroots Movement She's Encountered Along the Way, and co-authored with her husband Gerald Colby - Thy Will be Done: The Conquest of the Amazon: Nelson Rockefeller and Evangelism in the Age of Oil. She has been practicing law since 1997, with an emphasis on personal injury litigation and suing the government under the Freedom of Information Act. She's also been a reporter in the Middle East. She was inspired by a conference convened at the Massachusetts School of Law in September 2008 which drew together lawyers and activists to shift their focus "From Impeachment to Prosecution" which evolved into The Robert Jackson Steering Committee, and works to bring about the criminal prosecution of top government officials in the United States whom there is probable cause to believe have committed war crimes. The committee was named in honor of the sentiments of universal accountability to the rule of law articulated by former U.S. Supreme Court Justice Robert Jackson at Nuremberg.
She also ran for Attorney General of Vermont in 2008 with the support of Vincent Bugliosi, the legendary criminal prosecutor and bestselling author of The Prosecution of George W. Bush for Murder. Her website is Archives posted here.
Charlotte Dennett, author of The People v. Bush
April 29, 2010
The Future of Money and Technology with social entrepeneur Bruce Cahan, a strong advocate for high transparency, accountable banking, utilizing the emerging semantic web to inform people of the environmental and social impact of their purchases and Mira Luna, founder and coordinator of Bay Area Community Exchange, both participants of the recently held Future of Money and Technology Summit in San Francisco.
Bruce Cahan is an Ashoka Fellow, and CEO and co-founder of Urban Logic, a nonprofit that harnesses finance and technology to change how systems think, act and feel. Urban Logic began in 1991 as Bruce’s idea to make New York City a livable city, more accountable for its sustainability decisions in real time, by using geographic information. (Bruce was moved by the aftermath and his participation in mapping NYC in the aftermath of 9/11. These links detail that work-,,
Bruce decided to create a high transparency bank, known now as the GoodBank™ project. Through the bank, regional quality of life measures would reward credit and savings customers, favoring sustainable choices. As municipal finance, the bank would provide new options for livable cities and their environmental, public health and other social sector programs, and their nonprofit and social entrepreneur partners. (See the GoodBank Project wiki, just create a user name and password to log in. If you have ideas or would like to support the project contact Bruce at bcahan (at)
Bruce was trained as an international finance lawyer and merchant banker, at Weil Gotshal & Manges (10 years) and Asian Oceanic (2 years). As a social entrepreneur, Bruce acquired skills as a government technologist, emergency responder (and someone who enjoys reconnecting meaning to how the world works. Bruce graduated The Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania (B.S. Economics 1976) and Temple Law School (J.D. 1979), and is licensed as a lawyer in California (2006), New York (1980) and Pennsylvania (1980).
Mira Luna is a San Francisco-based activist. She is working to connect the movement for community currencies as experiments are blossoming all over the world to reclaim local control over economies and to educate the public about the primary importance of currencies in creating the new economy. She founded and coordinates Bay Area Community Exchange, an organization that supports the development of community currencies and education about the money problems and alternatives in the greater Bay Area, as well as a regional open source time exchange. She is coordinating the currency section of the US Social Forum and a community currency toolkit as part of her work with the US Solidarity Economy Network. Bay Area Community Exchange is hosting a conference on currencies and other alternative forms of exchange later this summer in San Francisco. The Bay Area Community Exchange website is- Mira hopes to bring Joaquim de Melo, founder of the successful Brazilian Palma Bank to the US Social Forum.
Archived here.
April 22, 2010 ![]()
Bruce Cahan, CEO of Urban Logic and Mira Luna, Founder of Bay Area Community Exchange"Myths of Our Times" with Elizabeth Gould, co-author, with her husband Paul Fitzgerald of Invisible History: Afghanistan's Untold Story. Elizabeth Gould and Paul Fitzgerald were the first American journalists to visit Afghanistan after the Soviet invasion. For decades they have watched a myth being constructed about Afghanistan's history, current state, and future woven into being with little regard for truth and reality. Their book, film, articles, speeches, mission for decades has been to help the Afghan people's story reach receptive ears to avert war, terrorism, occupation. Most recently Elizabeth and Paul were threatened by a representative of one of the most notorious known terrorists in Afghanistan, after they wrote a post on their blog entitled- Gulbuddin Hekmatyar, Messiah of Darkness. Undeterred by threats, Elizabeth continues to speak out, shed light, and attempt to banish the darkness that has shadowed Afghanistan and our world.
Show archived here.
April 15, 2010 ![]()
Elizabeth Gould, co-author (with her husand Paul Fitzgerald) of Invisible History: Afghanistan's Untold Story"World Consciousness" with Rashan Barcusé, author of the book- Solomon's Proof- A Psycho-Spiritual Journey to World Consciousness, which chronicles his relationship with his friend and teacher, Michael David Solomon, an advanced jnana (“liberation through knowledge”) yogi and former Stanford anti-war activist, whose fluency in mathematical and scientific proofs and paradigms serve as central elements in his framework for the theory posted at The book addresses the implications of that proof as well as the details of Solomon’s favorite subjects, which range from the distortions of the New Testament to the similarities of theoretical physics and spiritual teachings, and from the politics of the theatre to the theatre of political action. In addition, Solomon draws a parallel between two great message distortions/thefts in history, those of Jesus and "Shake-speare," which are reconciled in a dream by Barcusé, inspiring a full-length Shakespearean comedy- The Bard's Ghost (included as an appendix). Other appendices include Anatomy of Treason, an analysis of the planning and cover-up of the 9-11 false flag operation.
Rashan Barcusé is the pen name for a writer, novelist, and playwright from the Rocky Mountains near Boulder, Colorado. He has produced, written, and directed over 200 television programs and 650 radio segments, as well as written dozens of magazine articles. His career also includes instructor-led, web-based, and mobile training programs. His theatre reviews have appeared in Variety, the Denver Post, and other venues for the past 14 years.
I've posted a review of the book - entitled A Change of Heart.
Radio show archived here.
April 8, 2010 ![]()
Rashan Barcuse, author of Solomon's Proof"Monetary Reform" with Stephen Zarlenga, of The American Monetary Institute, author of The Lost Science of Money - The Mythology of Money - the Story of Power. Zarlenga has over three decades of practical experience in the world of finance and spent over twelve years doing the historical research to write his book. The final chapter is the solution he offers based upon his knowledge and understanding of money, and the failures of past attempts at monetary reform. His idea has been written into legislative language which should someday come before Congress. He believes that daunting though the struggle may appear, we must not give up because our future depends on changing our deeply flawed monetary system. He founded the American Monetary Institute, which strives to educate the public and Congress about money and the need for reform. They have organized excellent conferences, where experts and researchers have pooled their knowledge and expanded awareness on the need for reform. He condemns most economists for obscuring the basic facts about money, how it is created, its structural flaws, which transfer wealth from the many to the few. He believes that governments not banks should create money, that the Federal Reserve should be nationalized, that private banks should not be allowed to create money out of thin air, siphoning wealth from others, and that governments have the right to create money and should spend it into existence on infrastructure projects that benefit people. The next annual Monetary Reform Conference will be held Sept. 30 - Oct. 3rd in Chicago. Archived here.
Stephen Zarlenga, author of The Lost Science of Money - The Mythology of Money - the Story of PowerMarch 25, 2010
"The Gift Economy" with Charles Eisenstein, author of the book- The Ascent of Humanity- The Age of Separation, the Age of Reunion, and the convergence of crises that is birthing the transition. He sees humanity making the transition from adolescence towards adulthood, overcoming the crises which currently threaten us ans seem somewhat insurmountable. While noting the increasing problems caused by technology, he also sees how approriate technology can help us move towards a genuine healing phase where much of the damage humanity has caused can be remediated. His website is He will be conducting "Seeding Gift Culture" workshops and retreats in April and speaking at the upcoming- Future of Money and Technology Summit in San Francisco on April 26th. Two articles relevant to "solving the problem of our exchange economy and moving us towards a gift economy that he has written are- Money and the Crisis of Civilization and Money and the Turning of the Age. Archived- here.
March 18, 2010 ![]()
Charles Eisenstein, author of The Ascent of Humanity"Rethinking Money" with Mike Nickerson, author of the book- Life, Money and Illusion- Living on Earth as if we want to stay. Mike is a visionary activist who was a co-director of the Institute for the Study of Cultural Evolution back in the 70's. His book and this show are an exploration of the human nature, our civilization, illusions and new indicators to help us navigate through the growth/evolutionary process. Mike Nickerson is a longtime environmental activist, popular educator and the author of three books on sustainability including Bakavi: Change the World I Want to Stay On and Planning For Seven Generations: Guideposts for a Sustainable Future. He is a founding member of the Green Party of Canada and helped draft theCanada Well-Being Measurement Act. His website is The show is archived- Here.
March 11, 2010 ![]()
Mike Nickerson, author of Life, Money and IllusionSplitting the Sky Versus George W. Bush and the Calgary Principles with Splitting the Sky and Professor Anthony J. Hall, author of The American Empire and the Fourth World- The Bowl With One Spoon, professor of Globalization Studies at the University of Lethbridge. Splitting the Sky, also known as Dacajeweiah and John Boncore, a Mohawk, a principal leader of the Attica rebellion, a leader within the American Indian Movement with the League of Indigenous Sovereign Nations, in particular at Gustafen Lake BC, author of The Autobiography of Dacajeweiah, Splitting the Sky, From Attica Lake to Gustafsen Lake is also a 9/11 Truth researcher, advocate and speaker; he began the show a bit tired from an all night drive, and described what shaped his life and decision to take action. On March 8, 2010, Splitting the Sky stood trial for his action last year when he attempted a citizen's arrest of former President George W. Bush, who was scheduled to give a talk in Calgary, Canada. Lawyers Against the War stated prior to the visit that Bush should be either barred or detained for condoning the use of torture at overseas jails. The lawyers stated that Bush should be arrested and tried for war crimes and crimes against humanity. Splitting the Sky was brutally arrested for his action. Splitting the Sky 's trial ended on the second day, when Cynthia McKinney arrived to testify on his behalf. In this show Joshua Blakeney, Media Coordinator of Globalization Studies University of Lethbridge, also reports on what he witnessed at the trial, with additional background, observations from Professor Hall who described the event where Cynthia McKinney and Splitting the Sky met and spoke publicly. This show is part of a much larger story of resistance to corporate globalization, and finding or creating a process for people to stand up to tyranny an overturn the Rule of Fear with the Rule of Law, not just the European law, but the Great Law that the indigenous people of the Americas found before they were conquered. For more details, see Splitting the Sky's website , Anthony Hall's article-Citizen's Arrest of George W. Bush for War Crimes- The Trial of "Splitting the Sky", Joshua Blakeney's article- George W. Bush gets his day in court! STS vs. Bush trial goes forward, and the videos of the event with Cynthia and Splitting the Sky- . I also wrote a couple of articles- The Trial of Splitting the Sky Versus George W. Bush and the Calgary Principles and Day Two- The Trial of Splitting the Sky Versus George W. Bush.Archived - here.
Splitting the Sky and Professor Anthony J. HallMarch 4, 2010
Public Banking with Michael Sauvante, CEO of CEED- Community Energy & Economic Development and Executive Director of Michael Sauvante is an entrepeneur, technology innovator, achampion of transparency, corporate responsibility; together we look at different approaches to public banking. The show is archived here.
To learn more about "Public Banking" from Michael Sauvante's point of view- check out these articles
Public Banks - A Tool For Fixing The Economy And The Means to Achieve It Common Bank Holding Company For States, Counties & Cities Banking & L3Cs
Michael SauvanteAnother approach to "Public Banking" is that of the American Monetary Institute taking banking out of the hands of bankers and into the domaine of government see Report on the AMI 2009 Monetary Reform Conference
February 25, 2010
Creating a State Bank in California with Ellen Brown, author of The Web of Debt- The Shocking Truth About Our Monetary System and How We Can Break Free, and Laura Wells, running for the nomination of the Green Party for Governor of California. Ellen wrote an article entitled- CALIFORNIA DREAMIN’: HOW THE STATE CAN BEAT ITS BUDGET WOES citing the successful example of North Dakota's State Bank to help California steer a new path through its economic crisis. Her article has inspired others to begin drafting legislation to create a state bank for California. Laura Wells, with her background in finance, management and political innovation, has garnered more votes than any other Green Party candidate for state office, when she ran for State Controller on a "Follow the Money" platform. She embraces the idea of a state bank and reshifting taxes from people to corporations. This show is archived Here.
Ellen Brown, author of The Web of Debt, and Green Party candidate, Laura Wells running for Governor of CaliforniaFebruary 18, 2010
The Transformative Power of Truth with Richard Gage, AIA, Founder of Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth, and Physicist Steven Jones, Founder of Scholars for 9/11 Truth and Justice, and Co-Editor of the Journal of 9/11 Studies. Both Jones and Gage have helped lead the charge to scientifically challenge the official narrative of 9/11 and offer hard evidence that the World Trade Center Buildings were demolished through the use of explosives through controlled demolition. Their work has galvanized over a 1000 Architects and Engineers to join them in petitioning for a new investigation. (They will be joined by David Ray Griffin and others at a luncheon, conference for Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth on February 19th in San Francisco announcing their latest discoveries and efforts.) This show is archived Here.
Richard Gage, AIA, Founder of Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth and Physicist Steven